Author's note: I'd like to thank phnxgrl, superlc529, lkaplon, foreverHenry919, SSTrans, and KenH for their reviews. KenH: I guess I need to explain what I meant by "I wanted to do the scene justice" (which means "to do it well" where I'm from); at least I think that's what you were asking. I'm glad you liked the chapter, and thank you so much for the compliment. I really do appreciate it. SSTrans: Thank you for the comment. foreverHenry919: Thank you for not hating me. Hanson is becoming suspicious, which is what makes that line I spoke of so hard to walk. lkaplon: The author was indignant. "I am not a horrible, no good, rotten person..." she paused to think, "well, maybe I am." But seriously, my stories do tend to take slightly darker turns sometimes, so as long as you don't hate me, I can accept it. If you do continue to read my work as it comes out, do get used to those cliffhangers; I like to use them a lot. Hopefully this epilogue will put the pins and needles to rest. superlc529: Hanson is buying it, but only just. For me, I think he is more comfortable with believing that immortality is not possible simply because it is easier to believe that one man is delusional. As for handwriting, my handwriting now is very different from what it was just a few years ago (and since I write everything in a notebook first, I do have a lot of samples to reference), so I think Henry's would have changed enough in the last thirty years that Hanson wouldn't automatically recognize it. Plus, they did, at the very least, have typewriters back then. I think official reports would be typed up, not handwritten. The scene where Henry lets Lucas in on his secret was going through changes up to the point it was published, so if it felt rushed or incomplete, I'm sorry. I'm sure it could have been better. Hanson was not nearby; Henry and Jo were on a date, not official police business.
This chapter is a very short epilogue so that I don't leave you on a cliffhanger for too long (since I don't know when I will start posting for Season 3). This epilogue picks up right were the last chapter ended. Enjoy!
Chapter 46 - Epilogue
"Be like me."
With a sigh almost too soft to be heard, Jo's heart stopped beating. Henry squeezed his eyes shut, grief overcoming him. And then Jo's body was gone. Henry's eyes flew open. No body, no blood; it was like she'd vanished. Henry's sobs turned into a laugh. Relief flooded through him. She was an immortal too. How this had happened, he didn't know, but Henry didn't care. She was still alive and he knew where she'd probably be.
Which he was probably going to see sooner than expected because familiar footsteps were approaching. "That was unexpected."
A loud gunshot echoed in the alley, but Henry didn't live long enough to hear it. The bullet entered the back of his skull and then Henry's face was breaking through the surface of the East River and he sucked in a lungful of cold, refreshing air. With full lungs, he dove down and retrieved two bags from under the nearby buoy, quickly dragging them to the surface and the shore. He needed to find Jo before she was picked up for nudity.
He didn't have to look far as he exited the water. "Jo?"
She was breathing heavily, eyes darting around like a caged animal. Henry could relate; the first time he'd resurfaced alive, he'd been just as confused and scared. She was cowering by the bushes near the shore, her arms and legs wrapped around herself to cover up her body. She was also shivering in the cold, night air. Henry set down the bags and grabbed the towels from each, covering himself with one and holding the other out to her.
"Jo? I know you're scared. I know this is all new to you…"
She looked at him. "What the hell happened?"
"Do you remember how you died?"
She grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Yes, I remember that. I'm… How…"
"I don't know." Henry moved the bags over to her. "After all my years of immortality, I've never figured out what changed me from a mortal to an immortal, so I can't say what changed you."
Jo's eyes moved to the bags. "Is one of those Anneliese's?"
"Yes. I'm sure she won't mind you borrowing hers until we can get you home."
"I'm too tall."
"You're close enough to the same size. Or I can put the bag back. Your towel ought to cover you enough."
She glared at him. "Jokes? Right now?"
Henry smiled with a sigh. "Just get dressed. You can't afford a public indecency charge, detective. Trust me. We'll talk about everything later."
He turned his back to give her privacy and quickly dried off, still elated that she was alive. It was like the pain of the last several minutes had been lifted from him. He felt light and free. If Jo wasn't so terrified right now, he would laugh for joy. He quickly got dressed, glancing back when he was nearly done to make sure Jo was doing to same. She was nearly dressed now too, the towel wrapped around her hair.
She caught him looking. "I thought you were always going to be a gentleman with me."
"Jokes, detective?" He grinned. "I was making sure you weren't still in complete shock."
"I should be." They both ducked down as a pair of headlights washed over them.
The car came to a stop and a door opened. "Henry? Are you there?"
Henry straightened up. "Abe? How…?"
"I heard a gunshot and went to investigate before I called the cops."
"I know, I know. When I saw your pocket watch, I realized you'd been there too. Was Jo injured when you were killed? Because I found a gun that looks like hers in the alley too." He noticed the toweled head next to his father. "Is Anneliese with you?"
"No." Jo stood up. "Surprise."
"Wait, you're immortal? How long have…"
"Just a few minutes ago."
Henry gathered up the bags. "We'll talk in the car."
A/N: I know this choice will be a bit dividing to many of my fans, but I promise this is not just to give Henry a "soulmate" that is immortal too. I can see this story choice providing both a potential ease to their relationship as well as some complications. Henry is not the only one affected by this change, so I think that will be a fun, and hard, thing to write. Just give me a chance to convince you before you write this story off. Thank you all for reading! I hope you all have enjoyed my take on Forever Season 2. Stay tuned for Season 3!
P.S. Going forward, I think I would like to be three or four episodes ahead on my computer before I start posting (at the very least) which will limit the number of long breaks between posts, but that will take a little while to write and type up. Sooo... I might not get started with posting Forever Season 3 until late this year or early next year. Part of that is because of work; I'm getting more hours now, which cuts into my writing time. Another reason is that I'm trying to be a better organized writer so I don't have to scrap as much stuff (I've had to delete whole chapters before) and so I can hopefully stay on track better. The last reason is that I've got two other stories competing for my attention right now (one is a continuation of a story I've done before and the other is about a TV series I found a couple years ago), so I'm trying to get the "loudest" scenes from both of those out of my head enough that I can focus on Season 3.
P.P.S. I'm still trying to put together a list of people willing to help me with translation work in various languages. I have people for German, Dutch, and Spanish so far, but I would like to find people for the following languages too: French (Modern and Middle), Italian, Greek, Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, Scottish (the language, not English with a Scottish accent), Irish (again, the language, not English with an Irish accent), Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Swedish, Romanian, Hungarian, Hebrew, Japanese, Afrikaans, and Latin. I know that's a long list, and I may never actually use all of them, but knowing who to turn to besides Google Translate would be very helpful. Just private message (PM) me or leave a comment to let me know which language you are willing to assist with (doesn't have to be on this list either), and I'll put your name on my list. If you are willing to help, thank you!