[So, it's been a few months since Nat and Allie finally got together. They're extremely happy together and things have been perfect between them, however, they were still getting used to certain new aspects of their relationship. Allie has been working hard in her internship program and spending most of her time with Nat. Nat had continued teaching at FIU, until his course was up. Now, he just puts in time at the engineering center and at his job. He's also been hanging out with his friends, making time with his family, and spending time with Allie. However, sometimes, he gets a little too distracted from her, taking care of things with his work. Besides that, everything's been perfect. Nat has gone out of town a few times, on his small trips, and so has Allie, who's had to travel with her sorority, but other than that, the two of them have been inseparable. They haven't had any problems. Nat hasn't been in contact with Aviana either, but, girls from his past are still contacting him, which has been a small issue for him and has him a bit worried. He hasn't spoken to Allie about it yet, but he's about to. You'll see the issue with that in the story. This installment follows them a little after college. Allie and her friends are graduating in 2 months, Nat is leaving for space soon, and he also has another important trip that's come back up, that he hasn't mentioned to anyone yet. You'll read about that next.]

(Right now, Allie is in her last class of the day, with Kristina- - who btw, decided to transfer to FIU, to be with Allie, her friends, and Cody- - Brionna, Maria, her friend Maddie, Lora, and Taylor. Allie was texting on her phone and smiling.)

Taylor: Would you get off the damn phone?

Allie: No? I'm texting Baby. *chuckles and keeps texting*

The Girls: *groan*

Maddie: Would you let him breathe?

Allie: I do let him breathe.

Taylor: How? You're literally with him 90% of the time! And if you're not, you're texting him or talking to him on the phone!

Allie: Uh, yeah? That's what happens when you're obsessed with each other. *chuckles*

Kristina: *chuckles* Just give it up, guys. She's finally dating the guy of her dreams, who also happens to be her best friend. Ok? She's on cloud 9. She's not coming down.

Lora: You're asking him to come to you, aren't you?

Allie: Yes. *giggles, texting* He's on his way to get me from class.

Lora: *shakes her head*

Maria: You guys are literally obsessed with each other. But it amazes me how you've only had sex 4 times, in the 6 months that you've been dating.

Allie: I know. But, I told you, I don't know how to go about it. I kinda just leave that up to him. I mean, I know we're dating, but we still kinda act like we're in high school. That and you know he's rarely horny. I mean, we spend most of our time out, doing stuff.

Kristina: Ok, he's rarely horny, but you're not. You have needs. Allie, just talk to him about it.

Allie: I mean, it doesn't really upset me. It just..

Kristina: Makes you go crazy, which is not good. I'm sure you and him are just misunderstanding each other. Talk to him.

Allie: I will. I'm just trying to think of when to do it.

Kristina: Just do it. You guys are dating now. You can do that. Ok? I don't let Cody do that shit to me. So, you better get Nat before it gets too out of hand. I love the boy to death, but he's too easily distracted. *chuckles* And he moves too damn much. That's the issue. You need to keep him in the house, sometimes. You just let him out all the time. And you let him take you out.

Allie: He likes to play. I mean, I do too. Besides, you know he hates just sitting around the house all day. He goes insane.

Kristina: Who said he had to just sit? Give his ass something to play with. And by that, I mean you. *chuckles*

Brionna: Kristina's right.

Maria: I also agree. *chuckles* Nat is a little too active. He reminds me of my little brother.

Allie: It's his metabolism. It just makes his energy levels high. He can't help it. Besides, at least he helps me stay active. He keeps me moving. Lord knows I can get lazy.

Kristina: And that's a good thing. I'm not saying him keeping you active is bad all the time. Just when you want some. *chuckles*

The Girls: *laugh*

Kristina: He'll try to take you rollercoaster riding, before he lets you ride him. *chuckles* That's anarchy.

The Girls: *laugh*

Kristina: I still remember 2 months ago, when you were trying to get it in, in the driver's seat of his car, and instead, you somehow ended up at the go-cart track!

The Girls: *laugh again*

Maria: That was funny! *laughing*

Allie: Well, we were in the Audi, and I was sitting in his lap at first, playing around with the wheel! He thought I wanted to try racing! I mean, I did. It was fun. And I'm still trying to covince him to let me drive the damn Audi! I mean, it's not fair! My name is on it!

The Girls: *laugh*

Allie: Ugh. *shakes her head*

Kristina: Just tell him you want sex tonight. If you have to, initiate it. *chuckles* Ok? This is never gonna get resolved, if you don't let him know. You guys communicate all the time. Don't be afraid to communicate about this. You guys share a sex life now. Meaning, your frustrations are his and it can't just be up to him, when you guys get it in. Get it together, boo. *chuckles*

Allie: I hear you.

Female Professor: Hey, Allie?

Allie: Yeah, Professor Hill?

Professor Hill: Is Nat coming by today? *hopeful smile*

Allie: Yes? *chuckles*

Professor Hill: *excited chuckle* Good. I love it when he comes by.

Allie: Me too. *chuckles and shakes her head* Professor, are you crushing on my boyfriend?

Professor Hill: He's so gorgeous. And sweet. Especially with his beard. It's so clean cut. *giggles*

Allie: *shakes her head and chuckles*

Kristina: I told you she was crushing on him. *looks at Allie*

Allie: I see. *chuckles*

Maria: Pretty weird, if you ask me. And a little creepy. *creeped out face*

(Just then, Nat walks in the classroom, sipping on a cup from Chipotle and texting on his phone, looking cute.)

Professor Hill: *flustered smile* Hi, Nat!

Nat: Hey, Ms. Lisa. *chuckles* Sorry for intruding, yet again.

Professor Hill: You're welcome anytime. *warm giggle*

All Girls in the Class: *in unison* Hey, Nat! *flirty*

Nat: Hey, you guys! *chuckles and goes to Allie* Afternoon, milady. *pecks her lips* You requested my presence? *cute, happy smile*

Allie: *giggles and kisses him with a happy smile* Hey, you. How's your day been?

Nat: Awesome. I hung out with a few of my buds, in the Marines. We shot some of my new guns today. It was boss. And your day, my little doctor?

Allie: *giggles* It's been good. I finished up some work early.

Nat: Cool! Does that mean we can hang out tonight?

Allie: Of course. *chuckles*

Nat: Yes! 'Cause my boys finally brought my other toy down here and I want you to see it! So, if you're up for it, I thought tonight, maybe we could- -

Kristina: *cuts in* Get it in?

Allie: *looks at Kristina quickly*

Nat: Uh.. N- - no? I was gonna say go for a..ride. Are you ok? *confused, looking at Kristina*

Kristina: Are you ok? *chuckles* No sexual frustration, no tension, deprivation?

Nat: No? *confused look*

Allie: Baby, ignore her. *secretly kicks Kristina under the table*

Kristina: Ow!

Nat: *confused* Ok..? So, what do you say?

Allie: I'd love to. *grabs his chin and kisses him*

Nat: *boyish, happy smile* Yay.

Allie: Did you already eat without me? *looks at his cup from Chipotle*

Nat: This was an hour ago. I swear. We can still go eat. You hungry?

Allie: Starving.

Nat: In the mood for anything specific?

Allie: Pizza.

Nat: Pizza Cucinova?

Allie: Perfect.

Nat: You ready to go? *holds up his keys*

Allie: Yeah. Class is over now. *picks up her bag* See you Monday, Professor.

Professor Hill: Bye, guys. Have a fun weekend. *chuckles*

(Nat, Allie, and the girls leave. They meet up with the guys outside and go to Pizza Cucinova together. They're talking and laughing.)

David: *chuckling* I swear, most of the female professors here are plotting to bang you! *looking at Nat*

Thomas: He's telling the truth. *chuckling* You're a cougar magnet.

Nat: Do not call me that! *chuckling* I don't even do anything! They just start hitting on me!

David: It's that fucking beard! *laughs* I told you! You're walking around, like David Beckham, with that thing!

Nat: His beard is way thicker than mine! And mine is all faded!

David: Still! *laughs* I'm telling you! That thing is a blessing and a curse! Just shave it!

Nat: But I like my beard!

David: Or let it grow out like a grizzly! Make it less attractive! *chuckling* I blame your barber. You just got a haircut today, didn't you?

Nat: Yep. *chuckles* My hair was getting long. You know I like it short and flippy. *flips his curly hair*

David: She faded your beard, too?

Nat: She grooms all of me. *chuckles* You think all of this just happens?

David: Damn! She's got skills. *chuckles*

Nat: I swear, barbers are powerful as shit. They're part of the reason guys end up in so much fuckery, with girls.

Qaasim: I know. Your barber is the one who decides whether you'll be gettin' bitches or not. *chuckles*

David: For real! *laughs* I put my life is someone else's hands, every time I go to get a haircut!

Nat: All of that, and they're the reason guys in a whole relationship end up attracting hoes. *chuckles* Bro, look at this fade. *points to his beard* Look at this hair and these curls. How am I supposed to fend off hoes? *small laugh*

The Guys: *laugh*

Nat: Like, barbers really be settin' you up. *laughing*

Allie: Your barber is a girl? *looking at Nat*

The Guys: Uh oh. *chuckle*

Kristina: Why, "uh oh"?

David: 'Cause he's the only one with a female barber. *chuckling*

Nat: Bro!

The Guys: *laugh*

Nat: *looks at Allie* Babe, she's the only one I trust with this face. *chuckles* She gets it right, every time. She's had my back since freshmen year of college. I had to get a whole new barber, after I left New York. She swooped in and saved my ass. *chuckles again*

Allie: *raises her eyebrow, giving him a skeptic look* I'm sure she did.

Nat: I was looking rough!

The Guys: *laugh*

Allie: How old is she?

Nat: Around my age. *nervous chuckle* And she goes to FIU.

The Guys: Ooo!

Allie: *shakes her head* Uh-uh! One of those thirsty bitches is grooming you!?

The Girls: *laugh*

Nat: *laughs a little* She's cool! I swear!

Allie: What's her name?

Nat: Carly. *chuckles* Babe, relax. She knows I'm taken.

Allie: She better know. *grabs his chin and kisses him*

Nat: *laughs between a kiss* You know I'm a good boy.

Allie: Mhmm. *kissing him deeply, using her tongue*

Nat: Mm. *kissing back*

Stiles: We are eating!

Nat and Allie: *throw up their middle fingers in unison and continue making out*

Everyone: *laughs*

Nat and Allie: *pull away after a minute*

Stiles: Anyway, Tikki, I'm curious about something.

Nat: What?

Stiles: You say you go to work every day. What is it that you do? What's with you and that crew?

Nat: Oh. Yeah, I run my own business, sort of. *chuckles* I'm back on my arms and weapons dealings, recently running some private security interference for several agencies, and I'm in charge of another ring for my uncle Gio.

David: The mob boss?.?

(A.N. Made up. Just go with it.)

Nat: *nods and sips his drink*

Thomas: Dude, your mom's brother is a fucking psycho!

Nat: He's still family. *chuckles* I mean, he worked his way up like everyone else in this world. Yeah, it's dangerous and most of what he does is somewhat illegal, but he's not a bad guy. He's just respected out there.

Stiles: And he let you in on his business?.?

Nat: Well, yeah. I'm the only one he trusts with it. *chuckles a bit* That and I've been bringing in big money for him since I was a teenager. So, we're in partnership now. Notice I never caught heat for hunting down Aviana's idiots.

Qaasim: I knew it!

Nat: Yeah.

Stiles: What did he put you in charge of?.?

Nat: Well, now I fuel his entire armory department and I put him on to street racing, so I run that as well. *sips his drink again*

Allie: Nat!

Nat: I'm not racing! *chuckles* I just run the races. I set 'em up, organize 'em, cover 'em. And I get big money dealing with the cars. I give upgrades and full auto kits, for the street cars. And I keep the cops off my uncle's ass in the process. I run his racing ring.

Stiles: I know those cars aren't just coming out of nowhere.

Nat: Where they come from isn't my or my uncle's business. We just let the racers in. *puts his hands up innocently*

Thomas: Nat, that is receiving stolen property! You could go to jail for that!

Nat: I'm not taking the heat for anything. I cover my own ass. *chuckles a bit* Guys, it's fine. I know what I'm doing. This is what I do. I've been involved in this stuff since I was 15. And my whole business is legit. The cops can't tag me for anything. Half of them are on my team.

Cody: You've even got cops on this?.?

Nat: I made a lot of friends in armed forces. So has my uncle. They mainly work for him. And now, also work for me.

Allie: Ok, I love Zío, but he's nuts. Why would he put you in all this?.?

Nat: 'Cause business is what I do. *chuckles* Allz, relax. You know I'm good. Besides, this is all worth something. I told you, a lot of guys with my dad's status know about me. They're watching me. This is also my future I'm working on. Ok?

Allie: Ok. *worried look*

Nat: *pecks her lips* Relax.

Cody: My best friend is a fucking boss. Unbelievable.

Nat: *chuckles* He's been a boss.

David: So, how much are you paying that crew?.?

Nat: They get $50.50 an hour. *chuckles*

The Guys: WHAT?!

Nat: *chuckles* Keep your voices down.

Stiles: WHY are we not getting blessed with that?.?

Nat: Last time I checked, you guys were all studying to pursue a desired career. *chuckles* Which, has nothing to do with weapons, technology, engineering, or science.

Cody: Dude, I'm studying aircraft engineering! Are you kidding?.?

Nat: Ok, except Cody. *chuckles*

David: We could still get in on that!

Nat: Nah. Outlaws only. *chuckles* Everyone that works for me either has a past or has some beef with the law.

Cooper: That girl Suki too?.?

Nat: Suki is a little bad ass. *chuckles* Don't let that face fool you. She's got several grand theft auto charges and she caught several assault cases. That girl is crazy.

The Guys: Damn!

David: Where did you meet her?.?

Nat: She made some money for me, back in the day. I met Suki my senior year of high school. Unlike you guys, since I only had one class my senior year, I would just be out and about. I met her at one of my uncle's warehouses. She has a brother on his security team. She was hiding out from police, for joyriding. *chuckles*

The Guys: What?!

Nat: Yeah. *chuckles* I saw her, got to talking to her. Next thing I know, she's asking in on what I do. She ran some of my guns, outside of New York, which I couldn't always do. She brought in mad money for me. And we've just been tight ever since. That and I got her criminal record expunged. *chuckles*

David: How did y'all never date?.?

Nat: *chuckles* I mean, she always wanted to. But, I was with super bitch at the time, so, it didn't happen. That and we were buds. I mean, I didn't wanna complicate shit by dating.

David: But you smashed her 3 times! *chuckles*

Nat: That was different. But, that's behind us now, man. *shakes his head*

Allie: Can we not talk about who you used to fuck?

Nat: David started it! *chuckles*

Allie: David, shut up. I hate it when you bring that shit up. You know I don't want him talking about any of it.

David: Well, sorry, but he was in a whole candy factory! *chuckles*

Allie: Shut up! *throws an ice cube at him*

Everyone: *laughs*

David: I thought you said you didn't care about all that! *chuckling*

Allie: I don't, but we don't bring it up and we don't need to! We leave it behind! Meaning, I don't want it hanging around in our future! I don't talk about my past, so he doesn't talk about his!

David: To be fair, you were with a lot of guys, but you didn't sleep with them. *chuckles*

Allie: Physical shit still occurred, smart ass! Shut up!

David: Ok, ok!

Nat: Are y'all done? *chuckling*

Allie: He's such a douche bag!

Nat: Hey, hey, hey. *hugs her shoulders* We all know that. But, don't upset yourself. *kisses her cheek* I'm sorry.

Allie: *pecks him deeply on the lips*

David: Anyway, we need to discuss certain moves after college. Graduation is in 2 months.

Qaasim: I'm getting a place with Cooper, so. I got my roommate. *chuckles*

David: Me and Thomas are considering an apartment, too.

Cooper: What about jobs? I've got mine covered. So does Qaasim.

Thomas: Police force training. And I have a part time job driving a forklift for a warehouse.

David: I have a new job at the airport.

Stiles: Me and Cody decided we would be roommates. We already have jobs. So, we're good.

Kristina: Cody, you didn't talk to me about that.

Cody: I assumed you were gonna move in with Allie. *chuckles a bit*

Stiles: We all assumed you were gonna move in with Allie. *chuckles*

Everyone, except Allie and Kristina: Yup. *chuckles*

Cody: Besides, I doubt you would wanna move in with me.

Kristina: Why?.?

Cody: I mean, we did just start dating, not that long ago. You don't think that would be moving too fast? *chuckles a bit*

Kristina: Well, I don't..know. I mean, we've known each other since high school. *looking at him*

Cody: But this is a whole committed relationship now. Not high school. *chuckles a bit* I mean, we're grown ups now. This is serious. Moving in together is a big step. *nervous chuckle* I mean, I don't want you to be mad at me. I'm not trying to seem like I don't wanna live with you. I would love that. I've dreamed of that. But, I just don't wanna move too fast. I don't want us to move too fast. I mean, if you wanna move in together, if you think we're ready..

Kristina: I don't know. I just didn't know everyone's plans. I mean, truthfully, I thought Allie was just gonna go live with Nat, since he already has his own place. *looks at Nat*

Nat: *chokes on his soda a bit and coughs*

Allie: *pats his back quickly* You ok?.?

Nat: *pats his chest* Yeah. *looks at Kristina* What?.?

Kristina: What? I did! I mean, she practically lives with you already.

Nat: I'll admit, she's over at my place a lot, but not that much. Right..? *looks around at everyone*

Everyone, except Allie: *nods their head* She is.

Nat: But, that's different. *chuckles a bit* I mean, she's just staying the night. Isn't that what couples do? Stay the night with each other a lot? Kris, I thought she was going with you. I mean, you guys always talked about getting an apartment together.

Kristina: Well, yeah, true. But, I mean, I just feel like maybe she wants to live with you instead.

David: I mean, Kris has a point. You two may as well just live together. *chuckles* You've basically lived with each other your whole lives.

The Guys: Yeah.

Nat: Can we chill? *nervous chuckle* Ok? I'm sure she has plans of her own.

Allie: Why do you sound nervous?

Nat: Because they're freaking me out. *nervous chuckle* Ok? Look, I don't have an issue with you living with me. But, I'm with Cody. That's a big step, babe. *looks at her* And it's a lot deeper.

Allie: You don't wanna live together?

Nat: I want us to actually be ready for that. I don't wanna do it, just because we feel like we want to. The only reason I've never talked to you about this, is because I knew you were looking forward to you and Kris getting an apartment someday. I don't wanna come in between that.

Cody: Neither do I.

Nat: You two shouldn't wanna lock up with us, just because we're dating now. None of us wanna move too fast. Correct?

Cody: Correct.

Kristina and Allie: *nod*

Allie: But, is it really moving fast?

Nat: Living together is a huge move. It's completely domestic. That is big.

Cody: We are not just living under the same roof, we are seriously living together. That means paying bills together, that means a whole lot of big things. Like I said, I don't have a problem with living together.. But, we have to actually be ready. I am 23 years old. I'm about to graduate college. I've barely started life. I don't know that I'm really ready for that.

Nat: That goes for all of us. This is serious. I just don't wanna make you feel too cooped up. *looks at Allie* Ok? I want you to feel free. Have fun. Give ourselves a bit more time to grow.

Cody: You two living together would be fun. Really fun. For both of you. It'll make you feel free. You won't feel so cooped up or obligated in your relationships. I don't wanna suffocate you, Kris.

Nat: And I don't wanna suffocate you. *looking at Allie* Besides, I know you. You're all about being independent. Living with me will not give you that same feeling. Living with Kris will help both of your independent attitudes. I'm your boyfriend, now. It's not the same as high school. Or growing up.

Cody: Living with someone you're in a relationship with, officially makes you dependent. I wanna at least try to be independent, for once. I haven't gotten that chance yet. None of us really have. Except Nat. *looks at Nat*

Nat: Well, yeah. I guess.

David: True. I mean, you had your own place, before you even started college. Before any of us.

Thomas: And you've never needed anyone's help, nor have you ever asked for it. I mean, you make your own money. You do everything on your own. You always have.

The Guys: Yeah.

Nat: Ok, let's all ignore Nat. If anything, he has stubbornness issues. Alright?

Kristina: I just thought it'd be cool, babe.

Cody: Me too! It would be so cool! I just wanna make sure you can really depend on me. I wanna prove that you can. And I want you to still have fun with your friends, freely. I mean, we're only in our early 20's. I just don't wanna rush anything.

Kristina: Ok. *kisses him*

Cody: I love you.

Kristina: I love you, too.

Nat: Allz?

Allie: Can we just finish talking about this later?

Nat: You're not mad at me, are you? *worried*

Allie: No, no. *pecks his lips* I just..have more to talk to you about. Ok?

Nat: Ok. We're still going for our ride in my new toy, aren't we? *hopeful face*

Allie: *smiles at him* Of course. *kisses him* You're such a boy.

Nat: *chuckles and kisses her back* I know.

Kristina: Well, unfortunately, we gotta get to work.

Allie: *groans* Yeah.

Brionna: Wait, hold up. Valentines Day, plans?

The Guys: Aw shit.

Brionna: What? This is especially big for Nat and Allie. It's their first Valentines Day as a couple!

Kristina: Oh yeah!

Nat: Oh, I've got a nice big surprise for her. *chuckles, laying back in his chair, with his arm around her*

Allie: You already have plans made?.?

Nat: Well, duh. Like Brionna said, it's our first Valentines Day as a real couple. *chuckles* Did you forget who you're dating? I'm Mr. Romantic, remember? Plus, I'm excited! *excited, cute smile*

The Girls: Awww!.!

Allie: *smiles at him* You are so perfect. *kisses him deeply*

Nat: *between a kiss, smiling* You're perfect. *kisses back*

The Girls: Awww! *looking at them*

The Guys: Nat, you suck, lover boy!

Nat: *pulls away* Why? 'Cause I love my girlfriend? *chuckles*

The Girls: Leave him alone!

The Guys: Whatever!

(They leave the restaurant and go to work. When 9 pm hits, Allie is off work and Nat goes to pick her up.)

Nat: How was work?

Allie: Good. You?

Nat: Busy. *chuckles* Almost missed lunch twice.

Allie: I hate it when you're busy. *chuckles*

Nat: I like it. *chuckles* It keeps me going.

Allie: You like being too busy for me?

Nat: I'm never too busy for you. *chuckles*

Allie: Good. *sits her hand on his thigh*

Nat: *chuckles again and sits his hand on her thigh* So, what did you wanna talk about? From lunch earlier?

Allie: You really wouldn't mind if I wanted us to move in together?

Nat: You and me?

Allie: Yeah.

Nat: I wouldn't. Like I said, I don't have an issue living together. It's no so much me, that I'm worried about. It's you. Like I said before, I don't wanna suffocate you or smother you. And couples living together sometimes creates that feeling. Like, you're trapped. Suddenly you start taking everything so serious. Including the relationship. Like Cody said, I don't wanna rush anything or move too fast. You know? And aside from that, me and you do have independent mentalities. Me a bit more than you. You see I do most of my own cooking, and cleaning, and errands and things like that. You see I do everything on my own. I barely let you take care of me, when I'm sick. *looks over at her*

Allie: *looking at him* But I still do. I mean, I know how serious you are about doing things on your own and being independent. It's all you're used to. I know, Baby. And I had a feeling it was something around that. You're really adapted to being on your own and not relying on any one, or having to discuss things with anyone.

Nat: Yeah. I mean, I don't feel like I can't rely on you. I know I can. It's just something that I'm not used to doing with anyone. At all. It's always just been me. And relying on myself. Carrying my own weight. And because I know you, and I know you like to have input and work together, and all that, it's just foreign to me. It's all gonna be foreign to me. I'm just so consumed and caught up in my independence, and I don't want that to become an issue between us. I also don't wanna intrude on your independence and start making you feel like you have to depend on me.

Allie: I know I don't have to depend on you. But, I definitely know that I can, babe. I've always been able to depend on you. You're always there for me. You've always taken care of me.

Nat: You forget, you've gone through some changes, in the 3 years that I was gone. You became completely independent. You couldn't depend or rely on me that much. Or anyone.

Allie: That was then. I'm talking about now. I don't count that. Because you were at college. That's where you needed to be. I don't fault you for that. Yeah, I couldn't look to you as much, but I also wanted to prove to myself that I could be strong and take care of myself, when you couldn't be there. That's why I got so independent. I didn't wanna rely on anyone, but you. I know I can take care of myself, but I also know that you take care of me, too. You're not gonna intrude on anything. You're not gonna suffocate me. I love being around you. Constantly. You know that. You know I love it when we're together.

Nat: I just think it'd be a good idea to wait. That's all.

Allie: If you think we should wait, then I'm with you.

Nat: I don't wanna just put it off because of what I think. Do you think we should wait, too, or no?

Allie: I think you're right. Maybe we do need a little more time. It'll be good. And I can work on getting you to be more comfortable with entrusting me with things.

Nat: *gives her thigh a small squeeze in a agreement* Ok.

Allie: I love you, Baby.

Nat: I love you, too. *rubs her thigh affectionately*

Allie: Mm. *moans a bit and slides her hand to his zipper*

Nat: *chuckles* What are you doing?

Allie: Being a perv. *giggles*

Nat: *laughs* Not now.

Allie: *giggles* Why not?

Nat: *laughing a little* I'm driving! You're not supposed to distract the driver!

Allie: Then pull over. *giggling*

Nat: *laughs* Where?.?

Allie: Go to an empty parking lot or something. *laughs*

Nat: Why? So a hobo can watch? *laughing* Absolutely not. Besides, we're almost there.

Allie: What are we doing for dinner?

Nat: Well, I was craving Chinese, if you're down.

Allie: Ooo. That sounds yummy tonight.

Nat: Yeah?

Allie: Yeah.

Nat: Ok. *chuckles*

Allie: So, where are you taking me?

Nat: On another surprise date. *chuckles* And it's gonna be awesome. You're gonna flip when you see my toy.

Allie: Oh boy. *chuckles* What is it now?

Nat: You'll see. *looks at her and winks*

Allie: *giggles at him*

(Nat takes her to an airfield and outside of a huge aircraft hangar. They get out of the car.)

Allie: Why are we here? Is your toy inside?

Nat: Nope. On top of it. *cute grin*

Allie: What? *chuckles*

Nat: *holds out his hand* Come on.

Allie: *takes his hand and follows him*

(Nat takes her to the top of the hangar and there's a giant object, covered in a tarp there.)

Allie: Nat, what kind of toy is this? *suspicious*

Nat: *goes up to the object and grabs the tarp, then looks back at her with a smirk* The flying kind. *pulls the tarp off the object*

Allie: *covers her mouth in shock*

(Nat reveals a giant black SA-2 Samson helicopter.)

Nat: Awesome, right?

Allie: Where did you get a helicopter?.?

Nat: I built it. *chuckles* I've been building this since I was 18. Finally finished it, 2 years ago. I took it flying all the time, back in Massachusetts.

Allie: How did you build this?.? Where did you get the parts?.?

Nat: Some I bought. Some I made. *chuckles* You know me and my hobbies.

Allie: Omg! *covering her mouth* This is so crazy! You really have a helicopter! And you built it! It looks just like the one from Avatar!

Nat: I love you. *chuckles* That's exactly how I modeled it. Where I modeled it from. This is a SA-2 Samson. His name is Toruk.

Allie: Like Toruk Makto, from Avatar?

Nat: Yep. And we're gonna take him for a ride. Ready?

Allie: Oh, this is gonna be so cool! *excited*

Nat: *chuckles at her* That's my girl.

(Nat helps Allie into the helicopter and buckles her in. Then, he gets in the pilot seat and buckles up too. He puts some headphones on Allie, then puts his on. Then, he starts the helicopter up. After it's completely started, it begins to lift. Allie let's out a small shriek, then covers her mouth and giggles excitedly. Nat chuckles at her and keeps the helicopter up. Eventually it gets to a proper height and he takes off. Allie squeals excitedly and throws her arms up. Nat continues flying, with a big smile on his face. He flies them into the city, where they check out everything, and he even flies them over FIU campus and Miami beach. Allie was having so much fun, amazed by the views she was seeing. Nat smiled at her the whole time. After an hour, Nat flies them back to the city and lands them on top of a huge business building. They get out and walk to the edge of the roof, checking out the view of city, at night.)

Allie: That was so awesome!.!

Nat: I know, right? *chuckles* It's so cool. I used to fly all over Massachusetts. It'd be so beautiful.

Allie: I was actually flying in a helicopter! Over Miami! *amazed chuckle*

Nat: *laughs at her* Guess you can cross that one off the bucket list.

Allie: Yes! *laughs*

Nat: See? You have the most awesome boyfriend ever. *proud, cocky smile*

Allie: *laughs* Yes I do! *jumps on him*

Nat: *laughs and catches her, holding her*

Allie: *wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him deeply*

Nat: *kisses back*

(They make out for a few minutes, until Nat pulls away and chuckles.)

Nat: So, you had fun?

Allie: So much fun! *chuckles* This was so beautiful, Baby.

Nat: I'm glad you liked it. *chuckles and kisses her face, then puts her down* So, am I still crushing Manny at the date game?

Allie: He's dead already, Baby. *giggles* You killed him.

Nat: Yes! *cocky smile* I'm so awesome.

Allie: Yes you are. *giggles and takes his face in her hands*

Nat: You just used to tell me about all these nice dates he would take you on. And I would honestly get so jealous. I swear. *chuckles*

Allie: *laughs* Yeah, well he's got nothing on you. You, by far, have beat him and all the others, at having the coolest, most awesome, most amazing, most incredible dates ever. My undefeated champ. *kisses his lips, still holding his face* You reign supreme.

Nat: Yes! *boyish smile* Bet none of 'em ever took you on a helicopter ride.

Allie: Never. But then again, they don't own one. *chuckles*

Nat: There are still places that let you rent 'em. They could've taken you there. *chuckles*

Allie: True. *chuckles* But not all of them can think as wonderfully brilliant as you. That's why I'm SO glad you're mine. *pecks his lips* All mine.

Nat: All yours. *smiling at her adorably*

Allie: *kisses him deeply and lets go of his face*

Nat: *looks out at the view again and leans against the ledge, resting his arms up on it*

Allie: *stands next to him and does the same*

Nat: This place isn't so bad when it's quiet.

Allie: Yeah. It can be pretty peaceful.

Nat: One of the wildest places on earth. *chuckles a bit*

Allie: Yep. *chuckles*

Nat: Is spring break as nuts as it looks?

Allie: A little. *chuckles* But, I'm hoping you'll still go with me.

Nat: Well, yeah. If you really want me to. I'm just afraid I'm gonna embarrass you, by being so..

Allie: Shy? *chuckles a bit*

Nat: I was gonna say stiff. I mean, we partied up in Massachusetts, but not like spring break.

Allie: There's still a lot you need to learn about this place. *chuckles a bit* It's not so out of control. There are pretty peaceful places. You just have to find them.

Nat: Ok. *looking out at the view*

Allie: By the way, I have this upcoming formal event, for my sorority. And, I was hoping you'd make it and be my date? So I can show you off?

Nat: *looks over at her and chuckles* I'd love to accompany you, fair maiden.

Allie: Yay. *giggles at him* Will you come dress shopping with me, this weekend?

Nat: Absolutely. When's the event?

Allie: April.

Nat: Cool. Gives me plenty of time to find another fly tux.

Allie: Yummy. *giggles*

Nat: So, I have a question.

Allie: I'm all ears.

Nat: What do you..think about me spending a month overseas?

Allie: *conflicted look* What?

Nat: Well, remember the Marines thing, from the trip 2 summers ago?

Allie: Yeah?

Nat: Well, I told you they offered me a job to work overseas with them, as a senior engineer and designer. They want me to come out for a month and see how I like everything. And.. I was thinking about going to check it out.

Allie: You want to? *scared look*

Nat: Just to check it out. I'd be right back. *looking over at her*

Allie: Well, I- - I-I don't know. *conflicted*

Nat: What's wrong?

Allie: I mean, I don't know what to say.. *conflicted* I mean, it's bad enough I'm already spending one whole month away from you. Now, another?

Nat: I know. *looks down*

Allie: I mean, I'm conflicted because you know how I feel about you and that kind of stuff. And.. I'm afraid.

Nat: Afraid of what? *looks back over at her*

Allie: Afraid that you'll like it. *looks at him* I know you'll like it. *scared expression*

Nat: Hey. Hey, hey, hey. *turns towards her and grabs her hands* Look, things are different now. Ok? I know that after everything dysfunctional happened, I was pretty much definitively going, in my mind. But, I have you now. And as I've said so many times, I would never just leave you. Ok? I have new plans. And none of those plans involve not seeing you or being away from you. I don't have plans of not seeing you anymore. I wanna be with you. Always. I want us, more than anything. I wanna be around you. I want my future with you. Whatever that may be.

Allie: Like I said, I don't wanna try to hold you back. But, I can't take it when you leave me. Especially when I know there's a chance you may not come back.

Nat: I'll always come back for you. *cute smile* I could never just change my life like that. Allie, I can't leave you.. I love you.

Allie: *smiles at him* I love you, most.

Nat: *hugs her*

Allie: If you wanna go check it out.. I'm ok with that. As long as you come back as fast as you can.

Nat: *hugging her* I promise. *rubs her back*

Allie: *holds him tight* When would you be leaving?

Nat: July. It was supposed to be June, but I have two important birthdays to be home for. Being you and my mother.

Allie: Ok.

Nat: And you remember that I leave next month, for space, right?

Allie: I do. I didn't want to, but I do.

Nat: *chuckles* I'll be back before you know it. Meanwhile, our first Valentines Day is coming up. *pulls away from their hug and looks at her*

Allie: *smiles at him* I'm so excited.

Nat: Me too. You're gonna love everything.

Allie: All I need is you. *stretches up and kisses him*

Nat: *chuckles* Chocolate is still good to have.

Allie: *laughs* You are so fat.

Nat: I know. *goofy smile* You ready to go eat?

Allie: Always.

Nat: You're still a little thin, from your hunger strike. *chuckles a bit, looking at her figure*

Allie: I know. I hate it.

Nat: Don't worry. I'll get you back right. *pecks her lips*

Allie: *giggles*

(They get back in the helicopter and fly back to the airfield. Nat lands the chopper inside of the hangar, secures it, then locks up the hangar. They get in his car and he drives them to a Chinese restaurant, for dinner. After they eat dinner, Nat takes Allie home. He chills with her at her dorm for a while, until she fell asleep. He tucks her in, kisses her forehead, and leaves. He goes home and goes to sleep himself.)