"I HATE YOU! YOU'RE NOT EVEN MY REAL PARENTS!" Shouted a very angry 16 year old Emma Swan at her foster parents.

They had just forbidden her from seeing a boy who was known for being a bit of a ruffian. Ignoring her foster parents Emma ran from the house and down the street when she finally stopped she was in the forest that was a good 4 hours away deciding to stay for a little bit Emma went for a walk further into the forest then she heard several growls becoming scared she ran for her life knowing that she was being chased by the creatures that were growling, the growling stopped and Emma chanced a look behind her which ended up with her tripping over a root sending her sprawling to the forest floor suddenly they were on her. Emma caught a look at the creatures attacking her, they were large wolves.

"This is how I'm going to die at the mercy of a pack of insanely large wolves." Emma thought to herself as the wolves ripped at her flesh.

Finally the wolves left and Emma lay there in a pool of her own blood as it got bigger.

"Oh my goodness." Came a voice Emma looked up the best she could at the figure that had discovered her and spoke two words.

"Help me." Then she passed out.