AN: Thanks to Blinded in a bolthole for beta-ing this chapter.

Chapter 8

Blake could feel it. She felt the energy coursing through her body. She also felt the pipe-like energy pathways in her stomach forming a circle and spreading through her body, her torso, arms, legs even her fingertips. She could feel all her sense sharpening. Her ears could detect the sound of water coursing from the pipes above her head and her nose could smell thing that she wasn't able to smell before.

"How are you feeling?" Mitsuki removed his gloved hand from her stomach.

"I..." Blake paused. "I feel strange. Strange in a good way." She got herself back on her feet and closed her uplifted shirt.

"Now, clean yourself. We're going to visit Boruto place," Mitsuki removed the glove with a strange writing on his hand. "We're going to test your chakra."

"I'm coming with you guys," Karin who has been silently standing at the corner of the room said. "I'm going to visit my cousin," she paused, "And Sarada too."

Karin's glasses shone. For some reason Blake started to feel bad for Sarada.

"Achooo!" Sarada wiped the sneeze from her mouth as a feeling of impending doom coursed through her spine.

"Sarada, are you alright?" Boruto asked from besides her, worry marring on his face. It was kind of sweet of he to come to her house by himself to pick her up, Sarada considered. Now if only he stopped being as dense as a brick...

"No, I feel like I'm going to lose something if I go to your house."

The ominous shivers came back.

"Eh, but we've already promised to meet there," Boruto gave her a confused look.

"Is the Hokage going to be there too?" She try to change the subject, not wanting to think what was about to happen.

"No, he was busy with paperwork. This time Dad is literally drowning in them," Boruto sighed heavily. "He said, it's an important join project between Elemental Nations and the Moon Kingdom."

"Wait, Elemental Nations, not the Five Great Shinobi Villages?" Sarada asked, surprise clear in her voice. If it was true then all of the smaller ninja villages and even non-ninja were participating in this.

"Yes, that's what he said," Boruto shrugged carelessly. Somehow Sarada wasn't surprised at her teammate's almost apathetic reaction.

Naruto laid his head on the desk, closing his eyes as he tried to gather his determination to complete the rest of his paperwork. He took a deep breath, straightened his back and spread his arms to get rid of the soreness. His eyes laid to the paperwork around him. Dozens of stacks of paperwork were lying around in the room, each one reaching the ceiling of the Hokage's office, which by no means could be considered short.

"I'm going to be here for a while," He sighed as he made his understatement of the day. He could scarcely believe all this paperwork was piled here just because he informed the other Kages of little Blake and her origins.

Standing in front of Boruto's house, Blake was feeling quite underwhelmed. After seeing Mitsuki's home, a maze of tunnels the size of an actual village and complete with its own forest, she was reasonably sure the house of the most important person in this 'Village' wouldn't be this small. The house in front of her was what one would have expected from a normal happy family and notleaders of a city-sized Ninja Village.

Once Blake recovered from her feat of surprise they, Mitsuki, Blake and Karin walked toward the door... Which opened and revealed Boruto and Himawari's mother even before they got close enough to knock.

"Welcome," Hinata greeted them with a gentle smile. "Blake, Mitsuki, Karin, come in please. I have already prepared lunch for all of us."

"It has been a while Hinata.," Karin walked toward her and gave the white eyed woman a small hug. "Is Naruto home?"

"Oh, He still on the office." Hinata paused. "It's an international event, let's talk about it inside."

"Hi, Blake!" Himawari, who was already sitting on the table, greeted her with her usual energetic personality. "Come here, sit with me." She patted the chair besides her.

Blake complied.

"Where is your brother?" Blake asked, looking around curiously.

"He is picking up Sarada from her home," Himawari replied.

"Your cousin has been busy with his paperwork, you should probably visit Naruto in his office Karin," Blake overheard Hinata speaking to Karin. "I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."

Wait, Karin is Naruto's cousin, Blake wondered? She couldn't see it. She certainly couldn't. In fact if she were to guess Karin was related to anyone it would have been Sarada. Their resemblance was simply uncanny.

"I'm home!" The door swung open as Boruto announced his arrival.

"Boruto, don't be so loud." Sarada followed in after Boruto and promptly froze when she spotted Karin next to Boruto's mother.

"Hi, Aunt Karin," She greeted the red haired Uzumaki with even less enthusiasm than average Atlas Military Robot, which was quite impressive actually. The older models that sometimes wandered in Vale's slum were notoriously flat toned.


Sarada tried to move away from the impending glomp but alas, she was not nearly fast enough to avoid the red blur that was Karin.

"Ah~ I miss you so! How have you been?" Karin cooed as she squeezed Sarada into a very tight hug and rubbed her face on her cheeks.

"I'm fine," Sarada replied coldly, which for some reason seemed to prompt the Medical Nin to hug her even tighter. "Can you let go of me now?"

Blake watched with no small amount of amusement as Sarada struggled to to escape the overly affectionate woman's grip. According to a giggling Himawari apparently Karin was the one who gave Sarada the glasses she wore and she was an old friend of the young girl's father. From the way they interacted it was hard to believe Sarada had met this woman just a year ago.

"But, we just meet! I don't know how long it'll be until we meet again," Karin pouted.

"Karin, you probably shouldn't embarrassed her in front of her teammate like this.," Hinata interjected lightly with a smile.

Hinata's smile was nice as ever but for some reason it was made all the more terrifying for it. Blake was glad it wasn't directed at her.

"Aww, but I'm just showing my affection!" Karin whined, letting go of Sarada under the white eyed woman's terrifyingly gentle smile and retreated back to her chair with a pout.

"Now, everyone let's eat first and then go to the picnic place, okay?" Hinata may worded it like a question, but the rest of them, even Blake knew that it's not.

Blake looked at Mitsuki questioningly, "Picnic?"

She thought they were going to test her new powers...

"It's a very exciting picnic." Mitsuki simply said with a smile as he dutifully took his seat around the table.

It wasn't a very reassuring reply.

Sorry for the delay, but I'm in a really bad mood because of my family.

Also, I'm going to have a rant about the most common thing that happen in RWBY fic:

The crossover character intrude the entrance exam and somehow get accepted into Beacon.

See, I don't mind if it's reasonable, but mostly it isn't. The reason Ozpin even accept Ruby into Beacon are:

-Ruby is Qrow relative and apprentice.

-Ruby has silver eyes.

-Ruby loudly express her desire to attend Beacon.

Ozpin made his offers Because Ruby said she wanted to go there. Realistically Ozpin would kick the crossover character who intrude the exam out of his property.