Sorry that this update took so long. I'm juggling 2 jobs, uni and what little social life I have left. I hope you enjoy this chapter, has some Reylo fluff. Oh, and how about the name for Ep8...THE LAST JEDI. I love it, it creates so many questions. I'm pretty sure in this title 'jedi' is plural, at least that's what I'm praying for. I can't handle another death.
Rey sobs quietly and looks over at Luke who is trying to hide the tears welling in his eyes. The two force ghosts stare between them in sympathy as Anakin looked helpless while watching his son fall apart. Rey understood how hard it must be for Anakin, he was there but not really. He could speak but never touch, never comfort. Rey could wrap herself in Luke's arms but he wasn't the one she needed comfort from. The only one who could console her was on the other side of that door. She bowed to her Masters as a sign of thanks and turned on her heel, ready to sprint out of the door.
"Ben." Rey was running down the hallway frantically, tears clouding her vision and her feet stumbling underneath her. "Ben!" She yelled this time, desperate to hear his voice.
Suddenly, it was like she hit a brick wall. Bouncing off the body in front of her, she began to fall backwards. Familiar hands wrapped around her thin upper arms. "Hey, it'll be okay." Ben whispered, wiping away her tears, letting his own fall down his cheeks.
"Will it, Ben? Ben, you are the Chosen One, what the hell does that mean for you? Anakin was the first Chosen One and look what happened to him, I can't you lose you." So many thoughts were running through her head. Was he going to die taking down Snoke? Would he leave her and their unborn child behind?
"Not to mention, I'm pregnant with the offspring of two Jedi destined to be together, god knows what that means for our baby. Will he be the next chosen one? If the First Order got a hold of him, it could mean the end for all of us. And to top it all off, we got engaged in the middle of a war and we're on opposite sides!" Rey was shaking in his grip; Ben could feel her fear radiating from her. He knew he had to calm her and fast.
"Rey, look at me." He begged her, remembering what happened the last time he felt these sort of emotions swell in her. He can still smell the burning of his Knight's skin. "Please look at me." Rey took in a deep breath and turned her chin up. "So what if he's powerful? We'll deal with that; we'll train him right. For all we know, he could be powerless. The First Order won't touch him because I will die before anything happens to either of you. And yes, we got engaged in the middle of a war but that doesn't matter because I love you, despite us being on opposite sides originally and I emphasize the originally." Rey smiled weakly and his attempt to cheer her up. Somehow his words soothed her, she truly believed that Ben would protect them. Between her and Ben, no one was going to lay a hand on this baby. Not mention the powerful family this child would have, with Luke and Leia as well…and her family.
"I have a sibling, Ben." She whispered, still in shock from the words falling from her lips. She has been alone for so long and now there is someone else with her blood. Someone who might know more about her parents.
"And we'll find them like we found your parents." Ben ran his hand down her cheek.
"We don't even know where to start." Rey pushed her head against his hand and closed her eyes.
"Can't be that hard, we'll look through any records of Force sensitive beings and if that doesn't work, we'll look through adoption papers. At least something good comes from all this First Order paperwork."
"You're right." Rey calmed herself by running her hand over her belly. "So do you think it's a boy or a girl?" She asked curiously.
"Definitely a girl, a feisty, little Rey." Ben laughed, throwing his head back.
"My bet's on another whiny Skywalker boy." Rey crinkled up her nose and giggled. Amusement gleamed in Ben's eyes, not quite the response she wanted.
"Oh, is that so?" Ben grabbed her by the knees and placed one arm on her back, scooping her into his arms. She let out a tiny squeal as he squeezed her tightly.
He carried her down the hallway with full intentions of taking her to his bed but Rey was becoming impatient. She managed to wriggle out of his grip and wrap herself around his lean body. With his hands on her thighs, she squeezed her legs tighter around his waist.
"Rey, someone will see us." Ben whispered against her cheek.
"Not likely, it's their weekly meeting time." Rey was twisting a piece of his raven hair around her finger.
"Won't they notice you're not there?" His voice quickened.
"Only Leia and Luke, and besides, they would have a pretty good idea what I'm doing." Rey whispered seductively and Ben shuddered.
Rey moved slightly and Ben groaned. Unable to resist her, he pushed her up against the wall and kissed her with such fire that she began to melt. Her legs dropped from his waist and her feet landed on the floor, luckily Ben was holding her up, otherwise she'd turn into a puddle on the ground.
They didn't stop for air until, suddenly, Ben was pulled from Rey's grip.
"Get your hands off of her." The familiar voice bellowed, Rey looked up to find Finn standing protectively in front of her. She had never seen him like this, his body language said it all, he was ready to kill him.
"FN-2187." Was all Ben said as he stood staring into the eyes of the man who wanted to kill him more than anyone in this galaxy.
"Oh, so you do remember me? Good, remember when I stabbed you in the shoulder? Yeah, you won't get away that lightly this time."
"Finn, please stop." Rey called from behind him, Ben struggled to see her tiny frame behind Finn.
"No, Rey. He was hurting you, god knows what would have happened if I wasn't here. Not that I don't think you can handle yourself…I just, oh, you know what I mean." Finn threw up his hands up in defeat.
"Finn, I need you to listen to me for a moment." Rey begged quietly, too afraid to raise her voice. "I need you to look me in the eye for this." Finn turned around slowly. Taking in a deep breath, she whispered, "I love him."
"You what?" Finn's brows furrowed and he stepped back. "You're messing with me." He shook his head, "He's got some Force voodoo on you, hasn't he?" Finn shook her slightly "Rey, are you in there?" He looked deep into her eyes as though he was searching for the remnants of someone who wasn't actually gone.
"Finn! It's me!" She reassured him, "I'm telling you the truth, I love him and nothing's going to change that." She tried to weasel her shoulders out of his grip.
He noticed the sparkle in her eye and he knew she was telling the truth, "When?"
"On his ship." She sighed.
Finn choked slightly, "When you were his prisoner…"
"She was never my prisoner." Ben finally piped up in a matter of fact tone.
"I didn't ask you." Finn said over his shoulder, never breaking eye contact with Rey. Rey saw Ben put his hands up defensively.
"Look, I know you hate me, the feeling's mutual but you need to know that I really do love her. I would never do anything to hurt her and I'm on her side now, which also happens to be your side, which makes us allies." Ben shrugged nonchalantly.
"You would never hurt her? What about Takodana and your ship? You violated her mind!" His voice was raised a little higher than it was before.
"Yes, I won't deny that but I didn't know her then. She was just collateral damage to me in that moment and she'll never forgive me for that and so she shouldn't." Ben looked to Rey, eyes pleading for forgiveness.
"Right." He huffed, sarcastically. "And what about me? Was that 15 years of conditioning not enough for you? You cut my spine, it took me months to recover."
"Do you ever wonder why you're still alive? You were no use to me and you were in my way, yet you survived. It would've been just as easy to slice you in half but I knew if I did that, Rey would never forgive me. So I turned you around and cut your back instead. Everyone she cares about is safe because she loves them and I love her."
"Yes, he's done awful things but he was headed down the wrong path, he just needed someone to pull him back. That just happened to be me and I'm never going to leave him." Rey stepped closer to Finn, her hand reaching for his arm but he stepped back.
"Fine whatever, but I can't let you do this without you knowing that I love you. You don't have to do this, I will always be here. Be with me instead." Finn's face softened as his proclaimed his love for her.
"I love you too but you're not in love with me." Rey gripped the collar of her shirt and dropped her eyes to the floor. She gave a small shake of her head.
"Yes, I am." Finn demanded.
"No, you're not, Finn because you're in love with Poe." Rey looked up, afraid of what Finn may say next.
At first he was speechless and then something washed across his face, too quick for Rey to comprehend. "I'm what?" His voice was extremely high now and his eyes darted between Rey and Ben.
"He loves you too, you know. Just tell him, life's too short to keep lying to those you care about. You need to tell them how you really feel because one day they won't be there anymore." Rey looked over at Ben, who dropped his gaze to the floor, fully aware of what she was implying.
"Look, I'm not having this argument with you anymore. I want you to know that I do not support this at all but because I care about you, I won't tell anyone. Maybe you should be more careful next time and you should probably lose the ring." Rey's eyes widened and she covered her hand reflexively.
"I'm sorry you had to find out about this, I truly am but I only hope that one day you can understand."
"Maybe one day, Rey but not today." He ran his hand down her cheek stepped back from her slowly. He gave one quick, threatening glance at Ben and continued down the hall.
Sorry if there were any mistakes, I only proof read once.
Next chapter: Kylo Ren lives