"You're up early," Black Pit looked up from his seated position at his older brother.
The sun had just risen across Delfino Isle's white-sanded beach. Pit squinted at Black Pit.
"I napped too long on the flight. What're you doing up?" Pit asked.
"I slept too long on the flight too," Black Pit had been asleep most of the flight and only woke up at Pit or Mac's provocation. He stood and started walking further out on the beach. Pit followed him.
"Are you going swimming? In those clothes?" Pit took in Black Pit's attire. His sneakers and hoodie were better suited for running than swimming.
Black Pit scoffed. "These are swim trunks you know," he pulled at the fabric on his legs. When he and his brother got to the water's edge they both stopped for a moment and breathed in the air.
Pit rolled up his pant legs and dipped his toes into the water. The sun had yet to heat up the ocean and it was decidedly chilly.
"It's too cold to go swimming now, let's just wait until later, Bla-mph!" A grey hoodie was thrown at his face muffling his speech. Agitated he threw it down to the ground.
"What was that for?!"
"You talk too much," Black Pit's dark wings were a contrast to his pale back. Pit chewed his lip and watched in annoyance as his younger brother waded into the water.
The dark shadow underneath the water's surface kicked, and flipped, rising ever so often for a few breaths of air until sinking back again. Pit watched in jealousy as his brother swam effortlessly through the clear water, the droplets sliding off his dark wings.
Pit threw Black Pit's clothes on the ground and started taking off his shirt. Black Pit arose and saw this.
"Wh-what, are you doing? Pit! You can't just go naked, someone will see!" Black Pit was taken aback.
"Relax, Blapi," Pit kicked off his underwear, and stood proudly. "No one is around."
"Ugh…" Black Pit lowered the bottom half of his face into the water and blew agitated bubbles. Watching the rising sun hit Pit's nude body wasn't exactly the sight he was expecting this morning.
"It's fine, we share the same body, so it's not like you haven't seen this before," Pit wadded into the water.
"That doesn't mean I want to see your naked ass! We have some differences!" Black Pit hissed, swimming farther away as Pit's bare body came closer.
Pit smirked. "I think the only difference is that your hair is a lot darker than mine...So that would mean your pub-Ehh!" Black Pit splashed Pit fiercely.
"Shut up," the doppelganger huffed. Pit giggled.
"Blapi, you're blushing~"
"I said shut up!" Black Pit splashed Pit again. Palutena's soldier sputtered on the salty water and and glared at Black Pit.
"Blapi!" With great motion he threw water back at him.
This started a splashing contest between the two. Pit splashed wildly with little technique, Black Pit scooped large amounts back making small waves. There was no victor, no loser. Pit laughed wildly and was happy to see that Black Pit had cracked a smile.
"Take, this!" Pit stopped his splashing and jumped at his brother. Black Pit spluttered Pit's arms wrapping around him.
"Pit! Gah, no! Your clothes! Your clothes!" Black Pit tried to push Pit off of, but his grip was strong.
"Haha, you're so shy sometimes, Blapi," Pit laughed digging his fingers deeper into Black Pit's shoulders.
"It's not shy if I don't want you touching me," Black Pit tried shoving Pit away again, his effort low.
Pit grinned wider and leaned against the dark angel's shoulders. Black Pit was grumbling something under his breath that Pit couldn't quite understand. Pit studied his brother, watching his slow pedaling legs under the water.
"Hey, where's Nachure's mark on you?" Pit turned Black Pit around to get a better look at Black Pit's torso, leaning him back and forth so the sun hit him at different angles.
"Her mark?"
"Yeah, her mark."
Black Pit slapped Pit's hands off of him. "I don't have one."
Pit gave him a look. "Liar."
"I'm not lying."
"Nachure has way too much pride not to brand her only angel! That had to be the first thing she did when she hired you."
Black Pit turned away from him. "Well, she didn't do that to me. Maybe Eleka or Aron have one, but I sure don-"
"It's on your butt, huh?"
Black Pit's flushed and gave Pit a scathing look. "It is not on my butt!"
Pit clapped his hands. "So you do have one! Where is it?!" Pit stared harder at Black Pit's body. The other boy covered himself.
"It's not on my butt, and that's all that matters." Black Pit started getting out of the water, Pit grabbed his arm.
"It's not on your back like mine, or your stomach, or your legs or arms.. So it has to be," Pit made a motion at Black Pit's lower half, "Somewhere around here."
Black Pit snatched his hand away. "I'm not about to talk about whether or not I let Nachure staple a flower on my ass or not!" He got out of the water and picked his shirt up off the ground. Pit followed after him.
Pit picked up his slightly soggy underwear.
"So it's a flower?"
Black Pit glanced at him in disdain. "No it's not. And I don't want to talk about it anymore." He started back towards the hotel. Pit trotted beside him.
Black Pit's hands were balled up into fists, his walk heavy. Pit furrowed his eyebrows.
It was a dumb reason to be upset, Pit thought. It was dumb when Black Pit had chosen such a path and knew what it would intel.
He was as free as the skies that his wings carried him upon.
But his wings didn't belong to him anymore, he had lost that some time ago.
Pit sighed as they entered the resplendent foray, a receptionist greeting them as soon as they walked in.
Maybe Pit couldn't be sad because that freedom had never belonged to him anyway.
He had always belonged to someone else.
Pit was redressing in more fitting attire for the resort while Black Pit absentmindedly strummed his guitar. Pit fingered the cut-outs in the shirt and frowned. He would try it on before coming to a conclusion.
He pulled it over his head, his wings wiggled, trying to find the tiny holes cut for them. Pit tried harder to get his wings through. The constant friction against the cloth rubbed an unfeathered part the wrong way and he winced.
"Blapi, a little help?"
"Palutena, cut the holes too small. Can you fix it?"
Black Pit put down his guitar and got off the bed, leaving a wet mark on the bed.
"This is why you should do this type of thing by yourself, Pit," Black Pit grabbed a pair of shearing scissors from his bag and took the shirt from Pit's hand.
He stared at the shirt, Palutena had indeed cut them too small. The size was better suited for a cherub, perhaps she had been too excited about vacation. He turned to examine Pit's back.
Pure white, fluffy, wings that had been graced by the light of a Goddess. They were, dare Black Pit think it, beautiful, almost with an inner glimmer lighting them from the inside. Much more attractive than the dull black of his own wings.
On his back, where the wings grew out iridescent swirls of gold and silver were etched down to the middle of his back in a delicate pattern.
Palutena's mark.
In tandem with that was awful raised skin, red and white, twisting.
It looked painful, Black Pit's breath caught in his throat.
He had seen all this before. Old ghosts of the past.
Black Pit looked down, and began cutting the holes larger.
"Here, try this," he handed the shirt back.
The wings, like two eager dogs wrestling in a blanket, twitched underneath the green fabric, finally pushing their way through the cut outs.
"Whoo!" Pit twirled around to face Black Pit. "Thank you!"
"It's whatever," Black Pit went back to his guitar, wrapping his fingers around the neck and placing it against the wall.
He checked his appearance in the mirror making sure his hair and pants were in order before exiting the room and making his way up the stairs towards Mac's room.
Wii Fit was outside his door. She saw Black Pit before he had the chance to walk away.
"Black Pit!" She waved him and he begrudgingly stomped over.
"Hey, Wii Fit…" He crossed his arms and looked her up and down.
She seemed not to notice, or more likely, chose not to.
"Got a date with Mac?" She smiled, doing leg lifts in place.
"N-no. I just wanted to say good morning to him," Black Pit said, then added "What're you doing outside his room?"
Wii Fit could ignore the tone. "You know, me and Mac were doing yoga earlier this morning. And for a guy that works out he's surprisingly inflexible. But I didn't know that until now. So…" Wii Fit trailed off a little a guilty smile on her face.
"So I just wanted him to do Gandha Bherundasana right! And I may have pushed a little too hard…" She sighed and gave Black Pit a worried glance.
"So you fucked his back up."
"I did not-" Wii Fit paused trying to find another word, "mess his back up. At least I hope I didn't. I want to take him to Mario or Luigi so we can check, but he said a shower would be enough."
Black Pit snorted. "So you're standing outside his door like a stalker when he said he didn't need your help."
Black Pit saw it, the flash of ire in her eyes, she turned to point at him before flinching, bringing a finger to her left eye.
"Ow, ow," she murmured.
"What's wrong with you?" Black Pit took a step forward and heard a small crunching noise beneath his sandal.
Wii Fit looked up, tears in her eyes. "No! No you stepped on it! Darn it!"
Black Pit had no idea what she was talking about until she looked him dead in the eye, indignant.
Her left eye wasn't the usual milky disconcerting color he was used to. It was a deep hazel, flecked with silver specks.
How odd.
She was still rubbing her eye, sniffing from whatever irritation she was currently suffering from. Having her vunerable made him look her over with a less critical eye.
She was actually pretty he realized. Ever since that day with Mac at the amusement park he was more willing to notice people's attractive qualities. Sure she was inhumanly pale, but the marble skin tone reflected the lights around it adding a strange refectory color. She wasn't as thin as Lucina, nor as curvy as Palutena, but Black Pit would be lying if he said the lean muscle on her and her perfect posture wasn't nice to look at. He wondered if Mac thought so too.
He said she wasn't his type. But if someone like Black Pit could see her attractive qualities, he knew Mac could.
Wii Fit's voice broke him out of his thoughts.
"You nimrod, be glad I have more of those, otherwise you would have gotten an earful from Mario!" Wii Fit flipped her ponytail and turned away from him, pressing her ear to Mac's door.
"You're really the epitome with creepy with this," Black Pit recovered.
Wii Fit ignored him and tried the door knob. It opened with no resistance.
Black Pit felt blood rush to his head. "Hey, you can't just go in there!" he hissed to her. She turned around and gave him a sure smile.
"You sure~" she said singsong slipping into Mac's room. She must have seen the look in his eyes, because she quickly slammed the door shut as he launched himself at it trying to wrench open the door.
He heard her hysterical giggles and broiled. Was this some type of game to her?
He tried the knob, twisting and pulling it violently, but whatever she was doing on the other side of the door was working.
Black Pit opened his mouth to yell something at her when he it struck him: It was still early, people were sleeping, and he looked like an ass making a scene outside of Mac's room.
Accepting defeat he stepped away from the door, sulky.
He heard Wii Fit's cacophonic giggles, the water turn off, then…
"Shit!" Mac's obscenity bounced off the walls, through the door into the hall. Black Pit had to haphazardly jump out of the way as Wii Fit in a fit of laughter burst forth from the door, running away from a steaming Mac.
"That wasn't funny, Erica!" Mac bellowed down the hall at her retreating figure.
There was steam coming off him in wafts, a sharp masculine scent stung Black Pit's nose. It couldn't be soap...Maybe aftershave? There were bubbles on the back of his neck.
Feeling a different presence, Mac's eyes flicked down, instantly turning the aggravation in his expression, to embarrassment.
"Don't, call me that," Black Pit mumbled, his eyes on Mac's waist, the only clothed part of his body.
"'Pologies, " Mac cleared his throat. "I need to get dressed so…" He attempted to close his door, Black Pit jutted his foot out, stopping it last second.
"You're just gonna close the door on me?" Black Pit raised his gaze to meet Mac's flustered one.
The look in his eyes demanded an answer.. Little Mac shifted uncomfortable his vision darting back and forth checking to make sure no one else was around. He opened his door wider and stepped aside.
"Alright, we're both guys so doesn't matter I guess," he ushered Black Pit in who sat on his bed quietly.
Black Pit kept his gaze steady on a bedside stand which Mac had already made homier. Black Pit took in the older model cell phone, notepad with a to-do list already scribbled on, and a picture of a couple in dress clothes. Black Pit had never asked who the couple was but it didn't take a genius to deduce their relation to Mac.
Mac glanced over at Black Pit to see if he was watching him. The smaller boy's focus was acutely on his bedside table, the shade of his ears betraying the intent of his focus.
Why had he barged in if he was just as embarrassed as Mac? Little Mac had thought Black Pit's ogling in their first few weeks had been humorous, cute even. It was something he had seen him do with the other muscular Smash members, a look of envy on his face.
"Your back okay?"
But now?
If he turned around right now Little Mac wouldn't be able to stop his body's reaction. Hell, even the thought of Black Pit showing interest in his nude form was making it hard for him to get himself into his pants.
Mind outta the gutter, Mac.
"Huh? Oh, yeah. It'll be fine," Mac pulled on one of his tanks.
Mac's phone began to chatter playing a muffled tone of an 80's tune. Black Pit gingerly picked up the vibrating phone about to throw it to Mac when the boxer plopped down beside him, hand out.
His fingers grazed Black Pit's palm and the angel curled his fingers. An odd tingle in the places he touched.
"Doc? Oh yeah, I made it safely." Little Mac eased visibly hearing his coach's voice.
Black Pit paid scant attention to his actual conversation. Paying more attention to how Mac's mouth went up with each smile, his laughter, he caught Black Pit's stare mid-sentence and grinned in a cocksure manner. Black Pit punched his arm.
"Ow! Yeah, what about the fight, Doc? Oh…" his smile vanished, a line appearing between his brows, a scowl growing.
"That? Do I have to do- I'm not really arguin' I just don' wanna, well if you say so; you're the boss, right?" the mocking bitterness was palpable in his tone.
Black Pit raised his eyebrows, what a 180.
Mac noticed the shift in Black Pit expression, reddening and coughed.
"Sorry, I didn' mean to. Huh, Doc? No, I was actually talking to Black Pi-" More blood rushed to Mac's face, "yeah, that one."
The way "That one" was said retrieved the memory that Doc Louis only knew Black Pit from the accident after he and Mac's boxing match and the angel turned just as red as Mac.
"Yeah, we can talk about it later. That's fine, yeah. I'll talk to you tonight, Doc. Lov- yeah you too." He hit end call and handed his cell phone back to Black Pit.
"Put that back for me," Little Mac got up and went back into his restroom.
A loud knock reverberated in the room.
"Let 'em in, Blapi!" Mac shouted from the other room.
Pit's grinning face stood in the doorway.
"Yooo, Blapi! I knew I could find you here. Mario says we're heading down to Bianco Hills so I came to retrieve you two!"
Black Pit jerked his chin. "He's in the bathroom."
Pit stepped into the room and revealed someone much shorter standing behind him. Calling for Mac and heading into the opened washroom. He left the two alone.
"Hello, Black Pit," Rock greeted.
"Hey," Black Pit's tone was flat.
Rockman leaned against the doorway. "You and Wii Fit sure were making a racket earlier. Woke me up."
"So sorry to have interrupted your much needed beauty rest, princess," Black Pit snorted. Rock rolled his eyes.
"Hearing you and Wii Fit's bitch fit over who gets to ride Mac's dick was not how I wanted my morning to go," Rockman was satisfied to see Black Pit's wince.
"I'm sure your sister and father would love knowing you say shit like this," Black Pit retorted. The robot shrugged.
"I'm sure your brother loves knowing you're an asshole."
Black Pit opened his mouth, to say what he did not know, but Pit came dragging out Mac, who was in the process of coming his hair upwards.
"Come on, come on! We'll miss the bus!" Pit grabbed ahold of Black Pit's hand and pulled him along.
"I'm still fixin' my hair, Pit," Mac groused.
Pit finally seemed to take notice of that, he froze.
"I like your hair when it's down. It reminds me of when I first met you."
Mac groaned. "C'mon, it looked terrible back then."
"I thought it looked nice. Really nice," The earnestness in his voice rung. He turned to the other two. "Have you ever seen younger pictures of Mac? I have so-"
"No! Don't show them," Little Mac grunted.
Seeing Mac's reluctance ignited a stronger curiosity in Black Pit than necessite.
"I want to see them," Little Mac swallowed hard at the intense look in Black Pit's eyes.
"How come I never see pictures of you when you were younger, Pit?" Little Mac tried to shift the direction of attention.
"Ehhh, I was really short and kinda stubby back then, but if you want to see them I'd have to ask Palutena…" Pit trailed off for a moment before turning to Black Pit and smiling.
"I'll show you too, Blapi. We can look at all our old pictures together, right Mac?"
Who knew such a sweet smile could hide such malice?
Mac grumbled something like yeah and as they walked out Pit continued his babble.
"I actually miss some of the days back in Brawl. When Tabuu did all that mess it was pretty scary, but I ended up getting closer to everyone a lot faster. When it was all over and Master Hand felt better he introduced all the Assist Trophies and I met Mac that way. We were quick friends."
"He forced me to be his friend," Little Mac corrected, smiling ruefully. Pit waved him off.
"Who do you think put in a good word to Master Hand, huh?"
Rockman tuned out the rest of their conversation. He looked, bored over at Black Pit who was glancing back and forth between Pit and Mac, messing with a piece of his hair.
Rockman raised an eyebrow.
"Boys! Oh boys!" The lilting tone caused their conversation halt. Pit's face lit up into a smile.
"Lady Palutena!" He ran over to her and smashed their bodies together into a hug. Palutena chortled lightly.
"Hello, Pit. Shall I accompany you all to the bus?" She ran a few fingers through Pit's hair. Pit's eyes smile widened.
"Of course! I didn't know you were coming! I thought you were feeling sick," Pit detached himself from the goddess.
"I decided the cool air would do my constitution some good," Black Pit flinched when she walked over to him and affectionately rubbed his head too. He could smell that odd scent she carried. The only way he could describe it was as something that smelled of all things white. Sweet, light, and feminine. He knew that Pit carried that scent too, under his own natural one. No matter how much he showered, what shampoo he used, it was always there underneath the surface. He wondered if it was the natural status of someone bound to his goddess. Black Pit wondered if he smelled anything like Nachure. Maybe he'd ask Pit one day to sniff him and find out.
They had starting heading down the stairs when Palutena clapped loudly.
"Oh! Ganondorf said he would participate in our field trip today."
The whole group let out a collective groan.
"Lady Palutena please!"
"I don't know what crazy you're thinking."
"Don' think anyone would want him to…"
"I'd rather hang with Dr. Wily!"
But Palutena has already marched herself back up the stairs, sundress trailing behind her. The group waited diligently expecting her to come back empty handed. To their shock she came back down the stairs, Ganondorf in tow.
"Lady, Palutena," Pit's throat was dry. The Gerudo King looked in his direction and Pit swallowed.
Palutena smiled sweetly. "Now, shall we be off?"
Luigi looked at the large group, clipboard in hand. They were near the entrance of Bianco Hills and he was explaining the rules to everyone about what could, and could not be done while in the village. Beside him Mario was talking to the mayor.
"So, Petey isn't around at the moment?" Luigi heard Mario inquire.
The fussy old mayor smoothed his moustache and shook his head. "We haven't seen Petey in weeks, not that I can say I'm sorry for it. As good as the old bird is with the kids, he always makes a mess when he's in town."
Mario nodded. Petey was a nice guy when he wasn't scheming.
"Well, that's-a relief to hear. I don't know if I-a could take the sort of excitement Petey brings right now."
Luigi didn't think he could either. He heard Captain Falcon clear his throat and realized he hadn't finished his speech.
He coughed. "That's all. Just remember to be respectful to customs and to be back by 6:00 pm so we can take the bus back."
Kamui raised her hand.
"How come we can't just use a warp pipe like you and Mario do?"
Koopa let out a low chuckle and Peach giggled in a way that made Kamui blush.
Luigi smiled wanly. "Trust me, if you can help it you don't wanna go through the warp pipes, for foreigners it's like, how did that one guy describe it, bro?"
Mario waved his hand, conjuring the memory. "Like-a having his guts shoot into his shoes."
A large portion of the group shuddered, Luigi simply continued.
"So like I said: 6:00 pm so we don't miss the bus."
The large group began to disperse in pairs chatting away at near future plans. Wii Fit bounded up to Mac.
"Mac! You promised earlier. Let's go water skating," she gripped his hand.
"I know, I know," he pulled his hands away and she pouted a little. He gave her a grin.
"Okay, okay, lead the way."
Before he and Wii Fit could separate from the group Mac felt someone cling to his back. He turned his head to look into round blue eyes.
"Mac~ Come see the windmill with us!" Pit smiled. Little Mac attempted to peel Pit off of him to no avail.
"Can't, promised Wii fit I'd go water skating."
Was that mischief in Pit's eyes as he hugged Mac tighter. Wii Fit gave a little cough and Mac's ears darkened.
"Then, after?" Pit squeezed him tighter, Mac gripped Pit's arms and applied pressure, getting deep into the muscle.
Pit squeaked and let go, Mac snorted.
"I think I'll be too tired to do much else after learning how to water skate. I'll see you and Black Pit back at the meet up time," he looked over Pit's shoulder and nodded at the other angel. Black Pit gave him an odd smile and returned the nod. When he met Pit's gaze again he regretted it.
"Come to me and Blapi's room later and we can share those pictures."
So that's what this was about.
"Yeah, sure," Little Mac lied. Wii Fit tugged on his arm, and he let her lead him off towards the lake.
Pit walked back over.
"Well, we lost one, but that's okay! Lady Palutena! Ready to go see the Windmill?"
"Sorry, Pit. Sir Ganondorf and I are going to take a walk around the hills," Black Pit could practically hear Pit's heart shattering as Palutena delivered her answer with a beam.
"But, Lady Palutena, I wanted to spend time with yo-"
"I had no idea angels spoke back to their gods," a voice deep as a canyon rumbled out. The weight of each word felt like a heavy boulder hitting the ears, the poorly contained power oppressing the listeners.
It was rare when Ganondorf spoke. Black Pit felt the back of his neck perspiring just from that one sentence. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Link and Zelda look back warily. Pit who was the victim of his verbalization was pale as a specter. Even Rockman was having a difficult time holding it together.
Palutena however, seemed not bothered at all.
"Ganondorf!" She lightly swatted the larger man (causing the boys to cringe) "You're scaring them!"
Ganondorf's mouth twisted in a wretched smile. "I would not have spoken if I knew my voice aroused such distress."
With a flick of his cape he turned away from them and began walking away. Palutena's smile was queer.
"He is, I apologize," Black Pit thought he saw a flicker of sadness in her eyes.
"I shall speak to you all later," she gave Pit an extra special smile, "Until sunset, Pit," she turned to follow after the desert royalty.
"You okay, Pit?" Rockman's eyebrows furrowed.
Pit nodded weakly. "Yeah, I just, don't know why she'd want to spend time with him over me…"
"Maybe the rumors are true. Maybe they're screwing," Black Pit wasn't trying to be rude, but the look both of them shot him told him his words were not appreciated.
"Palutena would never!" Pit's voice was as thin as thread.
Black Pit kicked at the ground a bit. "Not like it would be the end of the world if they were."
Pit's face said it would very much be the end of the world if he found out his goddess was shagging the literal embodiment of evil.
Black Pit didn't have time to comfort before he was hip checked by someone. He looked into Samus' twinkling eyes.
"What's up, Black Pit?"
Black Pit mumbled something incoherent and looked away. He had no idea why she was being friendly and even if he wanted to spew acid at her the memory of Little Mac happily jogging next to Samus clogged his throat.
Rockman perked at Samus's appearance. "Hey, Sam."
"Hey, Rocky. You ready to go find treasures at the bottom of this lake?"
"Uh well," The robot looked at Pit. Pit sighed and waved him away.
"Go have fun."
"Whoo! Thanks Pit!" Rockman took Samus' hand and went off to go search the lake.
That just left…
Black Pit scratched his head. Pit gave him a sorry-for-himself smile.
"Guess we were ditched."
"Correction: You were ditched."
"I don't see Mac or Lucina at your side. So we were ditched."
Black Pit frowned. "I didn't want to hang out with them anyway."
Pit shrugged. "Okay. Shall we go off to the Windmill."
"I don't have anything else to do I guess."
For some reason it was closed off, the main rotating seats that led you up to the top of the Windmill. An officer stopped the young boys before they could get on.
"Sorry kiddos!" He trumpeted. "We can't have anyone going up here."
Pit's eyebrows went up. "Why? Was there an accident or is something broken?"
The officer scratched under his lip. "Well, I'm not allowed to say. Just can't let you up there."
Pit looked thoroughly disappointed but quirked a smile in an attempt to hide it.
"Oh well," he turned to Black Pit. "Maybe we should try to catch up with some of the others?"
Black Pit crossed his arms. "But you wanted to see the windmill, right?"
"Yes, but we can't so let's do something else fun."
Black Pit looked from the officer to Pit and shut his eyes for a moment.
Black Pit inhaled quickly not allowing himself to think. He twisted his body towards the officer, taking a deep stance.
The officer raised an eyebrow at him. "Look're kiddo uahc-" Black Pit's foot hit him in the soft area between his shoulder and head.
"Blapi!" Pit gasped as the middle-aged crumbled to the ground.
Black Pit smirked. "He'll get up in a couple minutes. Let's go!"
"But, he said we shouldn't…"
Black Pit frowned. "Some idiot probably just spilled a couple of chemicals near the entrance. Let's just go."
Pit relented and climbed up on the moving wheel alongside his brother.
Black Pit watched the ground get farther, and farther away as they rose higher. He heard Pit fiddle with his phone and snicker. Black Pit leaned over to see what he was laughing at.
Little Mac had sent him a photo of Villager holding onto the reins of a water ski. His eyes wide and his short soaked.
"Hey!" Pit curled away and winked. "What? Jealous Mac is texting me instead of you?"
Black Pit growled. "No. just wanted to see why you had such a stupid grin on your face. Besides," Black Pit's voice got quiet. "I don't have Mac's phone number anyways..."
Pit blinked.
"Gimmie your phone. I'll put his number in it." Pit held his hand out expectantly. Black Pit fidgeted.
"If he didn't give it to me then it probably means he doesn't want me to have it."
Pit rolled his eyes. "What does it matter? I'll just say I gave it to you and he might get a little mad, but it'll be okay. He likes you."
He knew that Pit was speaking platonically, but for some reason his words caused a small puff of fire to ignite in his chest, coloring everything above.
"Here," he dropped his cell phone into Pit's hands.
Black Pit looked away then remembered something.
"Oh, let me unlock my phone fo-"
"It's okay, Blapi. I already unlocked it, we share the same password," indeed Pit was already in his contacts.
"Wha?" Black Pit was thrown off.
"It's a good password! I just guessed you'd use it too," Pit held up his phone to properly check he was putting in Mac's number.
Black Pit leaned over and watched him, a little miffed.
He felt embarrassed seeing his measly 5 contacts. Pit, Palutena, Lucina, Aron and Nachure. He sneaked a look at Pit's and was shocked to see 25.
25? How? Why could he possibly need that many contacts? He quickly read through a few.
Palutena (Obvious) himself (also obvious) then his friends like Rockman and Little Mac. Mario? Okay that made sense, Mario was the man in charge when Master Hand wasn't. Luigi, that also made sense. Lucina? Why would he have her number? They weren't friends. Olimar? Freaking Kirby? What the heck?
"There!" Pit's screen darkened as he handed Black Pit back his phone, Mac's number and name newly put in.
"Thanks," Black Pit mumbled. He stared at his screen for sometime until Pit pointed at the empty boxy near Mac's number.
"You should put a picture so his faces pops up when you call."
Pit showed Black Pit his phone, in Mac's contact was his name, number, and a picture of the boxer giving a wonky smile, obviously caught off guard in the middle of training.
"Like I said, you should put his picture in the contact. I can send you the one I have if you like. And um," Pit looked away. "I could also send you some pictures of me, I noticed my photo was blank too."
Oh, that was what he was talking about. Black Pit had never thought of decorating his contacts before, he stared blankly at the gray anonymous pictures near his friends and co-workers names.
"Do you have pictures of everyone in your contact?" He asked his older brother.
"Of course!" Pit chirped.
"...Even, me?"
Pit nodded and showed Black Pit his contact.
Blapi~ his accursed nickname, with a tilde no less. Black Pit thought the picture of himself would be a cropped version from a photo he had taken into with a group. But it was a picture Black Pit had no familiarity with.
He was sitting on a bed, (his he presumed) the sun was setting had lit the whole scene in amber. He was holding his guitar, strumming it, his eyes closed, lips tilted upward.
"H-how did you get this?" Black Pit sputtered out. Pit smiled guilty.
"Hehe, when you first moved into the Smash house, I saw you like that and couldn't really help myself." Pit prepared to call upon Palutena's powers if Black Pit decided he'd shove him off the pinwheel as revenge for the unknown photo.
Instead Black Pit tapped his lower lip, thoughtful.
"It's a good picture of you, right?"
Black Pit turned to him, his expression sharp, but his eyes soft. "Don't think I'll let you get away with it again."
The wheel stopped at the top.
Pit jumped off and stretched. "Ahhh, it's so big. It smells like the earth."
Black Pit walked further into the windmill. It was slightly musty and more than a little damp. Random plants decorated the wall. A quiet sound like breathing permeated the air.
"Blapi!" Pit said in a barely whisper. He motioned him over closer to a steep drop, cogs and table covering it.
Black Pit cautiously stepped over and was just as shocked at what he saw as Pit.
Sleeping, snoring softly was Petey Piranha.
"This is probably why it was closed off," Black Pit mumbled.
Pit was tight lipped. "We should go back. Petey is not my favourite person."
Black Pit snorted. "What I've seen from him, he's pretty useless."
"He is until someone convinces him not to be," Pit shook his head. "We shouldn't risk waking him. He'll throw up all over the village if we wake him."
Black Pit shivered.
"Alright, let's go back."
That had been the plan, was supposed to be the plan, but the snot bubble that Petey's breath was sustaining popped. It popped loudly.
"Oh shit…"
Petey yawned loudly and slowly sat up. Black Pit was tugging on Pit to hurry out, but Pit's feet were planted.
Petey scratched his belly and turned his head in their direction.
Piranha plants were unsettling. So unsettling, was what Black Pit thought when the giant plant let out an almighty roar. Flecks of saliva hit the angel's faces.
"Hi...Petey," Pit stuttered out. A large purple shot came from beside Pit and hit Petey square in the jaw.
"Blapi!" Pit squealed, his younger brother's staff was smoking, but starting to glow once more as he loaded another shot.
"He's not gonna just let us leave," Black Pit said calmly as he fired another shot at the beast.
Petey let out a loud painful scream and shook off the hit. He clumsily got to his feet and lunged at the two.
Both angels swiftly hopped out of the way. Black Pit shot again.
"Where did you even get that!" Pit hissed watching Black Pit calmly dodge as Petey spewed goop at him.
"I make sure I keep my weapons on hand, Pit." Another shot.
"But, but, we aren't supposed to have-" Petey's eye was caught by Pit's immobility, swinging his arms forcefully sending dozens of small tornadoes his direction.
"Nice try!" Pit's orbititors sent the tornadoes back at a speed that caught Petey off guard. The wind causing him to lose balance and smash into a few gears. The windmill groaned painfully.
Black Pit smirked. "What was that, Mr. 'We Aren't Supposed To Have Weapons'?"
Pit smiled. "Palutena made me bring a few. That's the ooonly reason why." Pit shook his arms loose and got himself in a battle stance.
"These are the only ones I have on my right now, so I'll be defense," Pit said.
"Sure, just don't get in my way!" Black Pit kicked himself off, rushing towards the recovering piranha plant.
Petey was not sure if his earlier strategy of "Spit and swing" would work on these two. With no care for the structure Petey ripped out a large piece of wood from the wall and swung erratically at Black Pit.
There was no time to dodge. His momentum carrying him he slid underneath the attack and got another shot in. Petey flinched as his stomach was hit and brought down the board like a club.
Black Pit rolled out of the way but his left wing didn't escape from the assault. The splitery board smashed the edge of his wing. Black Pit hissed at the cracking sound. He didn't want to see what his wing looked like.
"Blapi!" Pit dashed over to him, tossing an orbiter to protect him from Petey's next swing. Though it saved him from further damage, the reverberation of the attack rang throughout Black Pit's body causing him to spasm.
Petey prepared to swing again but Pit shot at his leafy hand, the pain caused Petey to drop his weapon, crying.
"Here!" Black Pit sent back the Orbitor and Pit blocked the Goop storm Petey upchucked at him.
"Are you okay, Blapi?" Pit watched his clone struggle up, grasping his shoulder.
"I'm fine!" Black Pit spat back. He sent a shot at Petey's face, before the plant could retaliate he sent another at his verdant hand. The heat from it setting the leaf on fire.
"Blapi…" Pit flinched when without hesitation Black Pit shot his other hand, lighting that one. Petey flailing and crying in pain tried to headbutt Black Pit, his arms now lost.
Black Pit sidestepped the clumsy attack and shot Petey point blank in the side of the head, the impact ricochetted the piranha plant's head into the wall, and a few of the working mechanics.
"Stupid plant broke my wing," Pit heard Black Pit mumbled.
Though Petey looked beated he wailed from his inconvenient spot and reared himself up. Before Black Pit could take aim once more Petey regurgitated a stream of melting hot goop.
Black Pit had never drowned before, but the goop immediately lessened his breathing and hearing, he could hear Pit's muted scream as he stuck to the floor, desperately trying to get out.
"This is because you're always so reckless!" Pit cried running over to his sticky brother. Petey was preparing for another take and Pit pushed his orbiters out as defense. He heard the sickening noise of the goop hitting as he pulled his brother out, Black Pit looked disoriented pushing himself out, using Pit for help.
Pit's orbiters gave out, Petey's headbutt doing so. He rose up and smiled at the two boys, his teeth dripping.
"Urghouh!" He screamed at them.
"Oh bother!" Pit pulled Black Pit out completely and searched desperately for something to fight with.
"My staff," Black Pit groaned, struggling towards the weapon, halfway submerged in goo. Petey's mouth was filling for another attack.
It was in his sight, if he just pushed his legs a little more, he could make it.
"Hold on, Blapi!" Pit shot past Black Pit and dived for the staff. As his fingers gripped around it a terrible headache pounded into his head.
A sounding echo crashed into Pit's head. His fingers loosened on the weapon.
Pit shot just as Petey spewed. Pit hit him in the bottom of his jaw, shooting it up. The hot liquid slipped back down his throat, choking him.
Petey fell backwards. Pit shot his bulging navel and Petey cried out, his pitch hurting Pit's ears.
Pit shot again, and Petey fell unconscious.
With shaky legs Pit dropped the whispering weapon. He felt a grip on his shoulders.
"You, you couldn't even let me have this much, huh?" Black Pit's eyes glared underneath his hair and the goo.
"What're you talking about, Blapi? I just-"
"You just couldn't let me have it!" Black Pit growled. He wiped some goop from his face and spat.
He picked up his weapon and walked over to Petey.
His weapon glowed as he charged…
"What are you doing, Blapi!" Pit grabbed his hand and brought it down.
Black Pit scoffed. "What does it look like I'm doing? What we've done isn't nearly enough damage."
Pit shook his head. "No, Blapi, he's already down. We shouldn't do more."
Black Pit clicked his tongue. "Always the goodie goodie, huh?"
Pit frowned. "That has nothing to do with this."
Black Pit shook him off. "I, with Aron, I worked hard. So why?"
Pit swallowed.
"Am I really just that shittier than you?" Black Pit thrust out his weapon. "Here, take it before I do anymore damage."
Pit flinched as Black Pit's weapon poked at his arm. It was an accident, but when he saw Black Pit's hurt expression, he knew the damage was already done.
"Fuck," Black Pit dropped his staff. "Your thoughts aren't all rainbows and gumdrops either, goddess shit."
Pit, ashamed tried approaching. "I know we both get on each other's nerves sometimes, but-"
"Keep your hands off me, you defective angel," Black Pit hissed. Pit's eyes turned glossy.
"Just because I can't fly doesn't mean I'-"
"Then what does it mean, huh, Pit?!" Black Pit's hands were balled up into fists. "What angel can't even fly?!"
"You can't either!" Pit yelled back. Other words, hurtful words, swarmed in his head, Pit breathed deeply.
"And whose fault is that?" Black Pit turned away and sniffed.
"Blapi," Pit wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Black Pit's stomach broiled. He looked into Pit's eyes, his expression was neutral, perhaps slightly friendly. The look you gave an angry person when you didn't want them to hurt you or themselves.
But Black Pit wasn't some abusive husband and Pit wasn't his wife. So why? Why that look?
It felt more like pity than anything else.
Black Pit smacked him across the face.
There it was, the lit fire that burned compassion away. Pit rushed at him and Black Pit retaliated with a punch to the face. Pit hadn't expected it. He thought this would be a tussle. Black Pit kicked Pit in the stomach and the brunette fell on his butt. He stood over him, stepping on his fingers. Pit winced.
Pit inhaled sharply and pulled his fingers from underneath and stood tall. Black Pit grabbed Pit by the collar, Pit mimicked his action.
"What's the matter, too much of a good person to strike back?"
Pit shook his head. "You're hurt, and I've already won."
Black Pit gripped his shirt harder. "You, piece of-"
"You're hurt, I'm hurt, let's get out of her-" Pit's head went left from Black Pit's slap. This time Pit slapped back.
Black Pit licked the blood from his freshly cut lip. He felt a malicious excitement tingle in his heart. Pit punched him. Black Pit staggered backwards. Regaining balance, Black Pit charged at Pit knocking their heads together, Pit, pushed back with gritted teeth.
"Always a fight with you," Pit huffed.
Black pit chuckled darkly. "Don't you get bored having your hands idle?"
Pit grimaced. "Not everything is fighting! You can't spend your whole li-" he shoved Black Pit away. Black Pit fell backwards, his elbows hitting the wood hard.
"Hah! Couldn't handle the-" Black Pit's eyes widened, taking in the red. Blemishing Pit's shirt, turning the green color a sickening brown. He heard Petey's grotesque laughter, the thorn puncturing Pit's side protruding from his body.
Black Pit shot him, once, twice, thrice, he shot him more than was necessary to drive the plant back into unconsciousness.
Oh, Pit. I didn't mean it.
He rushed over to his brother's side.
You know I just talk.
He ripped the fabric from his sleeve and wrapped Pit's still bleeding side.
Idiot, you should have let me shoot him again.
His fingers fumbled on his phone screen. Then it dawned on him that Delfino's emergency number was different than the one back home. Pit wheezed.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
He wrapped Pit's arm around his shoulder and forced him to stand.
If you die then.
No, selfish thoughts go away.
Then I'll…
Black Pit felt disgusted by himself.
He began their walk out.
Hi! It's really great to be back. This chapter was hard to write because I had a lot of differing feelings on what I wanted, but in the end I thought it was best to show more of Black Pit and Pit's relationship. Don't worry, next chapter will have way more Mac and I'm excited to write it. I feel bad it took me so long, but I am planning to update more regularly starting here.