A/N: Well this is "The Chapter" if you get my meaning. I mean what chapter better than chapter 42, the meaning of life, the universe, everything, to write this chapter? If you still don't get it you'll figure it out when I warn for suggestive themes in this chapter and why this story is rated T. This is also a very short chapter just cause...

The answer to the riddle was fire and someone signed in as a Guest got it so woohoo!

New Riddle:

I was abandoned by my mother and father.

I wasn't yet breathing.

A kind woman covered me with clothes,

Kept me and looked after me,

Cuddled me as close as if I had been her own child.

Under that covering I grew and grew.

I was unkind to my adopted brothers and sisters.

This lovely woman fed me

Until I was big enough to set out on my own.

She had fewer of her own dear sons and daughters because she did so.

What am I?

42: The Chapter...

It took me longer than I expected to find Aniu. I set out following her scent across the ice and into the forest but after passing just a little ways into the trees, her scent began to fade. I snorted in frustration and began to worry when I couldn't determine which direction in which she had gone. I hoped it was just her own precaution to sway and confuse pursuers but even I, with a wolf trained nose was unable to trace her.

I decided to choose the most likely path and one that smelled slightly stronger and more promising and try it. My worry began eating me from the inside out until I told myself to breathe and relax. She was probably just out hunting, or farther into the tree line, thats all. If I couldn't find her now, I could go back to the open plain and wait there for her to return. But I couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong.

I continued on my selected path for several hours, praying to the spirits I would come across any small trace of my mate, and before I knew it, the sun had reached its zenith and started to descend. My hope was dwindling ever smaller as time moved on unstoppably and I still found nothing.

I was just about to give up and retreat back to the boat when a scent hit my nose. It was Aniu! Undoubtedly. And she was close too. I turned in her direction and all out sprinted, relief and apprehension battling in my mind. 'At last, I found her! But what if she's hurt?'

I thought over and over again.

My headlong dash brought me into a small clearing with a pond and stream leading into it. Aniu stood before the pond, her back to me, calmly drinking the sparkling water. "It took you long enough to find me. I've killed three hares and a goose and already eaten my share. The carcasses are over there if you wish." She pointed out the meal with a flick of her snout and went back to drinking.

But I didn't pay any attention to the food, My eyes were locked on her and my body rushed forward, seemingly of it's own accord, and suddenly I was nuzzling Aniu. She made a noise of surprise, but eagerly returned my affections. "You had me so worried!" The words rushed out of my mouth and I couldn't stop them. "You've come so far from the ship and when I lost your scent early on I feared the worst. How could you do that to me?" I didn't want to sound angry, and I don't think I did, but the hurt in my voice was enough to make her look at me.

"I'm sorry I worried you but I thought it was necessary in case the dogs followed me despite your efforts. After all, would you rather I get found by hunters or cause you a bit of concern for a few hours?" She answered me, a slight smirk on her muzzle. I could hardly argue with that argument but I muttered about how it was more than a 'little concern' but at her look I quickly shut up.

I sat next to her and took a sip of the crystal clear water before us. It was refreshingly cold and delicious. I smacked my lips appreciatively and glanced at Aniu, but she seemed deep in thought, a slight frown tugging at the corners of her mouth. I nudged her playfully but she didn't respond. I tried again and received the same result. I tried to meet her eyes but she avoided it and looked down. I remembered my observation of her I made the previous day and decided to pursue it.

"Darling." I began, in order to get her attention. "You've seemed distracted and upset recently. Is there something bothering you, because you know I'd do everything to help you and you can tell me anything, right?" I punctuated my words with a lick to her nose and she smiled slightly before sighing heavily.

"I suppose there is something weighing on my mind. I can't shake the feeling that we will never see our home again. That this is it. Our fate is tied to this place, Love, I can feel it. I can't explain, but I just know it. I feel a great sorrow coming but the opportunity for greatness as well. And somehow you and I are pivotal to it. These events are not imminent and I don't even think they are in our future, but rather the future of..."

She broke of, unwilling to finish but I knew what she was going to say. "Our children." I finished for her. She looked up at me with soft golden eyes, and swallowed hard. In the fading light of the setting sun, it was difficult to tell if she was crying. I leaned over to kiss her and she met me in the middle.

Time seemed to slow down for me and I became lost in the feeling of her fur and body beneath it. I know the pack would look down upon what happened next, especially since we weren't even announced official mates yet, but if it wasn't after that, I didn't know what could possibly make it more "official."

A/N: ;)