Chapter 1: Rollin' with the Bunches

Sometimes life could be pretty mundane.

Wake up.

Shower, get dressed and eat breakfast. It was a routine that was comfortable, normal, and boring.

When had he, Rafael Barba, become boring? He was an Assistant District Attorney for New York and knew the ins and outs of the law. People fawned over his company. Well, by day anyway; yet when the evening lights came…. he found that his walks home was particularly lonesome and seemed to almost drag.

He needed a change or at least from the norm to bring up his own sense of being. He remembered the slight pain in his heart after confirming with Olivia, his one closest friend since he took over SVU, her relationship with Tucker. It was a blow to a man who seemed to not be trustworthy enough for such a secret.

The man was feeling dejected and almost disappointed in his most recent losses in court; it was as if he had lost his edge.

These thoughts carried him out of his loft on the Upper West Side and on his travel to work.

Stopping by his regular coffee cart, the Hispanic attorney could barely get the lid on before it was pushed onto him by a woman behind him. She had impatiently pushed him through and made him narrow his eyes. It seemed it was just the beginning of one of those days.

The sun in the sky was unbearably bright, the rays shining and giving most passerby the happy disposition of a beautiful day: despite the loud blaring noises of sirens, tourists who huddled in groups no less than 4 in an already crowded sidewalk making residents walk in streets and the now developing stain on his shirt (having forgotten to button his jacket).

A scowl clearly present on his face that made any passerby almost weary of the man as his leather clad feet carried him up the steps to the District Attorney's office. The echoes of clacking heels against pristine tiles as his shuffled to pull his badge from the confines of his jacket to the security officer who blinked.

"Good morning Mr. Barba."

"Yeah? And what's so fantas-yes. Good morning Lewis." His temper nearly got the better of him, holding back his tongue as he passed through the staff entrance and bypassing the detector per usual.

It was evident to his colleagues there was a lot of thoughts running through his intelligent mind that would not be easily deterred by a small greeting or passing smile in "hello". His mind, so muddled as it was conflicted, caused him to nearly crashed into John Munch who had to place his hands onto his shoulders to stop said collision.

"Barba. You look like you're a man on a mission."

"John? What're you doing here?" The younger's expression now contorting into one of confusion since the retired SVU Detective never dropped unexpectedly.

It had to be important so he held up his hand before Munch could continue and led them towards his office, advising his assistant he was not to be disturbed. "Have a seat." He commented as he dropped his bag into his chair, trailing to the close that held his spare clothing. Before the man could get a word in edgewise, Rafael was quickly switching from the stained blouse to a newly pressed one and leaning his hip in front of the bright mahogany desk.

"What do I owe the visit?"

John began with his hands behind his back, turning to face Barba. "Well I came— "

"…. Is everything alright at SVU?" The ADA continued, tilting his head and trying to be one step ahead of the game.

The other continued with a raised eyebrow, "I don't know, I would assume-"

"Because Olivia hasn't sent any word to me yet…. unless it's waiting for me." An expression of panic flitted across him as he was about to turn to reach for the papers on his desk to feel the soft flesh of the elder's hand to stop him.

Light brown eyes turned their attention back curiously. Munch shook his head and let out a chuckle, "You're always rushing Barba, you aren't going to catch the train like that but fall right into it."

"I'm not much for your metaphors John."

"Then relax. I came to say hello and see how you were. Then I see you practically running like a bat out of hell with a stained shirt that looked like…. okay I won't tell you what it looked like." He cleared his throat at the dangerous glare he received in return. John Munch was not anything if not a talker and often provided anecdotes whether requested or not.

The ADA's arms pulled back from the grasp if only to cross over his chest, ankles crossing as he continued to lean against his desk in a skeptical manner and his voice reflecting the sentiment. A retired SVU detective randomly coming to visit him? Why? It was not that he was unaware of who the other was to reject his presence but it was questionable. They were not particularly close to warrant a visit; what were the motives of the other man and was he to be concerned. Not safety wise, but sanity considering he was already at his wits end with the day to even have the energy to listen to his stories.

"I can't say I believe that in the slightest."

"Aw Barba, I'm hurt. Not even with my amazing poker face?" Munch's eyebrows raised as if in disbelief before waving a hand when Rafael's only retorted back with a less than amused look in his eyes. "Alright, alright. I'll tell you, but you have to take a seat cause it's a doozy."

Much to his own surprise, the Latino's body was cooperating faster than his mouth to come up with a witty retort before finding himself situated in his chair. "What is it? I am in no mood for unnecessary pleasantries today John."

"You know Counsellor, I'm going to talk about the weather and explain how beautiful the birds are when the flowers are in bloom-"

"You should find yourself lucky we are not in court or I would request you be held in contempt for being obnoxious."

John could only chuckle in mirth to hitting a nerve with the impatient ADA before stepping forward and planting his hands onto the desk before him, leaning over into the personal space. It was a maneuver often used on suspects back in the day. "There's a case that Fin's working on that's strictly on the down-low, not even Olivia is aware of it. It requires a Spanish speaker with etiquette and social skills greater than a local junkie to infiltrate a gay-smuggling ring."

"Wait, wait…. what?"

"He has found evidence with the help of the new Sergeant, Mike Dodds, that there is a local social elite club that is pulling abandoned boys from the streets and pimping them out as rent boys."

"Okay, what does this have to do with me?"

The smile on John's face was pulled back so firmly before contorting back into one of a serious nature, "The boys all come from a Latin country like Guatemala, Honduras, and refuse to speak to anyone they do not believe to be a "sugar daddy". They have been so brainwashed to only trust the men who hurt them, they won't speak to the police." He stood straight and cleared his throat. "Since Nick went after Zara and his son to California…. you were the next Spanish speaking man we could think of to infiltrate this ring."

The ADA put his hands out and shook his head promptly. "I am NOT qualified for field work and don't have the means- I mean! Why would you think I'd agree to this? It falls under a lot of illegal activities and-"

"We got the request for undercover work approved, we just need you."

"This is insane! You do understand that right? And why would they ask you to ask me instead of asking themselves?"

"Because I don't work for you so you don't have the disposition to say no to an old friend do you Barba?" A smirk contorted onto Munch's face that was one of the Cheshire cat eating the mouse and enjoying it. When it looked like Rafael was seriously considering everything for a moment, he looked almost pleadingly. "Please Barba. We can't turn to anyone else…. they wouldn't understand the trauma these boys go through. You can take a leave of absence or something, we're good at covering tracks."

"Yes I know. Do now and ask forgiveness later." A soft sigh escaping the Latino's lips, a hand moving to rub at his temple and forehead at the ludicrous idea. He knew from earlier it would be insane but is this not what he wished for? A slow blink of his eyes as if processing for the first time what he was about to undertake. Him, going undercover, in a social lion's den to find the ringleader of a gay sex trafficking ring? It would definitely give him a sense of satisfaction again that had been wavering for such a long time.

Munch took the silence as a bad thing, after all, the charismatic ADA was not anything if not equally talkative or at least argumentative. "Barba?" He chanced speaking after what seemed another hour go by when in actuality was only 3 minutes.

It would be nice to make a difference and not envy the work done by the detectives of the SVU unit and contribute wholly. His hazel irises peeked over to John and nodded, "Alright. I'll do it."

To be continued….