AN - I don't own Harry Potter.

I had Noob spy on Dursley household and to get an idea of Harry's schedule. I wanted to meet him somewhere and wanted to be the one to tell him that he is a wizard. I was told that he is going to a park nearby most evenings. One of those evenings I staged a little drama to meet Harry. I got Patrick, my new driver to drive me to the park. And the car will have trouble near the park. While Patrick is fixing the car I will be going to the park.

Harry was sitting on a swing at the secluded corner of the park. That is the usual place he stays. We already had that area covered with a muggle repelling charm.

"Do you mind if I take the other one ?" I asked him pointing the swing next to him.

"yes." He replied and eyes widening.

"Thank you. I am Matthew Craig. Nice to meet you." I said offering my hand.

"nice to meet you too. I am Harry Potter." He said offering his own hand.

"The Harry Potter ? it's really great to meet you." I said with some fake enthusiasm. He became a little uncomfortable.

"Uhh. I am sorry do I know you ?" he asked confused.

"No I suppose not. But I know you. I mean everybody knows you. You are the Boy Who Lived."

"I am sorry what ? I think you have mistaken me for someone."

Now its my time to act confused.

"Wait. You are harry potter right ? son of James and Lily potter ?"

"Yes I am. But what's boy who lived ? how does everyone know me ?"

"Oh my God. You don't know. No one told you ?" I asked with fake surprise.

"Don't know what ?" harry poor guy is so confused.

"You are a Wizard Harry. And so am I."

Harry looked at me like I have two heads.

"Dudley sent you right. He must have."

"I have no idea who Dudley is but I am not joking Harry. Did anything strange happen? Something you can't explain when you are angry, sad or scared?"

He started to think and I could see him remembering such incidents.

"you have right ? Those are called accidental magic. Every young wizard or a witch has them. That's why we need to learn how to control them. Look I can prove you."

I removed my locket and expanded it to become my trunk.

"This is a multi-compartment trunk with a shrinking charm. Now you believe me?"

He was looking at the trunk without a blink.

"Maybe I am not the best person to explain. Who are you living with ?"

"My aunt."

"That is your mother's sister right? So she definitely knows because your mother went to Hogwarts. That is the magical school your mother and father went to. I am also a student. You should receive an invitation letter soon if you haven't already."

"You know about my parents?" his voice with full of hope and eyes watered just broke my heart.

"I know stories. My aunt was a friend of your parent I think. I saw some photos with your parents."

"You have my parent's photos?" he was so excited which kind of confused me.

"I have seen them yes."

"Can you please give me one? I don't have any photos of them."

And that really baffled me.

"Your aunt doesn't have any photos?"

"She said no."

"Ok. I will find you some photos. What are you going to do? Are you going to ask your aunt?"

"I don't know. She wouldn't tell me anything even if I asked."

"Ok but what will you do when the Hogwarts letter comes?"

"They will not let me go."

"Do you want to go ?" I asked.


"Ok then I will explain to your family. I am sure I can convince them."

It was bit difficult to convince Harry but he agreed. I can't change a lot of things. Some things need to happen. I can't completely remove harry from private drive because then he will lose the protection his mother died for. What I can do is scare the shit out of Dursleys so that they will treat Harry better. When Noob told me about the cupboard under the stairs, I wanted to kill the bloody muggles.

Patrick came to talk to Dursleys with us. I am after all a kid. Patrick is an adult. He made sure to let them know that we will be watching. He practically ordered to give a proper room to Harry and threatened with Child protective services and police if things don't change. The threats layered with 'Confundus' charm got the job done. His room was changed to a bedroom upstairs right away.

"Harry I need to go now. Will you be ok ?" I asked as things were sorted out as best as it can be.

"Thank you Matthew. I am not sure how to thank you for everything."

"Do not worry about it. I will be back tomorrow morning around 10 to pick you up. Then I will take you to Wizarding Shopping alley."

Harry looked down and I could see he is disappointed and embarrassed.

"What's wrong? You don't want to?"

"No I do but…." He was struggling to say what's on his mind but I realized he is worried about money.

"If it's money you are worrying about, don't. I have enough money for whatever you need."

"I cant accept.." Harry started to reject my offer.

"Of Course you can. We are after all family." I said with a grin.

"Family ?" he asked.

"well we are very distantly related by marriage. One witch from my line married a great uncle of yours I think. I am not exactly sure. Anyway you are a Potter. They are a very wealthy family. I am sure they have left you a trust vault. We can check it tomorrow at Gringotts bank."

Harry was information overloaded and he looked exhausted both mentally and physically. I got Noob to get him some food for dinner and introduce the house elf. I instructed Noob to answer if Harry called and told Harry to call Noob in case of emergency.

Next day I arrived as promised to take Harry to the Diagon Alley. I knocked the door and before it was opened I heard the sound of someone apparating. Both Patrick and I whip out our wands.

"Mr. Craig."


"What are you doing here my boy ? I didn't know you knew ."

Great. How did he know? Did he have any detection wards ? if so why didn't he came yesterday ?

"I am here to take Harry to the Diagon Alley. What are you doing here professor Dumbledore? And please keep yourself out of my head or I will have to report to DMLE." I said seething. Bustard tried to read my mind. He was surprised but concealed.

"I am just checking my boy. Shouldn't Mr. Potter be introduced to the magical world by a Hogwarts representative?" old coot just act as he didn't hear anything about violating my mind.

"Shouldn't be aware of his heritage while growing up headmaster?"

"It was not my choice Mr. Craig. Its his family's choice."

"I agree with you there headmaster. It was his family's choice. Just like it's their choice now letting me taking him to Diagon Alley. So I ask you respectfully to respect their choices."

There I had him.

"Very well. As far as guides go Mr. Craig, you are not a bad choice. If you can wait, I will be back with his Hogwarts letter and key to his trust vault."

"Thank you headmaster." I said with a slight bow. That is one situation I got out of.

Harry thankfully was unaware of all this. I asked Patrick to wait outside for Dumbledore and went in. Harry and I had a nice chat meanwhile. I shared about my life and explain a thing or two about magic. Once Patrick came with the Hogwarts letter and the key we departed.

"We will be going to my home first harry. Because we can't take you to Diagon Alley looking like that. I will resize a set of my old cloths for you for the moment. We can buy you some cloths later after getting some money" I told harry as we stepped out of the ward zone.

I have already explained harry about wizard travel methods. Patrick side-along apparated harry to my London home. Once we are there, I have chosen a pair of slacks and a nice plain t shirt. I resize them for Harry and gave him to wear. I have also given him an old cloak. Then I transfigure his glasses to square shape. That ugly thing will be soon gone. Using magical hair gel I tamed his hair and covered the scar with a strand of hair. He is pretty different than his usual looks.

"ok you do not look different now. We can go. But remember do not give your name to anyone except the Goblins."

Harry nodded to say he understood. We took floo to leaky cauldron. I got to do the 'Welcome to Diagon Alley' part. It was funny to look at his face on the first impression. Our first stop was the bank.

"They are Goblins." I said explaining Harry. "They are very clever but not the friendliest."

"Mr. Potter would like to meet the goblin in-charge of his finances." I told the goblin teller on behalf of Harry. The goblin looked at Harry and asked for identification. I gave the vault key. After checking the key, he instructed another goblin to take us to 'Foulrot' the Potter account manager. Once we were there Harry confirmed that my presence is welcome and asked for a heredity test as I have previously instructed him.

"Here he is." I pointed Charles Potter to Harry. We were looking at the result parchment of the heredity test.

"Charles potter who seemed to be a cousin of your grandfather married the sister of my grandfather, Dorea Black."

For Harry that confirmation is more precious than any gold he might find in his vault. Family; that what he longs for.

"I admit we are not related by blood and its quite the stretch. But I want you to know I am here for you." I told him with a comforting one arm hug.

"Can you tell Harry about his inheritance?" I asked the goblin.

"Mr. Potter you have a trust vault with an annual limit of 2500 galleons. On his birthday each year the vault will be added with the annual amount instructed to. Your family vault is locked as long you are a minor. You can request for partial emancipation on your 13th birthday like Lord Craig here at which point you will have access to the family vault."

"Who is listed as Harry's magical guardian?"

"As far as Gringotts concerned no one. The ministry however appointed Albus Dumbledore as the guardian. Since he didn't go thru the guardian ritual, we do not accept him."

"Harry when someone wants to be the guardian of a minor, they need to go thru a ritual at Gringotts. Where they swear to protect and act for the best of the minor. Now this is just a simple auth in most cases. But for older families like yours and mine, its bit complex. The auth has to be a blood auth. Any magic uses blood of a human is illegal anywhere except Gringotts."

"When wizard families existed for hundred of years, the magic become somewhat sentinel which we call family magic. Family magic if exist is instrumental for things like claiming a frozen account like mine. The heir of MacKinnon family died without an heir. So the vaults are locked down until another from the family claims it. When I tested for it, family magic judged me and approved. So I became heir and later the head of the family. Family magic again is used when a guardian is assigned to the heir of the family. So whoever wants to be your guardian has to be approved by family magic. For some reason Dumbledore didn't do it and looks like he used his position as the head of Wizengamot to appoint himself as your guardian."

"I don't want him as my guardian. Remember Aunt Petunia said he was the one who left me with them." Harry said after few moments.

"The only way to replace him is by getting someone approved by Potter family magic." Foulrot replied Harry.

"Can I try ?" I asked the goblin.

"you are eligible to try as you are emancipated albeit partially. But I can't be sure if the family magic accepts you. The magic wouldn't care of the legality of your emancipation."

"Well Harry I can try if you like. But I can't promise it will work."

"Please try. I trust you."

With Harry's permission I gave my blood auth in a ritual chamber of the bank. The ritual involved blood of Harry and mine. Surprising everyone I was approved. I have become the magical guardian of Harry Potter. I let the goblin in-charge file the necessary paperwork with the ministry.

Harry had a full on shopping spree with his new found wealth. As I am hoping to put him through a nutrition plan, I asked him not to buy any cloths. A month long magical nutrition plan will correct a lot of damages done. We bought all his school books and many more extra. In addition to his potion supplies in the list, I instructed him to buy extra so that he can practice. He bought a multi compartment trunk that has a small wardrobe, books and stationery, potions and storage sections. Once we finished our shopping at Diagon alley, I called Noob and told her to take all purchases to MacKinnon Castle as Harry is going to stay there until school starts.

Then we shopped for some muggle cloths for Harry. We will be purchasing full muggle and wizarding wardrobes when his 4 week nutrition plan ends. Tomorrow I will call a private healer to the castle and ask for a privacy auth before letting them see Harry.