Hi! I know I might be the only one who ship Maul and Ezra together, but I still want to write about them anyway. And! this fan-fiction is not going to be mainly about sexual intercourse or something like that. I want to try the slow-burn kind of fan-fiction. And with the conflicts of Dark-Light and Sith-Jedi, I think it's going to be very interesting and quite challenging.
I might write a fan-fiction that is Maul/Ahsoka too [I slightly ship them after I heard Maul called my favourite Togruta 'Lady Tano', but I don't have a plot for them yet.], I think it's going to be very interesting too.
By the way, this fan-fiction has no beta-reader, all mistakes and blames are on me.
Also, since English is not my first language, anyone who want to beta this fan-fiction is welcomed ^^
5 Apr. 2016 Edit 1st! Cutting some redundant part and fix a few words.
Ezra wasn't sure of how he ended up like this; subdued and seated on a lap of a male Zeltron like a prostitute, or worse, a pleasure slave. With chains linked between his wrists and his ankles, it's hard to move without making a sound – not that he was good at being stealthy anyway. Moreover, there was still a shock collar on his neck. Ezra had experienced it could do in a hard way. Yet being seated on a slaver's laps with only thin white tunic covered his body was definitely not what he preferred.
He tried to move to the left, to see if he could strike back and ran. Unluckily, the Zeltron knew. The humanoid hummed smugly and pulled the chain that connected to the collar, and Ezra was pulled right back against the hard body with something even harder poking at his lower back. The boy gulped, slightly panicked. He wasn't so innocent that he didn't know what this Zeltron was a planning, but he was trying his best not to think - worry - about it. Not now.
A beautiful Twi'lek walked passed them with a seductive smile on her face. There was only a thin fabric covered her chest, with what looked like large ribbons entwined and formed a temporary pants that left nearly nothing for imagination. Of course it was for a job, but Ezra still felt her owner – the Zeltron – getting even harder. In front of them, at the end of the hall, was a stage where dancers were performing a striptease. Ezra knew about this kind of dance, but experience it in person still made him feel awkward.
To cut it short, Ezra was in a large hall of a brothel where it was a restaurant with different kind of seductive and sexually suggestive dance performing every night. He was seated on the lap of its owner who was constantly subduing him with heavy pheromones. Ezra had heard about an ability of a Zeltron to produce many kind of pheromones, but he had never thought it could be this heavy. That's probably one of the reasons he ended up like this.
"Do you enjoy the show?" The Zeltron asked with a velvet voice, a poison coaxed with alluring sweetness. "See? They're well trained." As if to empathize his word, the Zeltron's hand move to squeeze Ezra's thigh in a sexual manner. It took great patience for Ezra not to strike back. He had tried strike back more than once, and the shock collar gave him quite a terrible experience. He wanted nothing but to get out of this situation, but Zeltron probably wasn't going to let him go that easily.
The boy scanned the hall again, hoping to see a chance to escape. Above him was the second floor where those prostitutes and pleasure slaves [he wasn't sure about the different between these two anyway, maybe prostitutes got paid while pleasure slaves did not?] performed their main job. Ezra could sense sexual tension and anything sexual-related emotions/feelings through the Force; it, to be honest, scared him. He might have fought an Inquisitor, but this was entirely new for him and he didn't exactly know what to do. He had heard Kanun and others talked about how some people made wealth from slavery and sexes, yet he didn't pay much attention since he didn't think he would have anything to do with that kind of fields. It seemed to be a working field for trained and highly experienced spies, not a Jedi leaner.
Then, among the sexual tension that was giving him headache, he felt a familiar darkness. Darkness born from a sea of anger covered by an icy surface. Ezra gasped; he knew this person. There was only one person who gave off a wipe like this.
And just liked how he felt it, the wipe disappeared before Ezra had time to scan the room for that exact person. He was even more panicked now, but also scared and angry.
What is he doing here? What does he want? Why did he just disappear? Why can't I sense him? Or…maybe I just imagine that feeling up? No, that cannot be, he was here seconds ago, I'm sure. There is no one like him.
"What is it little one?" The Zeltron noticed the change of emotions in him, and immediately asked with a pretended care. Ezra knew better than that. The Zeltron wanted to know what scared him than shock collar. Ezra mentally smirked as he imaging how wrecked this place and the Zeltron's financial account would be if there was a duel in here. Lightsabers surely could make more damage than ordinary people could expect.
-72 hours ago-
"It's a trap!"
Sabine shouted as she pulled her blasters out and blasted their former ally right in the face. Ezra immediately pulled his blaster out too, shooting at the Empire agents before both of them made a run for the window. Sabine shot the glass and both of them jumped out to the roof of the nearby building.
There was already Stormtroopers waiting for them on the ground outside the building, so Sabine and Ezra stayed the roof. The Phantom was just outside the city, but they had to make it to the wall without these Stormtroopers following them first.
"Why did she betray us?!" Ezra shouted as they raced toward their ship. He was disappointed with another friend turning foe.
"Credits! I shoud have known better. That bitch cares about nothing but credits!" Sabine shouted back as she leaded Ezra toward where the Phantom was. Her voice told Ezra that she was absolutely pissed. Sabine had a trust issue because she was once betrayed, and being betrayed again only angered her. "Chopper! Get the phantom ready, we're leving!"
It was a simple mission so Hera sent just him and her. Their Twi'lek leader and Zeb was on a mission of leading a group of Lasats they rescued to Lirasan. And Kanan was still recovering. At first Kanun wanted to come, but Hera told him to get some rest. They would be back in no time.
So, Ezra and Sabine went to Azu, a planet located in the Outer Rim. Their mission was to pick up a spy and get her back to the Rebel's base. Yet when they met said spy, who had contacted them before they reached the planet that she would have some friends accompany her, Sabine recognized her friends. They were the Empire's agents, so now Ezra and Sabine were running for their life.
"Almost there!"
Sabine grunted as they jumped to the last building. Chopper was already waiting for them with the Phantom and its door opened. Unfortunately, the Stormtroopers decided to use Rocket launchers. Guess what? They made the whole building, which actually was a warehouse was storing explosives, explored. Just Great.
Ezra shouted. He could sense what's going to happen. Sabine was ahead of him, and if he did nothing she was going to die in that explosive.
So he Force-pushed her, sending her toward the Phantom. And the last thing he saw was she entering the Phantom and himself falling down to the ground below. Besides him was an explosive.
Then his world turned black.
"I know where you are." Came an old shaky voice. "You're with me, hm..."
Ezra immediately pointed his lighsaber at the source of the voice. A hooded figure covered in shadow.
"Please put your weapon away. I…I mean you no harm." The hooded figure spoke, sounded like an old tired man who had been alone for so long. But that's not what going to make Ezra believed his word.
"Stay back." Ezra said with his hardest voice, still not putting his lightsaber down. "Yeah, I'm warning you old man." He added as the stranger seemed to ignore his firs warning.
"Forgive me, it's just… I've been alone, so long, it's been years since I've spoken to anyone." The old man seemed to be trying his best to make Ezra believed he was truly harmless.
"You live here alone? You're in the dark."
"Not by choice," The hooded old man replied. "My… ship crashed. I'm trapped, marooned, I've to scrounge and scrape to survive."
Now Ezra felt a bit sorry for the man before him. But that's not what's going to make him let his guard down.
"Look. I'm sorry. Okay. I wish I could help you, but I have to get back to my friends." Ezra said, decided that he would ignore this man for now. He had to get back to Kanan and Ahsoka. Yet the stranger still tried to talk to him.
"Perhaps I could help you."
"I doubt that." Ezra replied, hoping that the other would get the massage and leave him alone. Well, he wasn't entirely disappointed to hear the stranger still trying to make a conversation with him.
"Why are you here?"
"I'm not gonna tell you that." Ezra rolled his eyes as he spoke. Yet what the old man said next surprised him, and also captured his interest.
"You came for the same reason I did, years ago. You seek knowledge."
"It's in the temple, isn't it?" Ezra said, more interested but also more careful.
"And I know the secret way to get inside, but, but I'm too old…I…I..I need help to…open the door."
"What's inside?" Ezra asked as he slid down the rock to get the closer look of the old man. He could make out a pattern of dark tattoo, or was it his skin pattern? Just like the white pattern on Ahsoka's face? Ngh, he would think about that later.
"Help me and find out." The stranger purposed, and Ezra knew he had to be careful. This could be a trap.
He got closer to the old man, and still had his lightsaber activated. "Show me this doorway." He said, looking at the stranger in the eyes.
"Please, this way." The stranger gestured with his hand, but Ezra wasn't going to have his back vulnerable for any possible threat from someone whom he had just met.
"You first." He said, frowning.
"You don't trust me?" The old man said, sounding as if he was hurt.
"I don't know you." Ezra replied, still keeping his guard up.
"Uh…well…then let's change that. Call me, old master. And you?"
It felt as if the old man's voice change when he said the word 'master', but Ezra let it slid because he needed to come up with a fake name.
"Call me Jabba." He said, knowing that the old man knew that it was not his real name.
"Hm, come then. Jabba."
Ezra thought that he saw something close to recognization in that yellow eyes of the stranger. But then he was leading the way, so Ezra followed and ignored his curiosity for now.
They proceeded through the dark, and Ezra could not help but ask after a while.
"How much further?" He asked, looking around and slightly shivered. This place was creepy, and a bit scary.
"You worry about your friends."
A statement, which Ezra wasn't sure why the old being in front of him said it.
"They need my help." He said back, waiting for a response to give him a clue of what this man really capable of. And said clue surprised him, as the stranger mentioned about the inquisitor.
"Yes, and with good reason. The inquisitor is powerful."
"Wait. You know about the inquisitor?" Ezra asked, truly surprised.
"He is my enemy. All inquisitors and their master are my enemies." An old voice replied, and it made Ezra even more curious about the origin of this man.
"You're a Jedi?" He asked, and he could see the awkward expression on the other's face. As if the old man was debating with himself of what to reply.
"Er…no, no, no. But I was once a Force wielder, long ago. Long, long ago."
The old man replied, seeming to be uncomfortable to answer this question.
'Once a Force wielder, but not a Jedi?' Ezra frowned, and then realized what the other tried to avoid saying it out loud.
"Then, you're the Sith." Ezra said, immediately changed his posture. Yet, the old man just looked at him with so much pain in his eyes. A split second later, Ezra sworn he could almost feel darkness and anger rolling from the hooded figure. However, as he was about to get a grip on the emotion of the other male, there were only pain and misery that he could feel.
"The Sith. The Sith took everything from me. Ripped me from my mother's arms. Murdered my brother. Used me as a weapon, and then casted me aside. Abandoned me." There was a glitch of anger and a dark emotion, which Ezra could not identify, presented. "Once I had power…" Then there was a pause, and the older male now radiated only pain and sorrow. "…no, I had nothing. Nothing."
He seemed to be so sad Ezra felt like comforting him, even that they just met.
"I know how you feel." He said, looking at the stranger. "The Empire, it took away my home, and my mother, and my father." He could feel his anger rising as he continued. And then there was a strange look in that yellow eyes.
"And you want revenge." Old master simply said, touching his shoulder gently. And it shook Ezra, not physically but mentally, because he knew that, deep down, he still wanted revenge. Yet he wasn't going to let that show.
"I want justice!" Ezra said as he shrugged the old man's hand off. Nevertheless, old master didn't seem to mind. He just kept talking.
"Yes, yes, you shall have it, for I've discovered the 'key'."
"The key to what?" Ezra asked, completely puzzled.
"The key to destroy the Sith." The stranger said, leading the way as he spoke.
"That is the knowledge inside the temple?"
"Yes, that temple holds secret of the Sith. Secrets that had been buried with the dead for thousands of years."
"And you share this knowledge with me?" Ezra asked, half surprised. He didn't expect someone to share something so important with a person they just met.
"Yes. Yes, of course."
As old master, Maul, said this. His voice was so soft, so trustable. Ezra still remembered it, as if the former Sith had said this to him a moment ago.
Ezra groaned and hid his face in his hands. He had been so stupid. Maul was using him all along, using him since they opened the door of the temple, trying to lure him into the dark. But what made what Ezra most disgusted about himself was that he fell for it, and until now he still had the taste of it. The taste of power, the taste of what he could draw from inside him.
Your passion give you strength. And through strength you gain power. You've seen it. You feel it.
You must break your chains.
"Ghhh…" Ezra groaned as his brain decided to replay what when Maul taught him way of the Sith; and Ezra was too oblivion to notice.
And there was a memory of what happened after he and Maul was able to reach the chamber where the Sith Holocron was stored.
"…do what must be done. There would always be limits to your abilities… seize the knowledge, seize the power. Do not become like me, Jabba."
Maul's voice was so sad, as same as his expression. Yet there was a hint that the Zabrak was proud of him, and if melt Ezra's heart. And then Maul was helping him to up. He should have known better that they all were just tricks to gain his trust.
"My name is Ezra, my real name."
"Real name? Yes. I… once had a real name. So long ago, I…don't remember." There was a pause as Maul lifted his hood up. Ezra should have known the hint of darkness since he saw that look in Maul's eyes. The look of wrath mixed with darkness and anger.
"Now, now I am called, Maul."
He should have known since Maul told him his name. But no, he didn't. And he still trust this Sith lord, trust him until it must be completely clear that Maul was using them.
Maul was using them. Maul was using him. Maul did not care about him. It's just… a lie. A LIE.
Maul had never cared about him.
Ezra shot up from where he was laying on, panting as he looked around. His side was throbbing badly, still hurt from the explosive. It took him several seconds to realize that it was just a dream. Yeah, he just dreamed about Maul and their encounter on Malachor again.
"Damnit." Ezra groaned, massaging his forehead. Then he realized that there was a chain around his wrist.
"What?" The boy gasped, looking around. He was somewhere which definitely not a Rebel's base. There were chains around his wrists and his ankles, and a collar around his neck. Well, at least his captive was kind enough to put a bacta-patch on him. It might not be the best solution to take care of someone who just encountered an explosive, but at least he would heal quicker.
"Where am I?" Ezra sighed, looking around. It was obvious that his captive wanted him alive, probably for an interrogation. He tried to reach out with the Force, only to feel a terrible pain flooded his system.
Ezra screamed. He had never experienced something like this before. It's like he was pinned and stabbed with multiple knives at the same time. He had no idea how long it was, that he was in pain, it could be seconds but felt like hours in his thought.
And just like how it happened, the pain suddenly disappeared. Ezra panted, looking around, trying to recover from it in the same time as trying to find the source of it.
"Young Jedi, I recommend you act wisely. I mean, I know when you try to use the Force."
Someone was speaking. Ezra looked around but saw no one, until he saw a speaker at the end of the room, across from the mattress he was on.
"Show yourself, who are you?" Ezra said, trying to figure out what trick the other used to injure him. Then he realized that the collar on his neck was actually a shock collar.
The voice that answer him was both cunning and cruel.
"My name is Darious, young Jedi. But who I really am? You're about to find out."
It turned out that Darious was a Zeltron, who was once a Jedi. However, now he owned a brothel and used the Force to the benefit of his own. He also participated him slavery, clearly abandoned whatever 'good' ways of the Jedi he once learnt. And it's Darious who persuade their former spy to change side, offering her money and wealth.
Moreover, he wanted Ezra as his 'lap dog'. Of course Ezra definitely not agree. When the Zeltron asked Ezra to join him, Ezra replied with the best snark he could create, which resulted in him being electrocute. Darious asked him again, sometimes later with a shock collar off, and Ezra still confirmed his former reply.
They fought, but in the end Ezra was beaten up and chained with the shock collar on his neck again. Darious wasn't hesitated to use the shock collar and Force-choke to make his point clear, yet he said Ezra should be grateful that he had mercy to buy the boy from the Empire with more information about the Rebels. Ezra was both angry and disappointed in himself to be beaten up so easily, yet there was nothing he could do to the former Jedi. Darious was strong, even stronger than Kanan. And he was definitely more cruel and heartless.
The Zeltron had sometimes talked about putting him on a show while he shocked Ezra. And Ezra? He tried not to think about the future as he tried to escape to his good memories to forget the pain. It was hard to say, but Ezra know he could not beat this Zeltron in both strength and Force. Darious kept covering himself with pheromones that made Ezra felt light headed and dizzy, trying to make him become docile; which he tried his best to fig
After many hours of torturing, without food or water, Darious had finally decided to bring Ezra out from the underground prison. This was the first time Ezra was allowed to see anything except darkness, but he wasn't sure if he was grateful or disgusted to be seated on Darious' laps in the end of the hall.
"What is it little one?" The Zeltron noticed the change of emotions in him, and immediately asked with a pretended care. Ezra knew better than that. The Zeltron wanted to know what scared him than shock collar. Ezra mentally smirked as he imaging how wrecked this place and the Zeltron's financial account would be if there was a duel in here. Lightsabers surely could make more damage than ordinary people could expect.
"Nothing." He replied with hoarse voice. He was body was so tired, but right now his mind was sharp abd clear. Despite the pain he still felt from the torture and the explosive, Ezra tried to ignore everything around him – to open his sense as wide as possible. He tried to sense for Maul presence again, hoping to be able to locate the Zabrak this time.
"Oh, I know you have sense someone. Who is it?" Darious wasn't easy to fool, or maybe he was bad at lying. Ezra mentally groaned, but refused to answer. That's when Darious pulled him close, letting his barely clothed rear pressed harder against the hardest behind him.
"My sweet little bird," Darious said, one of his hands was now onw Ezra's upper thigh. "I don't prefer children, to be honest, but I can fuck one if that little bitch is misbehaving. Now, tell me who you have sensed?"
"No one." Ezra gritted his teeth, still trying his luck. "Oh, I forgot. You WERE a Jedi, now your sense was damned because you stick your face between someone's legs too much."
"What a dirty mouth you have," Darious chuckled, but Ezra could sense that the Zeltron was not amused. Actually, he had just succeeded in angering Darious. It seemed like after owning a brothel and being a slaver for years, the former Jedi had lost his patience and tolerance when someone decided to talk back. "Maybe I should teach you more about how to behave. Should I?"
"Fuck off." Ezra growled weakly, knowing that he was definitely in trouble. He tried not to think about what the Zeltron was going to do with him, but he could almost sense it. Darious didn't care that he was a child, and he had no regret in raping. If the Zeltron wanted to 'teach him a lesson' in a sexual way, he was going to do it.
"Good idea," Darious chuckled, squeezing his thigh even harder until Ezra almost cried out from the pain.
Then he felt anger, a sea of anger and wrath.
Ezra thought weakly, before he was Force-pulled from the Zetron's lap, and then thrown toward a table nearby.
The impact shook him out of conscious for seconds, and when he came back the whole place was collapsing down.
What just happened?
Ezra thought weakly, still dizzy from hitting the table. He looked around and gasped. The hall was covered in flame. It looked as if half of the wall had collapsed from explosion, after that the ceiling fell down too. He could saw bodies of the people who were trapped and killed under the wrecks. He must had been out for a while, because now there was no one he could see, except for two blurred moving figures on his left.
The boy tried to focus, and he could make out two people. Darious with a green lightsaber, and someone who was dressed in dark clothes, with red lightsaber. A familiar double bladed lighsaber.
Maul and Darious are fighting.
That was all Ezra could process before his world turned black again.