(One year since the betrayal)

(Percy POV)

I walked through the dirt hallway of our headquarters in Canada after being summoned by Gaia to show myself in the meeting room to discuss further plans in taking the gods to their very graves. I smirk at how much progress I had made in one measly year, from a lowly squire to a fully fledged General of the monster army or what Omega would like to call, SAMAOF which stands for Super Awesome Monstrous Army of Death but with a few hits from Beta, he just called it the monster army.

I thought back to the day the camp betrayed me. Connor, Katie, Anna-HER all betrayed me for that arrogant Son of Zeus. But I have to thank them as had they not betrayed me, I would not have end up at the true place is dare call home.

I came upon a large set of double reinforced stone doors that were enchanted to prevent outsiders from hearing anything spoken on the inside. This was to prevent any spies from CHB to hear of our plans.

Opening them I was greeted with the sight of grown man and women acting like children whom were shouting and running around the room.

"Everyone sit down and discuss war plans!" Beta, the only women and MATURE one out of all of us tries to calm things down and bring it back into order.

"Three drachmas say Omega would obey her commands because he is sooooo in love with her" I could hear Twitch whisper to his brother Snitch (Not good at nicknames ha-ha, but you guys can suggest some and I might add it into the story :D) while laughing among themselves. I myself smirked at the thought as it was completely true as I could see Omega sitting down on the chair while being as innocent as possible.

Knowing the ruckus would get worse, I smirked evilly as I thought of a plan to scare the shit out of them. Putting on my most scary face, I used my earthquake powers to shake the entire room. Everyone looked at me as if realising I had been standing there for quite some time and been listening to them run around and be like circus monkeys.

"I see everyone here is having fun EH?" I could hear them gulp as they look at me fearfully while I was laughing on the inside at how much shit they must have released. Forcing back a wave of laughter that was threatening to spill out, I continued my facade.

"Well since you just had soooo much fun, I suggest letting Beta here think of a way to train all of you." Now everyone was shaking and sweating profusely in fear as Beta is known for her harmful ways of training. She expects everyone to push themselves to train at 110% and if you do, then she'll ORDER you to push even harder and reach 200%. And if you do not reach or refuse to reach her standards, well your male genitals will be in a bit of problem.

"Come on Percy, whatever we have done to you, please forgive us, or let us train with someone better ehh...eh like I don't know eh... Dove?" Omega plead whereas others nod their heads in exasperation.

"Yeah Omega, what's wrong with training with me huh?" You could clearly hear the poison in Beta words as she gave everyone an evil eye, some fainted while others just looked away with a lot of sweat rushing down their faces.

"And here I thought you held an undying love for Zoe huh?" After saying that, I let loose my facade and rolled down on the floor laughing my arse off. The others were just looking at me in confusion thinking that I must have lost it. I stood up only to duck as a stray arrow flew past where my head was a few milliseconds ago...thank demigod reflexes.

I look up to see the faces of a flushed Omega and a (flushed) but pissed off former lieutenant of the hunt.

Now most of you might be thinking, who and when did I recruit the people who were suppose to be dead into Gaia's army. Well readers, it's time for a flashback on how I got Omega AKA Luke as my first companion.

(Flashback ooooooo...)

I was sitting on a wooden chair in front of Gaia as she had called me in to inform me of something important.

" Perceus, in these last few months, you have risen in rank than any others I have seen, although I trust you are able to command the monster army, I doubt you are able to command all of it."

"Doubting my skills already Gaia, I thought you had more faith in me" I pretended to wipe a fake tear from my face while a smirk adjourned my face.

"I do not doubt your skills Perseus, it is would you be able to lead an army of 100 thousand monsters strong?" She questioned with a knowing smirk.

I sighed, I may be leader type material but I cannot afford to lead THAT many monsters.

"And what do you suggest Gaia? Appoint several monsters as generals cause I see that plan working so well" I said with sarcasm laced in my voice. But seriously, you expect a Cyclops that hits his own head with a bat and you're thinking of letting them run an army. I don't.

"I suggest you bring several of your past friends, one who spite the gods and want revenge against them as your companions and generals of the army."

"Well sorry to disappoint you but the only one I know of that hates the gods more than anything is Lukey. I mean he literally called war on Olympus with your son." I said

"What about that hunter Zoe?" She suggested

I scoffed at that idea." Good luck with that Gaia. One, she is loyal to Artemis whom if you haven't realize is one of the Olympians. Two, she died and her soul is now in the stars. And three, well...there is no three" I deadpanned.

"Is that so? Then why do I sense her in my brother Tartarus's pit?" She looked at me with a smirk that made me want to slap her but I was too busy processing the information given to me.

"WHAT! I THOUGHT ARTEMIS SEND HER SOUL INTO THE AETHER'S DOMAIN? HOW IS SHE STILL ALIVE?" I paced around the room thinking about all the things that might had happen to Zoe.

"Calm down Percy. Let me-"

"CALM DOWN? CALM DOWN! YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN WHEN MY FRIEND IS DOWN THERE GETTING SWARM BY MONSTERS!" I cut her off as what she suggested was complete and utterly stupid.

"PERSEUS JACKSON!" Annoyed at how I kept cutting her off halfway, she decided to yell my name as that is usually the best way to get my attention and stop my rants.

"Before you cut me off again Perseus" I rubbed my head in embarrassment. "I wanted to tell you that the Hunter survived because she still has her two hunting knives when she died allowing her to kill any monsters that come in contact with her and recently she has received a sword making her an even more deadly foe. I want you Perseus to join our side as she has leadership skills after being lieutenant of the hunt for hundreds of years."

"That is a good plan but even I myself do not have enough strength to go through Tartarus's pit without encountering trouble which I may not face. I ask for permission to go to the underworld to recruit Luke before going for Zoe Nightshade"

"Permission granted Perseus, go pack your stuff as I will teleport you to the fields of Asphodel in a few hours." I turned my back and walk towards the exit after being dismissed.

(Few hours later)

"Alright Perseus, remember the plan. Get your friend Luke who is currently in the Fields of Asphodel and avoid being captured by the gods. They must not know of our plans. I have put an enchantment around you to prevent Hades and any of the gods to sense your presence but be warn it only lasts for an hour so make this operation quick." I nodded my head as she got ready to send me to the underworld. The last thing I saw was her snapping her fingers before my vision turned black and changed into a more deathly place.

The scent of Death was strong as I saw the River Styx nearby with a line of souls being judged by the three-well judges. Not wasting any more time for the spell to run out, I dashed through the underworld well searching for the fields of Asphodel. It was easy considering there was a large sign saying 'Elysium to the left' 'Fields of Asphodel to the right' and a 'Fields of Punishment, you are here'.

I ran to my right and came upon a large gaping hole which had a tremendous amount of souls inside. All I could see was souls wandering aimlessly through each other with nothing to do. I wasn't surprise at the number of souls as mortals usually do both good and bad things equally in their lives.

I shook my head "I can't afford to get distracted in an extraction mission which I only have an hour for and I WILL GET BLASTED TO DEATH if I don't get out in time." I mentally berated myself. Looking through the crowd, I tried to find a blonde haired teen that once housed Kronos himself.

Finally spotting Luke after what seemed like hours of searching, I pushed past the souls whose response was to stare at me blankly. Seriously, these guys need a life. I approached the soul of Luke Castellan whose reaction to seeing me was one of wariness. I remembered I was still wearing my dark red hoodie with the word 'GET REKT' on them and the hood was covering my face. Thinking of yet another prank.

As I got closer to Luke, he took on a fighting stance and ask me with poison laced in his voice

"Who are you?"

Thinking on my feet, I replied with the smartest thing ever

"Luke, I am your father."

In an instant, he kicked me in my stomach forcing me to my knees and groaning in pain as he must've put all of his force into that kick. Seriously, does this guy hate Star Wars or his da-nevermind.

"What are you doing here Hermes? I thought I told you how much of a failure you are as a father yet you still come."

"Fuck Luke, is this how you treat a friend when seeing him after a long time. And damn, when did you learn to kick so god damn hard." I managed to stand and ignore the searing pain.

"Friend? The only ones whom I consider friends are Thalia, Annabeth and Percy but judging by your voice, you must be male and the only male friend I have is- SHIT. Percy you ok?" He quickly came over to me and checked if I was okay after being 'Falcon kick' ed by him.

" Yeah Luke, I feel great after being kick in the stomach HARD other than that, hows your day?" I said with sarcasm.

"Wait, how are you here Perc? Don't tell me you died! I did not sacrifice myself one year ago only for you to die. Though if you are, why are you in Asphodel? Shouldn't you be in Elysium with Beck and Selena?"

"Relax cause I'm not dead Luke, I'm merely a taking a stroll through the underworld." I said with heavy sarcasm in my voice.

" Hahaha very funny Percy, what is the REAL reason for coming into Asphodel no wait how did you even get INTO Asphodel cause I doubt Hades would let you in willingly."

" Well Luke was it? That question can be answered when you answer my question first. Would you accept a second chance to wage war against the gods?" I ask in a posh British accent.

"Wage war against the Gods? You? Persues Jackson the Hero of Olympus is asking me Luke Castellan Betrayer of Olympus to wage war on the Gods of Olympus. Who are you and what have you done with the real Percy?" He joked but the only reply he got was a stern glare from me.

" You don't understand Luke, they the camp, the gods, Anna-SHE, turn their back on me. They betrayed me Luke. I go out to do an errand for Athena to be able to propose to HER and what do I see when I go back? HER SUCKING FACES WITH THAT FUCKING SON OF ZEUS. They turn their backs on their Hero, then I'll turn my back on them when they need me most. A war is coming Luke, and this time they won't win. We have primordial's on our side, we have Giants on our side. This is a fight they won't win. Join me Luke, we can destroy the Gods and put and end to their rule." I finished and took in a deep breath after realizing I had not been breathing the entire time. I put out my hand waiting for him to shake it as a sign of agreement to join the Giant army.

" Eh, second time's the charm right? I'm in." He shook my hand and we both gave our signature grins at the coming demise of the gods.

( Flashback end)

" Alright alright, jokes over. Now back to business" I put on a stern face showing how dangerous the issue is.

" I have both good news and bad. Which would you like me to say first?"

They voted 6 to 2 with Omega, Beta, Gamma, Forge, Me and Dove voting for the bad one whereas Twitch and Snitch chose the good one.

" We have heard from our spies in Camp Half-Blood that the Gods have lifted the ancient law about how they aren't allowed to interact or help their children." I informed them about the bad news only for them to angrily comment on the news

" Oh so now they decide to help their children huh! Where were they in the last war!" Omega stated while Forge and Dove nodded their heads in agreement.

" Calm down Omega, that's why we were given the chance to destroy those pitiful gods"

Omega sat down albeit reluctantly. I sighed. I don't blame these guys, the gods deserve what is to come especially HER.

" Ok. Now on with the good news. The Good news is..." Everyone leaned in, intend on hearing what was the good news of the day.

" We are having burritos for Lunch and Dinner" I said with a happy smirk.

" WHAT!" The others shouted angrily at the shittiest news they have ever heard.

" Perseus Jackson we are in war and you are joking around and if you don't tell us the real news than I will be using your genitals as target practice during training" Zoe said whereas the others had hopeful looks on their eyes.

I raised my hands in a surrender motion and replied

" Ok Ok, sheesh can't take a joke. Fine, the good news is we have successfully gained an ally from Oceanus, Tartarus, Erebus and Nyx." I said with an exited smile.

The others cheered and hollered at the amazing news.

" Now settle down people. Ok, Gaia has given us a mission and that is to kill and destroy the hunters of Artemis as they are a liability to future plans. Hopefully we can do this without losing any monsters so lets make it quick and clean. This mission will begin in a few days time, we have already sent a few monsters as bait to lure them into a factory where we will ambush them. We will move out in three days time as it will be the Winter Solstice and so Artemis will not be there. Any questions?" Everyone shook their heads and so I dismissed them so that we may pack whatever we need before we head out for our mission.

I entered my quarters which was filled to the brim with weapons ranging from knives to to war hammers. I chose my dual swords ' Tenacious' and ' Damnation' to be the ones I will use in the mission.

I was packed and ready to head out when all of a sudden


Without much thought, I ran to the Sector 9B or also known as the reinforced mix of celestial bronze and imperial gold doors that was meant to keep our headquarters hidden from the outside world. On my way there, I met up with Forge and Omega as we both readied our weapons, preparing ourselves for what was to come. We reached the main gates to see most of the team and army assembled, preparing themselves for whatever was going to burst in through the doors. It wasn't long, as a large explosion occurred causing the doors to fall down and bring up dust, thus covering our vision.

I swiped the air in front of me to see who our opponents were only to smirk as I caught a glimpse of a group of girls wearing a silver parka with their bows loaded.

" It must be our lucky day guys, the preys have come to us rather than let us waste our energy in going to them.

Yes. The Hunters Of Artemis have broken down our doors with Artemis leading the group. It going to be a thrilling day indeed.