AUTHOR'S NOTE: CHARACTERS ARE NOT MINE! They belong to Intelligent Systems.
Corrin was afraid. Very afraid. She was running from the Nohrian soldiers. The evil Nohrians had laid flame to the shelter where she and the Hoshidan soldiers were staying. She was fearing for her life. Corrin looked behind her. Garon, the cruel, callous Nohrian king who had once called her his father, was in hot pursuit.
"SEIZE THAT VILE BEAST!" he crooned.
A roar of mean laughter came as two of his brutish soldiers, Odin and Laslow, snatched Corrin. The turncoat demon-worshiping mercenaries threw her to the ground. Odin grabbed her throat.
"If you say one word, I will kill you." said Odin. "Laslow! Bring this vile creature back to our castle."
Corrin later found herself in the dungeon, where she cried beautiful blue tears. She couldn't help but weep since the wicked Nohrians were holding her hostage and keeping her from her noble Hoshidan brethren and sistren.
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" she cried. "I can't take it. Those stupid, evil Nohrians are treating me. I cannot defend myself against those beasts!"
A few minutes later, Odin and Laslow came into her cell. Corrin screamed in agony.
"You filthy beast!" said Odin. "Get up and start cleaning the dungeon."
"NO!" said Corrin. "I won't do it. You are the monsters who killed my mother!"
"That's right," said Odin. "We killed that wicked queen. You could have sided with Nohr, but NOOOO...YOU SIDE WITH HOSHIDO!"
"We will make you pay," said Laslow.
"Now..." said Odin, "do you want to have!" He reached out for Corrin's breast. She screamed and slapped him.
Laslow grabbed Corrin and banged her against the wall.
"Impertinent little FOOL!" he said.
Laslow then pinned Corrin to the ground and began to beat her. He tore off her armor and then lay himself down closer.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" screamed Corrin in horror as the wicked mercenary broke her hymen.
Laslow punched the poor, innocent Hoshidan princess.
"You wicked, disgusting SCUM!" said Odin. 'Surrender or you shall never eat again!"
"No!" sobbed Corrin. "Laslow raped me. Please...please...get out you horrible, savage monsters!"
"Beast," said Odin, "learn to be more OBEDIENT. Or else we will execute you in the temple of the Dusk Dragon and use your skull at the King's goblet."
"I'll do it again if I have to, you vermin!" said Laslow.
Corrin threw herself on the ground, flooding the floor with her pure, tender tears. Odin and Laslow kicked her in the head, until it bled a little. Then the two wicked Nohrians left her in her cell. Corrin's tears made her face red with pain. She hoped that her noble prince Ryoma would come and save her from the evil, devil-worshipping, racist Nohrians. But would he make it in time? Stay tuned for the next chapter!
This is my first fanfic, so please leave a review and comment!