Luke's agonized screams echoed in every corner of the Triskelion as his electrified chemical bath reached intensifying levels. He screamed but only bubbles escaped past his lips, a half hour of this torture and the magnet had only removed 4 shards of the judas bullet from his abdomen.

Amanda cage was trying her hardest to ignore her sons pain, but it wasn't her nature as a mother to ignore her hurting child.

Ava and the others watched in horror, they'd never seen Luke in such a state before. He was being tortured but in the name of healing him, a violent scream churned the bubbles as Luke roared.

"this is inhuman we're torturing our friend" Sam protested.

"indeed but even Dr. Cage said this was the only way to remove the bullets from him" Danny replied

Ava walked over to the nearest monitor, she wanted to learn something about the crooks they fought and the weird unknown Samaritan who swooped in and saved them.

"they attacked us guys, out in the open, us, not White Tiger or IronFist, us… everyday teens…they knew who we were"

The three teens traded the same worried glance, someone knew their identities…they were no longer safe out in the open.

"wait if they knew about us, then…where's Parker?" Danny asked "he didn't answer any of our calls when those creeps hit us…"

Ava knew where Danny was leading the conversation and she wasn't at all comfortable with it.

"Danny. No, I know what you're getting at and just no there's no way we're entertaining that idea!" she defensively snapped.

"what idea?" Sam asked,

"it's possible the mutants who ambushed us already got to…"

"enough! We're not going there! Danny go check on Luke I'm going to go call Peter" Ava ordered as she left down the hall.

"ohh. You were implying Parkers been killed right?" Sam chimed.

"SAM!" Ava yelled from down the hall.

This level emotion was new to Ava and in honesty she wasn't sure how to process it, was she over reacting maybe under reacting she just didn't know. In her anger and emotional maelstrom , she struck the wall, denting the metal panel.

"what is wrong with me?!" she shouted before dropping to her knees.

Meanwhile at Nelson and Murdoch Peter Parker sat on a chair with an ice pack pressed to his head.

"not exactly a believer in freedom of speech is she?" Peter hissed,

"what did you expect Peter? You called her a dumb fanatic of a raving lunatic you're lucky she only hit you" Matt quickly replied showing no empathy for the teen.

"you're siding with her! She supports a mass murder who justifies a murder with more murder Matt!"

"karen was a victim herself Peter she sees the justice in Castles actions regardless of how the rest of us feel about it and it doesn't give you the right to pop off like that!"

"me?! Her B.S about the punisher actually having more of an impact then the police or even the heroes! Where does she get off? Slam her in the cell along with his phsyco ass!"

Matt then dropped into his chair squeezing his forehead in annoyance. He and Peter shared a similar belief, killing is never an option. But Karen and castle had another opinion, that difference came to a physical dispute between himself and Frank castle. And castle shot him in the head.

"that's enough Peter, we have other pressing matters at hand…did you find any sign of her?"

There was fear in Matts voice as he spoke and Peter knew why, Elektra was missing with no distinctive trace.

"I'm sorry Matt. I tore that warehouse apart but couldn't find a single clue to Elektra" Peter told him.

"I had no luck either wherever she was taken… the hand has her"

"we'll find her Matt"

Castle returned to his hideout where Micro was watching his family via hidden cameras. "hey David! Can you find out who put that bounty on Fury? Anybody with the balls to take a shot at S.h.i.e.l.d's director has to have some serious backing" he growled.

"Frank…we have another problem, the SCPD I found encrypted files…Frank, their plan's to breed their own Avengers and segregate the island. They're going to conquer Manhattan" Micro panicked.

Frank looked at the monitor and his eyes narrowed. It was all planned out tunnel collapsing pillars, bridge weak points, and the number of N.Y.P.D officers stationed on Manhattan. This was a plan a long time in the making, long before the assembly of Osbornes SCPD.

"these assholes are going to try and occupy the island of Manhattan? U.S soil! I'm going to need more guns, bigger guns"

"sure you don't want a boot knife? Frank we need to tell somebody the police, homeland hell even shield! I mean we can't beat this!" Micro hysterically protested.

Castle however pulled his Kbar knife from the table and sheathed it on his belt he kept his cool despite his anger ready to boil over "get a grip David find me more guns then get your family out, shits gonna get messy…never thought I'd live to see this, war on the homefront"

Elsewhere, the crimson Cougar stood on a balcony over looking the city from the water. His father had given him a mission and he would see it through, starting with Ava Ayala and her seduction.

"father the mutants served their purpose I was able to rescue the targets I'm ready for the next objective send the next pawn to the city it's time to bring home my new date" Cougar coldly spoke to the open air.

"I will decide when you make your move on Ms. Ayala Alexander not you, for now, your objective is to earn their trust first understood!" Taskmaster replied.

His weapons over eagerness in his assignment was becoming a bother, this was a concern since his genetic coding was stolen from Hector Ayala meaning he had to keep Alexander on a short leash.

As he took his leave Cougars eyes trailed after him, searing with anger. He hated his fathers overbearing nature he could easily get Ava on his side, he had the advantage there. As for the others they'd follow her lead and he would kill Spider-man without hesitation.

Taskmaster however made his way down to the lab where Landon was monitoring another incubating chamber, inside was a faint image of a young female body in suspended animation.

"Landon, is our fail safe on schedule?" Taskmaster keenly inquired as he placed his hand on the cold glass canister.

"yes, Taskmaster project Lynx is well under way she'll be faster, smarter and more agile than Cougar… she will be a perfect duplicate" Landon replied.

"good keep her hidden until I need her, and keep alexander away the boy doesn't need to meet his twin sister any time soon"

"as you wish, last thing sir, does Lynx have a name?" Landon hesitantly asked.
