A/N: New fic written by TerrieJane and Handy-For-The-Bus coming pretty soon! We decided to post the prologue because we really couldn't wait for it :D

Hope you all enjoy this story. Let us know what you think in the reviews!

Disclaimer: Downton Abbey and its characters belong to Julian Fellowes.

- Prologue -

'We all have doubts at some point, John. It's part of being human.' The older man spoke, handing him a glass of whiskey, which he refused.

'I know,' John sighed, unsure of what to think. These doubts they talked about, seemed to have always existed in the back of his mind, deep in his heart; a constant ache that kept him awake many a night, and in distress most of his days. Was he the kind of person who would never know satisfaction?

'Why don't you accept my offer?' His friend asked with a playful grin, knowing that was exactly the reason for this visit.

'That's why I'm here actually, I think...I believe you're right.'

'Wonderful news, my friend! I'm so glad, especially because I've been pressured to find a suitable man for the position as soon as possible. The new school year begins in two months.'

'I'm sorry it took me so long to decide…'

'Don't you worry about it,' The older man shook his head, taking the last sip of his drink. 'What matters is that you did decide and you are giving yourself another chance. Listen, a new place, a new job, new responsibilities, tasks, sometimes that's all we need to change our life.'

'I do hope so,' John nodded.

'You'll see, John, I'm sure you won't regret it. You'll be thanking me soon enough. And those children... they are a blessing. They will fill your life with what you need. Sometimes we need to be faced with the outcast, to give ourselves to them, to feel like we have a purpose in life.'

'That's exactly why I accepted your offer, Terrence. I feel like I need more to be happy.'

'And to forget about your doubts for good.' His friend winked at him.

'Yes. I'm sure I will. I'm sure I'll be too busy for that.'

'It'll change your life, John. It'll change you forever. Now, let's hide this…' Terrence said, returning the bottle of whiskey to a secret drawer in his desk. '...before Sister Clarence comes in here and finds it. She gives me the looks every time she sees me drinking.'

'Sister Clarence, oh yes,' John chuckled, knowing exactly whom his friend was talking about.

'If she had her way I would only drink at communion and that would be it. But a man needs more in life, you know, even a Bishop, or the Pope, for that matter. We are human after all, don't you ever forget that, John. Ever. We were born from our parents, we shed tears, we bleed, we were young and adventurous once, well… you still are, much younger than I am.' Terrence laughed loudly, 'But you know what I mean. Just feel blessed you found your way to God and rejoice in it.'

John nodded, managing a small smile at his old friend. His life was indeed about to change. To direct an orphanage in Whitby, bordered by green pastures with sheep to the West, and the sea to the East. To have a hand in guiding orphaned children. Yes, that's what he needed. To think less. To do more. To feel needed in what he did. To feel that all the options he made in his life had been right, even though they never felt right enough.

But would he ever feel blessed? He surely hoped so.


Thank you for reading :)