Maxbrevan - I answer these in order. Kitana will be in it. Jade mostly will be in it. Four arm woman? Not sure due to the fact that I barely know her at all. Yes, Naruto females character will be part of the pairing.

ShadowImageComics - Hinata won't be with Naruto and she will act in a new way due to the fact that he wasn't there. As for Frost due to Naruto she was too busy hunting to find him to go into her power crazy mind set and didn't kill off major of the clan.

I hope Everyone will Enjoy this chapter and thanks for the ones that pointed out I was spelling NetherRealms wrong. See you and enjoy the story.

Two more years passed by in the Netherrealms and Naruto kept hearing more people looking for him. He couldn't believe there was more than just Scorpion looking for him even so he was truly glad to hear that from Skarlet.

He did realize that he had known who two of the three people were due to the color of their outfits. It was Scorpion and Rain that were looking for him. He had faith that they will find him and kept him fighting each day.

He also had learned from his fun time with Noob and the magic user that they planned on bring back someone name Onaga. He didn't tell anyone what he found out due to people will be listening to them in their cell. He couldn't trust that the wrong people would find out what he had learned so far.

He did know he had trusted the three women in the room with him and sometimes he doesn't know how he meets up with strange people. I mean he had enjoyed being with the three of them even if all three of them had strange taste. From the fact they barely wear clothes and they taste in food minus Skarlet, which she just loves blood.

He had found himself start to grow with them and he did learn much of the worlds he didn't know before. He had learned that not all demons are born evil and there were some demons that were pure good. He also learned that there are many powerful beings out there and some were down right twisted to the core.

He also had learned that Reptile race wasn't fully wiped out due to the fact that Noob's master had talked to Noob. He had overheard that there was many of Reptile's race living underground in the shinobi lands. He couldn't wait to tell him that and then they could find these beings before Noob did.

He had put everything out of his mind due to the fact that he was worn out. He just wanted to get some sleep and he headed for his bed. The three women were talking to each other which gave him a good chance to just sleep on his bed without Skarlet waking up him all the time.

Later that night he started to wake up from his sleep when he noticed Skarlet was sleeping on top of him. He just shook his head because she was one stubborn woman and his eyes moved to her huge breasts. No matter how many times he had seen the three of them naked he still enjoyed seeing it.

This time she had her crimson color bra on which his hands moved down to remove it. Her eyes started to open and her lips turned into a smirk. He just moved his hands to her breasts to play with them which she allowed him to do.

She just let out a small moan before kissing him on the lips hard. Their tongues started to play with each other while his hands kept playing with her breasts. He truly enjoyed her body and he did know he would always play with her no matter what.

"You do know you are the only one that is allowed to play with my body Naruto-sama." She told him slowly with her breath hitting his neck.

She had started to call him that soon after he kept giving her his blood. He didn't know why she acted that way even so he enjoyed hearing her say that. He didn't know why even so he did know he wanted her close to him all the time.

"How about I help you down there? I know you'll too young to go all way but doesn't mean I can do other things for you." Skarlet smirked before she moved her body down.

She stopped at the was left of his pants, she slowly moved them down along with his underwear he had on. She started to lick his harden tool which for his age was huge which she figured it was Kurama's fault. She started to suck on it while she could tell by his eyes that he was enjoying her mouth.

She kept sucking and started to use her breasts to help him cum sooner, she kept going at him till he had blown his first load in her mouth. Once she had swallowed all of it then she had started up again to see if he can keep going.

The two of them kept teasing each other and they had done that many times much to the hateful of the other two women always being awaken up by her moans. These moans would cause both to grow horny and no way to even help with it.

Two more years have passed which Naruto was just tossed back into his cell, once his body hit the hard ground. He could hear someone yell come over here which he looked to see the guard that tossed him having a spear through his chest.

"Scorpion!" Naruto yelled which he noticed two men walking into the room.

Both dressed in gear that looked almost like Sub Zero with one being in full yellow and the other in full purple outfit. He did know these were Rain and Scorpion two people that had been asking around about him for the last four long years that he had been trapped here.

"Put these on and hurry because we don't have much time." Rain told him before he tossed him new change of gear that was inside a bag.

Naruto started to place his gear while the three women placed their clothes back on before both men could see their bodies naked. He did keep the bag which he put inside his blue vast for later if needed. Once the four of them were ready they started to head out of the cell with the two men leading them away.

Naruto didn't know how they had found him even so he was glad to be found, his body was sore all over due to Noob's visit. That was why he had a hard time walking and keeping up with the rest of the group.

"We need to get our weapons and they took them somewhere around here. Plus, if we have them than we can keep Naruto-sama safe in much better was." Sareena had told them.

"Lead on but hurry because we don't want have to save him again because finding him first time was hell." Scorpion had stated back to her.

Both of them looked at each other because they didn't know at all why she had used sama like that. Even so they just looked down at Naruto because no matter where he went or what he had done they had known one thing. That was that he had always seemed to change people for the better, because of him both these men were trying to do good.

She started to lead them to where all the weapons were being held, they easily had knock the door down. Once inside Naruto watched Rain take care of the guards without work at all, it was almost child play for him.

The women quickly went to grab their weapons while Naruto noticed something on the table, it was a small box. Inside was a ring that Kyuubi had told him to grab before telling him to also put it on his ring right away. Naruto had listened to the kitsune and soon had the ring on his finger with his eyes staring down at it.

The ring had an odd shape to it and a very beautiful ruby like gem in the middle. There were dragons running along the sides of it and it felt very strange to the touch. He did know he would get used to the feeling even so he felt something very weird in his mind.

Naruto did notice a very strange room that almost looked like it wasn't even a door. He had walked up closer to it before he noticed few signs on the wall. He was about to touch them before Kurama had yelled to stop him.

"These runes have to be touch in an order or you will get hurt very badly. If it the same as once I rule here, then let me guide you." Kurama had warned him.

Naruto had pushed each rune in the right order thanks to Kurama's help. Once he touched the last one the wall started to slide open, showing a very tiny small. Inside was a tiny table with two things on it. One being another ring this one was golden with a black dragon on the front of the ring.

He grabbed it and placed I ton his other finger before he noticed the real prize being hidden inside this room. It was an egg that size was big but not huge like, it could fit in the bag he was carrying. The egg was pure blue color and it almost felt like he was touching ice once he picked it up.

He took the bag out of his vast before placing the egg inside it then placing it back inside his vast. He did wonder what kind of egg it was and he started to think how funny it would be if it was some kind of reptile or dragon egg.

Once they got everything they left the room still following the two men, they had seemed to know just where to turn and go to. Naruto was just smiling because he was truly going be free and he would see everyone again.

"We're almost at the exit portal and once there but let's just hope it takes us where we need to go." Rain had said still unsure of where this portal would take them.

"You don't even know where this portal will take us? Are you crazy or something to just take random portals like that?" Skarlet had asked him, she couldn't believe how crazy this man was.

"I do know it takes us too outland and a place that he'll be safe at. I just don't know what part of it that it will take us too. It's my home world and they are on good base with the earth realm along with his clan." Rain calmly replied back to her.

They kept going till they stopped when they noticed more guards were rushing to them. These ones weren't push overs like the last ones they had faced, these were the elite guard that were at the outpost near here.

"I think they know we are here and trying to get away." Naruto pointed out which everyone just stared at him.

"It's time to see if all the training of yours helped. If not, I can always just come and save you later if you give me a good reward." Skarlet tease her new master.

The two groups rushed at each other, Naruto dodged the attack and kicked the man in the chest before he kicked him in the leg. He could tell the man was going to try punching him in the face before he grabbed the man's arm before turning him into ice. He shattered the head by ripping the head off and throwing it into the man's iced chest shattering whole body.

"Someone seems to be in a bad mood, I guess pay back for all the times you got torture by Noob?" Kia had asked him almost in a teasing manner.

"What can I say, I just want to return the favor to them. That nice and warm welcome feeling they gave me. At least I did gain the three of you from all of this fun and joyful time in the Netherrealm." Naruto joked back to the three of them which caused them to blush.

When they made it passed the guards they noticed the portal even so they could also see that Noob was standing there. They didn't know how he had known where they were heading when there were many portals and this one was opened up by Rain. So both older men had no clue had this bastard had found out so quickly like he did.

He couldn't believe how two clans that were meant to be endless enemies to each other would be aiding one another. That alone had pissed him off to the breaking point, first he couldn't break Naruto's will yet this was just the last push.

"You truly aren't fit to be a part of our clan when you have him of all people to aid you! Has the clan fallen so far from its former glory!?" Noob yelled over at them with rage showing in his cold hearted voice.

"My clan is far better than it has ever been because we learned to move on from the past. We have learned to do good and not evil in this world! We have learned that it better to fight for the ones you care about over greed. The same greed that caused you to fall from grace to become this monster twisted with hate and rage!" Naruto screamed back with all he had inside of him.

They noticed tons of more enemies rushing over to them and Naruto rushed right for Noob, the guards were' even trying to stop him. They just simply stopped anyone from going to Naruto's aid against Noob. They were ordered to do just that and that was what they would do, they wouldn't go against their orders no matter what.

When Naruto got to Noob he just sent a wave of ice at him. His attack easily missed even so that was the point of it, he moved to kick Noob with his right leg right in the side which he felt that his leg was being grabbed. He used his hand to keep him up before he did another kick which hit Noob in his other side letting go of his right leg.

"You are nothing Noob, a bastard and a betrayer to your own brother. You could have picked to go against your orders but you didn't. You enjoyed killing these innocent people and you didn't care about anyone not even your own blood." Naruto told him while he moved to punch him in the face.

Noob grabbed Naruto's fist before he had planted his knee right into the younger man's chest to knock him backwards. His cold dead eyes staring back at the man no the boy in front of him that reminded him so much of his younger brother. These words and how he acted were all the same things that reminded him of the younger Sub Zero, of his own brother.

"You will never win and if you think we'll let you bring back this Onaga? Well it will never happen, no matter! I'll bring down anyone that aids you Noob and you'll die by my hands, my alone!" Naruto yelled before channeling ice between his hands.

He blasted his attack right at him before he noticed that it missed again which he just kissed his teeth. He did know fighting someone that used to have the same powers wouldn't be easy and even so he refused to give up.

He started to chant few words before three flying balls of magic started to fly around him. He made the balls fly at Noob which surprised him enough for one of the three to land on his chest before it had exploded.

Naruto could see his chest bleed somewhat before he noticed the man's fist hitting him right in the stomach once more. He doubled back before dodging the next attack and he noticed that Noob was no longer holding back at all on him.

He quickly iced the ground to get away from the next attack, he noticed Noob disappeared then reappeared behind him quickly. He had tried his best to dodge the attack from behind but failed, he felt pain come to his back.

When he looked behind him he was already gone once more, he just rolled to side when he felt Noob behind him once more. He didn't know how he was doing that and he realized this whole time Noob had been hiding his truth power from him. He didn't know how he could win with someone far older and more skillful than him.

Before he could do anything he noticed massive waves of lightning started to come over at Noob and the guards. This was when he waved everyone to leave with him which the group did while the lightning kept everyone from following them. He didn't know who that was and he was thankful that they could get away due to that person's help.

Naruto found himself falling before landing in water, he looked to see that no one was with him at all. He started to think they may have landed somewhere else even so his eyes noticed movement in the water. He looked to see that there was a woman taking what looked to be a bath before his eyes.

She had long black hair that went down to her nice rounded rear, her eyes were two soft brown colored. Her chest was very large and her body was toned, it showed how much training that she went through. He did know her body was the kind he enjoyed and he wondered why this portal had landed him in someone's bath which very massive size bath at that.

"Hello there? Do you know where this portal took me?" He asked her while rubbing his head.

"Who's there!" She yelled before jumping into the water.

She didn't know who had sneaked into her bathroom even so she wasn't going to let them get away. She started to swim under the water over to him before he could react she was already behind him. She was about to attack till he noticed his outfit and the fact that he was wearing same outfit like Sub Zero.

"Wait, you couldn't be that kid everyone has been looking for? One that Noob had kidnapped all these years ago?" She had asked him.

"That would be me and you are? I mean not many people know who I am or know who Sub Zero-sama is." He had asked her back.

He turned around to face her which due to his size his eyes were right about to her breasts. He didn't mind at all even if she just glared down at him, it wasn't his fault he was short. He did know he just looked at her eyes before images started to pop in his mind due to Kurama.

"I had met you in the temple along with the others many years ago right before you were taken away. My name is Kitana or how people call me Princess Kitana." She had told him, her eyes still glaring at him.

"You were one of the two women that Smoke joked about being my wife right? You both hit him in the stomach at the same time." He asked back which made her blush tiny bit.

"Yes but tell me just how you get here? Who found you and how did you get into my bath like you had done so?" She asked him.

"I think we would also like to know that, my dear daughter." They heard voices behind them which both looked back over.

Kitana almost killed Naruto due to being seen naked in her bath.

Who are the ones behind the two of them?

What is inside the egg and why does it feel cold to the touch?

What do these two rings play into the story and one of these rings is in fact in mortal kombat story line.

Is Onaga really coming back to the world of the living?

Before people say I made Naruto too weak you need to understand one thing. Noob is one of strongest fighters there is and fought both smoke and Sub Zero together at the same time. Naruto still young and this was his first real fight he had ever done which is why he didn't know Noob true strength.

See you all later and thanks for reading.