Hello everyone,

I am awfully sorry for not updating sooner. I have been busy and celebrated my birthday and my sister's birthday a couple of weeks ago. So this is it, the last chapter. I hoped that I have written a good summary of what has happened to Evelyn, I tried my best.

Please enjoy reading the final chapter…

-Miss Victoria 20.



The Carpathia had docked in New York City days after the sinking of Titanic. It was hard to talk about what had happen, but Jack and I decided to wait until we were both ready. We moved around a lot after docking in New York, moving from apartment to apartment. Jack, Giselle and I remained in New York City for a few months before moving to Wisconsin where Jack grew up. Giselle was with us and she was doing well, after five months, we enrolled her for school after buying a house, using all the money from Caledon left behind. Jack and I obtained a job and earned good money.

I had given birth a year later after Titanic, on the Eleventh of April nineteen sixteen, to a handsome little boy. Picking out the name was hard because Jack and I didn't agree with each other's names.

We decided on calling him Thomas. After Titanic's designer, Mr. Andrews. Jack called him Tommy, after his friend. I loved that Thomas was a mirror image of Jack. We stayed in Wisconsin for a few years before we went to California where we did everything we promised. Jack and I drank beer, ride horses on the beach, ride on the rollercoaster until we were sick.

I had given birth to another child which was a girl, I named her Rose, after my sister. I had heard from my sister after Titanic, she went on to become an actress in Hollywood. I had seen her movies and she was really good. I went over to Hollywood and met with her a year and a half later after Titanic.

Rose told me she had met a man name Calvert who was polite and good hearted gentleman. I never did hear what happened to my mother, and I didn't want to. I never saw her again. Also Hockley, I didn't see him, although in a newspaper, I saw an article about him losing his wealth and he had put a pistol in his mouth in nineteen twenty-nine, where he had remarried and had three children hounding for the remains of his estate.

I promised Rose that I would keep contact with her. Jack and I had gotten married in nineteen seventeen in Los Angeles, California. We stayed there for a few years. Jack and I bore another child, a boy, who I named Jack. Jack thought it was a ridiculous idea, but I wanted him to be named after his father, we called him LJ.

After LJ's birth, we went to New York City and I had given birth to my last child, a boy, named Harold after Harold Lowe, who was an officer who rescued us from the ice.

We eventually moved back to California years when little Harold was eight. My sister Rose had gotten married to Calvert and had a few children who were close to mine.

I had become a musician like I had wanted, when the second world war began I became a nurse, after the war, I became a painter.

Our children moved out of the house when I was forty five. Giselle decided to travel the world. Thomas went on to be a soldier, Rose became a children's book writer, LJ followed his aunt's footsteps and became a actor and Harold became a lawyer. Giselle met a man named Fredrick Watson and she had gotten married and had a child, named after her father. Our children had gotten married and children and their children had children.

Jack and I lived our lives as we promised. Unfortunately, my sister Rose died in nineteen ninety two in California. I was devastated and Jack and I went to her funeral, where hundreds of people attended, honouring her life.

Jack and I lived into the modern age. I was now one hundred years old and Jack was one hundred and three. We had several grandchildren and great grandchildren and we were now living with our granddaughter, Lizzy. It was amazing to see Jack's trait carried on. Lizzy had Jack's eyes and blonde hair.

Jack and I were in wheelchairs. We could still move about but only for a little while. I was painting a picture of pink Roses in a vase when the television was on and there was a feature of Titanic. My blood went cold when I heard the name of the fallen ship. I glanced at Jack, who was sketching a dying flower on the dining table. He still had his ability to draw.

I ignored the television and continued painting until I heard something to do with two necklaces that belonged to Rose and myself. I still had the necklace on me, the other one we had given it away to Giselle on her wedding day.

I heard something to do with a drawing that was kept in the ocean for about eight decades and I turned and saw a familiar drawing. I stood up and went over for a closer look and Jack's attention went to the television.

It was the drawing Jack did of me wearing the ruby necklace! Jack and I immediately called Brock Lovett, who was in charge of finding the necklaces. He was interested in hearing what we had to say. So Lizzy, Jack and I flew over to his ship.

I felt a shiver cross my spine as we landed on the ship, I looked out to the water and I could still hear the cries of dying women, men and children, I had asked Lizzy to take us to the edge where I had a bouquet of flowers and I dropped it in the water for the people who had died in the water eighty four years ago.

I was frightened to tell everything that happened, relieving the good memories, and the traumatic ones were hard. While we were on the ship, Jack and I told our story that had everyone moved. We never did speak of Titanic to anyone, not even to our children or anyone we knew, it was our secret.

Late at night, Jack and I went over to the rail where I held the Heart of The Ocean necklace, I had offered it to Rose once, but she didn't want it back. I dropped the necklace in the water, feeling free and happy that I fulfilled my sister's wish.

Jack and I went to sleep and I drifted off...

I went through the doors and I saw lit glowing chandelier, the music was lively and soft. The room was populated by men wearing their best, and women in gowns. They nodded their heads as I moved and I turned to the top of the stairs where I saw the clock read two twenty.

I turned and I saw Jack with me, he looked back to being twenty years old. He held my hand and I gripped his.

We were at the top and I kissed him when I heard applause and I couldn't hear anymore and see anymore.

I did as I promised to Jack. To die in a warm bed. I had lived a happy life. I had never regretted being on Titanic because it made my dreams came true. Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams and I had lived my dream.

Well, that was the final chapter and I hoped did it justice to Evelyn, Jack and Giselle. I have already started writing another fanfic story based on the Avengers and hopefully I will be able to post it soon.

I want to say thank you to all of you for supporting me and reading my story, it truly means a lot to me, I can't say thank you enough to all those people who have commented, followed, favorited me and my story.

With much love,

-Miss Victoria 20.