I do not own Fairy tail even though I am obsessed with it.

This story is based after Tartaros but the guild did not disband. Sorry but I want it this way. lol

Clarification just in case if it is needed.

Thoughts will be in italics

"speaking of course will be in quotations"

Hope you all enjoy the story J

A Celestial Mage's Dragons

Chapter One: Home Coming

After a long year of training and a long and difficult train ride back home to Magnolia, a salmon haired man is found wobbling out of the train onto the pavement of the station. Once he planted his foot onto the ground he dropped to his hands and knees and kisses the pavement while a blue exceed is flying above him. "Oh sweet land how I have missed you. Damn train being a jerk." Natsu lifted himself back up from the ground and gives Happy his signature toothy grin with a thumbs up, "Let's get to the guild and see everyone!" Sitting himself on Natsu's head Happy salutes, "Aye Sir!"

Walking through the streets of Magnolia, Natsu and Happy head to their favorite celestial mage's home first to pay her a homecoming visit. "Natsu, are you really going to confess to Lucy?" Looking at Happy, Natsu readjusted his back pack while trying to hide the pink tint that crossed his cheeks. "I need to Happy. Mating season is only a day away and I can feel my dragon senses leading me towards her as my mate. I don't want to lose her. I am in love with her. I just wish it didn't take me leaving for a year to realize it." Natsu rubbed the back of his neck when they made it to her building and he couldn't find his favorite scent surrounding the area. Strawberries and vanilla. "She must be at the guild Happy! Let's hurry up!" With that Natsu started running to the guild with Happy flying right behind him.

The guild hall has been rebuilt yet again over this last year. It isn't as beautiful as before but it's still home to all of the fairies. Kicking in the large wooden doors a voice could be heard throughout the hall, "WE'RE HOME!" Guild members raised their mugs and hollered their welcome while some new members had confused looks on their faces. Not hesitating to get the information he needed Natsu made his trip to the bar as quickly as possible and sat at a stool until a certain white hair barmaid finally took notice. "NATSU!" leaning over the bar she hugged him tightly and then ran to the back to start both his and Happy's usual order. Without realizing how hungry he was, Natsu's stomach started crying for food. 'Damn, I never forget to eat. I guess I've just been too excited.' As he waiting for his food Natsu looked around the guild for a mop full of blonde hair that belong to his best friend, the girl he was in love with. Not seeing her he decided that he would ask Mira when she brought his food.

He didn't have to wait long as 4 large plate piled about 6 inches high with food were sat in front of him. "Oi Mira. Where's Luce? I haven't seen her yet. I tried her place but she wasn't there and I haven't seen her in the guild yet." While wiping down the mugs she had just washed Mira smiles at Natsu nodding her head towards the back of the guild. "She's in the back at the training grounds with Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe." Felling a growl start in the pit of his stomach Natsu shakes his head, "Why would she be training with them? I mean they aren't even friends. Where are Erza and Gray?" The smile dropping from Mira's face, she realized that Natsu just got back after a year and doesn't know anything of what has happened to Lucy in his absence. "Well after Tartaros, you left for your year long training only leaving Lucy a note and Erza and Gray going off to training without even a word, Lucy was devastated and depressed. Especially after losing Aquarius she hadn't been the same." Shrugging her shoulders she continues, "well not until the Thunder God Tribe took her under their wing. She's still sad but she's moving forward and she has her real smile back and that's what we're all happy for. She's been getting really strong too. You'd be amazed seeing how hard she's been working. You should go out back to watch her train after you done eating." Nodding his head in agreement Natsu continues to stuff his face while Happy eats his fish.

With their stomachs full, the boys head towards the training grounds and hide behind the bleachers to try to think of a way to surprise Lucy. When they look up their eyes lock onto the gorgeous figure of their friend as she is training with Bixlow. Today was Par Core Training day for Lucy and she was going all out. She looked amazing as she was running along Bixlow's constantly moving babies keeping up with Bixlow as they are thrown into the air. As they descended towards the ground Natsu was about to run and catch her when he realizes that she is positioning herself to tumble. As she tumbles along the ground she jumps right back up and flung herself to the railing a few feet above her and slides down with Bixlow on her tail. Natsu couldn't take his eyes off of her as his jaw dropped in awe as to how beautiful she looks. Her golden locks has grown another 6 inches and her figure was much more toned than a year ago. She was wearing a salmon colored tank top that barely held her large chest with a pair of black shorts and red and black running shoes. Ending their training Bixlow and Lucy high five each other while trying to regain their breath. "Awesome session cosplayer. You're really making me work for it." Giggling and giving her award winning smile, "Thanks Bix! Same time next week?" Smiling and rolling his tounge out, "You've got it." Bixlow walked off towards the locker rooms.

About to step out to finally surprise Lucy, he sees Laxus walk up behind the blonde beauty and wrap his arms around her waist. Realizing she was being held she turns around and smiles up at the hulking man. Natsu started to feel that growl deep in his stomach build as he watched the interaction. Feeling disgusted his feet start to move in their direction until his eyes caught the one thing that could shatter his heart, something unimaginable. Lucy got up on her tips toes and was kissing Laxus. THEY WERE ACTUALLY KISSING! Natsu's brain was running a million miles a minute. He was stuck in a daze of confusion and anger. 'She's supposed to be my Lucy, what the hell does that Neanderthal think he's doing?'

As Lucy and Laxus' kiss breaks off Happy can't take the waiting anymore and bolts towards the busty blonde. "LUSSSSHHHHYYYY! We've missed you so much," a voice trembling in tears was heard as the blue mass lands in between Lucy's ample chest. Startled Lucy's eyes widen and tears trail down her cheeks and she squeezing that damn blue cat as tightly as she can. She dropped to the ground sobbing with Happy. "I-is it…is it really you?" A muffled "Aye, sir" could be heard. After their display Natsu runs up in front of Lucy and he holds out his hand to help her up. Instead of helping her up though, she pulls him to the ground and latches her arms around Natsu. All she could do was sob into his shoulder and then to his chest. Laxus' dragon senses were on fire with their display, but he contained himself. They weren't mated yet as Lucy wanted to wait for the confirmation of their true mating. He will be patient, he only had one more day to wait to mark her, making them linked for life.

Natsu's dragon senses lifted his spirits as pride welled into his heart. 'She's sobbing for me, she really did miss me. The feeling I'm getting right now proves that she is my mate.' Natsu held Lucy just as tightly as she held him, allowing her to let herself cry.. To rid herself of her loneliness. As her tears died down she stands up in front of Natsu and…. "LUCY KICK!" Natsu is flying 200 yards across the field into the training dummies. Natsu smiles as he rubbs his cheek that has a large red mark, "Damn Luce, that's one hell of a kick, but what the hell was that for?" Enraged the blonde stands in front of Natsu, "all I'm worth is a LOUSY LETTER! I'm your best friend and I deserve way more! Granted it was more than I got from Erza or Gray, but YOU. YOU I expected more from. You really hurt me by not saying good bye to me in person. What was so hard about telling me goodbye?" Tears were again flowing heavily from the celestial mage's eyes. Trying to figure out any kind of response, Natsu just stares at Lucy shocked that she felt so strongly about him leaving without a goodbye. He spoke softly as to not try to hurt her any further "You are worth more well more than that Lucy. I just couldn't bear actually saying the words to you because… well because I lo-" Before Natsu could speak the last of his sentence Laxus grabbed her and encased her in his arms. Laxus was done with the conversation and he was not going to have the dumb kid get in between him and Lucy. Both mens' dragon senses were going haywire and they were both growling from deep within them. Hearing both of them upset Lucy and she pushed herself away from Laxus and ran into the women's locker room to avoid both of the men.

Laxus and Natsu were standing in the training field still staring each other down, neither saying a word, just growling when a flash of gold light glittered in between them and there stood Lucy's most loyal of spirit Loke. "What the hell is wrong with the two of you! Lucy is in the locker room crying her eyes out because you two are upsetting the shit out of her!" Both men look away rubbing the backs of their necks. Upset with themselves both men begin to think how they didn't consider how Lucy would react but it's not really their faults. They're dragons were making an appearance and then they realized it, "Oh shit. Loke I didn't even think about it. Mating season starts tomorrow and my dragon can not take this flame idiot being near her," Laxus is shaking his head as he is explaining to Loke what is wrong with him. Loke shocked that it was actually sooner than he had thought it was, "Wait. Dragon mating season starts tomorrow?! Which dragon slayers are currently mated?!" Laxus confused as to why Loke would care still responds to the nosey question, "I think the only ones who are currently mated are Gajeel, Sting and Cobra." Loke's eyes went wide and he disappeared in a flash back to the spirit world without any explanation. Both dragon slayers stood in their same spots for a few additional moments.

As Laxus turns around and walks back into the guild hall Natsu speaks up, "You know I'm here to claim her as my mate correct?" Stopping in his tracks Laxus now enraged looks over his shoulder at Natsu, "that's funny because I will be claiming her tomorrow. And once we've mated I'm still proposing so she can have that dream wedding girls like," and he continued for the back door. "Well see who she chooses Laxus but don't cry like a little bitch when she picks me!" Natsu yelled back to Laxus as the older man continued to walking ignoring him. Natsus' shoulders slumped as we walked over to sit on the bleachers, 'What the hell am I going to do if both of our dragons are trying to claim the same girl. This never happens. You are guaranteed a mate and that mate is guaranteed you.' His best buddy flies by and sits next to him in silence. That's exactly what he needs right now.