standard disclaimer stuff

Five days til Coronation

Link ignored the first knock at his door. He shouted incoherently at the second a few minutes later. When there was a third knock, he growled and stumbled over to open the door.

"Rusl, I're not Rusl."

Mira raised an eyebrow at the Hero, taking in his disheveled appearance. "Late night Hero?"

Link blushed and combed his fingers through his hair. "Sort of. What can I do for you Ma'am?"

"Mira will do. Her highness has requested your company in the throne room this afternoon. She will be observing the reconstruction progress at that time. Will you accept?"

He blinked a few times, his sleepy brain trying to catch up. "Uh yes? Sorry when should I go?"

"An hour should do. Shall I send some servants?"

Link nearly refused, but shrugged it off and accepted.

Not five minutes after the sheikah left a couple of maids arrived and began filling the tub and a valet arrived with his clothes and a small tray with coffee, rolls and some butter. Link scarfed down the food and drink then sank into the tub. A blushing maid set down a towel and his cleaned Ordonian clothes next to the tub and scurried away gathering up his discarded clothing. The valet insisted on helping him dress; which made it take far longer than necessary. Link rushed off towards the throne room late.

He took a few minutes outside to slow his breathing and adjust his bandana.

Zelda stood in the centre of the room, her back to him as the steward gestured towards the empty wall above the throne. As he approached Zelda turned towards him. "Good afternoon Hero."

Link bowed, "Princess, I am at your service." He turned and inclined his head to the steward as an afterthought. "Lord Elliot."

"Yes, yes good morning. Mr. Dern, we don't have all day." The lord called to a middle aged man in work clothes.

"Certainly milord, I've just layed hands on the sketches you requested." He replied, scurrying over to them, laden with scrolls; which he promptly dropped along with his jaw. "You're him! The hero! Oh my word." Link dove to help pick up the scrolls blushing.

"Link, this is Mr. Dern, head of the restoration committee, and Mr. Dern you evidently recognise Hyrule's hero, Link of Ordon." Introduced Zelda.

Dern stammered his thanks as Link placed the last scroll into his arms. He lead them to a work table near the door and carefully set down the scrolls before clearing off a few tools. He selected a scroll tied with red string and unfurled it, weighing down the edges.

"As you can see, your highness, the throne room is nearly complete, our largest problem remaining is replacing the statue of the goddesses. We've already taken out the damaged one" he gesture to the empty space above the throne. " Now we just have decide on the exact design of the new one."

Zelda examined the five designs in front of her, immediately dismissing one of herself, then asking Lord Elliot and Link for their opinions.

Of the four choices there was one of a beautiful woman holding a lyre in one hand, the triforce in the other, labeled as Hylia. Next was a slight variation of the original statue with the master sword worked in, thirdly was Link himself on a rearing Epona brandishing the master sword; which he immediately placed with Zelda's veto design. Lastly was an approximation of the mirror of twilight, the three goddesses standing in front of it and the edges adorned with the symbols of all of Hyrule's people. Lord Elliot monologued for several minutes about the attraction of the remaining designs, Zelda listening patiently, Link looking back and forth between the designs and Zelda.

Zelda layed a hand on Elliot's arm when he paused in his speech to silence him.

"Thank you for your advice Lord Elliot. Hero? Your thoughts?"

Link frowned. "Well the three goddesses seems an obvious choice. This Hylia would be interesting, as she bears much resemblance to yourself, milady, but I sense you don't wish that. I think the last one most represents your rule to come." Zelda smiled slightly.

"Why would you say that?" Asked Elliot sharply.

"Because it represents all the people of Hyrule and Twilight. The sacrifices made by both princesses for the future and the kingdom united by our queen and her lifelong sacrifices." Link blushed, "at least that's what I think."

Elliot gave Link a calculated look. "That is a fair assessment I suppose."

"It's decided then . Is there anything else, or shall we move on to the temple?"

"No your highness. I'll just need your steward for a few moments more. If you would like to head to the temple my apprentice Mr. Hollis is overseeing." He bowed before leading Lord Elliot away.

"Walk with me?" Zelda asked, taking his arm. A decorated knight stepped from the shadows as they left the throne room and lead them through the castle and out into the temple district.

"Only one guard for the Princess?" Teased Link as they walked.

She smiled and patted his arm. "An elite. Besides I am accompanied by the Hero and Mira is not far from us. Now I wish to know why my steward is displeased with you, Link."

He shrugged. "I'm not sure I barely said two words to him when I came to see you yesterday, and he dismissed me. Perhaps my commoner roots."

"Hmm that does sound like him, he is very fixated on status and propriety; he gets very upset when I even dance with a lesser lord at balls. He is an excellent steward though."

Link nodded, images of himself dancing with the Princess coming to mind, an angry Lord Elliot coming at him with an axe.

"Something amuses?"

"Nnno, not at all!" Link stammered.

"I...uh, what's happening at the temple?"

Zelda overlooked his sudden awkwardness an began to explain the damage needing to be repaired and upgrades required for the temple for the coronation.

Link listened attentively, before asking what he could do to help.

"I'm sure we could find some work for you if you wish," she smiled, before her face slipped to a mask of indifference as they entered the temple.

Religion in Hyrule had fallen to the wayside in the past few decades, and while there were still those that dedicated their lives to the temples of the world they were few and only joined by the less devout for traditional festivals and ceremonies. Link was therefor surprised to find so many volunteer labourers. A Mr. Hollis had approached and bowed to Zelda and began to expound the work being done. After following him around the worksite Link broke into the discussion asking about the volunteers.

"Many people lost homes or fled the castle itself but could not leave the city during the occupation. The temple offered shelter, guidance and hope. This is their way of expressing their gratitude to Minister Sahasrahla and his apprentice."

"I don't think I ever met them, but I didn't have much cause to visit the temple before."

" You'll meet them at the coronation, i'm sure they wish to thank you personally for carrying out the will of their beloved goddesses!" He eagerly replied.

Link nodded and Zelda thanked Hollis for his time before taking their leave.

Once outside, Link seized upon their moment of solitude to address the Princess.

"Your highness, I am sorry for my visit at such an inappropriate time last night, it was presumptuous and impulsive and..." Zelda halted him with a hand on his arm.

"I accept your apology Link, but I do not regret our time spent together. I welcome your company as you both entertain me and i find I am much more relaxed in your presence."

Link bowed his head and smiled, "any service to you I will gladly perform."

"Excellent! Then you should continue your story tonight, though perhaps it would be best if I met you in the garden." She smirked slightly at him.

Link readily agreed. Zelda took his arm once more and directed him back to the castle, he left her with a bow outside the audience chamber and raced down to the training grounds.

"Oh look who decides to roll outta bed finally." Ashei called as Link sauntered towards Rusl and the bowmen he was instructing.

Link waved her off and addressed Rusl, "Sorry I didn't come down with you this morning, I was checking out the restorations. Shall I take over?"

Rusl laughed, "You are more skilled than I with the bow. But you can't lie to me, you were dead to the world when we came to collect you."

Link shrugged as he strung his bow. " I slept in a bit, but Mira managed to wake me."

Rusl raised an eyebrow. "That sheikah? You'll have to tell me more before dinner but for now I've got to go prepare to leave."

Link nodded and turned to instruct the bowmen.

An hour into archery training, a boy came to fetch Link and deliver him back to his guest chambers. Inside Link was met with the baffling sight of tunics, doublets, breeches, and all manner of high end clothing and bolts of fabric strewn across the sitting area in organised chaos and in the middle a tall thin man doling out orders to some servants. He spotted Link and clapped his hands.

"There he is! Our wonderful rag draped hero! Come come we have much to do and many decisions to make!" He strode towards Link, and thrust his hand out and gave his shocking white hair a toss.

"You may call me Ghiri! I am the royal taylor and designer extraordinaire!"

Link shook his hand in a daze, and the next few hours were spent in a swirl of colour and an unending commentary from one of the strangest people he had ever met.

When Ghiri and his staff finally left, he made Link promise to order a whole new wardrobe in exchange for allowing his choice of a rather understated long sleeve navy tunic, brown breeches and long blue vest for this evening's banquet.

The same valet from the morning remained behind and introduced himself as Mr. Milton. He prepared Link for dinner, dressing him and giving him a crash course on the nobles mannerisms and etiquette, before sending him off with 'good luck'.

Link met Ashei and Auru outside the banquet hall, both uncharacteristicly as silent as himself, he nervously tried once more to smooth his hair before the guard opened the door.

AN: see? Not abandoned just not a very fast writer...And I've blocked out what's gonna happen in next chapter so hopefully not as long til it's posted, I'm hoping it'll be up by April...