I know I shouldn't start another fic when I have two more to take care of but this little plot bunny refused to leave me alone until I had it written down and posted on the site.

I will only continue this fic if I get an adequate response from you people. So some feedback is definitely appreciated.

This fic may not update frequently as I have two more stories up on the site that need to be finished and i will finish them not as quickly as I'd like.

Also this story may or may not contain yaoi but that is up for me to decide after a couple of chapters are done.


The Fourth Hokage if asked, would describe his life to be completely fulfilled. There was a sense of contentment around the man that the enemy swore was more dangerous than his anger, as evidenced by the little Hyuuga incident five years ago. But that was the story for another day, another time.

Today, the man was sitting behind his desk contemplating the paperwork with a look that could only be described as exasperation and mild boredom. The fourth being the very diligent man he is, always completes his paperwork like a good little Hokage should. He really, really did! But today, the normally cheerful man who would so quickly smile for his people was stuck behind a desk he did not want to stay behind!

Whoever knew that the Hokage's position was nothing but a glorified desk job? This Chair had to come with a warning of "Beware this Position can eat away at your patience faster than you can say Hokage."

The main reason for this would be the chaos reining the village. Chaos that would usually make him feel content and happy was today making him feel restless behind his desk. He felt the stirrings of a nervous static in the air, the tension slowly mounting even though he knew that everything was alright. But he didn't dare disregard the feeling. You did not survive a war by ignoring your survival instincts. So, he slowly prepared himself for listening to news that might soon rock his world.

He channelled the slightest amount of his chakra to his ears and listened in on the village not at all bothering with trivial things like privacy; it is not usually considered eavesdropping if you were doing it on your family to keep them safe, or so Minato reasoned anyway.

He could now hear the terrified screams of Root's ANBU who were just integrated into the normal ANBU a few years ago, with Kushina's own devious cackling trailing behind. Really Kushina was the best when it came to reconditioning the ROOT's training. Her pranks brought out emotions in other people faster than Naruto could empty a ramen bowl.

Thinking of his adorable little son, made him focus in on his son's own evil cackling. Minato sighed, as that would only explain that his adorable little child was once again out with his equally adorable and equally devious little best friend, the Uchiha clan's Littlest Prince. He could hear their excited yells and patter- patter of their little feet as they ran from an exasperated villager who swore to spank the boys when he caught them. Not that they could, Minato thought resignedly. Naruto was Minato's and Kushina's, speed was basically written into his genes and Sasuke was being trained in the speed department by none other than Shunshin no Shisui. The older brat had learned of their little habit of pranking the villagers and had taken it upon himself to make sure that Sasuke was never caught. Seriously those two could give Kushina a run for her money when it came to pranking what with Naruto's inventive ideas and Sasuke's perfect execution of them, (Woe be the day they actually taught Naruto sealing, Minato shuddered. Everyone who knew Kushina and Naruto had vetoed teaching Naruto anything about sealing until his graduation which was four and half years away.) The village wide prankathon the three had started three months ago had actually scarred his precious ANBU for life. But even if the kids did get caught once or twice, the other villagers would never let anything happen to them the golden duo of Konoha, neither would the ANBU that always followed them around.

He smiled at Sasuke's laughter; that boy was such a good influence on Naruto's academics. Not that Naruto was a bad influence, his child had managed to coax the little Uchiha out of his shell and now Sasuke had a good number of friends in the village, something Itachi and Mikoto were very happy to note (even Fugaku was, secretly, of course!) Who knew the sweet little innocent Prince of the Uchiha actually had a devious streak that ran a mile deep. The looks on the faces of the people when the little devils first made their first huge prank was something he would never forget. He chuckled remembering Fugaku's expression, he had been sure the man would have had an aneurism. But surprisingly he barely even scolded Sasuke for the prank he pulled. And Minato was very sure that the little Prince's widened doe-eyed, innocent stare had nothing to do with it.

Minato was pulled out of his thoughts as felt someone coming to his room. He took a pen into his hands and made sure to look like he wasn't slacking at all. No, he wasn't slacking, nuh uh, he was merely paying attention to the villagers for their own safety.

The door opened to reveal Nara Shikaku, his best friend and the commander of the Jounin. He slumped from his studious position onto the desk looking miserable, a sight Minato would only present to a handful of people in the Village. Shikaku for his part merely smirked in the usually irritating way only a Nara could.

"Slacking, Hokage-sama?" Shikaku teased, his eyes were however dancing with such mirth that ultimately caused Minato to throw his pen at him. Shikaku's shadow however neatly caught the pen before it hit him. He rose an eyebrow at Minato's reaction, knowing that the man would usually just laugh it off.

"Bad day?" he asked quietly, soon after taking in the stacks of paper that sat nearly untouched.

"Bad instincts," Minato muttered.

The other eyebrow on Shikaku's head joined the first.

"Do I even want to know? Or is it too troublesome to bother listening to?" the head of the Nara asked, taking his seat across Minato.

"Just a feeling," the Fourth Hokage muttered, looking away.

"A feeling, huh, too troublesome," Shikaku said quietly, his eyes already half-lidded, coming up with various plans and scenarios he could think of.

"Something big is coming Shikaku, this is the second time it has happened in nearly eight years."

"The first being that day, Kushina's near death and your own deteriorating condition I assume. You know, none of us truly know what happened that night, the Kyuubi was mad with bloodlust, killing people one minute and gone the next. I am sure Kakashi knows but no one says a damn thing about what had happened that night. Is it really so big that you can't even trust me with? After all, I am quite sure that Fugaku knows what happened."

Shikaku, Minato knew, was not angry or resentful for that. He was merely curious as to why Minato had easily trusted the information with the stoic Uchiha clan head. A few years ago, Shikaku would have called the man suspicious but now watching the way his entire family sometimes ganged up on him made Shikaku have a whole new level respect for his fellow clan head, thanking everyone above for not granting Shikaku with two devious children and wife who could very well be scarier than his Yoshino. He didn't envy the man in the least but he did sympathize with him. The day Danzo was exiled from Konoha after the evidence Minato had had secretly gathered, Shikaku was fairly sure the Uchiha had held a celebration in their clan compound. Who could blame them after everything they'd had to endure because of the man's machinations (the stolen Sharingan was something the Uchiha never forgave anyone for, except maybe Kakashi as his Sharingan had been a gift to the boy. But that too only happened after Fugaku thoroughly examined and came to know the young man more). Sure Danzo had done a lot for the village but Shikaku was definitely surer that such kind of machinations would only lead to more destruction rather than peace.

Now the Clan meetings were quite fun to have what with. Fugaku's dry humor was always something to look forward to, that and Hiashi's twitching eyebrow every time Fugaku said something in that deadpan voice of his, aimed as a barb at Hashi. It was mostly harmless fun.

So lost was Shikaku in his thoughts that he barely noticed the youngest speedster of Konoha flickering into the room, looking all sorts of agitated.

"Shisui-kun, everything alright?" Minato asked quickly, looking concerned, standing up and making his way to the panting Uchiha.

"Hai, Hokage-sama, just give me a second, I'll explain everything!"

He took a deep breath, kept it in for about thirty seconds before expelling it in a loud whoosh of air. He closed his eyes before explaining quickly:

"On the mission, Kakashi-senpai, Itachi and I were a part of, we encountered traces of subject Savior-" and a bright yellow flash appeared in the middle of the room where the Hokage was supposed to be. Shikaku looked surprised at Minato's sudden disappearance although the Uchiha boy who had come to deliver the news did not look surprised in the least

Shisui shook his head and swore quietly under his breath and muttered something that suspiciously sounded like 'hadn't even listened to what I had to say' under his breath.

"Subject Savior?" Shikaku asked, curiosity now piqued.

"Oh hey, Shikaku-san, I didn't notice you there!" the boy greeted cheerfully trying his best to evade the question. Shikaku merely looked unimpressed at the boy's rather pathetic attempt at misdirection but for once conceded. He already had a few suspicions as to what might have happened and the Subject Savior only solidified certain theories he had of the day the Kyuubi was defeated.

"I am sorry Shikaku-sama, but Subject Savior is an S-rank secret that only the Hokage can divulge. Also I need to get going to the hospital and make sure this thing goes off without a hitch, I need to inform Tsunade-sama at the earliest. We're going to need the hospital anyway. So, later Shikaku-sama.," the boy explained quietly before disappearing in his trademark body flicker.

Who's going to need the hospital? Itachi, Kakashi, Minato or- And then Shikaku knew that this was what Minato had feared was coming. As to who or what the Subject Savior was Shikaku did not know, but he was sure of one thing, Konohagakure no sato would never be the same after this day.

and Cut

So this was the first chapter...

Tell me how it is and feel free to correct me on any of the mistakes I might have made in the story about Danzo.