He was frowning in concern. "But, other than that, you enjoyed it, right?"

"Oh my god, yes." The elevator opened and they walked in. Garrus turned to her and pushed the button to stop it.

"Look, Jane, for Turians, sex is often a stress reliever, particularly on stressful missions."

She felt her throat go dry as she watched him try to put his words together.

"I don't know what it's like for humans, I've never felt this way about a human before, never considered it. But – I want something with you, something more. You're so important to me."

"What are you trying to say, Garrus?"

He sighed, "I'm not too sure," he looked at her shyly, "I'm trying to see how you feel, I sort of ambushed you."

"Because I let you." She put her hand on her hip.

"True. I, dammit, I'm not making any sense. I want to be with you, that's all."

She cleared her throat, "You mean like get together sometimes for fun, or for a relationship?" her voice was strained.

He snapped his head up, "A relationship. I want to be your boyfriend."

Relieved, she flung her arms around his neck, "Thank god. I was hoping you would say that."

"I guess that's a yes?"

She kissed him, "Definitely a yes. I love you Garrus." She held her breath, she hadn't meant to blurt that out.

"Jane, I'm so in love with you." He hugged her tightly then pulled back. "I didn't hurt you again, did I?"

"No, why-"

"You're crying," he pointed out.

"Oh, those are good tears." She pushed the button for the elevator to start and leaned against him, trying to process everything that had just happened. The doors opened and he walked out, giving her a little wave as the doors closed to take her up to her quarters. She giggled at his wave, his goofy grin. He'd scared her initially with that speech in the elevator. She wasn't going to be satisfied with a friends- with- benefits arrangement.

Up in her quarters, she made a quick bathroom stop, freshened up quickly, then made her way back down to Miranda's quarters in a daze, smiling to herself. As the doors opened, she flopped down in Miranda's chair.

"Commander?" Miranda asked.


"Are you alright?"

"Yes, definitely alright," she sat up straight and focused on Miranda. "What was it you wanted to see me about?"

Miranda told her about her sister, her need to assist with the transfer to keep her safe.

"I understand. We can set a course to Illium, I'll let Joker know."

The relief on Miranda's face was immediate, "Thank you Commander, I appreciate it."

Shepard stood up, "Anything else?"

"No, that's all. Anything you need, Shepard?"

Shepard shook her head, "Nope. I'll be in my quarters. Do you want to try and go tonight, or in the morning?"

"I'll contact Lanteia and let you know. I think the morning may be alright."

Shepard nodded and left her quarters. She was disappointed to see Garrus wasn't there. "I guess he's cleaning up as well." She messaged him she was back in her quarters.

Did you go see Dr. Chakwas? He pinged her

No. I forgot.

You need to do that. I don't want to hurt you.

It wasn't that bad, I don't mind.

He answered, I mind. There's got to be something we can do to prevent that.

Oh, do you plan on more?


She felt a little shiver up her spine and smiled, On my way to see the Dr.

After a short talk with Dr. Chakwas, she found herself in an embarrassing conversation with Mordin, complete with instructional vids.

"Please, Mordin, I don't have time to watch those now. Could you send them to my quarters or something?"

"Of course, Shepard. Also have scholarly articles can send," he brought up his omni-tool.

She shook her head quickly, "No, no, that's okay," she held up the bottle he gave her, "Thanks for the lotion."

He brightened, "Yes, yes, when you need more, let me know. I have plenty."

She pressed her lips together and decided not to ask. "Thanks." She turned and went up to her quarters.

As the doors opened she was thrilled to see Garrus there waiting for her.

"So?" he asked.

She held up the lotion and told him about Mordin's information.

He took the bottle out of her hand and examined it before putting it on her bedside table. He turned to face her, "Looking forward to trying it out later."

She grinned. "So, how about getting something downstairs to eat?"

"Sure." He walked up close to her and they looked at each other awkwardly.

She laughed and looked down, her hands on her hips. She bit her lip and looked up at him, "So-"

"I think I may actually look at what Mordin sent you," he reached his hand out and lightly touched her arm. "I don't know anything about humans romantically, I want to do this right."

"Well, it's still us, you know, I mean, we know each other so well, this is just taking our friendship to another level."

"I've dreamt about you for so many years, I never thought I'd be brave enough to do something about it."

"What about on New Years? You were hugging all over me!"

Garrus looked puzzled, "I was?"

She laughed, "Yeah, you were. You don't remember?"

"I remembered a little bit about it the next day, but I thought I was too subtle for you to notice."

"As subtle as a geth attack." She put her hand on her hip.

"Spirits. You never said anything."

"I know. I didn't know if you actually mean it."

His hand still on her shoulder, he pulled her towards him, "I very much meant it."

She leaned up and kissed him, feeling herself melt in his arms. "Garrus," she sighed, hugging him, "I need you so, so much. I don't think there's anyone else in the whole galaxy I'd rather be with."

"I feel the same way, Jane. I'm glad you weren't mad when I pulled your pants down in cargo bay."

She pulled back and smiled up at him, "Like I said, anybody but you would get my fist in their face."

"I'm glad I got your tongue down my throat instead."
