AN: This has been sitting on my mind for the past month now and has driven me insane. The fact that there is an unfinished story is something that unsettles me. Sorry…. So… as promised the epilogue. A few of you asked for me to not write the epilogue right away but throw a few more chapters in, but honestly, I feel like the end for this story has come and writing a few more chapters might unnecessarily stretch out what needs to be done. But thank you everyone who reviewed, followed and fav'd. It means a lot to a writer, trust me on this! Until next time. Thanks!

A few months later

Being my own boss and having my own business was exhilarating. I made my own – and sometimes very crazy – hours and worked my butt off. But I didn't mind and in the end it was worth all the effort and work.

After plenty of negotiations with Ranger we managed to work out the perfect deal. Negotiating with Ranger was a lot easier than expected. We both made long lists of terms we wanted to push through and then spent long hours debating why this and that point was essential. We found a good balance between our points and ended up being happy with the results.

I had moved into an office next to RangeMan. Ranger had offered to use one of the empty offices on the first floor, but I declined. I found his offer well-meant but somehow figured people wouldn't find me quite as easy if they had to answer a dozen questions by the front desk just to see me. On some days getting into RangeMan was harder than conquering a fort.

At the beginning my PI agency was small and doing ok-ish. My door wasn't run in by potential clients and my first paying customers had actually been relatives or people being referred by relatives. And then RangeMan came and referred plenty of their clients to me whenever something came up that wasn't really offered to be done by RangeMan. Though I figured the things RangeMan did or didn't do was a bit of grey area and depending on the client. But seeing it was at a time where RangeMan had been rather busy, Ranger was glad to have someone to refer clients to that wouldn't require for him to allocate manpower to a job.

I was happy because it meant I could pay my bills and loans. Though the referrals came from RangeMan it didn't feel like some sort of pitying like earlier jobs for RangeMan itself had felt. I actually worked my butt of instead of screwing something up that was supposed to be easy. Not all cases were with the desired happy ending and some I actually refused right from the start, but …things were going well.

The same could be said about Ranger and me. Despite our issues and my strong desire for independence we managed to be what Lester referred to as fun couple. Up to this point I'm still not entirely certain what exactly that meant, but it didn't sound bad, so…

Ranger liked using my services as some sort of contractor. Whenever he needed a helping hand with something or just needed someone, he called me, a contract was drawn up and I ended up being paid at the end of whatever he needed me to do. It didn't matter whether it were searches, observing someone or a distraction, like the one I was getting ready for right now.

The specifics had been blurry to say the least. I figured Lester had been the one left in charge to get the information required to me. Well, if there actually had been information. All his piece of paper read was look hot and sexy and cheap. Run down bar

I ended up with a Marilyn Monroe-ish dress that was technically knee-length, but backless and with a halter neck which showed enough skin one could see my belly button. I straightened my hair and applied several thick layers of make-up. Staring in the mirror in front of me I hardly recognized myself. Good, if I had problems recognizing myself other wouldn't have an easy time either. That again meant my mother wouldn't get a dozen phone calls telling her that her daughter must be a frequent shopper at Sluts'R'Us.

Half an hour later Cal had the honor of getting my microphone and earpiece in place. The options of where to hide them were very limited due to lack of fabric. Ten minutes we were pretty certain the way he had managed to hide them was ok enough. If I didn't move too sudden and frantic I should be fine.

It took me ten minutes to lure our guy out and I might have just broken my own record. When Tank and Ranger waited for me at the exit and our FTA realized what he just walked into he yelled "Puta" my way. Of course I was a whore looking the way I did.

I'm almost certain I didn't imagine Ranger grabbing the FTA rougher than necessary all of a sudden. I followed them a few steps behind, but still able to listen to their exchange, ranger's windbreaker now comfortably draped around my shoulders.

Our guy was ranting in Spanish how all his problems were always caused by women and that all of us women were putas to begin with. If it wasn't for us he wouldn't be in this situation. And how was it that always the guy got the blame while the women walked free?

"La violación no es un problema de la mujer, que es el tipo que no puede mantenerlo en su pantalón. Si en realidad nos trataría a poco con un respeto tal vez nosotras las mujeres no estaríamos fuera de la sangre y después de su cabeza," (Rape isn't the woman's problem, it's the guy who can't keep it in his pants. If you'd actually treat us with a bit respect maybe us women wouldn't be out for blood and after your head.) I informed him, seeing his eyes go wide when he realized I had understood every word he had just said. I remembered that his rep sheet included rape, assault, domestic abuse and indecent exposure. While I'm certain he was responsible for himself and most of these crimes, I also figured that his usual lady friends might dress more regularly the way I was looking right now and might not have too high expectations Not saying they were to blame, but they probably weren't quite as innocent in all of this either.

Once our FTA was seated in the SUV Ranger turned towards me.

"You alright, Babe?" he asked, just like very time after a distraction.

"I actually want to crawl into a shower and scrub every inch of me, hoping I'd feel less filthy. He kind if gave me the creeps," I admitted, seeing him nod.

"I could help you," he suggested at which I needed to laugh.

"I'm sure you could…."

"From that little Spanish exchange I assume you are still taking courses? You still have time for that, Babe?" he wonder, knowing how crazy busy my schedule had become.

"Actually I switched to online courses," I admitted. "It means I can stay somewhat flexible. The only downside is that with the online courses I only have exams at the end of the semester. With my actual classes I had occasionally a test in between, just for measurement where I stood in regards of progress," I answered, letting him guide me towards his Porsche.

"Hm…" I only heard Ranger, before he grabbed my hand and pulled forward, turning us and pressing my back against the car with his body pressed against mine. "I'm good in Spanish," he joked, making me laugh for a moment. Secretly I loved it when he spoke Spanish, it was kinda hot and sexy and suave and just…. well, hot. "I could come up with a few interesting tests and a reward system for good scores," he mumbled into my hair, before pushing my head upwards and placing a kiss on my lips. I couldn't help but laugh at his suggestion. It was so… Ranger. The guy evaporated sex with every step he took, so him coming up with a reward system to test me and my Spanish was amusing. And also very exciting to be honest. Turned out Ranger could get very creative.

"Hmmm, tell me more about that," I probed once he let me up for air.

Hard to believe there was a time where I was literally lost in translation and the changes that came with it.

The running and thinking and disappearing from the face of the earth. I didn't regret it, seeing that it was necessary at that time and that in the end it all worked out.

And wasn't that all that mattered.

Looking at the guy in front of me and seeing the love in his eyes and thinking about the happiness we both ended up finally finding I know it was. It was all that really mattered. And so did he.

Now, about that reward system….

:.:.:.:.:..::..::..::..:: THE END ::..::..::..::..::.:.:.: