Come one, Come all! Welcome to the first chapter of my newest story. And yes, this does take place after Daddy's Little Princess, and I would love for you to read that one first, but in all honesty you can just jump right in here and be fine.
Disclaimer: I do not own Lab Rats.
Chase stepped backwards, the tension and danger in the air being almost to much for him to handle.
To his left, his adopted father stood with his weapon raised. Alternating his aim between the two females across from him, Donald watched their movements carefully. Directly across from him was his birth mother, her own firearm pointing towards him.
The dark haired woman glanced towards the other brunette for only a fleeting moment before returning her gaze to her son.
Chase bit his lip as the watched the other woman, his own biological mother, standing diagonally across from him. The rather young looking brunette observed the situation carefully, frequently stealing glimpses of the wounded man lying on the floor behind her.
Douglas, unconscious and unresponsive, was no longer participating in the conversation.
Chase could not stop the pressure the guilt was causing in his chest. Only two weeks ago he, Chase, started all of this madness.
Two Weeks Ago, St. Agnes' Maximum Security Prison,
Standing in the brightly lit cell, Chase took a step away from Giselle, causing her hand to fall from his face. "And why would you ever want to help me?"
Giselle let her hand fall to her side, taking a small breath before looking back up at him. "Chase, I just want to make it up to you. After everything I've done, I can at least help you with this,"
Chase raised an eyebrow. "And how would you help me find her? I'm the smartest man in the world, what would make you think I would need your help?"
Giselle smirked. "Because even though I'm not the smartest being on the planet, I still know things. Secrets, places, people. How do you expect to find your mother if you don't even know her name?"
Chase stood with his mouth open for a minute, trying to come up with a response. "Wait- you know her name?"
The prisoner nodded. "We used to be friends, well, until she stole my boyfriend- anyway, I can help you find her," Giselle told him.
"And what's in it for you?" Chase asked, still quite suspicious.
Giselle shrugged. "The opportunity to see an old friend. A chance at redemption. Something fun to do,"
"And how do I know that I can trust you? I shouldn't even be here talking to you, let alone even thinking about setting you free," Chase huffed.
"You don't have to free me. Well, at least no forever. Once we find her, I'll come right back here and continue to spend the remainder of my days here in my cozy little cell," Giselle informed him.
"And what's to stop you from trying to run away or hurt me?" Chase questioned.
"I didn't hurt you when I had the chance Chase. What would change that? And besides, you are bionic. You could take me out in a millisecond," Giselle smirked.
Chase looked at the wall, debating his options.
"Take your time, but visiting hours are almost over," Giselle teased.
"So let's say I did want your help, where would we start?" Chase asked quickly.
"I would need to run back to the island and get a few things, and then we could escape and I could take you to her," Giselle offered.
Chase sighed. "Fine. What do you need me to get,"
Giselle scribbled a quick list onto a small scrap of paper and slid it into Chase's hand. "Just a few things. If you really want to find her, be back in five hours. Then we'll head out,"
Chase nodded and then turned for the door. "Thank you," he muttered before leaving the room.
Giselle grinned to herself. "No Chase, thank you,"
In the Common Area, at the Davenport Bionic Academy,
"Yes Mom, I'll tell him. Yep. Uh huh, bye! Love you too," Douglas said, hanging up the phone just as the doors to the hydro loop opened revealing his son.
"Chase! We were wondering where you had went," Douglas mused, sitting back in his chair.
Chase shrugged. "It was my day off, should anyone else but me decide how I spend it,"
"I was just asking a question, chill," Douglas muttered.
"Sorry," Chase sighed. "I've just been a little on edge lately,"
"It's okay. It's been a rough time transitioning back after all of last week's craziness," Douglas said.
Chase nodded and took a seat next to his biological father. "So, speaking of last week, have you guys finished cleaning our servers of viruses yet?" he asked casually.
"More or less," Douglas replied. "We are pretty close to fixing most of the damage she caused anyways,"
"That's good," Chase responded, making mental notes as Douglas showed him the programs running on his computer. Chase faked a rather large yawn before excusing himself.
"Are you really that tired Chase? It's only 7:30," Douglas observed.
"You said it yourself, it's been a rough week. I think I'll just go hit the hay," Chase decided.
Douglas nodded. "Okay then. Good night,"
"Night," Chase smiled, before making his escape.
The Davenport Residence, Mission Creek,
"Tasha, I'm not sure this is a very good idea," Donald sighed.
"Oh come on, I think it'll do you two some real good," Tasha replied from the kitchen, finishing up their dinner.
"But Tasha, this is Adam we are talking about. I think letting him anywhere near the company may do more harm then good," Donald argued.
"He is your son! Shouldn't you be excited that he is interested in your work? You enjoy it when Chase does," Tasha pointed out.
Donald sighed. "Good point, but this really isn't Adam's forte,"
Tasha shrugged. "That's okay. He can learn. It's only an assistant job Donald, let him try it out. Odds are he'll burn out or get bored within a week,"
"That's true," Donald smiled. "I just don't understand why he would want this though. This is a completely un-Adam thing to do,"
Tasha put the dish on the table and took a seat next to her husband. "Hun, I don't think this is as much about Adam wanting to be part of the company as much as him wanting to spend time with you," she explained.
"Well, now that you put it that way, it makes perfect since," Donald perked.
Tasha smiled. "That's the spirit,"
"I mean, he has this amazing, handsome billion-aire father, of course he wants to spend more time with me!" Donald glowed.
"Of course that's it," Tasha murmured, rolling her eyes.
Later that night, at the Davenport Bionic Academy,
Chase pulled his sweat shirt tight around himself. After gathering all the necessary materials he was exhausted, and the chilling nighttime air was not helping either. But it did not take long to get back to the prison, which, for a maximum security stronghold was not really that secure. In a mater of minutes Chase had hacked into their system and deactivated each security system in place near Giselle's cell.
"Well, that didn't take long," Chase muttered as he saw the now escaped criminal approaching him from out of the chaos.
Giselle smiled. "You didn't take very long getting that server down. Good job,"
Chase could not help himself, he smiled at the complement. "Thanks. But what about-"
"Come on, just follow me," Giselle commanded, leading him towards the outskirts of a nearby town, where a small, black Toyota Corolla was parked on the side of the road.
"Wait, is this yours?" Chase asked after he saw her pull a spare key from the inside of the vehicle.
"It is now," Giselle giggled. "Now, did you bring the cybermasks I asked for?"
Chase nodded. "But why do we need two? I'm not a fugitive, and won't they be able to track us with these?"
Giselle smirked. "We need to travel incognito for this mission Chase. You are too much of a celebrity to be traveling around without drawing attention. Now, give me the masks,"
"But what about he GPS locators-"
"Chase, have a little faith," Giselle hushed, reprograming the masks. "This isn't the first time I've disabled GPS locators,"
"So, you're sure about this?" Chase asked carefully. "You can really help me find her?"
Giselle smiled sincerely at the boy. "Of course. I promise you that we will find here, and soon,"
"But why is it going to take all this trouble to find her?" Chase asked.
Giselle sighed. "It's complicated Chase. But it will work. We just need to get started,"
"How?" Chase asked.
Giselle smiled in her reply, "By going on a road trip!"
Road Trip! Regardless of how this may turn out, I hope you all are excited for the ride! Feel free to leave a review and tell me what you think, I love hearing from you all. I want to continue this story and I my readers agree. Thanks! ~AzulaTano.