Thank you for all of the responses! The response for a rewrite seems to be positive, so I will go ahead with it. :) (And I have the first chapter of the rewrite already done for you guys!) Again, I will not delete this version of the story. I made the following title and summary change to the new version of "The First Step" (I'll also post the new version of the story at the same time as I post this chapter):

New Title of Story: Believe

New Summary: Season 1 Rewrite, SQ. Emma and Regina fall for each other the first night they meet. As she gets to know Emma, Regina realizes she doesn't want to be a villain anymore, so she strives to mend the mistakes of her past and break the curse with Emma and Henry's help. But it won't be an easy road, especially when Gold continues to interfere.

If you still have any suggestions/requests for the rewrite, don't hesitate to let me know!