Well here we are the conclusion of the Winter war. Ruby's invasion of Finland. This also means the rest of the story is now my own and such. Hope this turns out ok though I won't focus much on the battles for the winter war. I'm sorry but there is more important things in this story. But don't worry this will still be fun to read I hope.

With great sadness Frances Invasion will be mostly skipped. Sorry everyone.

This fic will be rated M. for Violance, War, Gore, Rape, MURDER, genocide, Racism, Mass murder, Blood. And other things in war. Fare warning!


Winter War conclusion.

Things were not looking good for Jaune Simo Arc. Ruby managed to roll a six while he rolled a three, this means Ruby was well positioned in busting through the Mannerheim line. She Already had tanks and infantry ready to strike and Jaune was running out of supplies.

"Soon Jaune, Finland will be mine!" Ruby said in an evil voice that frankly scared everyone there sans Wiess.

"It's not over yet Ruby!" Jaune yelled out.

Mannerheim line 1940

Ruby Losif Stalin was NOT pleased with the results of this war. The first month of the Finnish campaign. In which resulted in the Red Army being humiliated (much to the joy of Adolf Wiess). By the third week of the war, Soviet propaganda was working hard to explain the failures of the Soviet army to the populace: blaming bad terrain and harsh climate, and falsely claiming that the Mannerheim Line was stronger than the Maginot Line, and that the Americans had sent 1,000 of their best pilots to Finland. Eventually Ruby Soviet forces were ordered to stop frontal assaults in late December of 39.

Eventually the main focus of the Soviet attack was switched to the Karelian Isthmus.


The Soviets shipped massive numbers of new tanks and artillery pieces to the theatre. Troops were increased from ten divisions to 25–26 divisions, six or seven tank brigades and several independent tank platoons, totaling around 600,000 Ruby Soldiers.

Jaune troops were in the trenches in the hell that was the North Atlantic whether. Ruby forces were continuing to advance in a more controlled and consolidated attack, so much so that it was quickly becoming apparent that it was going to get even worse.

"THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE JAUNE! Surrender your land and Kiss me!" Losif Ruby shouted in front of her army.

"NEVER YOU RED WHORE!" Jaune shouted out and quite lucky Yang had to go take a bathroom break.

At this response Ruby just smiled evilly and simply said


with that the sound of thousands of artillery guns echoed in the wind.

"INCOMING!" A Finnish Jaune shouted.

On the 1st of February, the Red Army began a massive offensive, firing 300,000 shells into the Finnish line in the first 24 hours of the bombardment. For the next month Jaune's army stood fast but overwhelmed by the Ruby Army. Sadly Jaune eventually lost to Ruby and her might. The Winter war ended on March 13 of 1940. It resulted in Russia taking a descent portion of Finland, an area they still own to this day.

However it resulted in several consequences for both sides. It resulted in Soviet Russia being expelled from the League of Nations. The Supreme Military Soviet command met in April 1940, and reviewed the lessons of the Finnish campaign, and recommended reforms. The role of frontline political commissars was reduced and old-fashioned ranks and forms of discipline were reintroduced. Clothing, equipment, and tactics for winter operations were improved. However, not all of these reforms had been completed when Wiess would began Operation Barbarossa 15 months later.

The same year, Finland and Sweden negotiated a military alliance, but the negotiations ended once it became clear that both Germany and the Soviet Union opposed such an alliance.

The Winter War was also a political success for Wiess. Both Ruby' Red Army and the League of Nations were humiliated, and the Allied Supreme War Council between Ren and Blake had been revealed to be chaotic and powerless in taking action in support for Jaune. However, the German policy of neutrality was not popular in the homeland, and relations with Italy had suffered badly. After the Peace of Moscow, Germany did not hesitate to move to improve ties with Finland, and within two weeks Finno-German relations were at the top of the agenda.

Total War

"DAMMIT!" Jaune cursed out loud at his defeat at the hands of Ruby.

"Don't worry Vomit boy you managed to humiliate Ruby in resisting her invasion for three months! You proved that the under dog should not be underestimated." Yang said trying to cheer him up.

"Thanks Yang." Jaune said blushing.

"Now Jaune I believe you owe me a kiss." Ruby said.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Pyrrha shouted ready to kill for *Her man*

"Ruby your cute but your too young for me and I don't want to go to jail for this." Jaune told Ruby only to receive quite the outburst from her.


"Ruby! You can't do that!" Yang told her sister.

"And why not!?"

"Because Ruby its inhuman." Yang tried to reason.

"I have to agree with Yang for once, this is something that you can not do." Wiess said.

"Ironic coming form you Wiess." Jaune said.

"WHAT!? I'll have you know we treat POW'S with respect! we don't ship them off to die!" Weiss said agitated.

"That's not what this sticky note says." Pyrrha said as she held a note saying something about a "Final Solution".

"Give me that! Wiess shouts in another failed attempt too hide her agenda. (Oh side note, you'll see lots of these. Adolf Hitler actually used the Labor camps of the Soviets as model for the concentration and death camps.)

"Well let's continue to play." Yang said.

Total War

A lot of people like to make fun of France because they give up with out a struggle. The truth is aside form having a large land army and the B1-Bis (At that time it's armor was considered as unpenetrable (It had around 80 MM front.) Still the weakness for France was it still believed in the strategies of the First world war. they but a lot of faith and belief that the Germans were not going to cross Belgium and instead invade France directly and facing the Maginot line. This proved to be fatal as most of it's aries

"Dam. And here I thought France actually had the better forces! And with Blake's help Wiess wouldn't have had a chance." Yang said as she watched as Wiess and Neptune invaded France. Ren put up quite the fight but sadly he and Blake were to much in the thought of the last game they played, The Great War. All that was left of Allied European resistance on The Euro continent was a small pocket of British troops encircled around a place called Dunkirk. As Ren was out of the game and was watching Blake try and save her troops from Wiess, he looked across the table and thought what Nora was planning. He still shuddered at the memory when Nora invaded the Chinese Republic Capitol.



The rape of Nanjing/Nanking

"Fire!" A Imperial Nora yelled with her Katana stretched out. as the Artillery fired at a building of National Chinese soldiers. The city of Nanjing was a horrible testament to Japanese ruthlessness. The Imperial Noranese Army murdered Chinese civilians and disarmed combatants who numbered an estimated 40,000 to over 300,000, and perpetrated widespread rape and looting. To this day Nora still says this never happened.



The battle of dunkirk was a hell of a thing. Although Blake had promised the French that her British girls would cover their escape, on the ground it was the Ren Frenchmen who held the line while the last remaining British soldiers were evacuated.

"COVER!" A Ren French officer shouted as German artillery rained down onto there positions. to his left three Ren soldiers were blasted into mist as a shell landed right on top of them. 'Blake says they'd cover our escape!? She can go suck Adolf Wiess's cunt and be her own whore for all I care! That lying BITCH!' he though as he and others held the line around Dunkirk as the British fled fore their lives.

Enduring concentrated German artillery fire and Luftwaffe strafing and bombs, the French stood their ground. On the 2nd of June (the day the last of the British units embarked onto the ships), the French began to fall back slowly, and by 3 June the Germans were about two miles (3 km) from Dunkirk. The night of 3 June was the last night of evacuations. At 10:20 on 4 June, the Germans hoisted the swastika over the docks from which so many British and French troops had escaped under their noses.

"DAMMIT" Wiess shouted as she slammed her fist on the map of Dunkirk, "HOW DID THEY MANAGE TO ESCAPE RIGHT FROM UNDER YOUR NOSE Rundstedt!?" Weiss screamed at one of her best Generals angry that he failed to defeat the Blake expeditionary force.

"Mein Führer. The French put up a stronger defense then we thought, they managed to hold us back long enough for Ze British to escape." Rundstedt said

"So let me get this straight! Frack has probably one of the largest land army in the world and WE took them out of the war without any fighting virtually, NOW you tell ME and hand full of resistance forces halted your attacks!?" Weiss was now red in anger.

"Ja Mein Führer." Rundstedt said in shame.

"SUCK IT WIESS!" Yang said now laughing at Weiss embarrassment at failing to defeat the BEF at Dunkirk and now they're on the English mainland.

"NOT IN THE MOOD YANG!" Weiss said now sheeting that her plans were pushed back.

"Well since France is out of the game, French Indochina looks ripe for the pickings." Nora said wickedly.

"I wouldn't do that Nora.. Yang might do something about THIS ONE." Neptune said to Nora.

And the LONG and awaited chapter is out!. This story is NOT DEAD! But it is one the back pages of my other stores. BUT IT WILL BE written. so stay patient