A/N: So, I was working on my next chapter of Closer to Fine, but couldn't let this little one go. Rainy days bring emotive writing from me...based off a song that I love...When We Were Happy by Rob Giles.

Sitting at the bar, Casey lifted the glass of bourbon to her lips without hesitation. She was finished with the bullshit that felt like it was increasingly becoming her life. Work sucked, and she was ready to stop thinking about how much life sucked as well because of it all. Taking another long sip, she relished the feeling of booze coursing through her veins, alcohol quickly taking its effect, it wouldn't be long before the nagging words and speeches in her brain ceased and she could breathe again.

Lighting a cigarette to help accelerate the process, Casey took a long drag before quickly inhaling again...the instant effects of the nicotine allowing her to drop her guard. "That's the stuff..." She mumbled rolling her neck as the smoke fell from her lips.

"You know those things will kill you," a familiar voice carried over her shoulder, as the offending person pulled the barstool out next to her.

"Don't be a buzz kill, Alex, what do you want?" She asked her ex before taking another long drag followed by a large gulp of her drink. She'd need more alcohol for this conversation for sure.

"You know what I want, Casey, I've made myself quite clear over the last few months." The blonde answered, as she waved down the bartender. "Are you ever going to talk to me?"

"Leave me once shame on you, leave me twice shame on me...oh wait, both of those happened." The redhead said with a sarcastic tone and very unamused chuckle, before burning down her cigarette with a long deep inhale. Snuffing it out, she looked at the blonde who'd finally flagged down the bartender.

"I'd like a glass of your best Cabernet Sauvignon and two waters, please," Alex told the bartender.

"I'd like another bourbon," Casey stated only to be cut off by Alex.

"I got a water for you, why don't you let me catch up with you, then continue your ripe beginning of alcoholism."

"Such a cynic, counselor."

Alex smirked, "Never use to bother you."

"Yeah, well that was before you left me."

"I didn't have much of an option, I wish you'd stop blaming me," Alex stated clearly, even though emotion was thick in her voice. "I am back for good now, you know. I'm back for good and I want to be with you. I've always wanted you."

"Really, Alex?" Casey questioned, "You didn't say goodbye either times, you just left. How does that say, I love you, Casey?"

"I told you when I came back for the trial I couldn't say goodbye to you. It would have killed me to, and I never knew if I'd be able to come back to you. I thought it was better to just let you go, easier. Easier on you."

"What would have been easier is if you'd just stabbed me in the heart and killed me!" Casey blurted. She'd clearly drank to much, she was losing her cool. Picking up the glass of water, she drank until she couldn't anymore.

"What were my other options?" Alex whispered only loud enough for Casey to hear.

Casey looked at the blonde, tears lacing her eyes, "The second time...the second time you could have asked me to go with you, but you didn't. I won't let you hurt me again."

Dropping a twenty on the bar, Casey grabbed her bag, standing to leave. Alex's eyes went wide, "I love you. Tell me that you don't love me too."

"I can't say that and you know it," Casey whispered. Kissing the blonde's cheek, letting her lips linger for just a few seconds too long before pulling back. "I love you, but I don't trust you. I miss you, but I can't need you anymore." Closing her eyes to fight back her tears, she finished, "I want you to be happy, the way we were happy, when we were happy."

With that, the redhead left the bar, leaving Alex this time, with her thoughts and wine.