A/N: I have a thing. Here's a thing. Enjoy it if you will.
Before that...
duskrider: Jaune WILL have to explain a couple things if his new acquaintances want to know more about him
freddy. lane. 1: Is that a good or bad thing?
RoyalTwinFangs: Thanks!
FrostyMan122: Experience in the wild fighting inhuman creatures does not equate fighting against another human, trained to fight other humans, with actual training (years of it, I may add, versus the paltry few weeks that Jaune has had). Also, I think she used a Semblance or something during the fight... Maybe... Possibly... I don't know
rammieson: Well, I wanted something a bit different. Change isn't necessarily bad, eh?
yomunot: Yep
Ok, read the thing now
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Welcome to the world of Monster Summoner!
"What?" Pyrrha just gawked at what she was looking at. Did… did she just see that? Did that Jaune fellow just… well, he swung his swords, and then a bright flash of light appeared. She was pretty sure she also saw a symbol in the air; it was some sort of Eastern Mistralian character fused with a pair of crescent moons, a pair of arcs.
"What!?" Yang was sure that she saw a little bit of lava that erupted out from the symbol. Along with that burst of lava, a chunk of rock barreled out of that sigil. No, wait, that rock started to move! It wiggled, it wobbled, it shook part of the Earth (no, seriously, it has dirt on that it shook off). Then, she saw it… grow wings and a face? With that same, unique sigil on it?
"WHAT!?" Weiss could tell her partner was unique. After all, he had that… verbal tic of his that he WILL be adjusting later IF he wanted to stay in HER good graces. Then, there was his apparent lack of knowledge regarding rules of common decency; seriously, was he raised in a jungle or something? But, for the Schnee heiress, right now those didn't compare to the stony monstrosity right in front of her.
"Wh-what?" Jaune knew a couple of things about his ability. First, he knew he was rusty at it, since the last time he used it was several months ago during a fight with a strong, green, female wyvern he hunted. He also knew that it was an unpredictable ability that always spawned a random monster, and a random number of them. But he never really expected that he would be summoning the great stone wyvern that was the Basarios. Maybe that was because it was so forgettable to Jaune. Maybe it was the fact that Jaune never encountered many of them, usually encountering their stronger adult form, Gravios.
But now, here he was, covering his ears as the Basarios unleashed a high-grade screech. Huh. I think Blake has sensitive hearing. It must suck to be her right now.
It also probably sucked to be Jaune right now. Weiss has been through some crap today- getting KOed, having Jaune as a partner, being trapped by a gigantic crow and a bunch of apes. The utter disbelief at seeing something so foreign was transformed into unnecessary rage as she gripped Jaune by the ears, and shook his head back and forth.
"Arc, what did you do?" Yang held her back a bit, and Jaune restored some feeling into his external auditory receptors.
"I ju-just… call-called for help-p." Pyrrha stepped in between the two partners.
"Look, Weiss, Jaune didn't really do anything wrong. Yes, he woke up and enraged that Beringel and his troop, but he did some damage to them. And, while I admit I'm not sure if I can trust that…"
"… Basarios… it does appear as if Jaune has a handle on it. So, if you would, try not to be unnecessarily angry at him."
Breathe in. Breathe out. Weiss repeated this mantra in her head. Breathe in. Breath out. Ignore the madness that has been today. Mediate. Clear your head. "Alright. I'm calm now. I've been destressed."
"I believe you should be doing one more thing, Weiss."
"You mean fight the Grimm?"
"Actually, I meant apologizing to Jaune." Even though Pyrrha was an honest-to-Dust celebrity that she wanted to form positive relations with, both as a fan and the heiress to a company that would benefit well from continued use of her image, Weiss stared at her. Pyrrha, wearing a slightly strained smile on her face, stared back.
This exchange went on until Weiss conceded. Sighing, she turned to face Jaune and-
"Wait, where did he go?" She looked around and noticed that only she and Pyrrha were standing there, along the outskirts of the ruins. Not even the Grimm where there. The only signs they were there was a large number of discarded feathers and a big tunnel in the ground. "Where'd they ALL go?"
"I believe they left to fight off the Grimm while we were standing here, and their battle simply took them someplace else." A raucous 'woo-hoo' emerged from the forest. A pink explosion followed it. Someone, a male judging by the sound of the voice, roared out, 'Nora!'
"Nora? Isn't that the name of your partner, Pyrrha?"
"Yes, it is. Let's go help out our comrades, shall we?"
[Rewinding some time back]
Turning so that the side of its body faced the (kinda goofy) troop of Bakoto, the Basarios blew away a squad of the ape-esque Grimm. But they didn't die, and they regrouped, with a larger group assaulting the one-monster tank. The Beringel stood by, watching and waiting for a moment to strike.
As Nora watched it tear through fodder, transfixed by the arrival and appearance of an unusual creature, the rest of the group (minus Weiss and Pyrrha) stared down the Giant Nevermore as it idly flapped its wings, hovering over the ground. Crimson eyes met silver, lilac, blue, magenta and amber. It screeched before, with a mighty flap, it soared back up into the sky, seemingly flying away from the battle.
"Huh? Is it fleeing?" Ruby asked, her battle senses not as toned as her peers before her. The four of them knew that it was planning something (a weird thought for them to have since most Grimm are reportedly mindless). Then they realized it was nothing much as it came up and down and all-around in a loop-de-loop before angling itself to fly at the teens.
Yang cocked her gun-gauntlets while a smirk adorned her face.
"Let's light up the sky!" Thrusting her arms forward, she launched a series of explosive shots using her fists. Deciding to back her up, Ren and Blake both aimed their semiautomatic handguns and let loose a torrent of Dust bullets. Ruby, meanwhile, was making full use of her weapon's rifle form, launching shots with more force than in sniper-scythle form (but more inaccurate. Jaune… stood there. Awkwardly. With his shields out in front of him.
Maybe I should've taken more lessons with the bow before giving up after shooting my foot for the umpteenth time. Wait, I'm an idiot- there is something I can do. "C-C-COVER YO-YOUR EYE-S!" Channeling just enough Aura into his azure katana and his rubber shield, Jaune slammed them both together, flashing the entire area. He hoped it would work just like last time.
It didn't. The bird was apparently smart enough to momentarily shut its eyes, so it wouldn't be screwed over by the sudden flash.
Taking matters into his hands once again, Jaune leapt. While everyone else dived for cover, the hunter flipped and landed once more onto the Raven's back. Ruby and Blake caught sight of this.
As Jaune held on for dear life to the Nevermore's head feathers (and noticing that all the Bakotos, the Beringel, AND the Basarios were disoriented), he took out his golden hook-sword. The black talon on its very tip, made from the bladed Seregios, gleamed in the sun. In a swift series of motions, Jaune sawed off a part of the Nevermore's crest before a very irate Crow shook him off.
With practiced ease, Jaune angled himself midair. Thankfully, he wasn't being propelled at high-speed because of a couple launchpads, so he could land the way he normally landed back on the islands: with almost no help at all. He would just land and let his knees and Aura take the damage. Someone had other plans, however, and Jaune found himself in the clutches of a beaming blonde.
"Pretty bold move, Monster Boy." Yang Xiao Long smiled down at him. Using her gauntlets to propel her upwards with enough force to stop Jaune's acceleration to the ground as she caught him was a pretty smart move in her book. But Jaune just gave her a funny look.
Why is she calling me 'Monster Boy?'
"Mon-Monster B-Boy?"
"Well, yeah," The earth shook a little as Yang and Jaune landed. "I mean, you managed to pull THAT thing," She pointed to the Basarios and a lone Nora Valkyre. She was riding the Rock Wyvern like a horse in the middle of a polo game, swatting Bakotos left and right while giggling like a schoolgirl. "Outta thin air. And like I said, that was a brash move up there, AND back when you blew up that troop. That was straight-up savage! So yeah, I'm calling you Monster Boy." A sharp whistle ran through the air.
"Guys, that thing's shooting back at us!" Ruby, Ren, and Blake ran past the two blondes. The Nevermore decided to play the keep-away game, and was firing a steady stream of spear-like feathers. The two joined the other running teens, and Jaune whistled.
Over in the distance, the Basarios heard its summoner call for it, and ran in the Arc's direction. Nora, thrown off the wyvern after it bashed a couple Grimm with its hip, also ran after it. Reaching the point where Weiss and Pyrrha were having an asininely long glaring contest, Jaune and everyone else ended up underneath the rocky sentinel, which shielded their bodies from the hail of feathers.
"Nice going, Monster Boy!" Jaune paid no heed to the blonde. He and Ren were busy paying attention to their shield's integrity, watching as each pinion struck the Basarios and chipped away at its rocky hide. If the Rock Wyvern were pierced by the plumage, they'd be screwed. They needed to get out of there.
"Excuse me? Jaune?" Jaune turned to the magenta-eyed fighter. "How fast can this creature run?"
"Fas-fast lik-ke a person-on, but it-it-it's still too… too sl-slow. The assau-ssault is too mu-much." Ruby voiced her opinion.
"Wait, can't we outrun that thing?"
"Rubes, you're the only one here who can do that."
"No I'm not, Yang! I bet Blake could make it through, too!"
"Actually, it would be difficult for me to get out of here without expending too much energy using my semblance and agility. Even if I could get away from the Nevermore, I'd be too tired to fight anything else in this forest." Yang growled and glared at the nevermore, still raining feathers down on them.
"Aw, great! NOW what do we do?"
"Ooh! Ooh! How about we just blow it up!" Striking a pose, the hyperactive Nora did a series of fanciful twirls before transforming her war hammer into a short and stocky grenade launcher. "Bye bye, Birdy!" Crouching down, she took aim at the raven before launching an explosive canister of Dust. Seconds later, a dull impact sounded through the air, and pink smoke obscured the Nevermore from their sight. "Woohoo!" Yang grabbed her by the collar.
"Couldn't you have done that EARLIER?"
"Oops. Tee-hee!" Ren placed a hand on Yang's.
"Enough. We leave now, before that Grimm forces us to dig trenches to protect ourselves." Suddenly, Jaune had an epiphany. He remembered that what Basarios lacked in leg muscles, they made up for it in arm muscles. And, while they had wings, their bodies were too heavy to fly for more than a few seconds. No, those wings, with their touch structure and shovel like claws, evolved to dig tunnels at high speed! That, plus the fact that the ground would shelter them from any more potential plumage barrages, would definitely aid them.
Jaune communicated his idea to the others, and bid the Basarios to dig a hole in the ground. The pink smoke that obscured the Crow then dissipated, and the Nevermore, still reeling a bit from the impact, saw that its annoying prey had just dug away. Paying no mind to the celebrity and the heiress, what with those two standing as still as statues, it flew around, hoping to catch sight of the rest of the group.
"George the Beringel wasn't having the best of days.
"Sure, George enjoyed hanging out with his troop, content to sleep and fart the days away, never doing anything. Heck, George didn't even mind it whenever a human came close to the troop, since most humans thought twice about making a Grimm grumpy from a lack of beauty sleep. That wasn't accounting for the fact that George's Bakoto helpers would also join in the attack, and there was a whole lotta those crazy bastards around George!
"George the Beringel was just being a normal, lazy, Grimm-ape."
"Ah. But Greg want to know, what wrong with George? Why George need Greg to wash George's burns?"
"That yellow-haired jackass that blew George up came along!
"Ooh boy, never has George ever been pissed off like that before! Seriously, George's face has been maimed, there are burn marks all over George, George lost a tooth or two, and a good amount of George's Bakoto friends were explodonated. George really wanted to wring that guys neck, but then this weird stone thing came along and thrashed George around. Then, it thrashed George's allies while a crazy human with a big hammer rode the monolith, bashing the Bakotos and George upside the head.
"Oh, how RELIEVED George was when they ran away towards the Nevermore! Weakened and running low on energy (there was not enough anger in that group of humans to fuel George), George and what remained of George's troop ran away.
"And that, Greg, is why George is here in Greg's territory in Greg's favorite stream." Steam hissed around the Beringel as a slightly larger specimen, which was uninjured, poured water onto George the Beringel's burns. The two of them were currently in the middle of a river, wide but not really deep. Above them, in the trees, Greg's pack of Bakotos was busy chittering and chattering with George's troop.
"Mmm. Mayhap that Nevermore turned the humans and that stone thing into kebabs."
"George hope so. But if not, George and Greg and George's troop and Greg's troop can crush them! … Maybe. George do not know."
"Well- YAHOOHOOHOOEEYY!" Water violently spouted upwards, and the two Beringel were sent up into the air and flying through the trees.
The Bakoto looked at that spot where the water spouted, and came face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-etc. with a couple teenagers and a big stone wyvern.
"… And you said digging would be a good idea, huh, Monster Boy?"
A/N: More filler than a Thanksgiving Turkey... or is that stuffing? Whatever.
Please review and stuff.
See the exciting conclusion to this fight next time! On DRWBY Ball Z! Oh wait, wrong website...