"Okay guys. Good to be back. And It seems like Dan didnt spend all of his time alone. We have company." Hope said seeing two different members from familiar families.
"Elise and….Sakura?" Hope said.
"Big Brother Hope!" Elise said leaping into Hope's arms.
"Miss Sakura!" Jibanyan said.
"Jibanyan!" Sakura said hugging the cat.
"These girls just came through a hole out of nowhere. And they aren't the only ones." Dan said as they heard crashing inside the ship.
"Where the damn hell am I? Makes me so mad!" Shouted a voice.
"Is that...Shizuo?" Jexi asked.
"Yeah. He got pissed after coming on and started trashing rooms." Dan said.
"And last but not least…" said a girl with a familar outfit and a mercenary.
"Juliet? And Deadpool too?" Hope said.
"I know! Crazy right? We were just doing our own thing and ended up here." Deadpool said before Shizuo kicked down the door.
"Someone better give me answers now. I was busy chasing down Izaya and ended up here with these freaks. What the hell is going on?" Shizuo shouted.
"This isnt coincidence. Shizuo, did you see anything weird?" Hope asked.
"Hmm. Well, now that you mention it. These rifts started popping up out of nowhere. And that flea bag. He just smiled and said. "Looks like the big shows about to begin." Shizuo said.
"We also saw these weird monsters and people who never are around. Look. I took a pic." Juliet said showing pictures of monsters that Pit recognized.
"Those are troops from the Underworld Army!" Pit said.
"Not to mention this guy leading them." Deadpool said pointing to a green man floating in the air.
"Thanatos. But wait, he died right? How is he back? Hades is gone so it can't be him." Pit wondered.
"I dont think this is right. Laser Man is making his move." Hope said.
"Laser Man? Who's he?" Sakura asked.
"Nebula's new leader after we ended Shade Man." Jexi explained.
"He must be the reason why I got Separated from Hinoka." Sakura said.
"And me from Camilla, those two must be somewhere else." Elise said.
"So this Laser Man bastards the reason I lost track of Izaya right? He's dead! He's deader than dead!" Shizuo said gripping a pole, making permanent dents into it.
"But we dont have any leads. Where are we supposed to look?" Juliet asked.
"Let's try this. A cruise ship sailing with no crew or anything." Hope said.
"Actually, I have a more accurate place we can begin." Fuyunyan said. "There's a mansion belonging to a very rich family. Its said they are to guard something known as a Portal Stone. The Kouryuji Family."
"Okay. We'll get some guys to scope it out. Teams of two should work. How about…."
"Uh. I think I'll go scope it out." Juliet said.
"I'll go with her. Can't just leave some high school chick wander a new world alone." Shizuo said.
"Ooh! Dibs on being her teammate!" Deadpool said. "Youre more of a Solo Unit anyway."
"What are you talking about?" Hope asked.
"Oh, that mansion kinda reminds me of this one game I played. I think it was called… Project X Zone." Deadpool said.
"Oh, you mean that game with all the crossovers? Its a blast." Juliet said.
"Ugh. You're really starting to irritate the crap out of me." Shizuo said grabbing Deadpool and tossing him into the wall. "Don't get on my bad side all right. As much as I do fight, as you can probably tell from my name, I really hate violence."
The team arrived at the masion via teleportation and saw a girl exiting it.
"Yes. I know that girl. She's the current head of the family. Mii Kouryuji." Fuyunyan said.
"Whew… guess I'm last outta the house. I suppose I'll be saying goodbye to this place for awhile." Mii said.
"Hey, you leaving somewhere, miss?" Shizuo asked.
"Yes. I need to find the portal stone that was taken." Mii said.
"Taken?" Fuyunyan said in shock. "You mean to tell me someone has stolen it?"
"Oh, you're here. Yeah. Sorry." Mii said.
"This is….very troubling. No wonder rifts keep popping up." He said.
"I'm supposed to be with someone who can help, but whats taking him so long?" Mii said as a man appeared.
"Ah. I know him. Kogoro Tenzai, one of the last members of the Tenzai ninja for hire clan." Fuyunyan said.
"The very same. m'lady Mii, I've come as soon as you called me." Kogoro said.
"Ugh! You are the worst tutor ever! Youre late!" Mii said.
"Tutor?" Juliet said.
"Yes. Kogoro has been hired by the family to tutor this girl for when she takes over one day." Fuyunyan said.
"Guess this is a stretch from a butler." Shizuo said. "Wait, somethings coming!"
Monsters then appeared, one of witch laughed.
"Looks like our culprits havent given up on robbing us blind yet." Kogoro said.
"So these are the culprits. Strange monsters. I've never seen their kind before even with all my time traveling." Fuyunyan said.
"Doesn't matter. They're dead." Shizuo said. "Hey, new girl. I'm borrowing your doors." He said grabbing the doors and ripping them right off the hinges.
"Guess we have to go too. Kogoro, get em! We need to find out where they took the stone!" Mii said.
"As you wish, m'lady. Time to show off my Tenzai Ninjutsu!" Kogoro said.
Prologue 1: The Wanderers
"What the hell?! Did I just hear trumpets playing?" Juliet said.
"Oh. So regal." Deadpool said.
"Enough talk." Shizuo said running at the monsters, taking one out by swinging the doors right at one of them.
"Buh?! I cant move on em!" Shizuo said,
"You have to wait for us to move and attack before making a move, dumb barten-" Deadpool said before the door hit him. "Okay, you can move as much as you want." He said weakly.
"Damn idiot. He's worse than that flea bag." Shizuo said punching another of the monsters.
Kogoro and Mii moved on another monster as another battle began.
Battle Start:
"Okay, Mr. Tutor. Get out there and show your student what you can do!" Mii said.
"I don't think that's what tutors are for…" Kogoro said.
Ready….. Fight!
As it turned out, both had weapons of unique design. Kogoro had a naginata while Mii had a gun of some sort. Each attacked in their own unique way and their moves complemented one another.
The monster was defeated in a few short moves and disapeared.
End battle:
"Oho ho ho! You might say I'm a real femme fatale!" Mii said.
"Okay, so we do the same thing as them, right?" Juliet asked.
"This isn't some stupid game!" Fuyunyan shouted. "We fight like you always fight. Gutsy Straight Forward Pawnch!" He called out beating a monster with a single punch.
Juliet and Deadpool found Shizuo taking another and roped him into the right course of battle.
Battle start:
"Alright! Back in action!" Deadpool said.
"Why am I even working with this idiot?" Shizuo groaned.
"Just run with it. I have to deal with him too." Juliet said.
Ready... Go!
"If this idiots gonna force me to fight like some moron, then I'm gonna enjoy kicking the shit out of these bastards!" Shizuo said grabbing a monster and tossing it into the sky. "Show me what you can do, girl!" He shouted.
Deadpool and Juliet fought as they did with moves synching up perfectly. After wards, they called Shizuo in.
"This is gonna hurt, a whole damn bunch!" Shizuo said slamming the monster into the wall of th mansion, taking it out in the process.
End battle:
"You really need to develop more of a solo unit combo." Deadpool said.
"Shut the hell up! This isn't a game! And stop calling me a Solo unit!" Shizuo said.
"This is never gonna end…." Juliet said.
"Well, thats all of them. Why did they come back, is the question?" Kogoro said.
"Yes. The Portal Stone was stolen by them, right? Why come back if they already have it?" Fuyunyan pondered.
"Guess that's a mystery of its own." Mii said.