Title: When We're in the Dark

Chapter: The Long Game

Disclaimer: I don't own The Royals, I'm only borrowing!

Rating: M. The rating on the site is T only to make it show up in the bloody search!

Author's Note: Firstly, to the Guest reviewer who so kindly told me that the last chapter was not shite, thank you! I do love your boldness! Your compliments in your review were so lovely to read.

And yes, MARCUS! As much as I would love this to be the explanation for him not being in Season 2 (instead of him running off to another show) sadly I doubt this would happen in the show. Now, he will be in the story, but not this chapter - he's not like hiding in a cupboard or anything!

I think there will be another 2 chapters of this, and maybe an epilogue so we're definitely winding down nicely so I can then pick up on All My Children again. As I mentioned, this fic is the groundwork so as much as I think AMC can stand on its own, as a writer it helps me to know that I don't need to explain a lot of the background in that story if it's in this fic instead :) Lazy? Maybe, but that's how it's gonna work folks, hope that's ok with you all :)

Finally, I just want to say thank you for all your reviews. The lovely comments are really encouraging and I hope you can keep them coming. I've spent almost zero time editing this so if there are any typos or present / past tense issues etc, please forgive me!

Much love, Ave x

"I can't believe Marcus would do that to us, it's unthinkable," Eleanor murmurs after she picks her jaw up from off the floor, "he owed a duty to the Crown!"

"You're right Len, he did. And I'm the rightful heir to the throne."

Eleanor is beyond mildly pissed off. He doesn't blame her to be honest, it's almost as if the Prince is in a pissing contest with himself.

"Oh fuck off Robert, you wanted that burden as much as I want to sit down for tea and crumpets with Mum every day."

Jasper maintains his silence but watches Robert carefully, noting what appears to be a slight hint of irritation.

"Lenny, I've sat here for months trying to figure out why someone tried to kill me. I decided to bide my time and play the long game. You know, before all of this shit hit the fan and I went off to play Maverick in the RAF I made a point of getting to know our staff. So, when Cyrus slithered his way onto the throne I knew I wouldn't have to wait long to reach out to those in the Palace who didn't want hang around for the fire-sale once he was done dragging the Henstridge name to the ground," he pauses, noting Eleanor still looks dubious, "The only person Marcus disliked in the Palace more than Cyrus was the Chief of Laundry for using too much starch on his bed covers in the staff quarters. I knew he could be trusted and he was the closest of all the staff to our family."

Eleanor huffs and leans back in her seat, "Liam's going to be pissed. He was hurt for months after Marcus left. Besides the fact Cyrus pulled our security anyway, Liam considered Marcus to be a friend. We both did."

Robert looks less irritated and more penitent for the cloak and dagger bullshit he's been up to for months, noting just how turned for a loop his sister is by this, albeit good intentioned, betrayal.

"If it makes it any better, he didn't like it much either when I turned up at his flat unannounced. Practically pissed his pants."

It's a moment of levity that sinks like a lead balloon, Eleanor remaining stoney faced.

Jasper doesn't want to say anything that will piss either of them off, but the fact of the matter is that Prince Robert made the exact same play that he would have were he to be in the same fucked up situation.

"Len, none of this is what I wanted, you have to understand that. I'm sorry you've been through all that you have, but if I had come back in one piece, all smiles and positive press releases, whoever it was that tried to kill me might have tried again. And I had no idea if it was just me that was the target, or all of us. I wouldn't do anything that would put you, Liam, Mum or Dad in danger. If that meant staying dead and strong-arming the help into things they wouldn't normally do then so be it."

Jasper is so tired by this point that he fails to stop the involuntary snort that escapes him.

"Are we amusing you, Jasper?"

He faces Robert and has the decency to look apologetic, "I'm sorry, but it is amusing. Your sister isn't above using force on the help to get what she wants either."

"I'll remind you again Jasper that I'm THE Princess," Eleanor cuts in, "and I am still in the room so show some respect."

He smirks because he knows that as much as Eleanor likes to be in charge in public, in private it's a very different story.

"Of course, your Highness."

Robert rolls his eyes, "you know, Marcus told me she had you arrested, but the night my father died you were back in the Palace. I was convinced you must have been involved somehow in what happened," Jasper tenses, knowing that the conversation is heading in the direction he least wanted it to, "you were glued to Len's side for the six months after I left. Every bloody pap picture that surfaced of her, you were there in the background. I found it all too convenient. Little did I realise it was my sister you were involved with and not trying to fucking kill me."

Eleanor looks at Jasper and he knows she can see the terror in his eyes when she smiles sympathetically and squeezes his hand. He resolves there and then that he won't let Eleanor do this all by herself.

"I can assure you I had nothing to do with the plot on your life, your Highness."

Robert nods, "Marcus told me as much. He also told me that from what he could find out your past was not what it was made out to be. So as well as committing gross misconduct in your post as a result of sleeping with a member of the Royal family, you are also shady as fuck to boot. Tell me Mr Frost, what am I supposed to do with you?"

Jasper looks Robert dead in the eye, clear in his mind that no matter how apprehensive he is about the consequences, it absolutely should not be Eleanor's burden to tell his story.

"Shady as fuck is probably an understatement," slipping into his American accent, noting the furrowing of the Prince's brow, "and it was members, of the Royal family as in plural..."

Jasper sighs and realised there is no way he's going to get out of this without another black eye or maybe a broken rib, but he's relying on the fact that Eleanor has some depth of feeling for him that she would be able to stop her brother from going too far.

But if he's honest with himself, he absolutely deserves Robert kicking the shit out of him. Not as the future King, but the older brother of the girl he'd fucked over time and time again.

"...I slept with the Queen as well."

Robert laughs bitterly, shaking his head and reaching for the bottle of Cognac that he can barely stomach before chugging a gulp straight from the bottle, "you're a piece of fucking work."

"I'm aware," he agrees, "and to be honest I'm not even sure that's the worst part."

"It's absolutely fucking not," Eleanor contributes from the sidelines, "although it's all relative in the end."

Jasper sighs as Robert sits seething, waiting for some kind of cue that all the dirty laundry had been aired and he could set about punching the shit out of the American who fucked over the Royal family. They do say history has a habit of repeating itself.

"I'm originally from Las Vegas. I came to the UK to purposely get myself employed with Royal Security to try to steal the Koh-i-Noor. When your sister tried to fire me I told her I made a sex tape of us..."

Cue be damned, Robert launches out of his seat, grabs Jasper by the collar and yanks him up against the nearest wall, "you should be in fucking prison! Why the fuck did they let you out?"

Jasper tries to keep himself calm, oddly enough it is the perturbed look on Eleanor's face which reassures him that recanting the horror that is his past is going to be worth it, in the long run.

"The tape was never real, not that it makes it any better, but by that point, whether she'll admit it or not, your sister and I were something more. Your mother blackmailed me as she knew I wasn't who I said I was. I made a stupid decision because I didn't want to lose Eleanor. When the charges against me were dropped Eleanor knew everything apart from the reason the reason I came here in the first place. If she had I might still be rotting in that cell, but she didn't and she needed my help. Some fucking murdering scum scared the shit out of her, claiming to be the one who brought down your plane and like the stubborn Henstridge she is she couldn't let it go. I went with her to protect her. By that point I had abandoned any grand designs on the crown jewels, I…"

"Oh really?" Robert interjects, still apoplectic with rage, "I'm supposed to believe you suddenly grew a fucking conscience and decided to forego the millions of pounds that cursed diamond is worth?"

"Yes!" he urges, feeling Robert grip his shirt tighter, slamming him once again against the wall.

"Why?" the Prince demands.

"Because I love her, ok?! I love her and I couldn't do it!" he yells, not looking at Robert but over his shoulder directly at Eleanor, realising that this is the first time he's said out loud how he feels. She looks beyond shocked but he figures that now is as good a time as any to drive the fact home, "Eleanor, I love you and I will never forget the shit that I put you through because I will spend every day from here on making it up to you."

Robert loosens his grip and appears to turn towards his sister allowing Jasper to breath a sigh of relief. He is blindsided however as Robert's fist connects squarely with his jaw, knocking him sideways and as Robert lets go altogether Jasper feels himself slide down the wall.

"As touching as that sentiment is, I don't fucking care. I knew you were a piece of shit the moment I laid eyes on you."

"Robert, stop! Jasper fucked up, he knows that, and he knows he's only one phone call away from going back to jail, but without his help Ted Pryce would still be plotting our family's downfall and I wouldn't be right here, right now talking to my very much not dead brother. He will atone for his sins, but I need you to trust me when I say he deserves another chance."

Robert straightens up and adjusts his own rumpled shirt. He walks back and forth in front of Jasper who is still wheezing from having the wind knocked right out of him. He is flexing his hands in and out of clenched fists, clearly working something out in his mind. It takes a few moments but eventually Robert stops, turning towards Jasper and once again offers a hand to help him up onto his feet.

"My sister seems to have given you the benefit of the doubt bodyguard, so in the spirit of keeping her happy, and apologising for leaving her in your nefarious clutches for the last year, I won't break that pretty face of yours."

Jasper releases the breath he's been holding and turns to face Eleanor who doesn't know what she's supposed to do or where she's supposed to look. He crosses the room and without hesitation gathers her into his arms, relieved to feel her reciprocate, clinging tight to his frame. He ignores the stinging pain emanating from his lower jaw.

Behind them Robert clears his throat.

"The pair of you can fucking drop the Romeo and Juliet shit, it's nauseating."

Jasper and Eleanor pull apart but she seeks out his hand, much like she had yesterday as they watched the horror unfold at Wembley Stadium.

"Thank you," is the only thing Jasper can think of to say.

"Don't thank me yet, Jasper. When we get back to London and all this Kinging shite is sorted out, you're going on my detail, not my brother's and certainly not Lenny's. I want to keep a close eye on you until I'm sure you appreciate the gravity of your situation and just how much you have hurt my little sister."

Jasper can't think of anything worse right now in terms of consequences, other than prison, so desperate not to find himself in that situation again he finds himself nodding along with Prince Robert, "of course, your Highness."

"Glad that's settled," is Robert's swift and definitive reply, "now, forget James Hill's bloody extraction plan, I am going back to the Palace - tonight. I'm not waiting around any longer, I want to see my brother and sleep in my own bed, that is provided Cyrus hasn't had my wing turned into a fucking brothel already."

Eleanor smirks at her brother's impatience, but Jasper is tired and the prospect of a cramped, awkward as fuck car journey home with the future King of the Great Britain sat in the back seat of his Volkswagen Golf is the least appealing of all options right now.

So, in danger of losing all of his marbles at once, he pulls his car keys from his pocket and tosses them in the direction of Prince Robert who looks bewildered.

"I've been awake for almost 24 hours and I've seen your sister's attempt at driving, you want to go home tonight your Highness, I'm afraid you're the one who's behind the wheel."

Robert shrugs and grabs a bag that has been stashed behind a door, "I'd rather actually die than let Eleanor drive me anywhere. Come on, let's just get going."

And with that Jasper ends up following the future King out of his hideaway, through the woods and back towards civilization.

Jasper and Eleanor climb in the back of the car and quickly fall asleep once Robert has navigated them back onto the motorway.

Jasper blinks awake as he feels the car slow down and notes that the Prince is pulling into a service station.

"Why are you stopping?" he enquires, the panic beginning to rise as he worries about Robert being discovered before they can make it safely back to the Palace where his return from the dead can be carefully managed by Palace PR.

"I'm hungry, do you fancy drive thru?"

Eleanor quickly comes to consciousness beside Jasper, noting it was the same service station they stopped at on their way up to Norfolk "I'm starved. I'll have a family bucket and a milkshake."

Jasper knows he's going to have to have his car valeted after the world's worst road trip ever and groans in resignation of the inevitable.

"No fucking drive thru, it's too dangerous. I'll go inside and order. I know what Eleanor wants, what about you?" he asked, abandoning all propriety and protocol as he addresses Robert.

Robert grins and rubs his hands together like he hadn't actually eaten since he pulled himself out of the sea all those months ago, "surprise me."

Jasper climbs out the back of the car and rolls his eyes, "I think we've had quite enough surprises for one day."