Here we are, everyone! The final chapter! And special thank you to my 200th reviewer, Emma7753.

LifelongLeahstar: Thank you for the song! (And for breaking my review page. LOL!)

Imaginingdragons: I plan on becoming an actress and one day starring in a Broadway musical. And if that doesn't work out, I'll just write one.

Torchakaywrites: I think you won't need the Nia Hunters for this chapter.

Most people say that when your heart is in the right place, everything else will work itself out. These people are not wrong.

The king was hardly able to contain his excitement the next morning. He had to pull his wife out of bed, who was less energetic than he was, and practically pull her to the bathroom to get ready. Elphaba moaned, complained, and threatened to hex Fiyero, but once she fully woke up, she was as equally excited as he was. Once she was ready, she went to the blonde's room to wake her up and found her still peacefully asleep in her bed. Smiling, she tiptoed over to her friend and gently shook her arm.

"Galinda? Galinda, wake up," she whispered into the blonde's ear.

Galinda hummed and sleepily swatted Elphaba's hand away, her nose twitching before she fell back asleep.

"Galinda, wake up. It's your birthday today."

At that, the blonde slowly opened her eyes and smiled at the green girl. "H-Hi."

"Good morning. Happy birthday."

"Th-Thanks." The blonde sat up and yawned, smiling as her friend wrapped her in a hug.

"We have a very busy day today," Elphaba said as she pulled Galinda up to her feet.

"R-Rea-lly?" Galinda asked, yawning and picking out a dress.

Elphaba smiled and nodded. "Of course."

The blonde simply shrugged it off, thinking that Elphaba had planned a simple, yet nice, picnic in the gardens. As it turns out, after breakfast, the girls went for a walk and sat under their usual tree. They talked and picked flowers and around noontime, a servant brought out the picnic things.

Galinda smiled as she sat on the blanket with her best friend. As they ate, she thought about how far their relationship had come. The queen had gone from hating her, to tolerating her, to accepting her, to becoming her best friend. And now, she wouldn't trade their relationship for anything in the world.

After their picnic, Elphaba led the blonde back inside and into the throne room, where Fiyero was looking out the window, his hand locked behind his back.

"Hi, Yero," Elphaba smiled.

The king turned and grinned, seeing his wife and her best friend. "Hi. Happy birthday, Galinda."

"Th-Thank you," Galinda blushed.

Fiyero smiled as he went over to his desk to retrieve a wrapped box. "This is for you."

The blonde looked surprised and happy as she took the box and gently unwrapped the paper. She pulled out a rolled document and slowly undid the ribbon. "Wh-What is th-is?"

Fiyero simply smiled as he wrapped his arms around Elphaba and rested his chin against her shoulder. Galinda eyes scanned the paper and tears welled in her eyes.

"I was thinking for a name for it," Fiyero said. "Something like… Galinda's Law?"

"Very original," Elphaba chuckled.

"I try."

"Wh-What d-does th-is… m-mean?" Galinda asked, looking up at the king.

"It means that there will now be severe consequences for any man who harasses, sexual or otherwise, a woman, and the price to pay will be even more severe for people working in the service to the king and queen," Fiyero said. "What happened to you, Galinda, was awful and I'm sorry it happened to you. I'm sorry that I can't change it, but I want to do something about it. This law won't be able to punish past incidences, but it will hopefully decrease them in the future."

Galinda looked at the paper once more, soaking in every word that would mean a better future for girls like her.

"I also have been setting up a program that will help girls and women who are victims of harassment, sort of like therapy, but not quite. It's… it's complicated and there are still a lot of kinks in the system and…"

"Th-Thank you," Galinda smiled, tears of joy streaming down her cheek.

The Vinkun smiled and gently wrapped his arms around the blonde, and happily surprised when she didn't stiffen or pull away. That was proof that things were taking a step in the right direction and everything would work out for the best. He smiled when he felt her return the hug and after a few clock-ticks, gently handed her over to Elphaba.

"And there's something else," the green girl whispered to her friend, handing her a tissue.

The blonde looked up and wiped her eyes, following Elphaba as she walked over to Fiyero's desk and handed her another piece of paper. Galinda wiped a stray tear from her cheek before reading the paper, and gasping at what she read. "Wh-What…"

"You deserve it," Elphaba said. "I've seen you with Sir Joachim. You really like him and he really likes you. Anyone can see that."

"Are… y-you say-ing th-at…"

Elphaba nodded. "You are free to have a romantic relationship with him, and later, marry him if you wish."

Galinda was at a loss of words. Elphaba smiled at her best friend. She knew the blonde and Sir Joachim would make a lovely couple and they obviously wanted to be together. "Th-Thank you," the blonde finally said.

The green girl smiled and nodded. "You're welcome, Galinda."

"I will make the announcement public this evening. It's about time things started changing for the better in Oz," Fiyero smiled, watching as Galinda and Elphaba shared a hug. Not wanting to feel put-out, he gently wrapped his arms around both women. The girls laughed and quickly included him in the hug, feeling more like a family than ever before.

Everyone was more than happy about King Fiyero's royal proclamation. Everyone immediately recognized that changes he wanted to make in terms of the treatment of women and poor people. They would all tell that he was going to be a kind and just king.

Galinda spent the better part of two weeks with the lesser lord before he had to go back to the Vinkus. They kept in constant contact through letters, but to Galinda, it didn't quite feel exactly the same. She knew that she wouldn't see him for a while, or ever again, and that fact worried her.

"Don't worry," Elphaba said when the blonde confided in her. "You'll see him again. Probably when you least expect it."

And sure enough, for the next eight months, Galinda and Sir Joachim got together even more. Elphaba smiled when Galinda told her stories about how they had given each other nicknames (well, Galinda gave "Jo" a nickname). A full year later, while Jo and Galinda were sharing a peaceful lunch at a small café, Jo had gotten down on his knees and pulled out a small black box. He didn't even finish proposing before Galinda exclaimed, "YES!" and launched herself at her boyfriend… well, now fiancée. When they got back to the palace, they immediately sought out Elphaba and Fiyero to tell them the good news. The green girl was ecstatic when her friend showed her the engagement ring and gave her a big hug. Fiyero smiled at Jo and gave him a thumbs up.

The girls went away, chatting a mile a minute about the impending wedding date. They decided on a date around Lurlinemas, since Galinda wanting a winter wedding. Galinda wrote a letter to her uncle telling him about everything and asking him if he would be able to give her away. She got a response three weeks later saying that he would be honored and that her parents would be very proud of her.

One month later, Galinda began to notice Elphaba acting weird. She had a feeling what was going on, but didn't want to voice any of her suspicions, just in case she was wrong. On the morning the King and Queen of the Vinkus were coming for a meeting, Galinda was helping Elphaba into her gown when her fingers accidently grazed over Elphaba's stomach. She looked up at the green girl when she felt a light vibration and the queen smiled.

"I'm around three weeks along," Elphaba whispered, and Galinda covered her mouth to avoid squealing. "I haven't even told Fiyero yet."

"Why n-not?" Galinda asked as Elphaba sat down at her vanity.

Elphaba was silent for a while. "I… I guess I'm a little scared. So many things could go wrong… especially after what happened last time."

Galinda finished brushing Elphaba's hair and gently took her hand. "You'll be f-fine."

"I hope so," Elphaba whispered, rising to her feet. "Thank you."

Galinda curtsied and both girls laughed. The green girl gave her friend a wave over her shoulder before she disappeared.

As Lurlinemas rolled around, so did the wedding preparations. Fiyero and Elphaba had insisted that the wedding be held in the palace. Most of the guests would be Joachim's family and friends, since the only people Galinda could think to invite were Elphaba, Fiyero, and her uncle.

Elphaba beamed with pride as she helped Galinda into her wedding dress. It was a white, strapless gown with long, see-through, lace sleeves. A sparkly, silver belt hugged her waist and the skirt flowed over her legs like a silky, lace waterfall. She curled her hair and styled it so her blonde curls framed her face and fell down her shoulder. "You look beautiful," she said as she fixed the veil into her hair and handed the bride her flowers.

Galinda smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. "Th-ank you."

Elphaba nodded and placed her hand over her bulging abdomen. She had insisted with Fiyero that being five months pregnant was hardly a reason for her not to participate in Galinda's wedding.

"Come in!" Elphaba called when someone knocked at the door.

The door opened and Tolymon Upland came in, wearing a navy blue shirt with matching pants and a white dress shirt. "Your Majesty," he bowed to Elphaba. His eyes rested on Galinda and he stopped short. "My..." he whispered, a smile tugging on the ends of his lips.

"I think it's almost time," Elphaba smiled, placing a hand on Galinda's shoulder and maneuvering around Tolymon to find Fiyero.

Galinda looked up and smiled at her uncle. "Hi."

"Hi," Tolymon smiled, stepping over to his niece and kissing her cheek. "You look simply beautiful, my dear."

"Th-Thank you," Galinda blushed.

He offered her his arm. "Shall we?"

The blonde nodded and took her uncle's arm, allowing him to escort her down the stairs to the large ballroom.

Jo's breath caught in his throat as he looked at his soon-to-be-wife. He almost forgot how to breathe, but deeply inhaled when he felt her brush her fingers against his. The whole ceremony was a blur and the only thing the couple remembered was sharing their first kiss as husband and wife and hearing everyone's cheers fill their ears.

Fiyero was feeling every type of joyful emotion as he looked at the tiny bundle in his arms. He had to admit, he didn't remember waiting for nine months being so hard the last time, but he finally got to stop waiting one mid-April day. "Hello, little Litta," he whispered.

Elphaba tiredly smiled as she watched her husband get to know their daughter. She was very happy for another chance to have another little girl and was glad that Fiyero was able to share in this moment. She was exhausted from being in labor for the better part of the day, and was glad that it was finally over. "She looks a lot like you."

"She looks like her Mama, too, y'know," Fiyero smiled, gently placing the bundle in his wife's arms.

The newborn slowly opened her eyes and looked up at her parents. Fiyero wiped a tear away from Elphaba's eye and kissed her forehead. "It's so nice to finally meet you, Amilitta," Elphaba whispered, rocking her in her arms. "She looks a lot like her sister, too."

Fiyero rested his cheek against the top of his wife's head and contently watched his daughter. He made a silly face and watched as she looked at him for a few clock-ticks before falling back asleep.

"May we come in now?" Jo asked from the other side of the closed door. "Galinda and I want to meet our new godchild."

"I promised Galinda," Elphaba said when her husband looked down at her. "Come in."

Jo and Galinda hurried inside and looked down at the slumbering princess. "She's beauti-ful," Galinda smiled.

"What's her name?" Jo asked.

"Amilitta," Fiyero told his friend. "Amilitta Elida Tigulaar."

After Harv had retired as the palace steward, Fiyero had immediately hired Joachim to replace him, but the two were more on a friendly basis, although Jo also offered Fiyero some good advice from time to time.

"Would you like to hold her?" Elphaba asked, looking at her best friend.

Galinda nodded and gently took the swaddled baby from her mother. Amilitta's nose twitched, but she stayed asleep. The blonde smiled as she gently rocked her goddaughter in her arms. She wasn't sure she was fully ready to admit it yet, but she wanted a baby of her own, though she would be able to deal without the midnight feedings and diaper changes for a while longer. For now, she would just focus on helping out Elphaba. She handed the baby to her husband, who smiled as he admired the new addition to the royal family.

"She's beautiful," Jo smiled as he handed Amilitta back to Fiyero, since Elphaba had fallen asleep. "Congratulations."

"Thank you," Fiyero said, kissing his daughter's forehead before placing her in the bassinet next to the bed.

"We'll let you get some rest now. We'll see you in the morning," Jo said, giving his friend a hug and stepping back to allow Galinda to say goodbye.

"Goodnight," Fiyero smiled as he watched his friends leave, hand-in-hand.

"Yero?" Elphaba mumbled, slowly opening her eyes.

"Hey," Fiyero said as he gently climbed into bed next to his wife and kissed her forehead. Elphaba snuggled closer to him and sighed contently. "Galinda and Jo retired for the night."

"M'okay," Elphaba hummed, already beginning to fall back asleep.

Amilitta began to fuss and Fiyero slowly got up to comfort her. He took her out of the bassinet and walked around the room, gently rocking her in his arms. He stopped in front of the window and looked out at the full moon. He looked back down at her and nuzzled his nose against hers before kissing her forehead. All past, current, and future problems were forgotten in that moment, and the king knew that a new era was just beginning.

The End.

Galinda's wedding dress is posted on my blog.

Thank you all for reading! It means the world to me! My next story will be called "On Broken Wings" and it will be a crossover between Wicked and Greek Mythology. It will be in the crossover section, so be sure to keep your eyes open for that. I'll try to have it up by the end of next month.