A/N: This is just my first attempt at writing a Vampire Diaries story. I'm hoping it goes well.
Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries or any of the Vampire Diaries characters I use in this story. Those rights go to Julie Plec and L.J. Smith. I am just writing this story for fun.
(College Dorm)
(Claire's P.O.V.)
The phone rang three times before going to voicemail.
"Hey, Alaric! It's me." I said. "I was just checking in like we agreed upon…..Guess I will just call you later."
Then I hung up the phone and looked at it in thought.
"Is there something wrong?" I heard someone say.
I looked toward the kitchen, and saw Diana. My college roommate.
"No, everything's fine." I said.
"Who did you call?" Diana asked.
"My Uncle." I said. "Not a big deal."
Diana nodded, and went over to her side of the room toward her laptop.
I looked back at my phone and sighed.
(One Week Later)
"Hey, you reached Alaric. You know what to do." I heard Alaric's voicemail say. Followed by the beep.
"Hey, Alaric!" I said. "It's your favorite person in the world calling again. It's been a week and you haven't called me back. I hope everything's ok…..Call me when you get this."
Then, I hung up the phone.
(One Month Later)
"I'm heading out." Diana said grabbing her purse. "Last chance to join me and Mabel."
"Sorry, Diana." I said, from my place on my bed, where my homework and laptop were sprawled out. "I really have to get this done."
"Alright." Diana said. "Don't wait up."
I nodded.
Then, Diana walked over to the door and left.
As soon as the door closed, I got up from my bed with my phone in hand and called Alaric.
It went straight to voicemail once again.
"Hey, Alaric," I said, as I paced back and forth in my dorm. "It's your favorite number one fan…..I really wish you would call me back…I miss you…Hopefully I'll see you this Saturday for the anniversary. I'll be there at nine like we discussed before…..I love you."
Then, I hung up the phone and sighed.
I parked the car on the side of the road and got out.
It was a beautiful day out today. Some white clouds scattered in the sky.
I looked at the cemetery across the street and took a deep breath. Clutching the red rose I had in my hand.
I then walked across the street and entered the cemetery.
It only took me two minutes to reach the head stone of Charolette Henri. My mother.
Today was the anniversary she died.
As I approached her resting site, I looked around in search of Alaric.
He was nowhere to be found.
I took my phone out and sent Alaric a text.
I'm here. Where are you?
Once it was sent, I looked at my mother's headstone.
"Hey, Mom." I said quietly. "I'm not sure where Uncle Alaric is, but, I'm here…..I'm sure he will show up…..He always does."
I then sat the rose on top of her headstone, and sat down on the grass.
An hour went by, and Alaric still hadn't shown up.
I checked my phone for the fiftieth time to check if I missed Alaric texting or calling me.
Turns out, I didn't.
I sighed, sadly.
"I'm sorry, Mom." I said. "I don't know where he is. He hasn't returned any of my calls, or text, and frankly, I'm starting to worry. He always makes sure to get back to me, despite what was going on with Damon, Elena, and Jeremy…Maybe I should go there and see him in person…."
"Claire," I heard a voice say.
I looked toward the voice and saw Alaric standing not too far away from me. Looking at me.
"Alaric!" I said, relieved.
"Claire," Alaric said, as I stood up.
I studied him, and realized something was wrong.
"Uncle Alaric, what's wrong?" I asked.
"Don't freak out on me. Ok?" He said.
"Ok." I said cautiously.
"Something happened in Mystic Falls." Alaric said. "And that something is the reason why I haven't gotten in contact with you until now."
"What happened, Alaric?" I asked.
Alaric hesitated. Then, he took a deep breath, and said:
"I'm a ghost, Claire. Right now, you're seeing me, but, I'm not really here."
"I don't understand." I said.
"Claire," Alaric said. He hesitated before saying: "I'm dead."
I stared at him.
"Ha. Good one." I said.
"Claire, I'm serious." He said.
"Then how can I see you?" I asked.
"Because I was able to show myself to you." Alaric said.
I walked over to him, and went to give him a hug.
My arms went right through him.
I stepped back and looked at him, as shock crashed into me.
Alaric was looking at me sadly.
"Claire, I'm so, so, so sorry Honey." He said.
That's when what he said sunk in.
Ghost Alaric was telling the truth.
Alaric was dead.
I blinked back the tears just as fast as they appeared.
"How?" I asked, looking at him. "When? Why?"
"I'll tell you everything." Alaric said quickly. "But first, sit."
I sat down and Alaric followed suit.
Then, Alaric told me what happened.