DISCLAIMER: I don't own Rocky and Bullwinkle. This is a parody based on the original Rocky and Bullwinkle episode, which I think is my most favorite.
Warwick Davis as Pippin Dollarhyde, a savvy and smart former biplane aviator during WWI with dwarfism and Jack's friend. (Based on Rocky)
Igor Vovkovinskiy as Jack Erwin, a laid-back former construction foreman with gigantism and Pippin's friend. (Based on Bullwinkle)
Ólafur Darri Ólafursson as Agent Claus Englebert von Grimmelshausen II, a devious and slick-minded Nazi spy and one of the spies who are out to kill Pippin and Jack for unknown reasons. (Based on Boris Badenov)
Lily Collins as Agent Sasha Shaposhnikov, a seductive, voluptuous and flirtatious Soviet femme fatale and Russian spy hired by the Underground Society as Claus's partner. (Based on Natasha Fatale)
Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson as Eforsin Morchenko, director of the totalitarianistic Underground Society. (Based on the Fearless Leader)
November 12, 1938 - West Yorkshire, England
It was nighttime in the high hills were an observatory called the Creed Observatory sits.
NARRATOR: Our story opens today at the Creed Observatory where an international group of scientists, the Royal Black Hats were meeting to dedicate the new 1,000-inch telescope. The chairman, Lord Leonid Od was presiding.
"Today, we will prove once and for all that there can be no life on the Moon." Lord Od announced and a black-haired gentleman stepped forward. He took the first look into the telescope.
NARRATOR: Dr. Charles Teller, Black Hat of the Year was given the honor of the first peak.
"What do you see?" Lord Od asked him.
"I see two moon creatures." Dr. Teller spoke his answer, much to the shock of the rest of attendees.
"Impossible!" Lord Od exclaimed in shock and disbelief with eyes as wide as flying saucers. At the same time, everyone quickly made their way to the telescope to try and get a peek at what he saw.
NARRATORS: The scientists rushed to the eyepiece and, incredibly, Teller was right.
What they saw through the telescope were two human beings standing in the wilderness of the Moon. One of them was a dwarf with short, wavy dirty blonde hair and a WWI pilot uniform along with goggles. The other was a strangle tall person with shaggy black hair and wearing a dark-colored blazer, white button-up shirt, dark brown dress pants with suspenders and black shoes. They were Pippin Dollarhyde and Jack Erwin, two friends who lived in a shack together in the woods outside their hometown of West Salt Lick, Minnesota. They were both different amongst each other's society as they were considered freaks by some. Pippin had dwarfism and Jack had gigantism. Rumor goes out that "a giant and a dwarf live together in the wood". The two were waving to Earth, hoping someone would see them. Unbeknownst to them, there was.
"Why it's a moon man!" A scientist shouted in utter surprise.
"And he's signaling us." Another scientist explained.
"What does he say?" Lord Od asked immediately. From their vision through the scope, Jack was waving red flags around as if giving a signal.
"He says: 'Here we come. Ready or not'." The scientist translated.
NARRATOR: Sure enough, a strange rocket ship had left the moon was heading straight for the Earth. The words spread in a flash.
As seen through the eyepiece, some sort of rocket ship was flying straight for Earth. The incredible news spread across the globe with it rumored to be an alien invasion. Some newspapers said on the headline: Moon Men to Invade U.S.! and President Declares Emergency as Moon Men Near! "Extra! Extra! Moon Men to invade Earth! President declares emergency!" A person giving out newspapers shouted. Meanwhile, a radio broadcast was being transmitted by Orson Welles who was directing his latest episode "The War of the Worlds" of the radio drama anthology series The Mercury Theatre on the Air and was using it as a warning to the public.
"Now hear this. This is Orson Welles speaking. The moon rocket ship is nearing the Earth. This invasion is not a play. I repeat: Not a play. Please feel free to panic." Orson Welles said on the speaker.
NARRATOR: And some people did panic. Stores closed, houses were shut up tight. Everywhere, panic reigned.
The cover to a manhole in the street lifted up to reveal a person hiding under it. There was a local shop that was closed with a sign that said "Closed on a Account of Moon Men", a suburban home had planks of wood nailed to the windows and doors to barricade the people inside, even on a farmland, there was a message on the barn roof in big, black, bold letters, "Moon Men, Go Home!". There were two men riding on a subway train who were unfazed by the current widespread panic due to "invasion".
"What's the headline, George?" The man on the left asked.
"'Invasion from Moon'." George answered.
"Hmm. So what else is new?" The man on the left shrugged.
NARRATOR: Meanwhile at Washington Airport, the newly-appointed ambassador of the Moon, Buford Denton and other dignitaries and diplomats were waiting for the strange craft to land.
The rocket was getting closer and closer, breaking through Earth's atmosphere, while Ambassador Buford Denton, Gen. Willard Heffelpopper and the others were waiting at the Washington Airport waiting for it to land and sure enough, the craft was heading directly for the airport.
"Here it comes!" A person shouted. The rocket finally crash landed right in front of the group who gave out salutes and hands on their hearts as soon as a quaking boom came as the rocket hit the ground. The group walked up to the destroyed spaceship in extreme caution waiting for someone or something to come out.
NARRATOR: The rocket ship had made a perfect one-point landing and while all eyes watched expectedly, the hatch opened.
The entrance to the rocket ship opened up and Pippin and Jack exited their damaged spacecraft and saw everyone.
"Welcome, moon people." Ambassador Denton greeted them, believing them to be the aliens. "You speak Earth talk?"
"Jack, they think we're moon people." Pippin told his giant friend.
"They do? Well, then take me to your president." Jack said dumbly and ordered the ambassador.
"No, no, no. We gotta tell them the truth." Pippin corrected him and introduced himself to the crowd. "Gentlemen, I'm Pippin Dollarhyde."
"And I'm Jack Erwin." Jack introduced himself next.
"And we're both from West Salt Lake, Minnesota." Pippin explained to the shocked dignitaries.
"Minnesota?!" Ambassador Denton exclaimed in disbelief.
"You mean you've been to the Moon and back?" Gen. Heffelpopper asked.
"Why, they've discovered a great new rocket fuel." Ambassador Denton put the pieces together. As soon as their story got out, the duo we're being interviewed and photographers were snapping pictures of them.
NARRATOR: And so, to a hero's acclaim, our adventurers told their strange and incredible story. It seemed that just days before in a little house in West Salt Lick, Jack had been baking a quick-rising cake according to his grandmother's old recipe. But the first layer (BOOOOOMMMM!) had lifted a little faster than they expected. The next thing they knew, the stove had blown clear to the moon. Well, they had to get it back. And so, the boys put together their version of a spaceship and used the second layer of that extraordinary cake to propel them to the moon.
"And the third layer blasted us back." Pippin finished the story, leaving the dignitaries dumbfounded and awestruck.
"That cake had better be a revolutionary rocket fuel!" Gen. Heffelpopper deducted, blown away by the story.
"My boy. You must make more of that cake for the government." Ambassador Denton mused.
"Jack, you're going to be a famous scientist." Pippin told his best friend.
"Well, after all, I am a graduate at BICM. Baltimore Institute of Chemistry and Mechanics." Jack said matter-of-factly.
NARRATOR: Unfortunately, our boys wouldn't have been so happy had they heard two notorious spies.
From just a distance from where the boys were, there stood a bald man, wearing a black mobster suit, furry coat and fedora standing next to a young beautiful woman with a voluptuous hourglass figure with dark, shoulder-length chestnut hair, lavender eyeshadow, black lipstick, golden earrings, black gloves that go above her elbows, a dark red gown dress with a slit revealing her smooth, bare leg and red high-heels. They were undercover agents of Adolf Hitler's secret super-soldier organization, the Underground Society, assigned to pursue Pippin and Jack. They were to wait for Jack to bake the cake, rediscover the newly-made rocket fuel, then assassinate Jack and steal the recipe for their führer and use it to start a nuclear warfare across the globe until the world's leaders would be forced to give Hitler full power of the world. The man was Claus Englebert von Grimmelshausen II, a Nazi spy originally working for the Underground Society and the most favored agent and the woman was Sasha Shaposhnikov, a Soviet nymphomaniac femme fatale and assassin hired as Claus's partner.
"You hear, Sasha?" Claus said to his sexy partner. "First get the formula, then..." He made a 'kck' sound while running his finger across his neck with emphasis. "...kill Erwin, or vice versa."
NARRATOR: And so, a short while later, the new director of guided missiles was interrupted by...
"Hello, you great, big, wonderful man." Sasha came in and cooed sultrily to Jack, making him blush.
"Why, that's quite neighborly of you." Jack thanked her.
"You will give me grandmama's recipe?" Sasha softly asked getting very close to him and stroked his chest to entice him.
"What for?" Jack asked.
"Well, I hope to be a grandmama myself someday." Sasha lied.
"I'd love to, but in the explosion, I only save half of my recipe." Jack said holding the recipe page which was in half due to the explosion, leaving only the amount of cups shown. "I know how much, but not what of."
NARRATOR: Sasha's partner then did a very unneighborly thing.
Sasha looked at Claus standing in the window. While the duo wasn't looking, Claus made the 'kill' gesture, signaling for her to continue with the plan. Sasha pulled out a small package and handed it to Jack.
"Will you hold this package for me?" Sasha requested in a sickly sweet tone and Jack takes the package from her.
"Well, I plan to leave in a couple of minutes." Jack shrugged.
"Don't worry, darling. You will." Sasha told him heading for the door with a hidden evil smile. The faint sound of ticking from the box didn't go unnoticed by Jack, who curiously put his ear to the box in his hands to listen closely.
"It sounds like a clock." Jack said.
NARRATOR: Jack's steel-trapped mind had done it again. It was a clock. Only attached to 14 sticks of dynamite and it was wired to go off in 30 seconds.