The house was quiet at 3am that morning. Everyone was tucked away in their beds, all sleeping soundly, except for Stiles. The boy laid there thrashing in his bed, a side effect to his constant nightmares. It was the same one he always had. Stiles was back in the basement of Eichen, chained up like he had been once before. The Nogistune stood before him, pacing back and forth with a devil like grin spread wide across his face.
"Even after all these years Stiles, I still have you trapped."
Stiles tried to yell, but no sound came out. He tried and tried again until his throat hurt from the strain, all while the devil himself laughed and laughed at the poor boy and his misery.
"You're getting weaker Stiles. It won't be long until in you give in, so why don't you just save yourself the trouble and give up now."
Tears streamed down the boys face as he thrashed and thrashed trying to get away.
The spirit then only let out another laugh,
"Very well then, that just means the two of us get to spend yet another night here."
Stiles tried to scream once more, but there was nothing. And back in his bedroom the boy would toss and turn in his bed, letting out silent screams for no one to hear. In the morning he would awake with tears staining his face, and heavy breathing. He would count his figures as he whispered "wake up" over and over until he was sure that the dream was over. Once it was sure that he was awake, a sigh of relief would escape his lips, and he would get up for the day as though nothing had happened, because that how Stiles believed it had to be. The worst part of it all was no one in the house knew of those nightmares, and sadly they had no reason to think it happened. Because you see, no one heard the screaming or crying. Stiles dreamt silent nightmares, and some believe that is the worst kind there is.
That morning, the Stilinski household was utter chaos. The Sheriff, who was supposed to have nerves of steal, was pacing up the floor of the kitchen trying to get himself in order. He was reciting his vows for what seemed to be the hundredth time, and Stiles couldn't seem to bare it anymore. The boy walked to his father and put his hands on his shoulders,
"Dad. It's Melissa, you've loved her since forever, and have known her twice that long. It's going to be okay I promise."
Stiles felt a bit strange giving his father relationship advice, normally it was the other way around.
"Stiles, are you sure this is okay? I know Melissa has been like a mother to you, but I don't want you to think I'm replacing her. I just…"
"Dad, Melissa had this conversation with me a long time ago, you have nothing to worry about."
Stiles could remember the day perfectly. He had gone to the McCall household to visit Scott, but it seemed as though his friend was running late from his shift at the vet so he sat around their kitchen table drinking coffee and talking to Melissa. It was nothing abnormal for the two to be talking like this, but Stiles knew something was on the woman's mind. He remembers asking her what was on her mind, and she then proceeded to tell him that she was nervous about crossing boundaries.
"Stiles I want you to know that I understand I will never be your mother. She was an amazing woman and I can't even begin to imagine filling her shoes. I don't want to step on toes or cross any lines with you. I've considered you family for what feels like forever, and if what is going on between your dad and I is going to change our relationship… Well I need to know that. Because I know I will never be Claudia, but you've been my son for a long time now, and I never want to let that go."
The words poured out of her as tears began to pool in her eyes. Stiles had felt his own tears as the two hugged one another, silently letting them know that everything was okay.
The three drove silently to the ceremony in the lucky baby blue Jeep. The Sheriff sat in the passenger seat bouncing his knee and he continuously rehearsed his vows like he was a broken record in fear of forgetting the words. Stiles drove, as Lydia sat in back quietly admiring the scenery they passed out the window.
Stiles from time to time would look into his rear view mirror to admire her soft and beautiful features. Her lilac dress complimented her perfectly, and Stiles had to stop himself from smiling to widely. Truth be told, his feelings for Lydia never truly burned out. After all they had been through, he had realized long ago that a part of him would always have a smoldering adoration for the strawberry blonde in his back seat.
At some point she had caught his eyes wandering, and she sent a small smile his way. Stiles felt his heart leap to his throat, as his cheeks burned in embarrassment. He had smiled back as he tried to ignore the rapid beating in his chest. Because you see, even after all these years, Lydia Martin still made him into a nervous wreck.
Soon after the three finally made it to the church where the ceremony was to be held. Everyone was starting to shuffle into their designated positions, for the weddings beginning was only moments away.
"That's my queue." Mr. Stilinski smiled brightly. "Why don't you two go take a seat?"
Stiles and Lydia nodded in agreement, but before turning to leave the boy gave his father one last hug for encouragement.
"I'm happy for you paps. I love you."
"I love you too son." There were tears brimming the elder mans eyes, but he quickly wiped them away as if he was hoping not to get caught from it.
Lydia knew the two men could keep going back and forth for hours, so at this moment she chose to grab the younger Stilinski boy's hand and began to guide him to their seats.
"Alright Stiles, where do we go?" Lydia could feel her excitement rising. She truly did love weddings.
"Well as son of the groom and you as my date we'll be up in front to the-" Lydia's heart fluttered at the word 'date' as the rest of what Stiles was saying became tuned out in her mind.
I'm his date.
She was internally screaming as butterflies danced in her stomach. It was almost surprising how much of a reaction she had over one simple word, but this was Stiles, and neither of them had ever really believed that word would be used to describe one another.
"Lyds? Earth to Lyds?" Lydia was quickly snatched out of her thoughts by the whiskey eyed boy.
"What? I'm sorry. Lost in a train of thought. Lets go sit down, shall we?" The words left her mouth rapidly, causing Stiles to send a look of confusion her way. Nonetheless, he decided now was the time to ponder over these sort of things and choose to shrug it off before leading them to their seats.
Once they were seated, both of them took the opportunity to look around at the small venue. It was a simple church in the heart of Beacon Hills. The wedding had been decided early on that it was not to be anything extravagant, just something homie shared between close friends and family. What intrigued Lydia the most were the white flowers that danced around the entire church. Just like the wedding, they were quite simple, but also quite elegant. They seem to gleam in the light, and Lydia just quite couldn't take her eyes off them.
"This place is perfect for your dad and Melissa. They did a great job decorating, I love these flowers."
Stiles looked over to see Lydia scanning the room over and over, taking in each pedal individually.
"They're Jasmine Blossoms. They are Melissa's favorite flower. They are definitely a good edition to the wedding. Simple, yet beautiful." Stiles began to smile as he too started to look around the room and the enchanting white flowers.
"You know how ever since Jackson and I broke up I haven't been very much pro myself getting married. But it seems that with each wedding I attend, I find myself more and more wanting to reconsider. This just might be the final straw."
Lydia let out a sigh, "If I find the right person, I really hope this is me someday." Her gaze landed on the large bouquet of flowers that was positions across the alter while Stiles found his gaze of her. His heart leaped for her at those words like no other time before, and in that moment Stiles could only let out a simple whisper,
"Me too."
Yes, I am still alive.
My apologies obviously mean shit because I haven't updated in about a month and a half. Nonetheless I am incredibly sorry for leaving you hanging for so long. I am really trying my best to keep going with this story, but life is busy, and sometimes things get done slower than expected. I really enjoyed writing this chapter though because for me there is a lot of emotion behind it. I really am going to try and updated sooner, but first I think I need to take a moment to collect all my ideas and thoughts on where I want this story to go. Again, I am so sorry for the delay, but I promise I am doing my best. Your love and support is what motivates me to keep going, and if it weren't for you guys I wouldn't still be writing this, so thank you for that. Thoughts? Comments? Ideas? Please please please let me know!
Until the next chapter, lots of love
xxx fictionaddict
P.P.S This is super cheesy but I have fan accounts on both twitter and vine that if anyone would be interested in following that would mean so much to me! They are both xxdylanxoxbrien
I also just created a finsta (fake Instagram) and although it is not going to be 100% teen wolf/fangirl related, if you ever wanted to get to know me or talk that is one place to start! That one is
Alright I'm done now. All the love xxx