"I gave her a broken watch, to symbolize that my love for her is forever and timeless. And as an excuse to why I'm always late." ― Jarod Kintz.


This is the last entry I am going to make. I have to go away soon. Far, far away. If I stay, my baby girl will be taken away from me. I cannot let that happen. Everything I do and everything that I have done was to ensure that my baby girl would live to see another day.

My sweet Ginny… She's so sickly. She's been sick ever since the day she's been born. Just like her mother. Ginny was a fighter but I am afraid that there isn't much fight left in her. Her eyes aren't as bright as before and her movements have become slower. There are days when I think she would not wake up from her sleep and I am sure that there are times when she can no longer remember who I am.

Her condition has not always been like this. It had only gotten worse in the following days after Bucky's, and later Steve's, departure. My baby girl loved those boys dearly and with them gone, I am afraid that she has lost her drive to wake up in the morning. It does not help that these boys have gone to war and Ginny can only wait to see if they will come back or not.

I cannot let my baby girl go.

I can't. She's so young. There's still so much of the world she has yet to see. I do not want her to live and die while the world is at war. I need her to see better days.

That's why I have to leave.

The doctor said that Ginny does not have long to live. "She only has three months," he told me as he packed his things, "I'm sorry."

I was not going to let my baby girl go without a fight. I've developed a serum that I hope would keep her alive for at least another year. It's not long but it's all I can give to her.

I just wanted more time with her but it seems that I cannot afford to be in her life any longer if I want her to live. It's a paradox.

If I stay with her, they'll find me and then they'll find out what I did to her.

I have to leave.

This is my last entry.


Bucky looked up from the battered up journal and turned his attention towards Ginny. She was sleeping in her bed, curled up and lightly snoring. She wasn't as frail as he remembered, her cheeks weren't as hollow as they used to be and the dark circles under her eyes have gone away. She was still small though. Seventy years have gone by and she hasn't grown an inch.

He put the journal down and sat on the bed. Ginny shifted when the mattress moved from his weight. Bucky brushed her blonde hair away from her face and his eyes immediately darted towards a silver strand.

She was only supposed to live an extra year.


Hi :) This is my first attempt at writing a Marvel fanfiction so I hope it goes well. I'm planning on referencing events from previous movies (i.e. Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America and the Winter Soldier, The Avengers, etc.) but I'll pretty much be coming up with my own plot so I really hope I can execute my idea well and that you all would enjoy my fic!

Please leave a comment/review. If you have any suggestion, please let me know!

PS. I'm sorry for any typos and/or grammatical mistakes! :(

I only own what I own.