Title: Aliases

Author: Evil Little Dog

Rating: K+

Disclaimer: This is a derivative work, and, as such, I make absolutely no money writing this. Darn the luck.

Summary: Eliot's not sure of his new alias.

"John Steed?" Eliot read over Hardison's fake ID for him for the job. "That sounds familiar." He glanced up, eyebrows set at a curious angle.

"You complained about the Doctor Who names."

Eliot racked his brain. Why did the name sound familiar? "Should I know it?" From Hardison's grin, Eliot figured he not only was supposed to know it, without it, he'd lost some sort of geek cred. Fine, Eliot didn't need geek cred. He had all the credentials he needed in other ways. "Well?"

"It's a classic," Hardison said, "but not so unusual people wouldn't think twice about hearing it."

"Uh, huh." Eliot made a show of tucking the card in his wallet for safekeeping. "What about Parker?"

As if saying her name conjured her out of the ether, Parker appeared, dressed in a black cat suit and boots. She sauntered in and offered Eliot her hand to shake. He took it, bemused, as she said, "Peel. Mrs. Emma Peel."

From Hardison's snort of laughter, Eliot knew he was missing out on a joke somewhere. Shoving a finger at Hardison, Eliot said, "Just don't go naming me Illya Kuryakin. I don't do Russian."

Hardison's grin promised nothing of the sort.

~ end ~