Silent Secrets

Disclaimer: I do not own Escaflowne, only the characters I made up myself.

I finally made it! This is the epilogue of my very first story, but I already got a third chapter ready for my other story (As long as I live)
and I also got a new one!!

But how could I just finish a story without at least thanking my faithful reviewers once??? So, HERE GOES...


Roseninselchen: Thanx for always betareading my story and encouraging me to go on. Just gotta luv it, how you always start squealing in the middle of a lesson, when reading my newest chapter! *Deathhug* n_n Thank you for everything. Oh, and I'm writing this in English, so you can practice a bit more! *evilgrin*

Dariel: Deine Kommentare waren immer voll klasse und ich fühle mich geehrt, von so einem/r guten AutorIn gelobt zu werden *blush* *zu tode knuddel* Mach bloß weiter mit deinen Geschichten, sonst muss ich mal persönlich vorbeikommen und dir in den Allerwertesten treten *g*....

Magicman/Smokergirl: Your reviews are always one of the funniest I ever read and I'll always try to review your stories... -_-; Just don't stop writing!!!

Love Witch: I could still kill that ass*****, who deleted your account. But I'm also greatly impressed, that you didn't give up just like that!! *waves `Go Love Witch´ flag in the air* Just gotta LOVE your stories!! ^_____^

Aeka-himme: After reading your reviews, it seems that your PC has the same wacky problems mine has also often. Loved your reviews!!! Hope you'll also review my new ones *puppydogeyes*.

Ink: You always gave short reviews, but they were also always encouraging. I'll have to give you a BIG review on one of your stories *evilgrin* . Just hope you'll like the epilogue!

Fushizen na: You seem very touchy and funny, when it comes to Hitomi being hurt or Esmeralda being bashed. Oh, I almost forgot... *slaps Fushizen na hard on the head* That was for your review from chapter 11. My head still hurts *g*

Supergirl: I tried to count the "love" you all brought in your reviews. My head started to spin after about the half of your reviews. If you want, you can count them yourself and tell me then? Cool reviews.

Van lover: I hope you never really died after chapter 12, but why did I get the honour of getting 3 reviews on chapter 14?

Ruby: Ha, you also hate cliff-hangers as much as me? Maybe we should found a "cliff-hanger-hater-club"... *gets chased by other authors, who also write cliffies* OKAY; OKAY! NO SUCH CLUBS ALLOWED!! -_-°

Infinits: You're a big Dilly-fan, aren't ya? Have you read Dilly all the way? Wrote it in a time of having a total mush brain. Maybe I'll write some more...

Spirit: Now let me get this straight... fluff = Drug = Fluffjunkie = Me and Spirit Fluffjunkies!!! COOL! Thanx for the reviews.

Dalafanole: Here is the long awaited Epilogue for you. I'm probably not going to write a sequel, but if you would like to and have enough courage, you can write one! Ciao! And also thanx for da review!!

And now, that I have thanked everyone (Tell me if you felt left out) ...
Let's get on with the epilogue!!! ENJOYYYY!!!!


"Oh my god! I don't think I can do this! What if I stumble or even fall when I'm walking down the aisle? What if I get it all wrong while saying the vows? What if..."

"HITOMI! Stop it right now! You're making yourself hysteric!"

Merle was about to pound her head against a near by wall. Here she was in Hitomi's room together with her, waiting for the start of the wedding- ceremony and Hitomi was driving herself and everyone around her nuts.

It had been already two and a half months after Hitomi and Van had defeated the evil...ehhh... whatever it had now really been and they were now finally getting married. Time had flown by, with all the preparations for the ceremony, the ball and all the other things, like inviting all the royals and such. But they had made it in time. The only thing what had to be done now, was to get Hitomi relaxed again and get her safely to the temple, where the wedding should be held, without ripping something on her dress. It was a beautiful white with little diamonds embodied all over, making it glitter in the sun. The upper half to her waist was very form fitting, showing Hitomi's curves beautiful, while the skirt flowed out in all directions. The sleeves had been made out of transparent looking silk, getting bigger at her wrists. Hitomi's hair had been put into a bun with strands curling around her face.

The veil was very long and also with diamonds in it. All in all, Hitomi was breathtaking.

Someone knocked at the door and Merle went to answer it. It was Rubeus:

"Hey little sis. All up and ready to finally get married with the man of you dreams? Hi Merle."

Rubeus gave Merle a quick peck on the lips, making her blush brightly:

"Well hello to you too. But if you want to get your sister, you should be careful... She is driving me and herself insane!"

"Don't worry. Isn't it normal for her to go crazy over such a little thing?"

Hitomi interrupted: "Well, I just want to see you two, when you have finally decided to make up a date for YOUR marriage! So just keep your mouth shut, will ya, your `Highness?"

"Hey sis! You've gotten me into this mess! You know how hard it was to make those people understand, what happened?"

Oh yeah, so Rubeus was now King of Hearim... you heard right. After the death of the whole family from the king, including himself, the nearest relative who was also able to lead the country had been Rubeus. He had excepted it with mixed feeling, but he was doing very well. And since everyone liked him and there was no law against it, Rubeus had decided to marry Merle sooner or later until he really had everything under control. Merle had been speechless, when he had proposed to her the night he had been crowned King. That was now half a month ago and they hadn't made up there mind, when to marry since Dilly and Celena were also getting married in one month. They had also finally made it to tell each other their feelings and Dilly hadn't wanted to wait as long as needed to be together with his beloved... forever.

"Come on sis. It's really time for you to move your but down that aisle towards Van. Don't worry, everything is going to be okay. You'll only been queen instead of princess."

Hitomi sighted: "Why always me????"

She grabbed the bouquet and followed her brother to the carriage waiting for them to take the three to the temple.

~~~~~~~ Meanwhile, in the temple...~~~~~~~~

Van was nervous beyond description. He was sweating in his royal uniform made out of dark blue with gold threats and the crest of Fanelia on his left shoulder.

He had decided to make Dilly his best man, while Merle would take the role of the brides maid. It had all somehow happened so quickly. If anyone had told him half a year ago, that he would marry today, he would have laughed them straight into the face. And it was even the girl of his dream, Hitomi. After the advisers had finally believed them and Rubeus had even been voted to become the new King of Hearim, there had been no arguments about why Van shouldn't marry her. So the preparing had begun, driving him everyday nearly insane. He had never thought about a wedding being so difficult to plan. What had been worst, was the advisers insisting on tradition, meaning he hadn't really seen Hitomi for three whole damn days. He had sometime gotten a climbs of her from her balcony and they had talked via mind link, but not feeling her body against his, there lips pressed together, not feeling her relaxing scent...

Dilly poked him into the rips:

"Calm down Vannie. Gees, if you are already over-reacting like this, how is it going to be for me in one month?"

"Don't worry. I think, you'll survive. I just hope we get this ceremony and the ball quickly behind us so I can finally be alone with her again."

"AHA! So that is all about! Can't wait to get to bed... huh?" *g*

Van blushed brightly at that remark:

"THAT is not, what I meant! You're impossible!"

"Maybe. But you better watch out, they have just arrived. And don't gape or stare to much at her while we're still here."

Everyone's attention averted to the entrance as the music started to play. First one to come in was Merle, wearing a simple, yet gorgeous pinkish dress, carrying a little cushion with two gold rings on it. Then came Rubeus leading Hitomi gracefully down the aisle.

Van breath caught in his throat as he gazes at his beloved so to be wife. How could anything in life be so beautiful and would chose him above other men? He didn't quite understand, but he couldn't get any happier at the thought of spending the rest of his live with Hitomi. Hitomi blushed a little as she saw Van's intense gaze, but couldn't help herself to stare back at that totally handsome man, who was going to be her husband.

Neither of them later really remembered, how the ceremony had gone by until they said their vows to each other and kissed. It was a sweat kiss, but on that held all the unspoken love and promises they had for each other. As they exited the temple everyone noticed the dragon and the unicorn on one of the many cliffs surrounding Fanelia. Murmurs went through the crowed as the two mystical creatures vanished again. Only Van and Hitomi, smiled knowingly at each other.

The ball went long into the night (~ I'm not going to go into any details... ~). The sunrise had been only a few hours away, when Hitomi and Van had made their ways to their chamber, Van carrying Hitomi all the way and closing the door with his foot, then making his way over to bed with her and lying her down on the soft matters.

Now Van and Hitomi were lying in each others arms, both replaying the event of the previous hour (~ If you are a hentai, you are probably thinking correct *g* think the rest for ya self, for I am not going into details... ~).

Hitomi sighted softly, snuggling closer to Van, breathing in his fresh scent of grassy fields, feeling his body heat and the peacefully pounding of his heart as she lay her head on his chest. He on the other hand, hugged her more closely to him, resting his chin on her hair.



"I'm happy that I finally found you and that you are here with me. Promise me, you'll never leave me again?"

Van smiled: "I promise with all of my heart. Do you promise?"


"Then I'm also happy. Happier then I could ever be without you."

"Thank you. I love you Van."

"I love you too Hitomi."

And they fell into peaceful sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 months later.... ~~~~~~~~~

Van couldn't take it anymore. Hitomi had been in there for hours, screaming in pain and still no news of the current situation. A maid would once in a while come out to get some more water or more cloth or such things, but they only smiled briefly at him, saying it would be over soon. Another scream came from Hitomi behind the closed doors and Van jumped up, ready to just run in there, but was forced back down on his seat by Rubeus, Allen and Dilly at the same time. He saw as Dilly made his way over to Celena, hugging her gently as she also stared at the doors, hand claps tightly together, stroking once in a while over her stomach, which would soon show the first signs. Merle was pacing around the room, sometimes on all fours, stopping also once in a while to try to stare holes into that damn door.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Millerna emerged out of the room being met by six very concern looking stares. She smiled:

"It's okay, everything is fine. Both Hitomi and the child made it safely through labour. *breath-releases from all* You can now go in to see her Van, but be quiet, she needs to rest."

Van quickly got up and only nodded to Millerna before entering the room. The maids were taking away the last things, which weren't needed anymore and quietly left the room to let their king be alone with his wife and their new-born.

Hitomi was lying on the bed, the signs of the long hours of pain already vanishing totally. She smiled up at Van, a bundle in her arms, as she padded the side of the bed beside her and Van sat down.

"Van, I want you to meet your son."

Van looked at the little bundle, when Hitomi put it carefully into his arms. He saw a tiny head with little black strand on top and green eyes with a few red specks in them slowly opening to look at him. A single tear of happiness rolled down Van's cheek as he gazed into Hitomi's sparkling eyes:

"He's so tiny and yet already seems so strong. How do you think we should name him?"

He gave his little son back to Hitomi as she seemed to be in deep thought:

"Well... I thought that Folken would be a wonderful name... of course only if it is okay with you."

Van still smiling leaned over Hitomi and brushed her lips gently with his own:

"I think that's an absolute wonderful idea."

So this is it. It is the final end of this story and I hope you all liked it. New stories coming up soon!!!!! CIAO! P.S.: Does anyone except my hentai friend Roseninselchen want a lemon part of the wedding night. If so, please tell me and I'll post it separately so I don't have to put up the rating of this story.