Simon walk down the corridor of the staff quarters. Passing by some of the inhabitants, he greets them. They weren't the crude cyborg that was brought back to life, but the new body that was made by WAU. Bodies of structure gel black lined with chrome and the blue dots of the minuscule nodes. The body was designed so that now drinking structure gel is as harmful as drinking water. Of course if anyone is hungry, the new bodies can receive human food as well. It can also traverse the underwater landscape and the abyss without the use diving suits anymore as the new body can absorb oxygen through the skin and withstand the water pressure. The body is also immune to the toxic air. This the copy of Antjie Coetzee can attest to as he volunteered to go to the surface of the Omega station. He was not even surprised to see his own dead body up there.
"Alexander?" Simon stood for a few moments in front of Sarah Lindwall's quarters. "Alex?" He called out again. He can hear a rustle of blankets accompanied by footsteps. With a beep, the door slid open.
"You're up early."
"It's 11:30 in the morning, man." Simon peered inside and saw Sarah was just clipping her bra onto herself. "You had fun." Said Simon with a sly grin.
"And you don't?" Alexander mimicked the expression.
"Well Catherine was easily satisfied so," Simon looked around. "Look, can we talk?"
"About what?"
"Johann Ross."
Alexander raises his eyebrows. "Right. Just give me a moment." Both of the men met in the scanner room where they had their transfer. "Okay, my twin brother. What is so important about Johan Ross?" Then he noticed that he wasn't alone. "Mark Sarang."
In his humble human form, Mark Sarang was of Korean descent with light skin and facial hair. Now he had fashioned himself to look like those perfect Korean male singers. "Mr. Alexander Jarett." Mark greeted.
"Mark. What are you doing here?"
"I called him here, bro." Simon said. "To talk about Johan Ross."
"Mr. Alexander... I believe that there is a possibility that there are other human survivors apart from Pathos-II."
The statement gave Alexander pause. "Survivors? Real humans like Sarah and Amy?"
"I thought that everyone died when the comet hits."
"Not necessarily. Don't hate, but I asked Warden to show me your memories when you went down to the abyss."
"And you do this because?" Alexander waits for an answer of this invasion.
"I was just curious on what exactly has happened down there, that's all." Simon directs Alexander to the computer and plays a video file. The video was a memory clip of Alexander's travels from Tau to Phi. But all of it only shows footage of his encounter with Johann Ross. "Don't you think it's strange?" Simon uttered.
"What is?"
"Why does Johann Ross wanted to kill Warden so badly?"
"Because he wanted to save humanity." To Alexander, it was plain sense.
"And there's the problem. Humanity has gone extinct. What is there to save? The abstract idea of what human is and what human is not? A nice notion, but who's going to be around to give a damn about it? It is a lost cause." Simon taps on the screen. "But look at him. He's hellbent on making you kill Warden. Why?"
Alexander dismissed the idea. "He went insane. Just like the rest of them. It's that simple."
"What if he isn't insane?" Simon throws back a question to Alexander. "The easiest way for us to prove this is to look into Johan Ross' memories. But his brain wasn't scanned at all. So I asked him." Simon points at Mark Sarang.
"Johan Ross and Julia Dahl were staff transferred Carthage Industries headquarters. In 2050, the industry rose to be the leading geothermal energy and deep sea mining company." Said Mark Sarang. "It is very likely that Pathos-II isn't the only facility that survived the apocalypse." Mark Sarang points on the map they recovered from the installation. But there are red lines drawn all over the map. "These lines are the tectonic plates of the world. And here we are in the Atlantic Ocean, somewhere at the intersecting plates between the North American Plate, Eurasian Plate and the African Plate. Spots like these are the ideal location for a geothermal plant." Mark Sarang taps one of the lines. "Somewhere at the northern part of the Carribean Plate, there is one such underwater installation just like Pathos-II that supplies geothermal energy to the Bahamas and the surrounding islands."
"That looks like a long walk."
"We can walk that long." Mark Sarang said. "If there is a chance that these installations have survivors," He trailed off.
"So what say you, brother? Shall we embark on another great quest to rediscover and unite mankind once more?"
"I don't know." Alexander looks at his hands. "We're not exactly humans anymore."
"We'll work out on the tiny details later on. Pathos-II is in good hands now. We should do something else."
Alexander looks at the islands at the Bahamas and thought deeply. The comet had took everything. Everything from everyone. Perhaps this is fate, or just the reset button of the cosmos, to throw Earth a stone and have them start over from scratch. From the ashes rises a group of new people, who defied the apocalypse and became stronger. Pathos-II have that way, and Alexander will see to it that he shares this to others. Being selfless is one of the traits of being human, especially in these dark times.
Alexander looks at Simon and Mark Sarang with a smile. "Let's find them."