Disclaimer: I do NOT own Descendants!
"Carlos! Come here!"
"Yes, Mommy."
A little boy, about eight or nine, came running into the living room. He wore a black and white leather jacket with red sleeves and black and white shorts. He was barefoot.
"Come here."
He stared at her, patiently waiting for an answer.
"Mommy loves you so much," she turned to look her son in the eye, "Wash my car."
He nodded once more and ran off. Stopping in his tracks, he went back to the living room to kiss his mom on the cheek. He found her talking to her coats: saying the exact same words she had said to him.
Confused, he closed his eyes and envisioned the conversation all over again. Being the intelligent boy he is, he figured out that he stood directly in front of his mother's favorite fur coat.
Tears welled up in his eyes as he ran out to go wash the car, maybe then she'll love him.
The memory blurred for a moment before returning to normal.
This time, Carlos was around 12 years old.
"Carlos! Carlos!" Cruella burst through the door.
Carlos turned around fast enough that it could've given himself whiplash.
"Why is my car not washed?!"
His eyes widened. "I'm sorry, it's just that I-"
She cut him off, "I don't care. Go wash it now and then we'll discuss your punishment."
She left the room and he knew that there would be no talking involved when it came to his punishment.
He rushed to wash and he finished just in time for Cruella to come outside. She marveled at how clean it was. It almost made Carlos believed she was impressed.
Her face turned sour. "Oh, but you missed a spot," she beckoned him to come see a blob of dirt on the car door that definitely wasn't there before.
He was about to apoligize when he saw his mother's hand covered in dirt. He didn't want to believe that his own mom would sabotage him like that but, the evidence was right in front of him.
She smirked. Cruella knew he figured it out but and he wouldn't dare say anything.
The memory blurred and refocused.
Carlos was laying on his stomach, blood pouring out of the wounds on his back.
Tears rolled down his face but not a sound was heard.
He tried to pull himself up, wincing at the movement.
With no other optionhe washed the rags he used to clean the car with, trying to get all the gunk off and failing miserably.
Not wanting to waste anymore time trying to clean something so dirty, he tried to clean his own wounds.
It stung like a thousand needles being pierced into his skin each time the cloth came in contact with his body. The boy's face was wracked with pain but, he persevered anyways.
After what felt like forever, his wounds were clean enough and bandaged.
Out of nowhere, it seemed as if the world had started to spin around him. Yellow spots danced in his eyes multiple times before disappearing completely.
With each step he tried to take, the floor seemed to spin in circles. One foot in front of the other and next thing you know, they were up in the air.
His head collided with the floor, his body immediately following.
Hadn't he had enough?
Of course he had. Nobody cares though. I mean, who would?
Well, nobody besides-
With every passing second, the sound of the mystery person's feet drew closer and closer.
The person stooped down to the white-haired boy's level.
The face of the mystery human happened to be blurred out but, the rest of the VKs knew exactly who it was.
"Oh Carlos, what did she do to you?" The mystery person tried to help him but, Carlos resisted. "Carlos, you have to let me help you."
Carlos shook his head, "No, just leave me here."
"Carlos," the voice cracked, "I can't do that. I won't."
The memory blurred and returned to normal.
This time Carlos looked a thousand times better.
The bruises were still there but seemed to be healing. There was a tiny faint scar on his face that for sure wasn't there before, but, maybe it showed up after he involuntarily kissed the ground.
One thing was for sure, he was more or less, okay. Well, okay by Isle standards.
He even appeared, happy?
Nobody on the Isle was ever happy. Perhaps he was, for lack of a better word, reassured. Reassured that he no longer had to be on alert 24/7.
But why?
Suddenly, the world became bleary before refocusing.
It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.
One by one, everyone let go of the other person's hand.
Carlos dared to meet the AKs eyes but, not one of them felt the same way.
As for the VKs, Carlos did not even want to see any one of their expressions because he knew that if he did, he would no longer be able to contain himself.
"That can't be it," a voice finally interrupting the silence.
Jane was angry. All that suspense leading up to his memories and those were supposed to be the worst of it?
She balled her fists and clenched her teeth in an attempt to contain her anger.
He was lying. He did not share the worst of it. There had to be more to the story.
But, did she really want to know? Could she handle any more?
She had to.
"That can't be it," Jane repeated. The fairy goddaughter looked the son of Cruella in the eye, challenging him. "You're hiding something. You don't want us to know something. You don't want me to know something."
Mal, Jay, and Evie glanced at one another. Of all the people in the room, they expected Jane to be the most trusting, to be the most oblivious.
"What are you hiding?" She took his hand in her hers and squeezed. The tears she had so desperately been trying to hide finally escaped.
Carlos pulled into a hug as sobs wracked his girlfriend's body.
He understood that life wasn't fair but why would life, his life, make his angel cry?
As her cries lessened, she slowly pulled away until they only held hands.
"Do you think you can take the worst of the worst?" He asked.
Jane simply nodded.
"Do you want to risk the chance that you'll look at me differently afterwards?"
"My opinion won't change," she locked hands with Audrey and the chain continued until everyone was holding hands and the world started to blurr once again before focusing once more.
Carlos was older this time. Perhaps this was only a couple months before coming to Aurdon.
When he ripped his shirt off, it was the beginning of all the skeletons in his closet falling out.
Everyone would be lying if they said that they weren't surprised when they saw his condition.
Scars littered his back, some new and some old. While some were starting to disappear, most of them were visible from a mile away.
He cracked his neck before grabbing a box out from under his bed. He gingerly took the lid off and just stared inside which only fueled the viewers' curiosity.
He reached inside and pulled a shiny silver dagger out.
With a wicked glint in his eyes, he held the dagger in his calloused palms and threw it.
The knife sliced through the air and imbedded itself into the wall.
He reached back into the box a couple more times to pull out more daggers. Each one hit the wall with a satisfying 'thud'.
As he took a step back, a picture was revealed.
Then, one by one, he yanked each blade out of the wall and placed it into his box with the exception of one.
He held his last dagger in his hand and simply gripped it so tight his knuckles ghostly white.
He made his way to a sleeping Cruella. A small smile graced her features. She almost looked, normal.
How the young boy longed for his mother's love. How he did anything and everything for her yet, it was never enough.
However, in that moment, he just wanted her to feel his pain.
With the knife making its presence known once again, blood trickled down Carlos' fingers.
His chest heaved as his heart rate increased. He shut his eyes so tight, he was afraid he would never see the light of day again.
Wouldn't it be evil?
Would everyone finally take him seriously as a villan if he did it?
Would he make life worse for himself if he did go through with his plan?
It took a herculean effort but, one foot in front of the other and he found himself back in his room.
Thoughts of what might have been plagued his mind and rendered a home for dark circles under his eyes.
Everyone was pulled out of the memory and Carlos let Jane and Evie's hand go.
Not a word was uttered but the sound of crying filled the air.
Before anyone could say something or come to comfort him, Carlos put his hand up. "I was so tired," he kicked his lips. "I was just so tired of everything: being her slave, being her son. I wanted all that to be over.
Jane pulled him into another bone crushing hug. She didn't know what to think of his past and frankly, she wasn't sure what she wanted to think.
Sure enough, her shoulder felt wet. Tears streamed down the boy's face and hiccups echoed through the room. "I almost-"
She patted Carlos's back. "I know."
The sweetest, seemingly most innocent VK to come form the Isle, was broken and nobody truly understood that.
When everyone had calm down enough to form coherent sentences, they all showered the son of Cruella with hugs and messages of love. However, to those who understood him better, they knew that he didn't want pity. So, they settled for a hug and a pat on the back.
Afterwards, the AKs and VKs all settled down and enjoyed the pizza that Ben had ordered earlier.
"Is that why you never change in the locker room with the rest of us?"
"I thought that was obvious," Carlos sighed.
Ben put his arms up in the air like the cops were there. "Just asking man."
"Cruella de Vil is a vicious and maniacal. She has no heart and cares for no one but herself and her furs." He took a deep breath, "She treated me as less than human and made me wish I had never been born every day."
Jane squeezed his hand and nodded in reassurance.
"I thought that if I could make her feel my pain or-" Carlos licked his lips, "Or perhaps end my misery by ending her. I thought it would be easy. I thought I'd feel relived but I couldn't even go through with it. I'm weak."
"You are not weak Carlos Oscar de Vil. So stop berating yourself." Evie's voice cracked, "You are awesome and after what I just saw, probably the strongest person I know."
Not one person disagreed and showered him in compliments about his perseverance. The young man was both grateful and annoyed at the same time.
He knew he shouldn't feel negative but, he disliked the pity that came with the positive words that were thrown at him.
In Aurdon, the residents are all so happy and jolly. Most of them learned to tolerate the kids of their sworn enemies and many accepted the children and became friends.
Although, he appreciated everything, he just couldn't believe it was truly real. He would not dream of saying this in front of the AKs, but, Carlos still wasn't used to most of the population actually being so... caring.
It's safe to say that every single villan kid will have some sort of case with trust issues but, none more than Carlos. Years with the fur-obsessed maniac had made him tough in some ways but completely vulnerable in every other way.
Why else would he have needed-
"I'm glad you guys shared your pasts with us," Ben admitted. "I'm sorry I just brought it up out of nowhere."
The VKs simply nodded their heads.
Mal bit her lip, "I think it would be best if the four of us could just be alone for a bit."
There was no question as to who she was referring to so, all of the VKs left to Mal and Evie's dorm.
After what felt like an eternity of silence Mal sighed, "I'm not sure if I feel scared of relieved that we told them our story."
"Oh please, it's not like we told them the whole truth."
Mal turned her head so fast, it might as well given her whiplash. "Carlos, what are you talking about?"
He just chuckled, "What? It's not like we really confessed everything."
"How could we? They wouldn't have been able to take it." Evie blurted out.
"I guess. I mean, just imagine how Doug would react to you almost leaving us and not coming to Aurdon."
Mal's eyes widened. She tried to defend Evie but Carlos wasn't done.
"Or what Ben would do when he found what happened to Mal and one of her past relationships," Carlos said as he put air quotes around the last word. "Or better yet, how Jay and Mal-"
"Stop!" Jay yelled. "Carlos, you're crossing the line."
"Yeah. I guess I have. Truth hurts. Doesn't it?"
"Why are you being like this?"
"Because it's not fair," Carlos crossed his arms. "I spilled all my secrets, why didn't you spill yours?"
Jay clenched his fists. "Okay! Fine! I may not have told them everything but, neither did you!"
The younger boy cackled, "What did I hide?"
Carlos eyes hardened. Next, he smirked as he seemed to have lost all traces of sanity in his eyes.
It was only then Jay realized her mistake, "Car, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"
"Of course you meant it!" He burst out in laughter and jumped up and down. "You wouldn't have said it if you didn't mean it!"
As he proceeded to run around the dorm laughing maniacally, Evie tried to calm him down.
After a couple moments, he turned around to face her and pointed his finger, "Don't tell me to calm down. Do not tell me to calm down!" Carlos dropped his finger, "My actions are completely valid."
He looked every single one of them in the eye, "I'll come here at 4, ready to tell all. Whether or not everyone is here to listen, well, I guess we'll find out. But, if I spill, you guys spill too."
With that, he stormed out of the room back to his own.
"You just had to bring her up didn't you?" Mal asked.
Jay put his arms up in defence, "Okay, fine. I messed up. What are we going to do?"
"We'll do what he said," Evie stated. "We will tell the whole truth, no matter what happens."
The fierce determination in her eyes told Jay and Mal that there was no arguing. Reluctantly, they both nodded their heads.
"Should I bring popcorn tomorrow?"
Evie looked at Jay in disbelief while Mal rolled her eyes, "Sure, why not. I'll bring soda."
"M!" Evie exclaimed.
"What? It's gonna take a while so we might as well have food. Besides, that's how we'll lure the AKs in tomorrow. We'll say we're watching a movie."
Evie siged, "I'll bring plates and napkins."
"This is gonna be interesting," Jay concluded.
A/N: Hey guys! I cannot apologize enough for leaving y'all on a cliffhanger for that long. I promise I wasn't planning on doing that but, I just didn't know how to write all of my ideas down.
I was originally planning to post this chapter before Descendants 2 (which was awesome) but, I just didn't get to it.
Even now, I feel as if this chapter was incredibly underwhelming compared after all of the suspense that was built up.
After the movie, I was trying to figure out whether or not to continue the story like normal or to work with the new movie. After much deliberation, I have decided that this story will be set after Descendants 2, with a few minor changes.
In this story, Chad is not in love with Audrey. She likes Jay and vice versa and Audrey never called Chad to fix her car. Chad didn't want Lonnie to join the team for reasons explained later in the story.
So, yeah. Please please please forgive me for not updating in forever! Thank you guys for being so supportive and sticking by this story and yeah thank you.