Disclaimer: I do NOT own Descendants!
The descendants of the villains and heroes were all hanging out in Ben's room in his castle. Since the school year ended, everyone had become friends. Chad and Audrey even apologized for their behavior towards the villain kids.
Evie was talking to Audrey about makeup, Jane and Carlos were playing with Dude, and Mal was drawing. Jay and Chad were talking about tourney, Lonnie was listening to music, and Ben and Doug were talking about how Mal and Evie never talked about their childhood. That's when Ben stole the show.
"How was life like on the Isle?"
The entire room became silent. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the villain kids, awaiting their response.
Jay had a poker face on, Carlos looked shocked, Evie's face paled, and Mal expressed no emotion. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.
Suddenly, Mal broke the silence, "Why do you want to know?"
"Well it occurred to me that you never told us," Ben replied.
"We did that for a reason," Jay fired back.
"We are your friends. Don't you think we deserve to know?" Everyone besides the four agreed. Ben kept on trying to convince them. However, they didn't budge.
It was Doug who ultimately sold the deal. "Look, we obviously want to know what happened but, if you guys aren't comfortable sharing, that's fine. We just want you to know that you can trust us, we'll all be here for you, and we'll even share our stories if you like."
The four looked at each other. It seemed to be that they were communicating without saying a word. Suddenly, Mal and Jay groaned loudly. Evie was the one who informed the other descendants of their decision. "If it really means that much to you guys, we'll tell you. Although, it's probably going to be much harsher than you expected."
"I think we can handle it," Ben said.
"Okay then. Instead of telling you the stories, we figured that it would be better to show you. For this to work, everyone has to hold hands." Everyone did as Mal commanded.
"Alright, Evie your first," Mal stated.
"Why me?"
"Your childhood was probably the easiest out of all of ours. We'll show you Aurdon kids our lives starting with the easiest to most harsh and difficult. Okay?"
All the heads in the room nodded in understanding.
"Evie, once I cast the spell, you just think of a memory you want to show to us and we will be able to see it."
Once Mal cast her spell, a scene immediately appeared.
"We don't have to stay in a circle. You just have to always have contact with someone. Otherwise, you won't be able to see."
Then, Chad and Jane broke contact with each other, thus breaking the circle, so that everyone was now in a straight line across Ben's enormous room, watching the scene unfold.
"Evie! Did you finish cleaning your room yet?" The Evil Queen yelled.
"I finished Mommy," Little Evie responded.
Her room was gigantic! It had a queen-sized bed with a sheer gold princess canopy hovering above. The comforter and pillow covers were a gorgeous navy blue color. She arranged it so that the rips on the fabric wasn't visible and even organized her broken makeup.
The Evil Queen barged in and observed her daughter's cleaning skills. "Evie! This room is a mess!"
Evie's face fell. The room was perfectly clean and organized. "Mommy-"
The Evil Queen cut her off by yelling, "Not a word. Look, there's dust everywhere, the sheets on your bed are wrinkled, and your makeup isn't organized like how I told you to fix it! How are you supposed to marry a prince? Ugh, you're a disgrace. Make sure this room is spotless by the time I came back up here." Then, she slammed the door in six-year-old Evie's face.
Her mascara started to run when tears streamed down her beautiful face. So, she hurriedly cleaned up her room and fixed her makeup before her mom came back to check on her. Evie just hoped her best effort was good enough or else...
Suddenly, the memory started to get blurry.
"Evie! Your makeup!"
"What's wrong with it?"
"Everything! There's not enough blush on your face, one eyebrow is thicker than the other, and your foundation isn't blended well enough! How are you supposed to win a prince's heart like this? How are you supposed to marry one? You're such a disappointment!"
"Mommy, I did everything right! You're just a perfectionist!"
The Evil Queen was shocked for about a second before slapping her daughter's face. It was enough to knock Evie down on to the floor while the sound echoed thorough the room.
"Don't ever talk back to me! I'll check up on you in 30 minutes, you better look flawless."
As she exited the room, Evie pushed herself up and trudged to her bed. When she flopped down, her hand sneaked its way up to the area where her mother had slapped her. It stung badly when her fingers made contact with the skin. It didn't take a genius to figure out that a bruise would appear any time soon.
The scene was getting more and more blurry to the point where it was no longer visible. Soon, everyone came back to reality.
No dared to speak. The kids from Aurdon were shocked at what they had just witnessed.
Evie touched her left cheek, the one that was slapped. It was sad how that wasn't the worst encounter she had with her mother.
"We both know that wasn't your worst memory," Mal blurted out.
All the Aurdon kids' jaws dropped.
Doug asked, "What is worse than what she already showed us?"
Evie squeezed his hand while saying, "You really did grow up in Aurdon. There's much more harsh things that they did to us. I didn't show you because it would probably be too much for you people to handle."
Doug looked at her with sympathy. "Show us."
Evie looked at her friends for approval. All three of them nodded. Instantly, a new memory emerged.
The Evil Queen and Evie were in Evie's room talking about which shade of lipstick looks best on Evie. Out of nowhere, Evie asked, "Why don't you ever teach me more about the other school subjects? You know, so I can be smart."
"Evie, a prince will never care about how smart you are. They just want a good wife who knows how sew, cook, and clean. They want a wife like Cinderella."
"But Mommy, not every prince is like that. Maybe you're just old fashioned."
Immediately, the Evil Queen's hand made contact with her daughter's face. The impact was strong enough to knock Evie down.
The second she hit the floor, the world started spinning. Despite the excruciating pain, Evie immediately stood back up to face her mother.
"So, you've decide to fight back."
"I shouldn't have to if you would start listening to me."
"Everything I do is for you!"
"No! It's not! You're trying to live through me! You're trying to teach me how to become a wife. No, let me rephrase that, you're trying to make me a maid! I'll never get a prince this way! I'll never get a prince at all! You know why? It's because we live on this island! There are no princes here!"
The entire time during Evie's rant, the Evil Queen's face remained still and expressionless.
"How dare you? I'm just trying to make you-"
"- into you. You are trying to make me into you. I'm more than just a-"
"Silence!" The Evil Queen lifted her hand so that it rested on Evie's cheek. "Oh darling, how foolish of you. Like I said, everything I do is for you. I'm only trying to make you like me because I'm the best person you can be. I mean, it's true, you'll never achieve this level of perfection. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't want to be second place."
The moment she stopped talking, a loud slap was heard across the castle. The force of the slap caused Evie to fall down immediately. She clutched her now bloody cheek and willed herself not to cry.
The Evil Queen didn't even wince. "You need a little color on your face anyways. You're too pale."
Then, she started to kick her fallen daughter in the arms, legs, and stomach. "You need to lose weight. You're too fat. Its making you look even more hideous. You know what, no dinner for you tonight! On second thought, I'm putting you on a diet."
Although she didn't show it, Evie was extremely terrified. Diets usually lasted up to one month. She was getting fed even less than her already tiny food portions. It was basically a spoonful of food every day. The Evil Queen didn't care if Evie got sick. All she ever cared about was that Evie would be the second fairest of them all.
"You know, I could do so much worse right now. But, I don't want all my hard work to be wasted just because you refuse to follow orders. I didn't have to keep you but, I did. Your only purpose in life is to marry a prince and make me royalty again. Understand!"
Evie nodded weakly.
"Good. I'm glad to see that I've finally knocked some sense into that small brain of yours. Well, it works out anyways. You don't need a brain to be pretty." she yelled at her daughter.
Before she left the room, she turned around to say," Remember, I love you. Don't make me regret it." With that, the Evil Queen sashayed out of the room, leaving a bloody Evie crying on the floor.
When everyone was brought back into reality, silence filled the entire room. Lonnie was silently crying and the rest of the kids had tears in their eyes- that is of course- everyone except the villain kids.
Doug immediately let go of Audrey's hand. The, he captured Evie in a bone-crushing hug.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know." His voiced cracked on the last word.
"It's okay. You couldn't have known." Evie replied.
After what seemed like eternity, they let go of each other. Mal was the one to finally say something," Have you guys had enough?"
It was only then that the Aurdon kids realized that Mal had said that Evie had the easiest childhood. "Wow. I would have never imagined that that was the things you guys had to go through. That was horrible!" Ben exclaimed.
"That wasn't the question," Carlos stated.
Ben had an unreadable expression on his face. Anger? Sadness? Pity? "No. We want to see how bad it was back there. We want to understand. At least try to. Right?" One by one, the rest of the Aurdon kids nodded their heads.
"Okay. Who's next?" Mal asked in the most monotone voice possible.
Carlos was the one to answer," You."
"Why me?"
"Believe it or not, some of us had worse childhoods than you, Mal. Your mother might be the Mistress of Evil but, she certainly didn't punish you as bad as she could have. Or, as bad as my mother did to me." He growled. It was so unexpected that Jane shrunk back a little at his tone.
"Did she do something that we don't know about?" Evie asked.
Carlos stared at the floor. He took a deep breath," You'll find out later."
"Ca-"Jay started.
He interrupted his best friend with," No! Don't start. Mal's next. Then, you. I'm last. I'll show you what real terror and punishment is like."
Everyone was so surprised at this new side of Carlos that they were finally seeing. Jane even let go of his hand before immediately taking it back and squeezing it tighter than before.
Mal opened her mouth several times to try to say something but, what came out was a barely audible whisper. "Okay."
Everything suddenly became blurry.