Chapter four- the first and second exam / goodbye banshee.

"Sasuke-kun, oh where are you we need to talk." Sasuke groaned at this 'why can't she see I hate her' He got dressed and went to the front door where a very excited Sakura was waiting with a huge smile on her face. "Sasuke-kun, I informed the council of Naruto-baka's uselessness during our mission and you new powers. Hopefully they'll send him back to the Academy and give US a promotion my mother will represent you during the case as you're not a chunin yet." Sasuke was horrified 'GOD DAMNIT SAKURA'

he thought in rage. Her next comment made him even angrier "Since Naruto will be gone there's nothing in between you and me, and since I'm stronger than Ino-pig I had my mother try to arrange a marriage between us." She said with her sickening high pitched squeel voice. Sasuke was horrified he had to talk to thee Hokage.

He made activated the sharingan part of his rinnegan and in a spiral disappeared into nothing repairing outside the Hokage's office. He opened the door where the Hokage was sitting doing paper work. "Lord Hokage my ex-teammate has said some incorrect things to her mother who is a member of the civilian council. They consisted of all degrading things towards Naruto and they're going to have a meeting about him and this can only go bad if they catch you unexpected." Sasuke said franticly it would be a major inconvenience to his brother.

Immediately after he finished speak an Anbu rushed into the room "Hokage-sama, the council has called a meeting and Team-7 is needs to be present." The Hokage sighed 'why couldn't Minato still be alive' he thought all the council was was a headache waiting to happen. Naruto joined them a few seconds later "Kakashi and Sakura-banshee are all ready waiting, let's get this over with."

Team seven stood before the group of council members. "Hello do you know why you all have been called here?" Sakura answered "To help SASUKE AND I GET NARUTO-BAKA OFF OUR TEAM. SASUKE-KUN ALWAYS TALKS ABOUT BEING HELD BACK BY THIS IDIOT." Sasuke released so much killing intent all of the civilians passed out, unfortunately Sakura somehow did not. "NARUTO-BAKA LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE MY MOTHER IS DEAD AND IT'S ALL YOU FAULT." She screeched loudly making everyone cover their ears.

"No Sakura she isn't dead instead passed out. And it was Sasuke who released the killing Intent not me." Naruto said plainly. "NO YOU'RE LYING SASUKE-KUN WOULD NEVER DO THAT, HE IS AN UCHIHA HE'S PERFECT." She said in her banshee voice again making them all cringe. 'Oh why can't we get rid of her she is useless at everything' Sasuke thought while groaning.

"We just want to know about the mission the Hokage has assigned the squad before us." a lazy council member exclaimed. "Well actually it's just to Naruto and Sasuke which is why they were assigned to team 23 with Sai and Kakashi as there other teammates." Sakura looked confused "WHAT WHY IS NARUTO ALLOWED TO DO THIS MISSION AND I'M NOT I'M STRONGER AND SMARTER HE IS A DEAD LAST IDIOT WHO IS A MURDER WITH NO PARENTS." Naruto looked like he was about to kill her "How come Sasuke and I did all the work while Kakashi was injured?" he asked. "YOU DID NOTHING I KILLED THE ICE USER WITH KUNAI AND SASUKE-KUN KILLED ZABUZA." she screeched. "No Sakura I turned the Ice user into a path and Sasuke only broke Zabuza's sword and injured him. And all you did was annoy us with those kunai" He explained flatly. "LIIIIIIAAAAARRRRRR" she said angrily her and tick marks all over her forehead.

"No Sakura Naruto is right infact you almost hit me with five kunai" Sakura looked shocked "NO NARUTO HAS CAST A GENJUTSU ON SASUKE-KUN" The entire council looked exasperated at her antics. Since she was not getting her way she took matrs in her own hands she did the most stupid thing she could do she attacked Naruto.

She lunged at Naruto with a Kunai and tried to slash his face. Before the Anbu could react or anyone but Sasuke could see he slammed an Onyx Chidori through her chest killing her instantly. Unfortunately that's when the civilians woke up "OH MY GOD HE'S A MONSTER HE JUST KILLED MY DAUGHTER." The guards outside burst in with swords ready "Hokage-sama is anything wrong?" The Hokage just sighed "No just the Banshee making a fuss… Again." The guards shook their heads and left.

Mebuki was livid the demon had just killed her daughter this was to far she had to do something about the bias Hokage who would never kill the demon. "HOKAGE YOU CANNOT ALLOW THIS THING TO KILL MORE PEOPLE IT HAS ALREADY DONE ENOUGH DAMAGE AS IT IS." Another civilian shouted.

"Behave civilian council Naruto-Kun was only acting in self defence." The Hokage tried to explain but the elders interrupted "Hiruzen he has killed a fellow leaf shinobi and it wasn't in self defense she hits him all the time. And her actions were justified she thought he killed her mother."

"That is too far, Sakura Haruno willingly attacked a shinobi without cause, she has repeatedly lied about Naruto in an effort to kill him." Hiruzen was furious "She had no practical ninja skills and always berated her teammate." "But The demon is on…" The fat civilian was stabbed through the face by Sasuke.

"HE CORRUPTED UCHIHA-SAMA" Mebuki yelled. "No I willingly did this by my own decision." The civilians still in denial "No the demon has cast a genjutsu on the Uchiha-sama" The civilians burst out into shouting and yelling making accusations and random decisions regarding Naruto's punishment for killing a hard working shinobi and mind controlling Uchiha-sama.

"We the council have sentenced Naruto Uzumaki to death, Anbu arrest him." Nobody moved, then Tsume broke the silence "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, what authority do you think you have?"