She lingered in the shadows, watching him as he played a soft tune on the piano. She knew he was aware of her presence, even though he did not acknowledge her.

„What is it Maze?" He asked finally, making no effort to hide his irritation.

Pressing her lips together, Maze stepped out of the shadows. He continued to play the piano as she slowly descended the staircase down to the main floor of the club. She closed the distance between them, standing so close behind him that she could feel the heat radiating from his body. She watched him silently for a moment, grimly fascinated by how his fingers coaxed soft sounds from the instrument - such a mundane, mortal activity, but also strangely fascinating, even to her.

Pressing her lips together in grim determination she placed a slender hand on his shoulder. He stopped playing, turning his head to her, his dark eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at her. "Whatever it is Maze, spit it out."

"Your little pet has been shot. She is dead Lucifer."

The change in him was immediate, the illusion of humanity gone in an instant. His eyes blazed red with fury, his handsome features contorted by rage. He launched at her with inhuman speed, grabbing her throat and hurling her against the wall, hard enough to break her spine if she had been human.

"Who?" His eyes flashed dangerously, his voice was tense with supressed rage.

Maze groaned, wrapping her legs around his waist and pulling him closer to her, arousal glittering in her eyes. "It was Malcolm. Your little pet finally got the evidence to turn him in, but he was faster. He made short work of her - bullet in the heart, sending her straight to hell…"

She smiled, her tongue trailing slowly along her teeth. Lifting her hand, she let her long fingernails trail down the side of his face, savouring the rage she glimpsed in his eyes. "She is yours now, if you still want her. You can have her, possess her in any way you desire."

With a growl, he pushed her away from him onto the ground, his eyes flashing dangerously. "How dare you."

"I know you want her. I can see it in your eyes. Take back your rightful place and you can have her. If you don't Amenadiel will take what is yours. Imagine how he will make her scream…"

She stiffened as he stepped closer, towering above her, his eyes flashing dangerously. "How dare you Mazikeen, how dare you taunt your master?"

She knew that he could destroy her with less than a thought, no matter how mortal he had become, she was still his creature, his creation and he could destroy her as easily as he had created her. But if her destruction restored him to his rightful place she would gladly welcome it. She could never allow the balance of light and dark to depend on Lucifer's brother. He was too weak, unable to harness the powers of darkness, tempted by the power he now wielded in Lucifer's stead. He would soon loose himself in to it.

"You know why Lucifer… I can see in your eyes that you love the girl, even though I will never understand why. But your responsibility is not only to her, it is to all of mankind… Do not let your brother take your place, he will destroy the balance that you have maintained with such care." She whispered, her voice suddenly soft, the hard look in her eyes gone.

He looked at her, his dark eyes resting on hers. "My little demon, wiser than even the devil himself… but even if I wish to save Chloe or all of mankind for that matter, the gates of the underworld are closed to me - I renounced my throne, I am no longer the master of hell."

She shook her head slowly, pushing herself up from the floor and stepping closer to him. "No, they are not, I kept the doors open for you, guarding them, hoping that you would return…"

Swallowing hard, she reached for a small silver box and held it out to him. "I have kept this for you, knowing that one day you would need the power that you forsook so lightly."

He took it, opening it slowly. A grim smile on his lips, he reached for the single white feather, holding it up before his eyes.

"This is how it ends then…" He laughed bitterly. "Who would have thought… the lord of hell driven back to his lair by his love for a woman."

He looked at Maze, as if he truly saw her for the first time, then he bowed his head ever so slightly. "Thank you Maze."

She looked at him silently for a moment, then she lifted her hand, placing it against the side of his face. "I have made a vow Lucifer and no matter what you believe, I have always been loyal to you. I cannot understand why you care for the mortal, but I will stand by your side until the end of days, no matter which path you choose."

"I know Maze." He said softly. "And I am grateful for it."

Then he closed his hand around the feather, his eyes suddenly turning hard again. "Bring me Malcolm, I want to make sure that he is waiting for me in hell when I return."

"Consider it done." She said, a wicked smile spreading across her face, anticipation shimmering in her eyes

He watched her as she walked up the stairs and left the club. When the door closed behind her with a shattering sound he turned back to the piano. Slowly he let his hand trace along the soft, warm wood of the instrument, savouring the feeling. Smiling almost imperceptibly, he placed the feather on the dark wood of the concert grand, regarding it silently. It looked so fragile, so innocent, it seemed almost impossible that such a delicate object could hold the power of Satan, the power that was rightfully his, the power that would save the woman he loved.

Taking a deep breath, he lifted his right hand, his fingers spread wide - the feather was swirled in the air, as if it had been hit by a gust of wind. It started to glow softly and suddenly erupted in fire, floating in mid air.

"Then let it begin." He whispered, his eyes fixed on the floating white feather.

The room suddenly became dark – and then he stood on a lake of fire, the air around him filled with the pained, terrified screams of lost souls, burning in the eternal fires of hell, pleading for mercy.

Flames flared up around Lucifer, forming the outline of wings. His eyes glowed red as he spread his burning wings, their fiery tips brushing against the shadowy figures, driving them back into the darkness.

Maze pulled the struggling man down the wide staircase, her inhuman strength no match for him. She forced him roughly down onto the hard marble floor, an unholy smile spreading across her delicate features, making her look like a vicious gorgon.

Lucifer watched from the shadows, leaning casually against a massive pillar. He felt her eyes rest on him, waiting for him to act. He knew she could feel his power, even though it was carefully hidden behind a human mask.

Lazily he directed his gaze to the man kneeling at her feet and he felt the anger boil up in him again. He would make him pay, for all eternity. Stepping out of the shadows, he crossed the room, his hard gaze resting on Malcolm. Lucifer stepped closer to the kneeling man, grabbing his hair and forcing him to meet his eyes.

"Tell me detective, how should I punish you?" He asked, his voice pleasant, as if he was having a conversation at dinner.

Malcolm looked up a Lucifer with distain. "Are you trying to threaten me Morningstar? Don't forget that I have powerful friends. They will crush you. You'll beg for death when we're done with you."

"You underestimate me detective…" Lucifer replied conversationally.

"I don't fear you Morningstar." Malcolm spat, his lips curling into a disdainful smile.

"We will see about that detective." Lucifer laughed, cruel amusement dancing in his eyes.

Malcolm wanted to reply, but Lucifer looked at Maze, giving her a silent command. Maze's hand closed around Malcolm's throat, turning his words into a hoarse rattle. Dragging him up to his feet, she grabbed his hair with her free hand, holding him in place, making sure he could not avert his eyes from what was to come.

Lucifer's eyes flashed red, his humanity melting away, revealing Satan's demonic face.

"But maybe you are right, fear is not even coming close to the feeling you will experience. Oh no, you will quiver in terror when I drag you down to hell with me."

Malcolm screamed, a desperate, shrill sound. Lucifer simply chuckled, slowly stepping closer to the trembling man. Maze looked up at him, her eyes shining with sadistic delight as she watched Lucifer in his hellish rage, his eyes still gleaming red, his handsome features contorted with rage.

Malcolm was sobbing now, tears and snort dripping from his face. "Oh no, oh god, please have mercy…"

Lucifer stepped closer, grabbing the man's hair. "Ah, invoking his name will not save you. You are mine. I will take you to hell with me and make sure that you suffer until the end of days, writhing in agony, screaming for mercy that will never come."

Malcolm whimpered, struggling against Maze with all his might. "No please…"

Lucifer chuckled, brushing across his hair like a lover would do. "Ah, this is only the beginning, don't spend yourself just yet, there is so much more fun to be had."

Letting go of his hair he stepped back, watching calmly as Maze broke the detective's neck.

Chloe awoke from a terrible nightmare. She had been shot. She had been undercover in a club, observing the guests from a dark corner, trying to spot Malcolm's contact. And then there was Malcolm, taking an envelope from the stranger. He opened it briefly to count the money, then he turned and left through the back door. She had everything to nail him down. She ran after him, out into the dark. He had waited for her, expecting her. It had been a trap. He did not even wait for her to speak. He had simply shot her.

Groaning softly, she tried to fight the pain and weakness she felt. This was one hell of a nightmare. She wanted to reach for her mobile, but her hand found only cold stone.

With effort, she opened her eyes. She was lying on stone, the sharp corners of the rock cutting into her skin as she moved. Sitting up, she looked around. She was completely alone on a windswept plateau, surrounded by a raging fire.

She heard the agonised screams of the bodies that were writhing in pain as they were burned by the flames. She shook her head - this could not be true. It had to be a dream, a continuation of her nightmare. Cold terror was slowly creeping up her spine and along with the fear, realisation slowly crept into her dazed mind. She was truly dead and this was hell.

Suddenly the flames parted, making way for a hooded figure, which approached her slowly. It stopped for a moment, observing her silently, then it came closer, lowering itself down on one knee before her.

Chloe's watched in horror as Mazikeen lowered her hood, turning her head slightly, revealing the hideous burnt flesh on the right side of her face.

"Don't look so shocked little mortal, we are not even scratching the surface of the horrors that surround you. Now come, he has commanded to bring you to him." Mazikeen said, a cold smile on her lips.

Chloe shook her head, backing away from her. "Stay away from me."

Maze simply laughed, almost amused at the gesture.

"Don't worry detective, he will not let me have his little pet." She said, getting up to her feet. "But trust me, it will not stop me from dragging you to him if you don't move right now."

Chloe struggled to her feet, cold fear filling her as she followed Maze through the parted fire onto a bridge that led to what seemed like a grotesque castle, rising in the middle of a fiery lake.

She followed maze across the bridge, time seemed to have no meaning here and she could not say whether their walk had taken a minute or a day until they stood in front of a pair of bronze doors. Each of the two massive doors was adorned with images of torture, depicting the torments that awaited the sinners in hell. The doors opened before her without a sound and she stepped into the vast room, leaving Maze behind.

Fear crept up her spine – she knew instinctively that this was the heart of hell, the place where Satan himself resided, presiding over his dark domain.

She looked up, her eyes following the columns of black stone, that rose like beanstalks into the air and formed a bizarre dome high above her head – like a grotesque, diabolical imitation of a cathedral. Flames flickered along the columns. The quivering light seemed to fall on thousands of unseeing eyes, reflecting in their lifeless debts. Naked fear seized her when she finally grasped the full horror of what this structure truly was - the entire diabolical palace was built out of naked, winding, agonised bodies - the twisting limbs turned to stone as a terrible reminder that the sinners would suffer until the end of days, their torment as eternal as the black stone itself.

At the far end of the room stood a throne, made up of naked, twisting bodies, their limbs encased in black stone that looked like it had been molten in the fires of hell. She half expected him to sit on it, but it was empty. She stepped closer, her eyes fixed on their grotesquely distorted faces that were forever frozen in in stone.

Tearing her eyes away from the terrifying throne, she turned back to the doors. He was leaning against a pillar, observing her silently.