The Sequel

Hello, Dearest Readers. I hope life has been good to you. Boy, Dancing Roses was quite the ride, wasn't it? Did you go the whole way through? Did you get fed up with my literary idiosyncrasies and decide not to? I wouldn't blame you if that were the case, not at all. If, however, you did go the whole way…

Would you like to see more?

I know I said the last announcement (nearly a year ago I think) would be the final announcement. I also know I have previously taken announcements like this down after a week as they somewhat violate the TOS of this site. However, I'm making one more and it's going to stay. This is just to let people know:

'Dancing Roses in the Melting Snow' is the first of three. Number two is 'Red Rose, RedRum', which can be found here. It is about halfway done so far. It is also much stranger than this one. These dancing roses, you see, are on quite an adventure. One of love, of liberation, and of tribulation and triumph. Can't really go anywhere else but to Strangeville.

Anyway, I thank you, Dearest Readers, for your time. It means much more to me than I can properly convey. Please be well and never stop reading—whatever you decide to read, of course.

Long days and pleasant nights,
