Hiccup cupped the snow prince's cheek and smiled at him, Jack frowned at the bright green eyes at look at him and warped his fingers around the Dragon Lord's wrist and pulled them away from his face and walked back inside. Hiccup looked confused and looked down at his companion who was sat by his side looking up at him "Did I do something?" He asked the Night Fury who sort shrugged. Walking in side Hiccup saw Jack standing with his back to him "Did I do something wrong?" He asked the prince.

Bright blue eyes turned to look back at the brown haired Lord who stood there with a confused look on his face. "Jack." He said softly, he heard a rattle and looked down and saw a black cuff around the prince's ankle that was long and thin as it lead to the bed "What the…?" Hiccup whispered, Jack turned to look at him and that is when he notices for the first time the large round swell of Snow Prince's form.

"6 months ago! When I saved you from my father fearlings and you thanked me!" Jack snarled at him as large tears started to roll down his cheeks turning to ice as they fell to the floor,

"Oh god Jack, I'm so sorry." Hiccup whispered as he walked up to him

"My father learnt I was pregnant and…" Jack warped his arms around his prince and held him close letting the snowy white haired prince cry on his chest.

"I'm so sorry Jack, if I knew this would have happen I would have taken you with me." He whispered, lifting Jack's head up and kissing him on the lips.

Jack held on to the Dragon Lord's jacket and whimpered into the kiss as he enjoyed the warmth coming from Hiccup. They had only spent a week with each other as Jack hide the Dragon Lord away from his father and his Fearling dragons while Hiccup's dragon Toothless healed. Jack and Hiccup had spent one night together before Jack's father King Pitch came bursting into the cave that Jack had found to hid Hiccup and toothless in. The Prince had stopped his father from attack Hiccup and letting the Dragon Lord flee, the Prince had cried at the loss of his lover. 3 months later Jack learn he was pregnant and his father had lost it, he had his son chained in his room and threaten to take the child once Jack gave birth to it. "I came back for you, I didn't think it would take me this long Jack, you have to believe me." He whispered as he stroked his face smiling softly at him.

He watched toothless look at the chain and started to mouth at it Hiccup wiped away the tears from Jack's eyes, as he prince looked up into Hiccup's face he touched the dark scales that covered around the brown haired man's face smiled sadly at him "We shall we leave to night?" Hiccup whispered, with a smile as Toothless broke the chain. Jack squeaked as he looked down to see the chain disappear from his ankle

"He will never stop looking for us." Jack said as he placed his hand on his bump

"What about your godfather? Doesn't he like you?" Hiccup asked as he rubbed the head of the Night Fury

"Yes… he does but father will start a war…"

"Jack I will let him hurt you or our child." He whispered, as he kissed the prince on the lips pulling him closer to himself and smiled into his lips "I will not leave you again."