Chapter 1: A Special Task
Ponyville was a town of many things: Friendship, Family, and of course the occasional… romance! There were quite a few couples around town such as Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich and the developing relationship between Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch and Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry. Some couples had moments where they were in denial of their feelings, and some ponies were just straight up about it. Like a certain dragon who went by the name of Spike. He had had a crush on a very beautiful unicorn mare named Rarity since he first arrived in Ponyville with his friend/boss Twilight. He had always loved her and he was sure about it! Rarity never really knew about his feelings, of course, but she had somewhat of a sense he considered him as more than just a friend. Nonetheless, she tried to continue her work in spite of her occasional thoughts about the dragon.
One of Rarity's newest assignments involved using a new kind of gem that she needed to find. She couldn't do this herself, of course. She had so much work to do in the meanwhile. Sweetie Belle needed adult supervision, and her clothes needed tweaking before the jewels could be applied to them. She didn't need to think about how she would get the gems, because she knew that Spike would do anything for her.
"Sweetie Belle?!~"
The young unicorn filly heard her sister's voice call her name and that was her cue to rush down the stairs to her.
When she did, she saluted her sister and yelled, "Sweetie Belle, reporting for duty, ma'am!"
Upon hearing this Rarity rolled her azure eyes and turned to face her younger sister.
"Oh, Sweetie Belle, how hilarious." the white mare joked.
"Hehe… Anyway, what do you need, sis?" Sweetie Belle laugh nervously.
"I need you to go and get Spike for me. Bring him back here and then you can do something else when you're done." Rarity explained, using her magic to open the door for her.
"Okay," Sweetie Belle said, trotting over to the open door.
After Sweetie Belle went out the door, she used her magic to close it behind her; she knew how much her sister despised having a draft in her workshop. When she left, Rarity used her magic to levitate several pieces of fabric above her head and a needle that had already been threaded. Then, in one smooth move, she sewed the fabric together so they made a small dress.
"How adorable Sweetie Belle would look in this!" the fashionista squealed, moving it to a marroquin for now. "But I'll need those gems before she can wear it, of course."
Sweetie Belle trotted to Twilight's castle where she expected to find Spike, but just as she was about to knock on the door, it swung open and out came Spike!
"Okay, Flash Sentry! Tell Twilight I'll be right back." the purple dragon called inside.
"I will," a male voice called back.
Just as Spike turned around to head down the street, he saw Sweetie Belle. He and the young unicorn filly were close friends and he'd always said hello and acknowledged her every time he saw her.
"Hey, Sweetie Belle," Spike greeted her, "Need something?"
Sweetie Belle nodded and told Spike of the whole "Rarity needs him" matter. Spike's green eyes shrunk slightly and then grew back to a full size.
"She does?! I'll be right there!" he declared dramatically, speeding off for Rarity's place.
Sweetie Belle laughed and galloped after him.
Rarity had just finished all of the gowns and now all she had to do was wait for Spike and Sweetie Belle. She sat on her couch and started polishing her hooves like she usually did when she was bored. She was humming, "The Art of the Dress" for it was stuck in her head.
When the door opened, Rarity took this as her cue to get up and see if it was who she was expecting. Sure enough, it was Sweetie Belle and Spike.
"I got him just like you wanted me to, sis!" Sweetie Belle chirped.
"Good job, Sweetie. Now you can go and play or something." Rarity told her sister.
"Can I go play with Button Mash?"
"Why, of course."
Sweetie Belle then galloped out the door, forgetting to close it behind her this time. Rarity rolled her azure eyes at this and closed it herself.
"Sweetie Belle sure has a thing for this Button Mash colt?" Spike pointed out, following Rarity.
"Yes, she even told me that she likes him, Spike." the unicorn mare answered.
"Huh…" Spike muttered, rubbing his chin.
"So, what did you need me for, Rarity?" Spike asked, standing behind her.
"Well," Rarity told him, "I need your help with my dresses."
Spike tilted his head curiously at this.
"Uh-huh?" he asked, stepping closer to her.
"Yes, and it's very important!" Rarity continued in a very serious matter.
"You see, this book here, tells of a certain kind of jewel that I need to decorate my dresses with; they're called, Gems of Miracles."
Spike cocked an eyebrow and went over to the book to see the jewel himself. Indeed, they did look breathtaking, and tasty. But the small dragon contained his watering mouth to make sure Rarity could take him seriously.
"Uh-huh, and you and I are gonna go get them?" he asked her.
"Oh, no! It's just you, Spike." Rarity corrected him.
"ME?! But you're the one with the gem-finding spell!" Spike exclaimed.
Rarity chuckled a little.
"Don't worry, these ones don't require a gem-finding spell, darling. These ones don't show up when it's cast, so, you'll have to find them without it. That's part of the reason why they earned the name "Gems of Miracles", because it's a miracle if anypony finds them! Also, they're supposed to do something else, but I can't quite remember what…" the white unicorn explained.
Spike took in all of this information like a sponge would take in water, but then he had another problem.
"Hey, where would I go to start looking?" the purple and green dragon inquired.
Rarity turned her head back at him and smiled. Then, she turned back to the book and levitated a piece of paper and pencil.
Soon, she now had made an exact copy of the map from her book! Spike took the map and held it in his claws.
"And this is?" he asked, observing it.
"A map, Spike. I've marked every spot on the map where the gems were fabled to be in the colour blue." Rarity explained, pointing to one of the spots.
Spike's green reptilian eyes scanned the map for a moment or two, then he smiled.
"Don't worry, Rarity! I'll get those gems for ya!" the young one declared.
Rarity smiled and petted his head.
"Good, and don't worry, I'll save some for you." she assured him.
Spike nodded and took Rarity's wagon to hold all of the gems.
"I won't let you down!" he called before heading out the door.
After he left and Rarity closed the door with her magic, she smiled to herself and made it so her azure eyes were half-lidded.
"I know you won't, Spike. I know…" she whispered happily.
Done! Originally, this was just gonna be a one-shot, but I think now it's gonna be like 5 chapters or something… I dunno?
Shadow: That sounds good to me!