Nico goes out to take a stroll with Maki at the park. It was a nice change rather than just goes shopping or goes to the amusement park. Nico intertwined her hand with Maki whilst walking. Then Nico remembered something.
"Maki, actually our door handle doesn't work anymore, so I had to call the carpenter"
"Oh really, when?"
"Yesterday, you were busy at the hospital"
"The experienced carpenter really nailed it but the newbie screwed everything up"
Nico frowned while saying it. Maki thought it was intentional but after seeing her face it proves otherwise. They continued walking. Then they saw a group of teenagers playing boomerang.
"I couldn't quite remember how to throw a boomerang before but eventually it came back to me" Nico told while making a thinking posture with her left hand. Maki really wanted to point out her unintentional puns but she dismissed the thought.
Suddenly a lost tourist went towards them but Maki didn't know any sign languages. Fortunately Nico actually knew how and communicate with the tourist with sign languages. The tourist gestured a sign and then leave.
"What was that gesture?"
"Oh, he said thank you" Nico smiled
Maki nodded and impressed that Nico actually learn sign language.
"I'm really glad that I know sign language, it's pretty handy" Nico nodded her head slowly
Maki really wanted to point out her puns.
As they wanted to get home, they saw a man being sued by a police officer for smoking nearby the park premises. Nico sighed.
"Smokers really do have a hard time to stop since cigarettes have nicotine in it" Nico shook her head.
Maki really do not know if her girlfriend was being intentional or not that day. If she really was being unintentional, then she really was good at it.