Time. It defines us. We think that we will accomplish everything that we have planned during our lifetime. Time presents us with deadlines that we can meet, and then there are some we fail to complete entirely. Very quickly the time we thought we had evaporates right before our eyes, leaving us empty so to speak.

Seventy-four years have gone by since the night we spent at the Savoy. The goals we wanted since that day were ones that we thought were attainable moving forward, except maybe just one. The passionate night we spent making love resulted in the birth of our first son. He was beautiful. A combination of the both of us. Growing up to be as smart or dare we say even smarter than his father. He had no problem finding and dating women. His looks coming from his mother were along the lines of an Adonis.

After returning to the states, they were wed in a simple ceremony. His mother and her parents were in attendance. It was a very small affair. Kate stayed with the OSS right up until President Truman signed executive order 9621 terminating the OSS. Making sure the transformation into the newly formed agency was complete, she retired in July of 1946. In the fall of 1946, Kate was happy to find out that they were going to have their second child. After a long and tiring delivery, they welcomed a baby girl into their family.

Rick had taken up teaching. To him, it was something he thought he could give back freely. Knowledge. He applied to teach at MIT. And in the spring of 1945, he was hired as a probationary professor. He taught a wide range of topics. Everything from mathematics to science. He was happy to shape young minds with what he knew. He had attained tenure 5 years later. It was not until later in his life when the consequences of what happened in Berlin so long ago came back to haunt him. His body had been through a trauma that no one could foresee. Over time, his respiratory system had deteriorated. It had been compromised by Von Herrmann. The bacteria had caused some shortness of breath. However, with proper treatment twice a month, a sensible diet, and plenty of exercise he could manage and live a semi-normal life.

The world moves on. The events of the times had shown them that no matter how governments acted towards each other the threat of war looms in the future. Right now they were staying neutral with the chaos that involved the Viet Nam war. Their son had shown an interest in becoming a pilot and Rick told him that he need to follow his heart. Kate, on the other hand, wanted no part of him risking his life fighting someone else's war. In the end, she relented and their son became a fighter pilot.

Their daughter, on the other hand, always wanted to give back to the community. At a young age, she was always trying to figure out how people lived their lives with the people who governed them. She had a degree from NYU in political science. And she minored in business. She had accepted a position as a campaign manager for Kevin Whites mayoral run in 1967. When he was elected mayor of Boston in November of 67, after he won she had graciously bowed out of his campaign and became an assistant to Louise Day Hicks. As she learned the ins and outs of Boston's politics she bided her time. She would follow in Louisa's footsteps. In 1973 she announced that she would run for Louise's seat in U.S. House of Representatives representing Massachusetts' 9th District. After a nail-biting recount, she had won the seat.

They could not have been more proud of either of their children. Time has since moved on. Rick retired from MIT in early 1988. At the time he retired he had taught brilliantly for the last 43 years. With all of their obligations settled they lived happily in Cambridge. Their son Paul had attained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel before he retired after 27 years of honorable service. Alexis their daughter was now a senator. She was busy running her third bid for the job once again. Their children had arrived at their home for a dinner planned months ago. Their house was full and loud once again. Grandchildren were all over and with this visit they were finally able to meet their first great-grandchild. Emily Rose Rodgers.

After dinner, Rick pulled Paul aside into the living room and thanked him for letting him meet his great granddaughter. They both took seats and without Kate's help he would be here until he went to bed. Climbing stairs was not a task he did very well. They talked about everything from being a father to the military. Rick had retired about 21 years ago and he always had been kept well informed of his children's activities. With dinner now done and goodbyes being said it was time for them to go. Soon the house was quiet once again. She never regretted meeting him all those years ago. She knew that he was the one for her. They had done everything they set out to do. Whatever challenges faced them they conquered them head on. They led a good life. They were happy.

Kate helped Rick up the stairs to bed. Soon he would need to be restricted to the first floor but for now, she gladly helped him. Then she got ready for bed as well. Slipping under the comforter beside him was still the best feeling in the world for her. She loved him with her whole heart. It did not take long for them to fall into a deep sleep. About 5 hours Kate woke with a start. She got out of bed and looked at the form of her husband lying there. She looked over to the bedroom's fireplace mantle and like a movie in slow motion, she skimmed over all the pictures that graced the top of it. Pictures of them being carefree with their children, one of Paul in his high school cap and gown, Alexis with her tongue sticking out at the corner of her mouth thinking about an answer for a homework problem, Kate and Rick holding their first grandchild, a family portrait with everyone. The final two pictures were one of them sitting on their wrap around porch rocking gently enjoying the sunshine. The other was just of them and all their children on their 60th wedding anniversary.

He was frail but being 97 years old he still lived his life like every day would be his last. Carefree and unreserved. She loved him for that. He was 32 when they met and she was just 27. She looked into the mirror and wondered where all the time went. Time, it took everything from you without you even knowing it. She slipped under the comforter once again. Reaching for his hand knowing it would be cold to the touch she intertwined their fingers together, leaned over him and kissed him tenderly. Returning to her side of the bed Kate closed her eyes for the last time, her heart stopping almost as soon as she closed her eyes.

In life as in death, they will be together…. Always.


A/N: As of the end of this story Congress has still not passed a bill that would honor all the men and women of the OSS who risked their lives getting secret information into the right hands. The award I mentioned in this story is real, it's the Congressional Gold Medal. If they drag their feet long enough deciding how to vote, it won't matter since there will be no members of the OSS left alive to give it to!

Thanks for all who faved, followed and left me reviews. I had a great time writing this and I hope that you really enjoyed reading it as well!