Being a little sister is something many wish they could be. Well, not me. For me it just resulted in having two overprotective brothers. Like, I'm talking I couldn't even look at a guy across the street without them lecturing me. But it was something that I learned to live with. And considering my circumstances, I was kinda okay with it. Oh where are my manners. My name is Emily Winchester, youngest sister to Dean and Sam. Of course as the years went on my brothers became more lenient as to what happened and who I talked to. But to catch everyone up, the three of us have slowed down on hunting, for now anyway. And the best part? I now have a steady boyfriend. But enough about me, let's get to the reason you clicked this link, no?
Present Day:
I jogged down the stairs of our apartment. "Dean!" I called. "I'm heading out!" I said over my shoulder as I shrugged on my black jacket. "Be home before 10!" was the reply that made me roll my eyes. I was 22, I think I'm can handle myself. I eye the keys to the Impala that were next to the door. "Don't even think about it." Sam said snatching them off the table. "I don't know what you're talking about." I smirk before opening the door to the brisk afternoon and stepping outside.
I walked for about five minutes before stepping into the coffee shop. I spotted Robbie instantly and smiled. He looked up but his green eyes were troubled and my smile dropped. "What's wrong?" I said as I slid in the seat across from him. He hesitated. "We need to talk." Those four words knocked the air from my lungs and knotted my stomach. "About what?" I asked weakly. The shop was pretty empty since it was a strange time of day but he still looked around, leaned across the table, and lowered his voice. "My brother was hit by a car last night. But I didn't know right away since I wasn't home this weekend." I nodded my head really confused now. "He didn't make it. But, When I got home." He hesitated again. "He was in the living room. Or I at least thought he was. I held a full conversation with him, got a shower, and then mom proceeded to call me with the news. I almost wonder if I saw a ghost or something. Do you know what I mean? Alec would have already been passed to the other side. And I'm not going to lie Emily. I'm a little freaked out." I remained silent my mind spinning. "Okay you're right. I'm going insane." He shook his head. "No. No. I, I don't think you are." I said slowly. "But I think my brothers should hear this." He started to question it but I stood and slid my jacket back on and he followed suit.
"Dean?" I asked loudly as I opened the door. "He left a little bit ago." Sam replied from the kitchen. He stepped into the door way and nodded to Robbie. "What's up?" He asked us. "I think we might have a new hunt." I said simply. "And it hits close to home." I added. Robbie looked between the two of us. "I don't understand." He frowned. Sam snorted. "He'd get along well with Cas." He muttered under his breath. I ignored him. "You're going to learn a lot about us in the next few hours Robbie." I said looking at him.