Hi! This is the last drabble, but I've been working on a new JAG story that I hope to start posting later this weekend. Hope you liked all the drabbles and thanks again for reading!


He's sound asleep beside her. Tomorrow he'll become Force Judge Advocate of Naval Forces Europe, but right now, he's simply her pillow.

In the dark, she can just make out the silhouette of cardboard boxes stacked against the bedroom wall. His apartment is almost entirely packed now, and yet she can't help but feel as if she's finally found the place she belongs.

How many times had he tried to show her that? From the courtrooms to the fighter planes to the carriers to the submarines, from Russia to Japan to Australia to South America, it had always been fate that she would end up here with him.

Her body is completely satiated from their lovemaking, and the sheets slide across her bare skin as his arms unconsciously tighten around her. She threads her fingers through his and kisses his palm.

Her internal clock tells her that it's nowhere near time to wake up yet, so she snuggles closer to him, presses a soft kiss to his temple, and murmurs in his ear.

I love you.