And Suddenly
by MellyMiraculous
Summary: As Adrien dashes for place to transform into Chat Noir, he encounters a scene he didn't expect. Chat Noir wants nothing more than to share his discovery, but Ladybug is resistant.
Story Notes: Reveal AU in Three Parts. It starts fluffy, then gets a bit angsty. Not sure how that happened.
A/N: HOLY SMOKES! So many faves and follows, not only for this little story, but for me, as well? I'm so, so honored and flattered and touched. Thank you so much! This is the last chapter of this story, but I promise I have more for you! Thank you, thank you!
Part III: Insecurity
Adrien found that it was much more difficult to shake the feeling of rejection he felt than it had been to keep his discovery to himself. He knew it was a bit silly. She wasn't even rejecting him. Not truly. There were very good reasons for them to keep their identities secret.
Still, it had hit him hard. It was difficult knowing that Marinette and Ladybug were the same person when she didn't even seem curious about his own identity. He probably should have just told her he knew the truth, but that seemed hard, too. After all, what if she was disappointed to learn that he was Chat Noir?
So Adrien remained quiet, even as the feelings of rejection and uncertainty ate away at him. His friends were noticing that something was off with him, despite his best efforts. Marinette, too, seemed concerned, for he had caught her gazing at him with worried eyes.
Adrien couldn't decide whether she also seemed a bit sad or not. Perhaps a part of him was hoping she was - and that didn't make him feel very good about himself. After all, who hopes that a person dear to them would feel sad?
Knowing on his own was proving awful. He wished he had never found out. If only he had hurried off to a new hiding place instead of remaining to see what Marinette was doing that day. Then he wouldn't be tormented with the desire for her to know. Wondering had been easier. He'd grown used to it. Could he grow used to this, as well?
He hoped that he would, and soon.
The boy turned to look at Plagg. He hadn't failed to notice that the little kwami had been on his best behavior the last couple of days. Plagg had even tried to cheer him up. It was kind of… sweet.
"Look," Plagg said, gesturing rather dramatically towards his television set. Adrien rose quickly from his slouch upon the sofa, green eyes widening. The news was reporting a new villain spreading havoc throughout the city. He must have been more distracted than he thought if Plagg was prompting him to action.
"Plagg, transform me!" he called out.
A few minutes later, Chat Noir and Ladybug's paths converged. For the first time ever, he couldn't seem to find a pun or clever quip with which to greet her. Perhaps working together when he still felt so out of sorts was a bad idea. Maybe it would be better to leave this particular confrontation to Ladybug alone.
But what if she needed him?
So, they forged on, pursuing the latest victim of Hawk Moth's akuma. Chat Noir soon forgot to feel awkward as instinct and just plain old routine pushed aside all else save the task at hand. Ladybug, also, fell back into their easy camaraderie, the guardedness which had surrounded her since that night on the rooftops melting away.
Theirs was soon a decided victory, just as it had always been before. No sooner had the purified butterfly fluttered away into the stormy sky, however, than the previous feelings all came rushing back to him.
"Good job, kitty," Ladybug told him, gracing him with a warm smile as the last dot on her earrings began to blink. She turned to go, her arm drawing back to throw her yoyo.
Chat Noir's hand shot out to catch her by the other hand as drops of rain began to fall from the sky. "Don't go," he said. Now his ring was on the last paw pad, and as Ladybug turned to look at him, his gaze turned pleading. "I already know who you are."
"Chat-" she began, pulling against his grip.
"I saw you. Three weeks ago. You transformed near the school," Chat Noir spoke hurriedly. "Marinette-" at her name, the girl's eyes widened "-I just want you to know me, too." His voice had grown very soft as she hung her head, shoulders drooping with the action. Although he loosened his hold, she didn't try to pull away again.
A second later, he watched as the Ladybug disguise melted away and Marinette was standing across from him, her spotted red kwami floating in the air above her shoulder. She hadn't looked back up at him, her gaze fixed on their hands instead. She had to have seen as Chat Noir's facade also disappeared, leaving his hands bare and the ring on his hand silver instead of black.
Adrien wondered if she recognized it.
"Marinette..?" the boy questioned when her gaze remained diverted from his. The rain had begun to fall in earnest. He almost couldn't couldn't hear her quiet response.
"Aren't you disappointed?" Marinette asked, voice strained and uncertain. "That I'm… her. Doesn't it disappoint you?"
And suddenly, it dawned on him that the self-doubt she had voiced so long ago was more than a momentary lapse of confidence. She really believed that he could be disappointed in her.
"Ah, my Lady," Adrien said, his free hand reaching up to cup her face and gently guide her gaze to his. She looked back at him with all the bewilderment and uncertainty and trepidation he had felt just moments before. He smiled down at her, tilting his head down to press his forehead against hers. "Why so insecure? You're purr-fect."
A sound that was somewhere between a laugh and a sob escaped her lips, and then her arms were wrapping around him in a needy embrace, her face buried against his shoulder. Adrien rubbed a hand along her back, trying to soothe the sobs he could feel more than hear. As Plagg made some comment that went ignored, the boy reflected that Marinette hadn't seemed all that surprised to see it was him. Perhaps they had both known more than they'd realized.
What mattered now was the truth was shared between them. They no longer had to feel the need to hide any part of themselves. Everything else could be figured out along the way.
A/N: And that's a wrap for this particular tale! Hope you liked it - be sure to tell me what you think. Feedback always makes me so, so happy, even if it's something short. 3 Thanks for reading! Hugs, Melly