sorry that I haven't updated this recently, been heaps busy with school, I seriously hate essays. luckily I just have one more to hand in then that's the end of it, since it is the last week of term for this term. then two weeks of holidays in which ill be trying to update this daily.

Chat noir did show up the next night, and the next, and the next, in fact, he showed up every night at her house, around 8pm every night. Except for a few days where chat noir as Adrien was busy with homework or photo-shoots he was forced into by his father.

Meanwhile things were back to normal with ladybug and chat, sort of, she still seemed a little more awkward than usual, but nothing he couldn't handle.

Marinette and Chat wouldn't do much, just talk, sometimes they would play some video games, or he would help her with her homework, Marinette even had managed to persuade chat wear the dress she was working on as she added the sequins. Marinette must admit he didn't look too bad in the dress. He didn't make such a bad girl.

They were enjoying each other's company, especially chat noir. As Adrien, at school and during normal daily life, Marinette didn't speak to him much, she seemed to dislike him. She would always avoid him and would hardly say a word when they spoke. Now as chat noir he was getting to know the real side of her, what she was behind that awkward girl that sat behind him in class.

"I'm sorry princess but I have to be going" he said standing up from where they sat together on her floor, where he had been watching as she sketched up new ideas for a dress, her idea so far was beautiful, is was a pastel pink, long, a heart shaped chest with silver sequins spread along it like diamonds, he knew her idea wasn't finished but he couldn't wait till it was, over the past few weeks he has been enjoying working with her on her designs, helping out whenever he could. She smiled up at him.

"I have work in the morning" he lied, well it wasn't a complete lie, he had a shoot in the morning, he was not looking forward to that, it also meant he would be showing up to school late. He would have to ask Nino if he could borrow is notes for his first period class he was going to miss.

"bye kitty" she said, pushing her fringe out of her eyes and yawning. She looked really tired; there were bags under her eyes. Was this his cause, was the countless nights the two of them hung out together.

"princess, you should sleep" he whispered tp=o her, frowning slightly, he hated to be the cause of her lack of sleep. Maybe I should take a break from visiting her, he thought.

She shook back and glanced back at her design, sketching a few lines here and there before looking back at chat. "I'm fine, just want to get this design finished then I'll go to bed" she said, smiling weakly at him due to her exhaustion.

"You have school in the morning" he told her, crouching down next to her. "Wouldn't wanna miss those hours of boring classes" he said, winking at her.

She rolled her eyes at him. "I promise I'll sleep after this" she said, said lying down to her stomach, using her elbows to prop herself up.

"Well im going to stay here till you do" he said, sitting back down next to her, his legs crossed. " c'mon, get moving you have a design to finish" he told her with a chuckle.

Marinette shook her head at him and stared back down to her notebook. It was nice having chat around, the chat that wouldn't constantly flirt with her.

About an hour later Marinette dosed back to sleep, her face resting against her notebook, smudging the lead there. Chat hadn't noticed she was dozing off until he heard the thud from her face falling against her paper; he had been too busy staring out the window wondering if there were any way he could sleep in the next morning and miss a little more extra time at school.

Chat looked down at her and smiled, she drooled in her sleep. Chat went to lightly shake her shoulder but was interrupted by her soft snores, so instead he stood up and scooped her into his arms. she was so small and light.

Softly and slowly he brought her up to her bed and laid her down, dragging the cover up on top of her. He stood back up and smiled down at her, glad she was finally getting some sleep, and excited that he would now finally be able to get some sleep himself. Hopefully the bags under his eyes in the morning weren't too bad.

Quickly he glanced over to the clock that hung in the corner of her room, 3 am. Damn, there was no he would survive tomorrow without dozing off in class.

Taking one more quick glance at Marinette he climbed out of the hatch above her bed, closing it softly behind him, making sure not to wake her, before running over to the riling and extending his pole, flying off into the night.

hopefully the next chapter will be out by the next few days. expect some angst ;)

tysm for reading
