Zootopia: Parallel lines
Chapter 8: Clash
Sunday, 6:14 pm, FBI headquarters Cafeteria
The glorious afternoon sunlight soaked the streets of Zootopia, and the helium titan was laying lazily at the edge of the horizon. Every mammal was enjoying their last chunks of freedom of the well beloved Sunday. Everyone except for the never resting FBI Agency and all its staff, and as always, it was as busy as usual. And as usual, the odd pair of High command boss and intelligence and cyber warfare specialist were having a well deserved break after a long session of endless work. Vivian Carter and Samantha Varkkas were enjoying their beverages in their usual spot in the cafeteria. The poor White vixen was exhausted and stressed, not to mention how awful she looked. However, her friend Samantha didn't seem exhausted, she looked as fresh and terrifying as everyday, but the wolf was quite annoyed by the amount of effort and work they had to pull at the very last moment. She wondered why on earth Vivian wasn't complaining or whining about having to leave her date in the middle of a restaurant. She's hiding something and i'm not going to like it, not at all. Classic of you Viv. She thought.
"Argh! I HATE working on Sundays! Screw the genius who had the wonderful idea of working in such pretty sunny day!" Vivian suddenly yelled.
And there it was, Vivian´s classic complaining.
"Well, that'll be me, Cupcake" Samantha said, slightly offended
"Ahhhhh, right...Sorry?" Vivian said.
Samantha just stared at her and raised an eyebrow before letting a out a sigh.
"Anyways, there is no need for more complaining because we are done with this shit, finally! You have the rest of the day off, fluff butt, enjoy it." Samantha said as a matter of fact.
"AH yes! I´m going straight home and waste what's left of the day playing video games and eating snacks" Vivian said happily letting herself go in the seat like a rag doll.
"Charming as always, Viv." Samantha said rolling her eyes not really approving Vivian´s "Gamer" habits. She could be partying or flirting with a real hunk in a day like this for god sakes!...wait, why is she not going all nuts about Nick Wilde? She should be running towards him by now. The Black wolf thought.
"Hey V, didn't you were complaining like a 6 year old about having to cancel your date this morning because of me and all that stuff a few hours ago? Why are you not calling nick or whatever?" She said taking a sip of her coffee.
"Oh, about that. I have plans for tomorrow." Vivian calmly said.
"Nice….Whoa, whoa, Hold on! You have to work tomorrow and you know it! No more free days for you." Samantha yelled with a mix of shock, frustration and annoyance because it seemed that Vivian did not care about her job anymore.
"Oh calm down, Sam. No one said I wasn't coming tomorrow." Vivian said waving a paw at her like if it was nothing. Samantha just rolled her eyes because she knew that Vivian was actually planning something, and as usual, She is not going to like it.
"Alright, spit it out, Carter. What are you planning in that empty head of yours." Samantha said bringing a paw to her eyes.
"Come on, it's not that bad! Do you always have to assume every of my ideas are bad?" Vivian said in defense.
"As a matter of fact, yes. You haven't proved me otherwise and I doubt this one will be different" Samantha said with a dry mockery tone.
"You don't know yet!" Vivian said, angry this time
"Well let's hear it! what is it then?" Samantha said preparing for the worst.
"I offered Nick a post here in the FBI and he's actually coming tomorrow" Vivian said.
"YOU DID WHAT?!" The black wolf said, raising her voice. "UGHHH... Vivian I told you a thousand times that we can´t!"
"Relax, Sam. It's only a 5 day trial just like every recruit I bring." Vivian said with an impressive calm.
"Still! YOU CAN'T!" Samantha spat.
"WHY NOT!? You told me I could recruit him as long as he accepted and now I can't?! What's the deal?!" Vivian said, now she was angrier.
"Vivian...it's not like that! You know that we, that YOU can only recruit people as long as the individual is in a proper position to be enlisted and your boyfriend here has already a stable and solid Job as a ZPD officer." Samantha explained.
"Then why do you gave me authorization to recruit him in the first place!?" Vivian said.
"Because I thought he was unemployed or he was a low level employee and not a full trained officer with medals and stuff!...Yeah, I didn't bother to research till yesterday."
"...Ok, it's official, you are not getting your Christmas present nor your birthday present and no gifts at all!" Vivian cursed.
"Oh bite me! You know the rules and protocols!" Sam said in defense (and in fear of not getting any presents in the future)
"Let me remind you who solved a 3 months unsolved operation in less than 5 minutes and humiliated the whole intelligence department in the process." The ivory vixen said crossing her arms.
"That's irrelevant! Wilde´s contribution has nothing to do with this matter." Samantha protested knowing that Vivian had a point.
"Hmm not relevant huh? Ok, remind me who was the butthead who said, and I quote; *Vivian, I don't give a damn if it´s Seal Gates or Nolan North, as long as they have the skills, your obligation is to drag their asses here and make them agents! Argh I'm always angry!*" Vivian said, jumping on the table and imitating and exaggerating Samantha´s voice.
"...I didn't say those last words….and I don't speak like that!" Samantha said, admitting defeat.
"SEE! Then why I Can't give Nick a simple 5 day demo?! We actually need Nick´s Abilities!...He needs this too you know? Why I can't give him the chance?" Vivian said desperately.
"Look, i just can't alright? Leave it like that." The black wolf said.
"Of Course you can! You are the Dungeon Boss here! WHY NOT!?" Vivian yelled, her nose inches away from Samantha´s.
"Because he is in the ZPD." Samantha said bringing her paws to her face and covering it.
"And what if he is in the bloody ZPD!?...wait, oh...Ohhhh!...Bogo?" Vivian said, suddenly all made sense, she was forgetting about the rough past Samantha had with Bogo.
"Yes, Bogo. Knowing him, he´ll make everything more complicated if I show up. There is no other way to make this work but with me going to his office and state a formal request. And I don't want to have a word with him." Samantha said, looking away and huffing.
"Oh, now that you put it that way it makes sense…" Vivian said before having a logical idea.
"What If I go instead of you? Just give me the all the papers and the written
authorization. Tomorrow at first hour I'll talk to him and I´ll have the transfer request already signed. No big deal….Say yes pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese." Vivian pleaded
Samantha thought it for a moment. They do need all the help the FBI could get and Wilde was an exceptional information source, not to mention his possible infiltration skills, and being honest, Vivian had a point, she could go instead of her and have all the paperwork done since technically, Vivian had a higher rank than Bogo and technically, Bogo had to follow Vivian´s Orders. It wasn't a bad deal now that she thought about it. Samantha looked at Vivian which was looking at her with big round pleading eyes. Damn those cute eyes! I can't say no. She thought.
"Are you sure about this Vivian? Do you think he has what you need to work here?" Sam asked (also teasing the poor vixen)
"Trust me Sam, I'm going to show him everything he needs to know, you don't need to worry about anything, just the papers!" Vivian said, building up the excitement.
The wolf just gave a big deep sigh.
"...Fiiiiiiine, I'll do it. You can go tomorrow." Samantha said, wondering if she's going to regret this decision.
Suddenly Vivian jumped and gave her a tight hug
"ThankyouThankyouThankyou!" Vivian rapidly said.
"Alright, alright that's enough affection for me. Jeez I almost feel sorry for Wilde" Samantha joked pushing Vivian aside
"You are not going to regret this!" Vivian happily said with a wide and toothy smile.
"We´ll see. BUT if he messes up something or ends up death, you'll take full responsibility. Is that clear?" Samantha said in a more serious tone.
"Roger roger!" Vivian said before heading towards her apartment.
Samantha watched her friend as she left the cafeteria and waited till the frost vixen was gone. She couldn't help herself but to think in how Bogo was going to handle Vivian because she knew that the White fox could be a little….harsh with the police force sometimes. She knew that Bogo wouldn't react slightly at Vivian´s possible "bossy" attitude. Samantha feared the worst and for the sakes of her annoying best friend, she decided to make something she hasn't done in many years. She took her smart phone and dialed Bogo´s phone number. And before she could press the "call" button, she took a few seconds to rethink why she hasn't called him in 7 years. Samantha then remembered everything in a blink of an eye, How they met each other, how they became friends, how they yelled at each other all the time. She chuckled at this last memory, she recalled the good memories she spent with the water buffalo, how close they once were. But that was long time ago, the weight of reality hit her like a truck because she knew and remembered perfectly the reason why they are now so distant. Why they fought in the first place, what made her to stop seeing Bogo as friend but as a foe. She wanted to drop all the guilt over Bogo´s back but she knew better that she had a lot of guilt as well. Samantha regretted her actions and the words she said that grim night, she wished she could go back in time and to avoid going to work that day. Not many know about what happened that day 7 long years ago, not even Vivian the full story.
The black wolf gave a sigh, knowing that torturing herself with the past was useless, she knew that was in the past and what matters now was the present. Taking another deep breath she finally pressed the dial button and prepared for the worst.
After a few painfully long seconds the water buffalo replied.
"Chief Bogo, who´s calling and with what purpose?" Bogo answered with an annoyed tone (what a surprise)
"Wow, you deleted my phone number? Ouch." Samantha replied, trying her best to sound as neutral as possible.
"Varkkas, what a surprise. What the hell do you want?" He replied.
"What? After all this years I can't call to see how are you doing?" She joked.
"...You and I know that´s not remotely true. Now, what do you want?" He replied even rougher.
"Mhm, As gentle as always I see. Anyways, listen...I'm calling to ask a request...It's mostly a favor but it's almost the same." Samantha explained.
"A request hm? What I'm not surprised. What is it this time, women?" Bogo replied.
"Oh you actually listened? Now I'm surprised. Anyhow, tomorrow my right paw is visiting your precinct, I want you to be nice to her, and please try not to kill her." Sam said.
"Your right paw comes off?" Bogo joked back.
"HA! Pretty funny, I almost laughed. It seems that you finally developed a sense of humor...But seriously, tomorrow she´ll be at your office in the morning. I call because she´s….Annoying sometimes and she can be slightly intense at certain moments. So the only thing I ask here is patience, alright? I don't want to cause any trouble." Samantha said.
"Mhm...I see. What's her name? And most importantly, why´s the reason she´s coming?" Bogo asked.
"Her name is Vivian Carter, female, 35 years old, very small and very annoying. That´s all you need to know." Samantha dryly replied.
"Fascinating, you didnt answer my second question" He replied annoyed,
"That´s why she´s going to your office, sweetheart. I don't have time nor reason to explain." Samantha replied holding a laugh.
"Whatever, I'll do my best. Hopefully I'll be in a good mood tomorrow" Bogo said heaving a sigh.
"You? good mood?" She asked.
Bogo replied only with a laugh and she couldn´t help herself but laugh as well. It was weird because it was literally the first time in over 7 years that both shared a laugh. After a couple moments and after their laugh's died, both stood silent not saying anything until Sam broke the silence.
"Anyways, uhm...It was good to talk to you...even if you are a total ass, Bogo" Samantha said, trying to hide behind humor.
"Yeah...Its good to know you are still kicking and being a total jerk, Sam" Bogo replied with a soft tone.
"Well, I have work to do and I expect no trouble tomorrow...so yeah….I'm going to hang up" Sam said regaining herself.
"Please do that. You took enough of my Sunday" Bogo replied in his usual annoyed tone.
"With pleasure! I spent 5 minutes of my Sunday as well!" Sam replied.
"Farewell, Varkass." Bogo said before hanging up.
Samantha heaved a big sigh and finally she could relax. She couldn´t believe what she just did, She didn't know if she was capable of doing such thing and with such calm. She talked with Bogo without any incident or any verbal dispute (mostly). It seemed that both were finally growing up. Somehow she was a little bit better after that call because she didnt want to accept it but she enjoyed her few words with Bogo and most importantly, she was glad that he was still ok and that he was still alive. She chuckled again before standing uo from her seat and shaking quickly that thought away from her mind. At least she knows that Vivian will be ok tomorrow and that calmed her a bit.
Samantha threw her cup off coffee to the trash bin and headed back to her office to finish what was left of that pesky paperwork.
Monday, 7:16 Am, ZPD Headquarters, main entrance.
The mornings in Zootopia were almost perfect. The sun raised and shined, the birds sang their songs and the residents of the city slowly began to wake up. It was like clockwork, everything and everyone worked in harmony as a single being making Zootopia a truly living city.
Many believed that Mondays were the bane of the week, that the first day of the week was always the worst. True, most of times was but not today, the morning was beautiful, there were no traffic, no herds of animals crowding the sidewalks and no sign of trouble to be seen. It was an unusual good Monday. And speaking of anomalies, there were a few things that were out of place at the moment. To be more precisely, there was a FBI agent waiting just outside the ZPD headquarters.
Vivian Carter was inside her car watching the structure. Almost like waiting to something to happen. Her red coupe was parked just in front of the complex. The white fox kept staring with narrowed eyes behind a pair sunglasses.
"Yuck, The Zootopia Police Department. It's the pure definition of corruption, negligence and unused potential. They have style, I give them that…..But the FBI HQ is prettier." Vivian said in a despicable way.
"Oh well, The things I do for a sexy handsome fox." She said to herself before grabbing her suitcase and exiting her car.
Vivian walked towards the entrance and just before touching the big glass door she took a deep breath and faked her best smile. Good thing she was wearing shades.
Upon entering she was quite amazed by the insides. It was the first time in years that she was inside this building, still, she hated this place with all her guts.
Vivian took a look at the place not knowing where she was supposed to go. The place was new to the ivory vixen. She then spotted a reception area in the middle of the lobby but she wasn't happy at the sight. A "big" Male cheetah was reclined on his chair snoring obnoxiously and obviously he wasn't doing his job.
Vivian Rolled her eyes. "Classic of the ZPD. Great, now I have to find Bogo on my own. Just what I needed." She said with annoyance.
Annoyed she opted to find Bogo´s office by herself, how hard could it be?
Monday, 7:45 Am, ZPD Headquarters, main entrance.
Monday was one of the worst days for many people, especially office workers and monotonous businesses but for other mammals, Monday was another day in the book because for people like police officers, every day was different, and different was good for a particular officer.
Officer Judy Hopps began her week with high hopes and optimism just as every Monday. She strolled on the sidewalk towards the entrance of the ZPD with a wide smile and her head was high in the air. Today Judy felt different, that was because this Monday was the day her best friend returned from his forced vacations and today was the day Judy was determined to fix what she broke. She went through many sleepless nights (including this one) thinking over and over again about her fight with Nick and the things she said. She finally understood her mistakes and she finally understood the damage she did to her friend´s heart. She was now determined to fix this once and for all.
The bunny didn't take much to arrive at the entrance and before pushing the glass door she took a glimpse at a red car that was parked just in front of the precinct. Another special snowflake that thinks they have the right to park wherever they want.
"Argh, How many times do we have to deal with this? You CAN'T park there! Oh well, nothing a ticket can't fix." She happily said.
As soon as she was inside the ZPD she headed towards where her fellow receptionist coworker and friend was. Benjamin Clawhauser was peacefully sleeping, probably because it's Monday and it's the first hour, she couldn't help but to laugh. Immediately after the sleeping cheetah awoke from his slumber after hearing someone laughing.
"Wha-I'm awake- I wasn't sleeping I swear" He said half asleep.
"Hey Ben! Enjoying your nap?" Judy said teasing
Benjamin gave a yawn and stretched before replying.
"Good Morning, Judy! I'm sorry you caught me like that. I took night shift yesterday and it was quite boring. You know how it´s like." The cheetah said in his usual cheerful voice.
"Yeah, i've been there, It's horrible. You should have some coffee, Ben." Judy suggested
"That's a good idea! You should too, you look a little bit tired." Ben replied
"I'll take your suggestion. Changing subject, any news for me?" Judy asked as every day.
"Nope! It looks like we are free for the moment, there is not much going on. A couple of calls but not a big deal. Today is one of those days." Ben said as a matter of fact.
"Wow that's new. Anyways...Have you seen Nick?" Judy asked, desperately wanting to talk to him.
"I'm afraid not, Juds. I know today it's the day he comes back but you know how he is." Ben said trying to comfort her.
"Yeah, always late" Judy said heaving a sigh.
"Cheer up, Judy! I'm sure he'll be back around 9. In the meantime, you should go for that coffee!" Clawhauser happily said.
"Thanks, Ben. I'll be in the cafeteria if you need me" Judy said before walking towards the cafeteria.
Judy began thinking of what she could say to Nick once he arrives. Is he going to be mad? Or is he going to try to avoid her? Maybe he'll act like not knowing her, diva style. She frowned, she didn't have a plan yet but luckily she knew Nick well enough to know how and what to say. Still, she needs a plan, she knew that Nick was an emotional cactus and reaching him was quite hard...Especially after what she did. A million of scenarios and possible counter measures were forming in her head.
She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't see where she was walking and ended up crashing with someone and sending both, Judy and the unlucky person to the unfortunate mammal landed besides judy making the figure to drop her suit case and all its contents to the air.
A couple of moments of struggling Judy realized what just happened. She quickly stood up and helped the unfortunate mammal to get up.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!" Judy said, offering a paw to the unfortunate mammal.
"Ugh, ouch, it's fine. Thanks" the mammal said taking Judy´s paw.
Judy now took the opportunity to take a better look at the mammal in question. What lies before her was a female Arctic fox. Her fur was as white as snow and her eyes were stunningly blue. Her height was a little bit more than Judy´s but not that much. The Vixen was beautiful to say the less, big eyes, eyeliner, long eyelashes and a nice body. what on earth someone like her was doing here? Judy thought.
"Let me help you with that." Judy said as she saw that the vixen began picking up the contents of her suit case.
Judy picked the papers that were scattered all around the floor. And by accident she took small glimpses of the papers she was picking, she could´d see exactly what they were but she could see small details; something of a transfer and something about a request? Once there was not any paper left on the ground she handed them to the white fox.
"I'm so sorry, are you okey?" Judy asked again just to make sure.
"Im fine, thanks by the way. you?" The Vixen said while putting the documents back to her suitcase.
"Please, dont worry about me, Im tougher than I look" Judy said.
"An apology, I wasn't looking either." The white vixen confessed.
"Well you and I!" Judy joked, she then decided to ask something "Excuse me but I haven't see you here before, are you new around here?" Judy asked.
"Me? Nonono Im just here to talk with Chief Bogo. And i'll take your offer, I can't find his office, do you know where it is?" The vixen replied.
"Off course! i'll show you, follow me." Judy happily replied.
"Thanks. It seems no one around here wanted to help me." The fox replied as she walked beside Judy.
"Yeah, sorry about that. Sometimes our officers are too busy to help the folks around here" Judy explained.
"I see...Busy is a way to describe it." The vixen said in an annoyed tone."well luckily I bumped into you. I've been roaming in this place for 30 minutes aimlessly so thank you for your assistance miss…?" The vixen asked.
"Oh! Where are my manners? Officer Judy hopps." Judy said extending her paw.
In that moment something odd happened. The vixen seemed to react by hearing her name, her eyes narrowed, her smile faded and her sight fixed on Judy's face, like if the vixen was trying to remember something. Have I seen this fox before? Judy thought because she didn't recall meeting (or arresting) such a good looking vixen. Or most importantly, does this fox know me? Judy asked herself. Maybe the ivory fox was recalling seeing the rabbit in the news 4 years ago, or maybe judy´s face was very similar to someone this fox knows. The odd moment didn't last too much because a couple of seconds later, the fox seemed to return to normal and snap back from where ever she was or whatever she was thinking. And with a wide smile she replied
"A pleasure miss, Hopps. Vivian Carter, FBI." Vivian accepted her offer and shooked her paw in return.
"FBI huh? Nice! And why are you here for, miss Carter? We usually don't have FBI staff around very often." Judy asked, suddenly interested in the FBI agent.
Judy´s interest suddenly raised because it was quite rare that a FBI employee showed up at the ZPD since from what she heard, the ZPD and the FBI had and currently have a rocky relationship. She didn't know exactly why but you could hear some nasty commentaries towards the government agency from many of the veteran officers around the precinct.
"The usual paperwork and agreements." Vivian simply and dryly replied.
Judy just nodded, not wanting to push the subject even further. Both mammals kept walking towards bogo´s office which was at the top floor and didn't take much to get there.
"Well, here we are!" Judy said showing Vivian the door of Bogo´s office which was a couple of feet away from them.
"Well thanks for your assistance, officer Hopps. You certainly saved me half an hour of searching." Vivian said.
"No problem! I'm only doing my duty! Anyways, good luck, miss Carter. I'll see you around!" Judy happily replied as the vixen opened Bogo´s office door and disappeared inside.
Happy and comfortable with her duty done, Officer Hopps was ready to return to her other duties...However, Instead of getting back to whatever she was supposed to be doing, she stood there. Something inside her was eating her alive, curiosity. A million questions were forming inside the bunny's head; who´s this vixen? FBI here? What kind of stuff is she going to talk with Bogo? Why she stared at me like that when I said my name? how the hell does she achieved such perfect eye lining!? The questions were eating her alive and she wanted desperately to know what was this suspicious vixen business here. She bit her lower lip knowing that there was no way she was getting those answers...Or at least in the formal way. She then thought in a more "unethical" way to satisfy her curiosity. She decided to eavesdrop the whole thing.
It would be a piece of cake to hear what's going on inside that room since her hearing was excellent and it was one of her main abilities. But the fact that hearing others conversation without their permission was kind of an offense to their privacy and more important, unethical, made her hesitate, but her thirst for the truth (and curiosity) was even bigger.
Knowing that this was wrong but fueled by her curiosity, she looked left and right to see if there was any potential witness. When she confirmed that she was alone in that floor, she sprung fast but quietly towards the wooden door and gently pressed her right ear on the flat surface and began listening.
As soon as she closed the door, Vivian´s mind began to rush. She couldn't stop thinking that she knew or saw that rabbit somewhere in the past. Her face was familiar and on top of all, her name; Judy Hopps, was extremely familiar. Vivian swore that she have seen and heard that name before but where? The thought wouldn't stop itching her brain till she could find the answer but before she could get that answer she was interrupted by the reason why she was in the ZPD in the first place.
*Ahem!* A tall and buff water buffalo coughed on purpose, dragging Vivian´s attention and snapping her out of her train of thoughts "Good morning, what can I help you with and who the heck are you?" The big buffalo said with a heavy tone.
"Oh! Good morning, Chief Bogo. I'm Special agent Vivían Carter, FBI." She said with a wide smile while extending her small paw towards Bogo´s big frame.
"Ah yes. Miss Carter, I was expecting you in fact" Bogo said, bending over a little and shaking Vivian´s paw in return.
"Oh? you were?" Vivian said raising an eyebrow.
"Offcourse. Your boss called me yesterday and told me you were coming today but didn't say why." Bogo said, sitting in his chair.
Did Sam called Bogo?...Woah...that's new, Vivian thought in disbelief, not believing that Samantha of all persons in this city would call Bogo.
"So Miss Carter, what brings you here today? And I know it's not because someone has an apology to me." The Buffalo asked with a hint of annoyance.
"Sorry sir, it's not because of that" Vivian clarify. The sudden question of the water buffalo was uncomfortable for her because she has nothing to do with the issue between Samantha and Bogo and being honest, she didn't want to get involved into that mess. She then quickly put that thought aside and continued
"I'm actually here because of a request. We are planning on transferring one of your employees to our division of work" Vivian said with an even bigger smile.
"A transfer?" Bogo asked, not sure of what she meant
"Yeah, not permanently of course but for a few days. One week in fact" Vivian said.
Immediately after, Bogo raised both eyebrows in surprise. "That's new. It's not common that I receive request such like this, Especially coming from the FBI" the Water buffalo said, he was quite surprised to say the less."Who are you planning to transfer and with what reason?" He asked with genuine curiosity.
"Well one of your finest officers of course! He actually helped us in one of our latest operations and thanks to his knowledge, he did what our team couldn't achieve in 3 months in less than 5 minutes alone. He is just what we need, sir!" Vivian said excited.
"Mhm I see, That's one hell of a reason but I still don't know who are we talking about, agent Carter." Bogo said.
"Hehehe right, Sorry. I sometimes forget important stuff. Good thing my tail is attached to me huh? The other day I forgot my laptop in a taxi and I had to chase it for 2 hours! can you believe that?" Vivian happily said.
Bogo just stared at her with an eyebrow raised.
"...Aaaand sometimes I drift away from the topic..." Vivian said embarrassed
"Noted." Bogo said. Now he understood why Samantha warned him about her friend being annoying and why she asked him to be patient."Now could you please tell who is this officer, miss Carter?"
"Certainly! Officer Nicholas P. Wilde, sir!" Vivian happily said.
Immediately after Vivian said the name, a loud but muffled "WHAT?!" was heard just outside the room, making Vivian to turn her head towards the wooden door behind her.
"What was that?" She asked.
Bogo just sighed, bringing a hoof to his face. "Don't worry about it, its nothing." The water buffalo said knowing exactly what that sounds was. "About this transfer, Wilde? How did he get involved with the FBI? do you know him?" Bogo asked, surprised after hearing that this FBI agent is requesting him for who know what.
"Oh well, let's say that our paths crossed just at the right moment. And yes, I know him, in fact we are pretty good friends!" Vivian said with a cheerful tone, almost like if she was showing off that she knew Nick.
But then again, just as soon as she finished that sentence, another "WHAT?!" was heard but this time louder. Vivian turned her head again to the door.
"Ugh please ignore that, Carter." Bogo said again. "So, you said that you are friends with him? Didn't know that Wilde had a social life outside the ones i usually see hanging with him." Bogo said.
"Oh, let's say that Nick and I met a while ago." Vivian said with grin forming in her face.
"A while ago huh? interesting." Bogo added. He then realized that Wilde took his advice of "Getting his shit together" but he didn't think that Nick would take his advice this way. Befriending a FBI agent? Oh well, whatever works for him.
"Yup! He´s a good guy and a gentlemen but definitely, we need his skills in the FBI." Vivian stated.
"MHM Interesting. My guess is that he's going to be working with you, Isn't he?" Bogo asked, almost knowing the answer.
"Correct! He'll be under my wing." Vivian said with a toothy smile.
"I see, Anyways, I don't know if this can be performed, I have the authority and power to do so, sure. But I need Wilde´s Consent and a written form of him approving this." Bogo stated, and it was true. He couldn't sign any and authorize any movement or change of one of his officers without their consent.
"Oh don't worry about that, I have his signed consent right here and all the papers you'll need, you just need sign them, and I'll take care of the rest." Vivian said, opening her briefcase and handing the papers to Bogo "I hope that all you need"
Bogo took the papers and began reading them. The white vixen was right, all the consents were there. Some formal request forms, A letter signed and written by Samantha Varkkas herself and most importantly, Wild´s signature were in all of the documents. It seemed that everything was in order and the only thing that was missing, was Bogo´s signature.
"So, Wilde agreed with all of these beforehand huh?" Bogo said, reading the formal requests.
"Correct! All I need is your signature and approval right there and everything will be arranged." Vivian said.
"Well. If you have Wilde's consent and signature, then I guess I can´t argue."
Then the water buffalo took a pen from his desk and as soon as he had his pen a few inches from the paper, the door slammed open making him and Vivian to quickly turn their heads.
"YOU CAN'T SIGN THAT, CHIEF!" An Angry rabbit stood on the door frame, her eyes narrowed and throwing daggers directly towards the arctic fox.
"Hopps! What is the meaning of this!" Chief Bogo yelled, standing up and making Vivian flinch.
"Chief, You heard me! You can't sign that!" The rabbit protested again in a desperate tone.
At this point, Vivian was clueless. She didn't know what was going on anymore. "Is that the bunny that helped me a few minutes ago? Why on earth is this rabbit so pissed?" she thought.
"Of course I can! This is a formal request made by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and that means a direct order to me and for you. Besides, Agent Carter here has Wilde´s consentiment and signatures." Bogo explained.
"BUT...But...but….ARGHGH!" The rabbit groaned in anger, tugging both of her long ears and pressing them against her eyes. After a few moments of ranting she then returned her deadly glance towards Vivian.
"YOU! Who the hell do you think you are!?" The rabbit spat, closing the gap between her and the white vixen. "What did you tell him to make him do this!?" She said bare inches away from Vivian´s face.
Vivian wanted to stay away from this crazy rabbit. This girl just helped her a few minutes ago and now she´s questioning her and demanding answers (answers that she won't get), She couldn't help but to press her head towards her seat and stare directly into the glowing anger filled eyes of the rabbit in front of her.
"Hopps! Leave agent Carter alone in this moment!" Bogo protested but the rabbit didn't listen.
"Uhmmmmm...What´s going on here?" Vivian cautiously asked, not wanting to trigger more the angered bunny.
"YOU! that´s what it´s happening! You are stealing my partner! That's what's going on!" The rabbit angrily spat.
"Stealing your…..partner?" Vivian said. Suddenly everything clicked in place, like a missing piece in a puzzle. Everything made sense now. "Partner? Of course! Judy Hopps! I have her name archived on Nick´s file! how could I have forgotten? I knew I´ve heard that name before." She thought. She then recalled what happened a few days ago, what Nick told her about his partner; About how his partner rejected his affection and breaking his heart in the process. "Is this the responsible of My poor Nicky´s suffering? A rabbit?" She thought. "I didn't know Nick was into this kind of thing...well, He´s open minded so this isn't a surprise." she then quickly snapped out of her train of thoughts when the rabbit spoke again.
"YES, WHITEY! WE are partners! My partner! not yours! I don't know what your deal is but get away from him!" Judy yelled at Vivian with all her lungs.
At this point Vivian´s blood was beginning to boil for a number of reasons; One, this rabbit was the responsible for the misery of her crush. Two, This bunny here is questioning her actions and telling her what to do. Three, NO ONE messes with her friends. She then frowned her eyes and stared directly at Judy. "Oh boy, you are going to regret helping me, bunny" she thought.
"Wow, I don't even know you and I exactly see what Nick meant... between other things of course." Vivian said, making sure her words sound like an insult.
"...What the hell are you talking about?" Judy said in disbelief.
"Oh! It's something friends do a lot, talk. You know, exchanging ideas, thoughts, feelings, settling problems, stuff like that. But obviously you don't know nothing about that since you don't care what your friend says or feels. Lucky for us, I do care about him, And Nicky needs MY aid now and you, you can forget him and get back eating doughnuts." Vivian said these words in her most "bitchy" tone because she wanted to burn as much of Judy as possible.
Judy was speechless, out of words, barely processing what this white imp just said. her anger transformed into rage by this point. Clenching her teeth and gripping her fists.
"Don't look at me like that, officer Hopps. I'm making you a favour! you should be happy because after all, you are getting "rid of him. Isn't that what you wanted?" Vivian finished with a smug face, salting the wound even more.
Judy Did Not took this lightly, not a single bit.
"Listen to me, you little whore. You have 5 seconds to run because I'm going to kick you ass so hard that you'll leave this room in several pieces." Judy said holding all her rage the best she could.
"It seems that you are not smart either, threatening a federal agent isn't a good idea, darling." Vivian said, chuckling and crossing her arms, infuriating Judy even more.
Judy had enough of this fox, she was stealing Nick from her and she won't be going to let that happen.
"I'm not threatening you, i'm just telling you what´s going to happen if you don´t get back to the hole you came from and stay there for your own good." Judy said.
"Oh now what? Stereotyping me, officer? You know, I can do the same if you wish." Vivian said wit the same smug face.
"You can try, fox. But you know something? whatever you are going to say, I've heard it before countless times." Judy said, but instead of portraying anger, a smirk formed in her face, "But you, I can say a lot about you, for instance, why is a "FBI" agent doing here? I guess they ran out of messengers and boot lickers, so i assume you are one of those. I bet you stay in a little cubicle behind a screen all day, wondering how a field agent life is." Judy replied as a comeback.
Vivian never expected such a reply, she was so comfortable mocking this rabbit that such reply hit her like a train. Judy´s Words felt like hot red iron shards stabbing her chest, slowly and painfully burning her to the core. Those words were so true that she thought that somehow, this rabbit knew her because those words were painfully true; she worked in a small cubicle behind a screen wondering how a real field agent feels like. The ivory fox fought with all her might to not to let Hopps know that she hurt her, but she couldn't, her face betrayed her.
It felt gloriously for Judy because the look on the fox´s face changed from smugness to I "want to cry". Little she know that her words were more truth than mockery. Seeing that her comeback worked, she thought of another but equally painful counter fire. Luckily or sadly, Bogo finally interrupted.
"THAT'S ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU!" Bogo yelled while smashing his hoof on the desk making both, Judy and Vivian to flinch by the sudden sound.
"HOPPS! I'm going to ask you to leave the office immediately!" Bogo yelled.
"But why!" Judy protested.
"Because I'm going to fire you if you don't!" Bogo said slamming both hoofs on the desk.
"BUT she wants to take Nick!" Judy insisted.
"And Nick want's it, I told you that you needed to talk to him and now it's too late!" He angrily replied.
"BUT CHIEF I-" Judy tried to protest but was interrupted by Bogo
"NOW, HOPPS!" Bogo yelled again.
"URGHG! Fine!" Judy groaned heading towards the door and opening it. but before closing it, Judy decided to say some words to the FBI agent.
"This isn't over" She hissed before slamming the door shut with a loud "slam"
A few moments of silence passed before Bogo spoke again.
"I'm so sorry, miss Carter. I'm embarrassed that this happened. Officer Hopps is usually not as intense as this so I deeply apologize." The water Buffalo said taking his seat again.
"...it's ok. I've dealt with worst animals" Vivian said, hiding the damage Judy did. "Now, about the transfer, can we proceed?". She finally said.
"For sure, here, let me sign this for you." Bogo said, taking his pen and signing the documents once and for all. "Here you go, Carter." Bogo said, handing a bunch of papers to Vivian, which she took with gusto. "I hope this is all what you need. The transfer will be complete within the next few hours."
"Thank you, chief. I'm sorry for the trouble I caused" She said with genuine worry.
"No need to. Now, please let me escort you to the exit" Bogo Said standing up.
"Oh, thank you, but that won't be necessary" Vivian said with a smile.
"Trust me, it is." He said because he knew that if Vivian happen to leave the office alone, certain Bunny could assault her in the lobby. The last thing he wants is to tell Samantha Varkkas that her best agent is in a hospital.
It took a few minutes for Bogo and Vivian to reach the ZPD exit and once there Vivian spoke.
"Thank you again, chief. I couldn't do this without your help." Vivian, as the lady she is, thanked Bogo one last time.
"A pleasure, carter. I hope I don't regret this. Anyways, Keep Wilde out of trouble and...Say hi to Sam for me." Bogo said. quite embarrassed by those last words.
"Sure thing, farewell chief" And with that, Vivian left the station with a wide smile but with a sore pride. She was happy that she got the papers required to let Nick work with her for a week, but that "conversation" with Nick´s partner was quite the cherry on the cake. She knew deep within that she´ll be clashing heads with the stubborn rabbit in the near future. But for now, she wanted to enjoy the moment of victory.
Unfortunately, when she saw her car, she saw a big yellow traffic boot on the right wheel of her coupe. all her happiness was drenched and replaced with pure anger.
Here you go! I hope you are still reading our fic :C I deeply apologize for the lack of chapters bit life is hard here :c ANYWAYS! Expect more chapters in the near future!